Styxhexenhammer666 also known as Tarl Warwick is a pureblood (unjabbed) occultist memetomancer, a new tech content creator, culture war commentator, truth troll, author, horticulturalist, family man and more.
See 50 Styxhexenhammer666 Videos - A List by Lee Sonogan for an appetizing selection of video content by Styx.

So far, Tarl Warwick/Styxhexenhammer666 has been quoted, paraphrased and/or embedded in the following sections of the Culture War Encyclopedia (expect much more)…
Affirmative Action (subsection Tarl Warwick’s Critique of Affirmative Action and subsection Response From Others),
Cultural Marxism (subsection Contemporary Debate Over Whether or Not it is Racist to Talk About Cultural Marxism)
Karl Marx, Race Consciousness & Racial Separatism in Critical Race Theory (subsection Race Consciousness Serves Marxism)
Also, elsewhere, scattered throughout the Culture War Encyclopedia
Still under construction. In time we will include the following and more…
links to debates with Styx and others
links to individual books, passages and videos by Tarl/Styx arranged by topic.
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia