This is part of the CULTURE WAR ENCYCLOPEDIA by Justin Trouble. Last updated Sep 2, 2023, 6:00pm PST.
In this news item we find an encapsulation of the culture war circa 2023. In fact, in this very instant frozen below, we find the perfect image displaying the opposite attitudes of the 2 main opposing sides of the culture war.
On the upper left hand we have the spineless, child-hating, baby killing, authoritarian left quadrant: collectivist, humorless, tired, ill-informed (or just playing stupid), dull, spineless, obedient and conformist. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the lower right hand we have the libertarian right quadrant: individualist, irrepressibly joyful, energetic, well-informed, bright, rebellious, revolutionary, brave, family centered. INSPIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are, of course, more than 2 sides in this cultural war, but the main contenders are the authoritarian left and the libertarian right. Below we see a generalization of the 4 main cardinal side of the culture war. Again, this is an oversimplification, but it is a useful compass. She would be on the upper left. He would be on the lower right.

What is this all about? Who is Jaiden? What happened? What’s the score here? What happens next? It started with a video.
Connor Boyack, creator of the Tuttle Twins book series, provided details. (Sorry, but Substack won’t embed tweets for me. Here’s a direct link to the post depicted in the screenshot below.)
This post was the first of a thread followed by this post.
Later that Boyack posted this,
Boyack added,
The Governor of Colorado responded to some pokes…
Here’s some basic knowledge about the Gadsden Flag from the Culture War Encyclopedia.
Now for some satire from the Babylon Bee,
12:31pm EST
For those asking for an update:
- Jaiden decided to go back to school today. With his patch will in place. He said he'd do a sit-in if necessary to protest.
- Two law firms have stepped forward to assist as necessary to fight the viewpoint discrimination.
- Lots of media interest. Mom and son will likely be on Hannity tonight, other outlets covering too
- No known response yet from the school or district offices
- Colorado governor tweeted about it, disagreeing with the school. (No word yet if he'll pick up a phone and tell them to knock it off.)
- Jaiden sent me a video telling me his favorite Tuttle Twins book (It's the Creature from Jekyll Island.)
- He is campaigning to be school president. The tri-corner hat is part of his shtick. Super patriotic kid!
At 2:52pm that afternoon, this was posted,
Now for some more memes…

Here’s a similar news item:
Virginia family pulls son out of school after controversy over large American flags on his truck by WSET ABC News 13
More Memes!

Tuttle Twins author calls for 'accountability' in the Gadsden flag school dustup by Heather Hunter, published by the Gazette (Colorado)
This piece mentions “the school's objection to his firearms patches.”
What firearms patches?
We can see all his patches. Someone is lying. I contacted the author, a propagandist for Washington DC sources, Heather Hunter to ask her for a comment.
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia.