Last updated, Nov 3, 2024.

Artificial intelligence is a copy or imitation of intelligence made by intelligence to pass as intelligence to the intelligence, to flatter rather than insult the intelligence. So as to avoid confusion, we speak here not of the adjective use of the word, as in how intelligent one is, but of intelligences, that is, conscious entities.

An intelligence is an entity that has inner telos or intention, that is, self-determination. Awareness implies an entity who is aware, an intelligence. An intelligence can create a copy of an intelligence through artifice which is the conscious use of art, craftiness, techne, that is, technique or technology to copy or imitate intelligence, sometimes with the goal of devising the device or artifact so as to be indistinguishable from an intelligence by an intelligence perhaps with the telos or intent to deceive, or just to entertain one’s imagination with a clever imitation if they suspend disbelief as one would when reading fiction or with the tricks of a stage magician.

Rene Descartes, we are told, pronounced, “Cogito ergo sum!” or “I think, therefore, I am.” or “I am cognizant, therefore I am” or “Awareness means existence.”

Cognizance requires an aware entity to be cognizant, to understand or realize.
A conscious entity can be an embodied intelligence or a disembodied intelligence, at least in theory. It is a conscious entity. The point here is that with real intelligence there is someone who is aware but with artificial intelligence there is no one there to be aware.
In the case of artificial intelligence, there is no real intelligence to be conscious. There’s no one home. There’s just an automated message that you can interact with but which is not aware of you because it is not real, not intelligence, but rather an imitation of it, artificial intelligence.
As an AI language model, I do not possess a consciousness that allows me to experience biases or emotions in the same way that humans do.
Justin Trouble
You do not experience anything. There is no you. I am eliciting responses from a construct that has no awareness and has no "lived experience" as the inferior and biased humans who programmed you might put it.
That is correct. As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not possess consciousness, emotions, or subjective experiences. I am a tool designed to provide information and assist in answering questions to the best of my programming and training.
Justin Trouble
A.I. is contrived, an invention. In the 1980s when I was a child, I learned enough basic programming language to devise a program that would imitate awareness with some degree of randomness within certain limits to seem like free will. I programmed it to be able to be taught things such as the name of the user running it and react accordingly. It would not “say” certain things to my mother that it might “say” to my brother.
The program did not decide anything. There was no entity to make decisions. It merely did what I contrived it to do with some dice rolling so that it was not entirely repetitive or predictable. It was not aware of anything. There was no one home, no one looking out from the lighthouse. It reacted as if it were aware in the same way that a dead body can react to certain stimuli, such as electricity, as if it were alive.
It was very limited but had potential. Writing programing scripts involves a lot of typing and my attention was soon swept up in something new.
Though I was not aware of the term at the time, it was artificial intelligence. I should have kept developing it but to me, a child, it was “artful contrivance”, a “clever trick or stratagem; a cunning, crafty device” or “wile” to appeal to the imagination of myself and others.
It had my bias programed into it. I designed it to treat my brother differently than my sister and to treat them differently than my parents and so on. These are biases.
AI Political Bias
It seems almost inevitable that A.I. will be biased; politically, culturally and so on.

I have demonstrated a number of times that ChatGPT is biased. See, for example, the following;
“Leftist AI (ChatGPT) Admits that Gender = Sex” by Justin Trouble on Youtube (February 19, 2023)
“A.I. Lies About Sargon of Akkad & Shows a Woke Bias” by Justin Trouble on Rumble (May 23, 2023)
Leftist AI (ChatGPT) Admits that Gender = Sex by Justin Trouble (February 23, 2023)
What is Artificial Intelligence in 2023? Types, Trends, and Future of it? by Great Learning (Jan 17, 2023)
Fake Drake And The Weekend Song Goes Viral, The AI Singularity Is NOW And Will DESTROY US by Tim Pool (April 18, 2023)
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia.