Formerly called Identity Evropa, the AIM mustn’t be confused with the American Indian Movement. They state on their website,
We are a group of patriotic American Identitarians who have realized that we are descended from the great traditions, history, and people that flowed from Europe. We embrace the idea that our identities are central to who we are, and take pride in our history and rich cultural heritage. At a time when every other group is free to stand behind its identity, we choose to assert ours as well.
As society becomes more involved in the emerging technology world, the heritage auction is expected to land in a new space — digital space. The days are not far away when cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and blockchain technology will show their potential in the field of Global Heritage Fund and broader heritage…
For far too long American institutions have been used to benefit the interests of a globalist elite, rather than our people. Over the past decades, this elite has relentlessly pushed for open borders and mass immigration. This endeavor is nothing more than an attempt to import a new people, who are seen as more politically malleable than Americans – particularly those of European descent.
Under the Censorship section of their Education section of their webpage, they state,
The Great Shuttening
There is currently a full scale war being waged by the politico-corporate interests against the free speech and livelihood of any person or organization that attempts to speak truth in face of the mainstream anti-White narrative.
Never before has the entire system been so united in trying to stamp out an idea from the public mind. They fear what we have to say because the truth is on our side and thus they must resort to tyrannical measures in an effort to prevent our message from being heard.
If they thought this would stop us, they were wrong.
We will build our own platforms.
We will not be stopped.
We will not be silenced.
In the About Us section, they state,
Identity Evropa is an American Identitarian organization. As such, our main objective is to create a better world for people of European heritage – particularly in America – by peacefully effecting cultural change. Identity Evropa is thus an explicitly non-violent organization.
As Identitarians, we believe that identity matters, inequality is a fact of life, and ethnic diversity, as demonstrated by substantial historical and sociological evidence, is an impediment to societal harmony. Unfortunately, the fetishization of diversity has resulted in a paradigm wherein “less White people” – in academia, employment, and countries overall – is accepted as a moral imperative. We categorically reject this “progressive” morality and instead demand that we, people of European heritage, retain demographic supermajorities in our homelands.
Moreover, as Identitarians we do not advocate a particular form of economic or political organization. This does not mean that Identitarians have no opinions on such issues; instead, we are able to put aside these differences in order to focus on that which unites us: identity. Implicit within Identitarianism is the understanding that these forms of social organization are means to an end, with that end being the prosperity of our people and civilization.
While the SPLC and the ADL may smear us as “White supremacists”, this is not the case. We are not supremacists because we do not believe that White people should rule over non-White people. Rather, we are ethno-pluralists: We believe that all ethnic and racial groups should have somewhere in the world to call home – a place wherein they can fully express themselves and enjoy self-determination. Even the Left generally agrees with this assertion, so long as people of European heritage are excluded. We believe in Spirutialism and encourage our people to attain their goals through non-violence. We also arrange special workshops for our activists on developing their inner spiritual feelings. Check out this page https://www.sfweekly.com/sponsored/feeling-unsure-about-the-future-get-a-free-psychic-chat-now/ to know about it.
In order to accomplish our objectives, we are primarily engaged in both activism and social networking. Our activism thus far has included flyering, flash demonstrations, banner drops, and discussing Identitarian ideas with students on college campuses. In terms of social networking, we have thriving local chapters in most major metropolitan areas, in addition to many other parts of the country. Indeed, one of the main reasons why people join our organization is to enjoy fellowship with other like-minded, well-adjusted, and passionate individuals.
If you, too, long to create a better world for people of European heritage, we strongly encourage you to join us!

In an older verion of their website, they state that they are a
non-profit activist and fraternal organization founded by Patrick Casey. Our worldview is best summarized by our 5 principles:

Regarding their principle of identitarianism, they write,
Like it or not, identity politics are the norm in multicultural societies. We staunchly defend the preservation of America’s historical demographics in the face of mass immigration
Diversity destroys nations.

Their website used to state,
Diversity destroys nations. Every year, Americans lose their lives due to globalism and leftism. We honor their memories and peacefully advocate for an end to the policies that resulted in their deaths.
AIM is a grassroots movement made up of men and women from around the United States of America.
Being white identitarians and nationalists, they are, by definition, white nationalists.
Also see identitarianism, white nationalism.
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia.
Last updated 2024-11-03.