Ethan Nordean is also known as Rufio Panman and One Punch Man. He was made famous for his one-punch knock out of an antifa terrorist. He can be seen in his Proud Boy clothing and backwards black cap in the center of the screen at this point in this video. One can see an other instant slow-mo replay at this point in the video.
One can see at this point in the video that Ethan was hit on his forearm with an asp (a retractible spring powered baton) which he recovers from the attacker upon neutralization of the attacker (whose body can be seen being dragged away by his terrorist comrades).
On September 1, 2023, reportedly,
Nordean, one of the leaders of the group, was sentenced to 18 years in prison after he was convicted of seditious conspiracy — tying the Oath Keepers' Stewart Rhodes for the longest sentence so far in the Jan. 6 prosecutions.
"I think it's a tragedy how you got from A to B," U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly told Nordean during sentencing. "Maybe your upbringing was better … no criminal record."
The Justice Department said in a release that Nordean and Pezzola "participated in every consequential breach at the Capitol," leading a group of Proud Boys onto the Capitol grounds, resulting in the dismantling of barricades, breaching of the Capitol building, assaults on police and destruction of property.
Nordean apologized for his actions in court Friday, noting that "people were seriously hurt and some people lost their lives."
But he also maintained that he had the safety of others in mind on Jan. 6. "I had to face the sobering truth. I came as a leader," he said. "I came to keep people out of trouble and to keep people safe."
Here’s where you can show your
Support Ethan Nordean.

This thread with photos from Honey Badger Mom tells an inside story…
I talked to Ethan both before and after this event, often referred to as “the punch heard ‘round the world”. He had his fingers taped up and I asked him what was up with his hand. He said at a Trump rally the week before he was providing security and had his fingers broken when some antifa guy with an asp was cracking it on peoples hands and arms. He showed me how he had shin guards on his arms so he could take a blow from an asp without getting something else broken. You can see what I’m speaking of below. Ethan’s wrapped hand and shin guards.
Proud Boys, and other men, showed up en masse this day to protect a small group of Trump supporters who had planned a rally and march in downtown Portland. Private security shouldn’t have been necessary. The city should have had police protecting these people.
There was a plan in place that the organizers had worked out with the police. Patriot Prayer was the organizer I believe. The police were supposed to barricade off and accompany both sides of the march to prevent antifa from attacking the marchers. It didn’t happen. They only chose to protect a single side of the march and just use flimsy barricades on the other side. This resulted in one of the most violent attacks against ppl on the right I’d seen to date. Of course the media wrote it up very differently saying the right was violent. Antifa moving barricades to attack here.

Her thread continues…
Chose to protect a single side of the march and just use flimsy barricades on the other side. This resulted in one of the most violent attacks against ppl on the right I’d seen to date. Of course the media wrote it up very differently saying the right was violent. Antifa moving barricades to attack here.
Antifa came up the block directly at the marchers, who stood there watching, until a single ied was thrown though the air and landed in the middle of the patriot crowd and exploded. It was large enough it made my teeth and ears hurt and it was terrifying. These ppl claim to be scared of the Trump supporters.
The march continued another block where antifa, yet again, moved the barriers intended to keep the dueling sides apart. They were intent on attacking the people on the right and they did so.
This group of guys (most likely SHARPs) and attempted to start a fight. The guy in the vest had gotten punched for getting aggressive. Shortly after this there were several brawls started by these leftists.
This was right after I got my nose fractured when my camera got smashed into my face by a random flying elbow. I was inches away from everything. Ethan was battling the guy with the asp just on the other side of this. The guy with the asp was coming after people hitting them hard
This man had got hit in the head by guy with the asp that Ethan stopped. This guy is lucky he didn’t end up dead/ w/ a serious brain injury. The guy with the asp was knocked out. I’m thankful Ethan had the foresight to gear up as he did. Otherwise someone might have died.
I thank God for the men who were willing to protect the small gatherings of ppl who wanted to exercise their constitutional rights in their city. They paid a massive price to do so. Ethan was arrested that day but was released as soon as the police viewed the video & it was clear it was self defense.
Ethan Nordean does not deserve the sentence he received today. The false narrative surrounding the proud boys was created in Portland by local media and the national media ran with it. I had the distinct displeasure of watching this happen and being powerless to stop it.
Her thread concludes with the photo above in which Ethan can be seen standing beside the beloved patriot Kerry Hudson. We hope to dedicate an entry in the Culture War Encyclopedia to Mr. Hudson in the near future.
Ethan Nordean was tried and convicted for actions in the J6 situation. In Proud Boy who smashed Capitol window on Jan. 6 gets 10 years in prison, then declares, ‘Trump won!’, (September 1, 2023) the Associated Press reported
Proud Boy, former chapter president Ethan Nordean, of Auburn, Washington, is also set to be sentenced Friday. Prosecutor are asking the judge to sentence him to 27 years.
You see, along with Ethan, there were others. They reported that Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola was given 10 years on September 1, 2023 for his actions in the J6 situation
and then defiantly declared as he walked out of the courtroom, “Trump won!”
They also report,
Pezzola, 46, took a police officer’s riot shield and used it to smash the window, allow rioters to make the first breach into the Capitol, and he later filmed a “celebratory video” with a cigar inside the building, prosecutors said. He was a recent Proud Boys recruit, however, and a jury acquitted him of the most high-profile charge, seditious conspiracy, a rarely brought Civil War-era offense. He was convicted of other serious charges, and prosecutors had asked for 20 years in prison.

There was also Joe Biggs and Zachary Rehl as I write this and Enrique Tarrio is to be sentenced some days after I write this.

AP reports,
The 17-year prison term for organizer Joseph Biggs and 15-year sentence for leader Zachary Rehl were the second and third longest sentences handed down yet in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.
Rehl, Biggs, Tarrio and Nordean were convicted of charges including seditious conspiracy, a rarely brought Civil War-era offense. A fifth Proud Boys member, Dominic Pezzola, was acquitted of seditious conspiracy but convicted of other serious charges.
We will go into more detail under Biggs, Rehl, Tarrio and J6 in the Culture War Encyclopedia.
More to come. Subscribe for free!
Also see…
Joseph Biggs (coming)
Gavin McInnis (coming)
Proud Boys (coming)
Zachary Rehl (coming)
“Tiny” Tusitala Toese (coming)
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