Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate is a Muslim & Emulates a Jihadist Terrorist Leader
Accusations & Evidence of Vile Behavior
Andrew Tate’s Brother Tristan Tate is Also Scum
Andrew Tate’s Appeal to Young Muslim Males
Mocking Tate
A Warning From Apostate Prophet
Andrew Tate (@Cobratate on X) seems to be an aspiring influencer of lost young men because his website declares “99% of modern-day men will never experience the power of Brotherhood and Community”, he purports to be the key to being “among the most energetic and lucky Men in the world” and to “access knowledge that will spark your genius and compel you to work your hardest to keep up.”
In a world where men are told they are inferior (see toxic masculinity for example) and wherein white men are told they are defective (see toxic whiteness, for example), Tate’s website offers “Tate wisdom”, tells you to “learn from the best” and declares that he teaches “the secrets to modern wealth creation” to “the deserving”. Furthermore, his site states, “There is no other place on earth with Men of this caliber”.
As any search will show, views on him are quite divided but not in the usual partisan way. It seems left aligned people oppose him because they see him as right wing, as misogynistic and so on. The left’s position on him may become more convoluted when it becomes more widely known that he’s reportedly a Muslim. It seems many right aligned people oppose him for his alleged ideological views, his alleged sexual immorality, his materialism, lack of Christian values and, well, because he’s a Muslim.
We at the Culture War Encyclopedia do not claim that mainstream media reports about him are accurate. They are the mainstream media, after all. Nor do we care enough to look into all the contested claims regarding Andrew Tate. To go down all those riddled rabbit holes with it’s endless labyrinthian knots, accusations, lies and half-truths would require too much time, effort and anti-nausea medicine. We will peer down into a few cthonic portals into the abyss that is Tate as a sort of sample tray.
Know that he announced in early 2025 that he would run for Prime Minister in the UK.
Andrew Tate is a Muslim & Emulates a Jihadist Terrorist Leader
It is enough for us to know that he emulates a jihadist, as we will see, and that he converted to Islam in 2022. Andrew Tate posted this [archived here] shortly after the killing of a Hamas leader by the name of Yahya Sinwar by their superior foe (the IDF)

Note that Hamas are Islamic terrorists, that Islam’s ‘holy book’, the Quran preaches violence against all others and that an alarming amount of Muslims want to enforce the Quran by law (Shariah) according to the PEW Research Center [archive here].

Also, note that Muhammad, the founder of Islam is generally believed to have done things with a child that would land one in prison in civilized societies. Muslims are told by the Quran to emulate Muhammad as in the Quran 33:21 which states,
لَقَدۡ كَانَ لَكُمۡ فِىۡ رَسُوۡلِ اللّٰهِ اُسۡوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَنۡ كَانَ يَرۡجُوا اللّٰهَ وَالۡيَوۡمَ الۡاٰخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللّٰهَ كَثِيۡرًا ؕ
or, translated into English,
Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often.
Tate is emulating a leader of a terrorist organization with this as their ‘prophet’.
On the post by Tate we saw above, someone commented this [archive here]…
Someone else had this to say [archive here]…
We had this to comment [archive here]…
…as well as this [archive here]…
…also this meme we made featuring Sinwar [archive here]
Also this other meme we made [archive here]…
Someone commented this to Tate’s post [archive here]…
There’s this too [archive here]…
according to Rasha Al Aqeeda on a report for New Lines Magazine (January 26, 2023) wherein she also wrote,
After declaring his conversion to Islam, Tate stated he was already collecting bricks to stone his partner if she ever cheated, alluding to the Sharia punishment for adultery.
Accusations & Evidence of Vile Behavior
As always, by sharing content from sources, we are not framing the content as accurate, honest or ethical or anything other than what it is, whatever it is. Consider the following.
There is a video posted on X by The Misfit Patriot AKA @misfitpatriot_ on January 11, 2025 that we can not include here due to adult nature and the violent nature of the content. It shows a woman in sex themed underwear being hit out of anger by Andrew Tate while he berates her. We are not talking about consensual spanking of other consensual kink activities. Do not look for and view the video if it is not legal for you to do so. One person commented [archive here]
The Misfit Patriot responded [archive here],
Murdered by Crayons or @CrayonMurders responded [archive here],
I got you. He’s been charged for trafficking her as a minor.
and included the following post [archive here],
The following post [archive here] came along with the above,
Now consider this video (that we do not claim is accurate or refute) [archive here] and this video (accurate or not) [archive here]. Consider, with critical thinking skills, this video posted [archive here] by Tree of Logic ( @Tree_of_Logic ) in which Tate talks about choking, slapping and beating women until their faces are caved in and their cheek bones are broken.
Ridvan Aydemir | Apostate Prophet (@ApostateProphet) made this post and included a video [archive here],
Consider this post [archive here] that states,
Andrew Tate is currently threatening legal action against people who say he groomed women.
Here is Andrew Tate explaining how he groomed and exploited women as a means to an end to get rich.
The post included what seems to be video that confirms the claim. Consider this post and video as well [archive here] in which it is alleged that Tate engaged in illegal activities with minors.
Consider this post and video from Nathan Livingstone (MilkBarTV) (@TheMilkBarTV) [archived here] that reads,
Andrew Tate's Romanian indictment graphically details how Tate allegedly during sex choked a woman with one hand while continually punched her in the temple with the other. She believed she was going to die as it happened.
He supposedly strangled her so hard it burst the blood vessels in her eyes (a medical report confirms this) & punched her so hard he damaged her breast plate. I explain to @ShannonJoyRadio
At least 10 women have made formal accusations of rape & sexual assault against Tate (6 leading to criminal charges) dating back to 2012. 7 out of the 10 allege they were strangled by Tate (without consent). 2 to the point of unconsciousness.
In the video in this post [archive here], we read,
Andrew Tate: "I've legitimately done that. Girls start running their mouth, I beat the f#ck out of them."
The fact this scumbag with his deep hatred for women is influencing young men & being celebrated by "conservatives" like @bennyjohnsonis deeply troubling.
No matter what Tate says he'll always be nothing more than a pimp.
In the MilkBarTV video in this post [archive here] by @MilkBarTV, we are afforded a
SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON: The UK grooming gangs vs. Andrew Tate.
See this stuff right here [archive here].
Now see this post [archive here] (and video contained therein) which reads,
I challenge @elonmusk @TuckerCarlson @rustyrockets and @jordanbpeterson to review these horrifying videos of Andrew Tate in his own words and deeds.
Then ask yourselves if your spirit can allow you to continue to platform him and launder his dark character to your audiences? I am being sincere. The promotion of Tate on conservative platforms like @X MUST end.
Retweet if you agree.
You should see this post [archive here] from The Misfit Patriot (@misfitpatriot_) that reads,
This is a man in his 20s beating up the 15 year old girl he raped and pimped out, and if it wasn’t Andrew Tate, you’d be calling for his head.
Yes I said rape (sue me, mother fucker) because he admitted on Candace Owens show this video was real and filmed in 2012. According to court documents, her own age admission on social media, and fuckin math, she could not have given consent because she was a child.
If it wasn’t Andrew Tate @iFightForKids would be outside his door with the cops, but Alex is a fan, so it’s ok.
If it wasn’t Andrew Tate @ValentinaForUSA would be making a cringy public execution video, but Valentina is a fan, so it’s ok.
If it wasn’t Andrew Tate, @bennyjohnson would be quoting the Bible verse “whoever hurts one of these little ones”, but Benny is a fan, so it’s ok.
If it wasn’t Andrew Tate. You’d ALL probably be pointing out how convenient it was that after this video was filmed, he converted to Islam, the one major religion in the world where sex with minors and beating women is still commonly practiced today in some countries.
But because it IS Andrew Tate and he’s super rich and popular and has soooo much influence, he said it was just “role playing” and the girls were into it, so NOW it’s ok…
Start looking at this with a critical eye instead of whether or not the QB of the football team will date you, you fucking sellouts.…
Consider this post [archived here] Nathan Livingstone (MilkBarTV) (@TheMilkBarTV)
Compilation of Andrew Tate blatantly lying about his criminal cases in interviews.
Some of Tate's go to lies in interviews:
-Tate stopped his webcam business 7 - 10 years ago. His webcam business was running until his arrest in 2022. He also lies or downplays how much money he made from it.
-Tate was barely involved in the actual running of the webcam. There is endless footage of Tate describing in detail how he controlled every aspect of webcamming (even in some cases stating he took 100% of the profits). This is also backed up by verified chats & other evidence in the indictment.
-The Loverboy method he's charged with is about 'being nice.' The Loverboy method is about manipulating someone into believing you love them then forcing them into prostitution or illegal activities. It's one of the most common methods of human trafficking (also used by UK grooming gangs).
-Tate's charged with making girls do TikTok/The case is all about TikTok. The indictment includes TikTok, Webcamming & OnlyFans.
-None of the videos of Tate self snitching are included as evidence. A substantial amount are absolutely included as evidence & quoted at length in the indictment.
-The cases only go back to 2021. The cases date back as far as 2012 in the UK & 2016 in Romania (before he was famous).
-They dug into his past & found nothing. Tate is facing 3 criminal trials (2 x Romania, 1 x UK) & a UK civil trial. These involve at least 10 victims of rape/sexual assault & dozens of human trafficking victims. The victims are real, they're testifying against Tate & the crimes that are alleged are incredibly disturbing & brutal in nature (including continuous statutory r@pe of a 15 year old).
Andrew Tate also bizarrely lies even about what he's even charged with - which is very easy to disprove.
A good rule of thumb is if Andrew Tate is talking about his criminal cases - he's probably lying.
The post includes this video. Now consider this post [archive here] that reads,
Exposing Andrew Tate lying in his latest interview with Piers Morgan. @CrayonMurders @PiersUncensored
It includes this video.
Andrew Tate’s Brother Tristan Tate is Also Scum
See this post from [archive here] that reads,
Important to point out Andrew Tate's brother Tristan is also a sexual predator.
and that includes this video which you should see and listen to.
Andrew Tate’s Appeal to Young Muslim Males
He was reportedly arrested
in Romania on rape and human trafficking charges
Of course, this does not mean that he is guilty. Whatever he may have done, according to this same report for New Lines Magazine, Muslim preachers welcome him despite his past behavior, according to the author, who writes,
He boasts about having an endless series of girlfriends and has acknowledged that he has used women to create adult content for profit.
As we will see, he may be guilty of far worse. At any rate, according to the reporter,
Tate has never once indicated any desire to repent.
The report also states,
I approached some of Tate’s most avid Muslim defenders online. They ranged in age from 21 to 32 and agreed to speak on condition of anonymity.
one of the young men said, speaking of Tate’s exploits and vices. “Nothing he was doing or is doing now can be worse than kufur,”
This means that nothing Tate did was as bad as not being a Muslim. He reportedly continued to say that Islam forgives everything except being a non-Muslim.

The report also states,
I approached some of Tate’s most avid Muslim defenders online. They ranged in age from 21 to 32 and agreed to speak on condition of anonymity.
one of the young men said, speaking of Tate’s exploits and vices. “Nothing he was doing or is doing now can be worse than kufur,”
This means that nothing Tate did was as bad as not being a Muslim. He reportedly continued to say that Islam forgives everything except being a non-Muslim. Ironically, she writes,
I struggled to understand the cognitive dissonance before me. While it is true that, from the religious perspective, new Muslims must be welcomed, repenting for one’s sins is also a vital part of converting to Islam — and Tate has never once indicated any desire to repent.
The irony is that it is the reporter who suffers from cognitive dissonance. Tate’s alleged behavior allegedly does not bother the alleged Muslims that she allegedly discussed this with because (seemingly) they understand their own religion and jihad. Her own stubborn ignorance and cognitive dissonance apparently persisted further as they made a comparison
between Tate and early Muslims from the conquest era. “Muslim men have historically had women on the side and found ways to justify it,” said another respondent. “Look at the concubines! Owning them as war spoils was permissible in Islam. Men used them for entertainment purposes. They used to buy and sell them. That tier of women is not different from the ones in Andrew’s webcams. The rules that apply to these women are different from the ones that apply to the women in our families, like our sisters and potential wives.”
The Egyptian preacher Dr. Haitham Talaat, a physician-turned-online-preacher, published a long video on his YouTube channel (boasting 406,000 subscribers) praising Tate
She still seems confused when the answer is right in from of her as she writes,
his conversion to Islam is telling — not for understanding the milieu he comes from but for the reactions from Muslims, who might have been expected to stand against most of his views and behavior. The fact that they have overlooked his involvement in racy adult video content, accusations of rape and human trafficking…
Ah, the comic tragedy.
Andrew Tate for Prime Minister of the UK?
See this post [archive here] from Andrew Tate on January 9, 2025.
Then there’s this amusing little display of egomaniacal lack of self-awareness [archive here].
Mocking Tate
Now for some straight comedy. Look at this post [archive here],
According to this post [archive here] and the video included,
Andrew Tate joined a space and argued with an AI hologram version of himself
See this post and video [archive here]. The post reads,
This just happened
Two of the most prominent citizen journos orbiting the Tate’s legal woes confronted Andrew on a space about the latest charges of “continuous sexual acts with a minor”—-instead of Tate engaging in conversation about the charges HE FLED LIKE A LITTLE ____
Listen to that deflecting nervous laugh. He can’t face the heat. This is why he’s so delulu about the imaginary“dEfEaTiNg tHe mAtRiX” because he can’t live in his own reality
Now witness this post (and video) [archive here]
HoloTate vs. @Cobratate & @TateTheTalisman
A Warning From Apostate Prophet
In this post [archive here] Ridvan Aydemir (@ApostateProphet)
Donald Trump's top legal advisor, Alina Habba, who is married and has two children, flirts with Andrew Tate and compares him to Donald Trump.
Andrew Tate is a mass pornographer, abuser, scammer, rapist, and sex trafficker.
This only discredits Trump. She must be fired.
Unless/until we update this section of the Culture War Encyclopedia, we’ll close with this from Phil Labonte of All That Remains who points out that beside being morally reprehensible, Tate is not very smart because, as Labonte posted [archive here],
last update 2025-1-12
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Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward