Identitäre Bewegung Österreich (IBÖ)
or, in English,
Identitarian Movement Austria
FAR from complete. Last update: February 28, 2023, 6am.

Their now defunct website is in German. The translations below may not be perfect. An archive of their website on December 22, 2013 read,
Who we are
We are a Europe-wide youth movement whose goal is to preserve our ethnocultural identity. We stand up against the multiple threats to which our identity is exposed today. Above all, we stand against mass immigration and Islamization, which today affects almost all European countries. We clearly distance ourselves from National Socialism, racial chauvinism and anti-Semitism and represent a healthy patriotism, which has been a central virtue throughout the world since time immemorial. We are a movement for real and direct democracy and fight above all against the self-destructive, dominant multicultural ideology. This dominates all media and public debates, anti-democratic and totalitarian, and wants to push all patriots into a “Nazi corner”. The IBÖ, on the other hand, combines consistent patriotism, a yes to the diversity of peoples and cultures, with a clear rejection of xenophobia and chauvinism. First and foremost, we are concerned with providing free information to the population with unfiltered, uncensored facts and figures about what is happening in Austria and Europe. In doing so, we want to contribute to democratic opinion-forming and initiate an open and relaxed discourse on the question of identity. We break through the wall of silence and demand clear statements and direct referendums on mass immigration, the multicultural society and Islamization from politicians. Our protest is always just as cheeky, creative and uninvited as it is non-violent and constructive.
We are the voice of a new, forgotten generation standing up across Europe and demanding a future!
Idea and Action
We Identitarians are concerned with preserving our ethnocultural identity, which is threatened today by demographic collapse, mass immigration and Islamization. We love our country and stand by our tradition. We are patriots. As patriots, we cannot abandon our homeland in the hour of peril. Every identitarian is urged to act. So what to do? Here it is important not to simply act blindly in activism, but to get a broad picture of the situation. What is the cause of our ethnocultural suicide? What is the real reason for the Austrian and European “self-abolition”? Clearly, it is not the Islamic immigrants who are filling the demographic vacuum. If you want to see the true cause of Austria's and Europe's misery, then look in the mirror! All the devastation and alienation of today are symptoms of a loss of identity and a disease of oneself and the common we. It is a spiritual problem, a manic self-loathing and a neurotic fear of addressing the identitarian issue that is driving us towards Islamization and therefore downfall. It is the dominant ideology, the political correctness that surrounds us like an ether, so omnipresent that it is almost impossible to define and target it. It is ethnic masochism, the ideology of total egalitarianism, unbridled globalism, a manic anti-fascism that defames everything and everyone as "Nazi" that makes this atmosphere.
No matter what we say, think or do: We always fight against this poisonous air, against this hostile gravity, in which any emphasis on one's own (and not only the disparagement of the other) is considered "racism", in which we always are guilty, the others are always the victims, in which we have to be open to everything and everyone and have no right to determine our own future.
The goal of the identitarian movement is the total overthrow and ventilation of this stuffy, toxic atmosphere. We want a cultural-spiritual revolution that makes values such as tradition, homeland, family, culture, people, state, order, beauty and much more positive, worthwhile concepts instead of objects for cabaret and the PC inquisitors. In return, we want and will mercilessly screw the dogmas of the ruling civil religion and its tragicomic disciples and tear them up. They are ridiculous, pathetic, worn out, unimaginative and unable to solve the problems to come. At all levels, they believe that if you ignore or sugarcoat problems, and those who address those problems, they will go away on their own. They babble about their ridiculous, otherworldly gender and guilt debates like the sages of Constantinople about the gender of angels, while the Ottomans were already storming the city walls. They have nothing more to say to us, they have nothing more to do, their heyday is over. They can only resign along with their pompous, failed utopias and let us youngsters, the identitarian generation, take the helm! So our goal is a spiritual-cultural revolution of young people, in the name of our ethno-cultural identity, against the ossified, old high priests of the multicultural utopia, who drove the cart to the wall!
We want a revaluation of values and a real, organic, Austrian democracy in a Europe of fatherlands instead of a plutocratic media democracy in a faceless global capitalism. We want a reconciliation of opposites without eliminating differences, a just world of diversity and freedom instead of a totalitarian unitary system. We want our people and all peoples of Europe to survive and our continent to be protected from foreign infiltration, mass immigration and Islamization!
This goal, our identitarian idea, should change from a nameless ghost, from a vague notion to the vision of an entire generation, to a new myth and the guiding ideal of society. It should open a new chapter in the history of Europe and prevent us from going down in history as the last native generation. We go all out, we want everything, and fast!
Our way to this cultural-spiritual revolution, towards a real identitarian democracy and a united Europe is just as democratic. As I said, we know that the current situation is only our own fault. Only we can change them. If we don't manage to fulfill the identitarian longing in Europe for community, home and continuity with our vision, if we don't find the right word, then our goal has failed. We don't want violence, we're not militant rioters, we're not a black bloc, we're not waging a militant war against a system. These ridiculous and ineffective adolescent poses by the far right and far left are part of the problem for us. Our weapon is the word, our battle is fought with information and ideas. We say what everyone thinks. In us, the murmur of the regulars' table is articulated to the clear voice of the people!
Our goal is to pose the identity question throughout Austria and Europe. It must finally be debated and analyzed separately from questions of crime, integration and assimilation and the question of Islamization. We, the young generation of Europe, have never been asked whether we want this multicultural society, whether we want mass immigration and Islamization as the future for our countries. We want this question to be asked and call for a referendum on issues of mass immigration and Islamization, as well as an official policy statement on the identitarian issue. We want this society to draw the necessary conclusions from the failure of multiculturalism and the previous failure of a leading Austrian culture. We want to pull the emergency brake. We no longer believe in the brave new world. We prefer ourselves and we want to live! Our goal is open discourse and the creation of an identity consciousness among the people. The everyday experiences of anti-Austrian racism, Islamization, foreign infiltration should be recognized as an effect of the identity question that hovers over us like the sword of Damocles. This question and this discourse should run through the whole of society and include everyone. A solution? An answer? Hopefully we will find them, but first the question must be asked and the problem identified.
This is exactly where the identitarian movement comes into play! We want to give Austrians the courage to identify and to feel at home by exemplifying relaxed, healthy patriotism. We want to deal honestly and rationally with our past and learn from old mistakes. In this way we want to contribute to the recovery of our identity and the dissolution of self-hatred instead of countering it with self-aggrandizement, as is unfortunately still the case all too often.
At the same time, we want to use bold, open activism everywhere and at all times to draw public attention to the question of identity, to our demographic problems, to mass immigration and Islamization. In doing so, we shatter any old scheme of right and left – we are the center and we are ourselves. It is clear that the current opinion makers will push us into the extreme right-wing corner, just as neo-National Socialists reject us as “democrats”. We don't care, because we don't fight for the recognition of yesterday's clan, but for our tomorrow. The sectarian micro-parties may bicker and rage. We will conquer the heart of the people!
Our appearance will correspond to our concerns. What we demand is our right, what we say is true and what drives us is love! We are the good guys, and that's how we want to appear. Identitarians act non-violently, relaxed, openly and peacefully to spread their democratic concerns. We don't want any damage to property, no acts of violence and no crimes, which rightly destroy any sympathy among the people. We do not live out an adolescent fantasy of violence, but fight for the understanding and approval of our fellow citizens! But our messages hit the ideal world façade with a bang. With shock campaigns we want to show the citizens today what Austria will be like in 50 years. Like messengers from the future, we must warn them today so that tomorrow will be different. Only if the idea of identity prevails, and the question of identity is addressed openly and without hate, can there be a just solution to the coming conflicts. We are the solution to the "extremism problem" of youth and give suppressed anger a democratic and non-violent expression and a real and concrete goal!
In summary it can be said: We Identitarians want to carry out information work peacefully, non-violently and democratically in order to convince our fellow citizens. We want an intellectual-cultural revolution that sweeps away the ideological fug of the '68ers. In this ideology and not in "the foreigners", "the system" or even "democracy" we see our main enemy. Our war is a spiritual one! We want to create an identitarian awareness by loudly and Europe-wide asking the identitarian question about the future of our ethnocultural identity and by demanding answers from the politicians. In the spirit of direct democracy, we want to push through referendums on all points of the identitarian question. We want an open and honest debate on the question of identity and an end to the stigmatization of patriotism and a positive relationship to one's own identity.
In concrete terms, the activism of the identitarian movement consists of a positive and patriotic message to preserve one's own identity and shocking actions to warn citizens of the impending future. In the future, the positive, patriotic message is to be linked to the lambda, which, as a European symbol, bears witness to our specifically Austrian relationship to Europe. The Lambda should be better known than Coca-Cola! Every identitarian should make it their goal to make it appear in their city using sidewalk chalk, banners, stickers, snippets, leaflets, guerrilla gardening, in short, all possible and impossible means! It should penetrate people's subconscious and go down in history as a positive, pro-European symbol of self-defense. The identitarian movement must appear as a social and charitable community. Public cleansing campaigns in parks, cleaning campaigns in the city, support for the homeless in winter or simply a social and helpful action by the individual as a calling card for the identities should be examples of this.
The positive, patriotic information work will draw people's attention to Austria's long history and rich culture, it will seize their identitarian longing and open their eyes to the millennia-old dimension of our ethno-cultural tradition. Their aim is to make it clear to the simple Michel that his healthy patriotism, his love of his own self and his concerns about excessive immigration have nothing to do with contemptible racism and chauvinistic nationalism or xenophobia. A great tit that defends its territory is not great tit hostile either!
We want to create spaces and culture for our youth and get them out of their marginalized, discriminated role of "victim". This culture should assert itself against the prevailing, bland consumer society and the ghetto subculture of migrant youth, which is characterized by violence, hatred, primitivism, crime and Islamism.
The second field of activity of the identitarian movement, the wake-up campaigns, will have a much greater impact on the public and be more spectacular. As I said, the point is to make people aware of the coming conditions today. Everyone knows the example of the frog in the slowly heating water. We too bring an uncomfortable truth. If our parents' generation had been shown a small video gallery from Neukölln 2012 30 years ago, the story might have taken a completely different turn! It is precisely this other turn that our shock actions are intended to bring about here and now.
As the most drastic success of multiculturalism, we are experiencing rampant Islamization today, and fighting it must be our main concern. To do this, we must show the citizens the nature of Islam and its incompatibility with our culture and our state. At the same time, we need to take a close look at the progress of Islamization and its connection with mass immigration. A profound knowledge of demographic and immigration-related data as well as facts about Islamization are the prerequisite for any persuasion work. Every identitarian should and must acquire this knowledge. We want to use targeted shocks to demonstrate to people how an Islamic Austria could soon become a reality. Here, for example, place signs can be pasted over, muezzin calls and, of course, information work using flyers and stickers (whereby it is important to avoid criminal offenses, as they harm our cause overall). The Austrians should know exactly when they will be a minority in their own country, how Islamization will proceed and what they would expect as a tolerated person in an Islamic country.
The terms and their content, against which our work is directed, are primarily: Islamization, multiculturalism (as a failed ideology of mass immigration and integration), do-gooders (as the embarrassing disciples of the multicultural ideology plagued by self-hate neuroses) and EU (as Antithesis to the real Europe of fatherlands Our slogans and terms with positive reference are: Reconquista, youth in power, home, freedom, tradition, identity, patriotism, the own, local, etc. However, our educational work should not be characterized by hatred and must never end in hate speech or insults to strangers! We only want to spread information about current developments and upcoming facts. We are not responsible for the restlessness and concern that will overcome people, but the politicians! Do not address these things , would only result in a later, possibly violent outbreak!
Equipped with all the tools mentioned above, every identitarian can already work, make plans, set goals and carry out actions. It is important to always document these and to send the reports to us – the Austrian main page. As soon as the networking and organization of an Austria-wide identitarian movement has progressed far enough, we want to carry our positive, patriotic and warning messages out into the world in powerful, Europe-wide rallies with identitarians from France, Germany and other countries. We are the harbingers of a new era! We are tomorrow, youth, truth, justice and freedom. Stands or falls with us, Europe lives and wins with us! We are the good!
In a different section, they gave their positions,
Position 1
100% identity
For us, being identitarian means that we are fully committed to preserving our ethnocultural identity. For us, our identity is the interplay of our traditional culture, our awareness of being a homogeneous, related community and the common memory of their journey through time. This identity comes alive through our will to carry it into the future. It is a dynamic process, a story in which we have always been embedded and which has always shaped our perspective on the world. It is not a hermetically sealed circle, but lived and lives in and from exchange. But what makes it special and what distinguishes us from everyone else is precisely the cultural and ethnic substance that has been preserved over thousands of years, through various forms of government and appearance. A conclusive definition of this identity is hardly possible because we ourselves are a part of it. We recognize their reality from the history of our people, which becomes actual in our memory. As a link in a chain, we form the living history and future of our ethnocultural heritage. The world of language and thought, the organic community into which we are born, forms our existence in the world and gives us a perspective perception of reality that no other people have.
From this awareness follows the realization of the diversity of identities, the world of thousands of peoples and cultures, each with its own history, its own destiny and its own language. This diversity forms the true wealth of the earth and distinguishes people as differentiated cultural beings. Maintaining it is the ultimate goal of the Identitarians, which requires respect for others and commitment to one's own self. Above all, however, the idea of identity is a message of freedom and self-realization of every people and every culture within the framework of their own character. We reject the general flattening, standardization and dulling of the world in the course of globalization as well as cultural imperialism and global standardization attempts. We fight against our own loss of identity, against our demographic and cultural decline and against the general uprooting and alienation of people in the modern age. We oppose an abstract, unworldly concept of human beings that only see them as degenerate, culturally and genderless, international goods, as human capital, instead of considering them in their entirety, as the heir and bearer of a specific identity.
0% racism
We regard the ethnocultural community as a concrete and dynamic phenomenon that we do not discount against an imagined international racial ideal. Just like any purely spiritual one, we also reject a purely biological interpretation of our community. There are no "pure races" and that is not an ideal that we Identitarians strive for! Ethnocultural identity is not to be equated with the concept of race. We consider the countless racial theories of the 20th century to be inadequate and arbitrary relics of a delusion of classification, which was mostly based on one's own feelings of superiority.
We strictly reject any chauvinistic racism or nationalism that devalues other cultures. By realizing that our identity creates our standards of value through our perspective on the world, any hierarchization and classification of peoples and cultures becomes superfluous for us. A complete translatability and the return to a uniform language and uniform culture is not possible. Every attempt in this direction always ends in a chauvinistic exaggeration of one's own culture and a racist rape of the other culture. Instead, an exchange and mutual enrichment, an eternal communication is appropriate here, which of course will not be free of conflicts. But we gladly accept this price for freedom!
By vehemently opposing racism, we Identitarians strictly reject any devaluation of the foreign, any idea of a “master race” or a “master human being”. Racists have no place with us! We respect and value all cultures. However, we refuse to extend the concept of racism to the mere determination of different related groups and populations within humanity. In addition, the greatest racism in our country today comes from migrant gangs against Austrians, which is why our fight against this anti-national racism also means for us a self-confident and determined appearance in our own cities.
Position 2
Neither Kippa nor Pali cloth!
The slogan, which we adopted from the French identitarians, shows our attitude towards an issue that has also occupied the Austrian psyche for decades. It is about the question of the past and the attitude towards Israel. Precisely because this question still plays such an important role today, we want to go into it separately. 666 We are not concerned here with geopolitics and large alliances, but first and foremost with questions such as guilt, coming to terms with our history and genuine reconciliation. We want to build a healthy self-relationship and a healthy relationship with the Jewish people. And we think that we Identitarians could play a crucial, historical role here. Without question, our identity is also formed from our history and our reference to it in the present. Our history cannot be changed, but the reference to it can. We clearly distance ourselves from National Socialism and its exterminatory anti-Semitism, but also from a cultic politics of guilt and a neurotic self-hatred that serves no one.
What we are learning from our recent history is that linking nationalism to a claim of racial superiority, dividing peoples and cultures into "good and bad," "superior and inferior," political doctrines of salvation can have dire consequences. We do not deny all the crimes committed in the name of this ideology in their comparable and unique aspects and strictly reject revisionist subterfuges. We, as the next generation, want a real process of coming to terms with the past, which will culminate in a real, lasting reconciliation. However, we also reject the quasi-religious institutionalization and misuse of this catastrophe and an absolutely one-sided view of our history. For us, the Holocaust is a crime that must not be repeated, but not a founding myth and not the center of our history. As part of a real process of coming to terms with the past, we want to find our way back to a healthy, self-confident identity, from which an equally healthy relationship with the Jewish people can only emerge. The idea of identitarianism is the overdue and open response to the Shoah and National Socialism, instead of just being its reflection in a cultural self-hatred as the “eternal perpetrator people” and moral authority of the earth.
As true ethnopluralists, we recognize the right to life of all peoples and see them as part of the family of peoples on a common planet. Our enemies are only those who threaten our identity, not imaginary axes of evil or world conspiracies.
We reject all anti-Semitism without falling into a pathological over-identification with Israel. It is only understandable that Israel and parts of US politics have a strategic interest in preventing an Islamic caliphate from emerging in Europe. But we have an identitarian, existential interest in it. We don't want to become a weak pawn in a transatlantic western alliance, but rather act self-confidently and independently. Our problems with rampant Islamization are not directly related to US policy in the Middle East and both must be considered and discussed separately.
In the Middle East conflict, we do not want to make judgments as an imaginary moral authority, but rather mediate, if at all, while recognizing the right to life of both peoples. In general, however, the Middle East question is not a central issue for the identitarian movement. We are concerned with Austria and Europe and not with any anti- or philo-Semitic fixations.
It must be possible to criticize both Israel and the Islamic world. In view of the existential problems that Europe is currently experiencing, both are secondary in our eyes and their permanent debate is part of the philo- or anti-Semitic guilt neurosis that prevails in Austria to large parts of the left.
Because we are aware of the Holocaust, we take a special responsibility to stand up against all ideologies of annihilation and chauvinistic thoughts, and we defend the diversity and equality of peoples and cultures, whose differences we happily affirm. Neither Kippa nor Palituch means that we want to go our own way beyond self-hatred and self-aggrandizement.
Position 3
Our way leads to Europe!
The identitarian idea is a search for our own identity, which today has almost been blown away by the draughts of globalization. Their emergence is a sign of the times and a symptom of the disintegration of all organic communities, all contexts of meaning and values. The question of identity is the sign of the times and the symptom of a sick Europe that has lost itself. The identitarian movement is meant to be the answer to this ubiquitous loss of identity and alienation.
Not only Austria abolishes itself. Almost all the peoples of Europe today face the same problems of demographic and cultural decay. Just as there were no real victors in the "European civil wars" of the 20th century, so today there is no European nation that benefits from the decline of the others. We are all faced with the same fate and the same blowing away. For us young people, this is a signal to let old hereditary enmities rest and to work on a common, European solution.
We want a united Europe! However, not bypassing the peoples, as a centralized superstate. Not as a bureaucratic, cosmopolitan economic community that wants to expand endlessly and regardless of culture. We want a Europe of fatherlands, regions and nations, in which these come together to form a higher unit while preserving all differences. Our common cultural traditions, our common destiny and our ethnocultural kinship make Europe what it is. Not economic agreements, currency and trade zones!
The idea of identitarianism opposes the chauvinistic nationalism and delusion of being chosen that gripped the peoples of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries and pitted them against each other. She opposes multicultural state constructs that want to force together what is different. It wants to enable the greatest possible freedom and development of all ethnocultural communities on a subsidiary basis. We want a Europe in which every people retains its freedom and identity, but in which catastrophes like the two world wars can no longer happen.
For all these reasons we do not want to call ourselves “nationalists”. We recognize and affirm the national, freed from racist perversion and chauvinist nationalism, as an unassailable and eternal political factor. With the word identitarian we include our local affiliation to a regional culture, our affiliation to our people, as well as our self-image as Europeans. These identities complement and reinforce each other. It is precisely today that we see that the world does not stop at our borders and that we need a strong, united Europe from Spain to Russia, from Greece to Iceland, to defend our ethnocultural identity.
We are not concerned with some fixed internationalist idea, but with the question of how we can best defend our ethno-cultural heritage today. There is no contradiction in feeling simultaneously Breton, French and European, Dalmatian, Croat and European or Bavarian, German and European. Identitarian encompasses all these levels and connects them into an organic network, without overestimating any aspect with separatism, nationalism or pan-European ideas. As indigenous youth in Europe, we want to walk a common path and defend our common heritage. This path leads us into the identitarian movement. For us it means action against the soulless, anti-identitarian EU, in the name of the real Europe.
Position 4
Our goal is democratic!
The thing is that if our demographic decline and mass immigration continue like this, we Austrians will soon lose the mere opportunity to make democratic decisions about our country. Democracy, all great thinkers agreed, requires a certain homogeneity in the population so that it can form a common will. By fighting against the multicultural project and its failure in the form of Islamization, we are also fighting for the condition of the possibility of real democracy (popular rule). At the same time, we want honesty and transparency again, a direct democracy, in order to eliminate the economic lobbyists (who also encourage mass immigration) from politics!
We Identitarians fight primarily for the preservation of our ethno-cultural heritage and our identity, against demographic and cultural decline, against multiculturalism, mass immigration and Islamization. But we are also resolutely opposed to all totalitarianism and the ideologies of the 20th century. Here in Austria, too, this demarcation applies in particular to National Socialism, which, like communism, brought great suffering to Europe. We do not want dictatorial regimes, but a just society in which the freedom of the individual is guaranteed. We oppose communism, national socialism and fascism. However, we also reject the misuse of criticism of National Socialism in the form of the Nazi club, which is intended to prevent any criticism of the prevailing liberal zeitgeist. One must understand the murderous ideologies of modernity in context in order to reject and overcome them.
We are for a real, direct democracy in which the true will of the people can prevail. We therefore oppose today's multicultural ideology, which is gradually destroying the foundation of every democracy, the extensive homogeneity of the national people. We do not see the people as a static entity and affirm cultural exchange with our European neighbors. Immigration has always existed and always will. However, today's demographic decline and non-European mass immigration are no longer an enrichment, but are tantamount to a total change that destroys our identity. Everything has its healthy measure and this is far exceeded in Austria today. With the French we say: There can be no Austria and an Austrian democracy without real Austrians. A scenario in which a “democratic majority” of Muslims adopt Sharia by vote in certain areas of our country is no longer pure fiction. Our democracy would have abolished itself! It is therefore a fundamental democratic concern to take action against the disruption of our society through mass immigration and Islamization and to combat its causes.
We are for the enforcement of the true will of the people, which cannot consist in the abolition of Austria and Islamization. To this end, we want to start a discourse on the question of identity that, beyond populism, resentment and hatred, puts the cards on the table and includes everyone. Austrians must be able to decide what their ethnic and cultural future looks like. We were never asked whether or not we wanted the multicultural project as a "solution" to our demographic problems. In the face of its failure in the form of Islamization, we must and will raise the identitarian, democratic question about the future of Austria all the louder until it is heard. Of course, each individual can decide for themselves whether they want to accept and pass on their ethno-cultural heritage, or whether they prefer to feel like citizens of a global village. But individual ideologies cannot decide this for an entire people!
Our commitment to preserving our identity goes against the prevailing left-wing utopia, which sees Austria as a "natural country of immigration", multiculturalism as the "inevitable future of mankind", Islam as "enrichment and a religion of peace", anti-German racism as "isolated cases “ sees us as an “eternal people of perpetrators”.
Our response to this ideology, which is at work all over Europe and is abolishing its culture and its peoples, is a democratic one. We show those up there that the people don't want them by showing the people what they want. In many cases (eg the success of the minaret popular initiative in Switzerland, the electoral success of the FPÖ here) it has already been shown that genuine democracy is the greatest threat to the prevailing ideology of political correctness.
But unlike the professional anti-fascists and civil inquisitors, we don't want to fight a ridiculous mock battle against an imaginary "brown danger" that is supposed to emanate from the confused fool's border of this society. We fight against today's anti-democratic ideologues, who consider their anti-fascist multicultural utopia to be above all referendums. We fight against the religious totalitarianism of Islam that is encroaching on Europe's demographic gaps.
We want to make a contribution to democratic decision-making and the flow of information by allowing a previously stifled voice to have its say. The voice of the identitarian generation! We want us young people to be given a democratic and peaceful opportunity to express our protest and our silent anger at the loss of identity and foreign infiltration. This is the only way to solve the "extremism problem" and prevent further bloody catastrophes. We, as young people of Europe, want a peaceful, democratic and just solution to the identitarian question, which as an unspoken main problem and existential question is burning under our nails. We leave yesterday behind. We want the future and tomorrow!
The following is from their website archived on May 24, 2018,
The Integration Flight
Integration flight is the conscious or unconscious wrong or imprecise use of the term "integration". In this way, the Austrians are being lied to about the politics of factual multiculturalism.
The following is from their website, archived December 6, 2021.
From 08/01/2021 it is official
The Republic of Austria can no longer be described as a normally functioning democracy.
That is the irrefutable conclusion of 17.6. 20221. On this day, the parties in Austria decided by a majority to ban the symbol of the Identitarian Movement and the citizens' movement "The Austrians" for the entire federal territory. The ban was decided as part of an amendment to the "Symbols Act". It is classified by organizations such as "Amnesty International" as fundamental and human rights violations. In fact, there is no reasonable reason for it. The movements concerned are not criminal organizations and have never been convicted in court. In doing so, Austria is deliberately and partially abolishing democracy for two patriotic groups. The state does not act so brutally against left-wing radicals or Islamist groups whose activism and views are comparable to those of the IB. Half a democracy is not one at all. How are we since 17.6. in a new form of anti-patriotic totalitarianism.
Our Approach
We won't take that. The autocratic censors can't get rid of us. In Österreicher, identitarian activism, non-violent, visually stunning and creative, will continue as always. At the same time, we are taking legal action against the symbol law. The aim is to lift the ban and legalize our logo - and it would be a great embarrassment for the censors.
We are more determined than ever to expose injustice with our actions and to expose the democracy simulation. Love of one's homeland is not a crime and defending one's own cannot be forbidden!
Further down, it states,
Stand 17.06.2022
After a year of the ban on symbols, there is still no decision from the Constitutional Court. The complaint filed by the association "Identitarian Movement Austria" against the ban on its symbol is pending. The legal situation regarding successor organizations, replacement logos, etc. is uncertain. It's a scandal that movements can be paralyzed in this way for years. Thank God, however, a dynamic scene of action groups and initiatives has been established in the last 2 years. Here are the most important references:

Their Youtube channel bears the message,
This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.

![Martin Sellner, the group's de facto spokesperson, was among those arrested in Austria [File: Antonio Parrinello/Reuters] Martin Sellner, the group's de facto spokesperson, was among those arrested in Austria [File: Antonio Parrinello/Reuters]](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Source: Aljazeera, captioned, “Martin Sellner, the group’s de facto spokesperson, was among those arrested in Austria [File: Antonio Parrinello/Reuters]”
Here is a tweet about one of their demonstrations.

The above translated into English is,
Anti-Imam protest: On the national holiday, the Austrian Identitarian Movement disrupted the festivities at Heldenplatz with Bengal fires and a large banner.
Rechtsextreme demonstrieren in Wien (Identitäre Bewegung Österreich) by DOW (2014)
Austria cracks down on far-right Identitarian Movement by Aljazeera (May 22, 2018)
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia.