1950's Conservative Cancel Culture & the Comics Code Authority
A.I. (artificial intelligence)
AIM (American Identity Movement)
American Identity Movement (AIM)
Animal Farm- A Fairy Story by George Orwell
Assange, Julian
artificial intelligence (A.I.)
Bryson & McDill Political Map - Statism vs Anarchy, Right vs Left
CE (Common Era)
Christie & Meltzer's Political Map - Capitalism vs Collectivism, Individualism vs Totalitarianism
double horseshoe (political chart)
Durov, Pavel
Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative
Eysenck, Hans Political Map - Radical vs Conservative, Authoritarian vs Democratic
Ferguson Political Map - Radicalism vs Conservative, Tough vs Tender
Floyd, George
fuck white people
IAT (Implicit Association Test)
IBÖ (Identitäre Bewegung Österreich)
idea laundering
Identitäre Bewegung Österreich (IBÖ)
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Individualist/Libertarian vs Collectivist/Authoritarian Modification to the Political Compass
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Jones, Alex
Kitschelt Model - Liberty, Equality & Fraternity
left-wingers/right-wingers against liberty
L.F.E. Theory Of the Political Spectrum
Little Mermaid
Manning, Bradley
Nolan Chart - authoritarian vs libertarian, liberal vs conservative
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
right-wingers/left-wingers against liberty
Snowden, Edward
Ulbricht, Ross
last update 2025-3-2
∴ Culture War Encyclopedia & Justin Trouble videos & social media ∴
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴
~ ∴ Ω ∴ ~
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward