U N D E R . . . C O N S T R U C T I O N . . . Last updated Oct 30, 2024

Tommy Robinson is a reportedly an international man of controversy.1 He is censored widely on major social media platforms.2 He is accused of being far-right by the organization Hope Not Hate3 and by mainstream media. Examples include CNBC4, Daily Mail5, Reuters6 , Guardian7, Sky News8, Sun9, Economic Times10, Parliament11, Euro News12 and Irish Times13. At times, it is only implied that he is far-right. Examples of this include the BBC14 and Guardian.15 A number of Guardian articles claim or imply (without valid evidence) that he is racist.16
Irish Times reports that Robinson is connected to multiple groups “with fascist or white nationalist links.”17 One Guardian writer describes Robinson as “a seasoned far-right activist”18 . Mainstream media also characterizes Tommy Robinson as being extremist19, anti-Muslim20 and/or Islamophobic21 and, at least through implication, fascist22.
In “Who is the real Tommy Robinson?”, published in 2013 by Telegraph, Matt Rowland Hill writes of Robinson that,
To many, he is little more than a cut-price demagogue in designer clobber who has spent four-and-a-half years inciting hatred against Muslims with his menacing and often violent rallies. To others, he is a misunderstood liberal unafraid of trampling cultural sensitivities while speaking up for “British values”.
One thing that is not contested is that he was the founder of English Defense League or EDL and was the leader until he left.23 We will return to the EDL below. It is agreed upon that he was briefly a member of the British National Party or BNP.24 The BBC, for example, stated25 that Robinson
freely admitted to having flirted with the British National Party until he discovered they objected to his black friends
and this matches what Robinson states himself as we will see below.

We advise you to look into these and all other claims about Robinson. You will see that claims that he is far-right and/or associated with the far-right and/or racist and/or associated with racists are rooted in 2 things.
Firstly, it is rooted in claims of islamophobia along with the belief/claim that Islam is a race.
Secondly, he opposes letting so many people flood the nation in the way that results in violence. This is labelled a far-right position.
According to Professor Shahul Hameed26,
Islam is not a nationality or an ethnicity. “Muslims come from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, and so on. And each of these groups also participate in their own local cultures.”
According to Pew Research Center’s “Mapping the Global Muslim Population”, Muslims can be found in huge numbers among many different nationalities and phenotypes (“races”). Again, read their reports. They give not one example of Robinson saying something negative about a race.
Still, we encourage you to fact-check claims that he is far-right and so on. The following is an example of what happens when one fact-checks a typical mainstream media article about Tommy Robinson.
Robinson says he was born in Luton, U.K. in 1982 and started his activism in 2009.27 But he also stated in the same interview that his “first activism was in 2005”.28 in Luton is apparently a hotbed of islamism and radical jihadism. He stated in an interview that in the year of his birth, 1982, there was one mosque in Luton whereas today there are 45 mosques in Luton, a town, he says, of 200,000. He went on to say,
In 2018, Guardian published “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook”29 in which author Daniel Trilling writes,
At Speakers’ Corner in March, he read out a speech on behalf of the Austrian leader of Generation Identity, a pan-European youth movement that advocates racial separatism in order to preserve “ethno-cultural identity”.

What is Trilling’s evidence that this group that he reports Robinson spoke on behalf of “advocates racial separatism”? He gives only the link included in the quote above. That leads to the Guardian article “Anti-Muslim campaigners denied entry to UK at border” by Mark Townsend published in 2018. In that article, Townsend refers to that group, Generation Identity, as “far-right”. What is his evidence?
Sellner, the leader of Generation Identity . . . was also the ringleader behind a controversial “Defend Europe” campaign last summer, responsible for targeting boats attempting to rescue migrants in the Mediterranean.
Trilling writes that Generation Identity, along with the English Defense League, is an “anti-Muslim group”. They quote Joe Mulhall of Hope Not Hate as saying that the core beliefs of Generation Identity,
such as ‘ethnopluralism’ and ‘remigration’, are far more extreme and race-based than anything posited by groups like the EDL
No evidence is offered for that and no evidence is given or linked-to that would show that this Generation Identity is racist. I give this as a relatively simple example of what happens when one tries to fact check these claim in these articles. Returning to Trilling’s article, for Guardian, “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook”, I note that he writes of,
far-right and conservative activists putting their internal ideological differences aside to unite around a new demand that they hoped had popular appeal: free speech.
Trilling more-or-less states that, along with Trump, Robinson is “fascist” and “far-right”. He offers no support for these claims. Trilling characterizes European opposition to migration as “far-right”. Is it that “far-right”? According to what measurement(s)? By what metric? How does one divine such things? Who decides? Based on what?
Trilling uses terms like “far-right” many times as well often using terms such as “the far right”, “fascist”, “anti-fascist”, “anti-Muslim activists”, “xenophobic” and so on. These are serious accusations. Is it not fair and just to require serious evidence to support serious accusations? What about presumption of innocence? Shouldn’t we consider people to be innocent unless/until they are proven to be guilty? Apparently we are supposed to simply believe he is a racist, far-right, anti-Muslim fascist because we are told so over and over again.

For Tommy Robinson’s story, see “Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462” published by Jordan B Peterson (Youtube, June 30, 2024) [backup on Rumble]. We will quote from this below.
We also highly recommend the interview with Robinson titled “Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476” by Jordan B Peterson and his wife, Tammy (Youtube August 29, 2024). We will quote from this video also.

[not sure yet what to do with the folowing stuff]
“He freely admitted to having flirted with the British National Party until he discovered they objected to his black friends. Later he was convicted of assaulting one EDL follower whom he accused of being a neo-Nazi infiltrator - or as he put it at the time, "a degenerate mug". But he also perpetuated and spread far-right myths, such as a claim that Muslims are statistically on course to outnumber "Europeans" this century.” BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
“He told the BBC in October 2013 that he wanted to "lead the revolution against Islamist ideology" but not a revolution against Muslims.” BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
Also see;
”Trolling the Hypocrites in the Wake of the Finsbury Park Terrorist Attack” by Justin Trouble (June 20, 2017)
“A Question for British & German, Swedish, French, etc. Viewers” by Justin Trouble (March 14, 2018)
“Save Speakers Corner! Sunday March 18th, 2018, 3pm - Tommy Robinson Must Speak!” by Justin Trouble (March 18, 2018)
“Young Tommy Robinson says Black & White Unite Against Islam” by Justin Trouble (April 27, 2018)
“Tommy Robinson Song” by Justin Trouble (May 27, 2018)
“Our T0mmy R0b!ns0n Song is Blocked in 28 Nations” by Tommy Robinson (May 31, 2018)
“Challenge - Prove Tommy Robinson is Racist” by Justin Trouble (June 1, 2018)
Above we recommended the video “Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462” published by Jordan B Peterson (Youtube, June 30, 2024) [backup on Rumble] for Tommy Robinson’s story. There’s a full transcript in the footnotes.30 Here we will focus on that which pertains to Tommy Robinson himself; his background, motivation and so on. [SOMETHING]
Starting at 00:35:05 in the video, Tommy Robinson says,
Now my activism and my journalism took me - in 2015 I - if I go, I, I started my activism in 2009. So I'll give a brief history to my work . . . I was born in Luton in 1982. Luton's a town that's 30 miles north of London. When I was born in 1982, there was one mosque, There's now 45 mosques, okay. How big is Luton? It's 200,000 population. And how many mosques? 45, okay, 45.
Luton was named by the CIA as the epicenter for terrorist activities across Europe. The fertilizer bomb plot was planned in Luton. The 7/7 attacks, they got their bombs in Luton. The Stockholm bomber was radicalized in Luton. Terrorist attack after terrorist attack is orchestrated and come from Luton. Now growing up in Luton, I, as I said, when I was born I've seen all of this, yeah. Mind you know Omar Bukari, Abu Hamza, the two their head office, they used to have an organization called Aline ( ? ? ? ) who were not a - they're now a prescribed terrorist organization but they never were - their head office was in Biscuit Mill in my hometown.
So growing up I had a life lesson of the influence of Islamist ideology and what it can do to freedom, yeah. Also the grooming gangs which is something we'll get on to. So, my cousin was a victim. At 14 she was hooked on heroin and raped. She, she was, she woke up being raped by gangs of bearded men in the Muslim, in the Muslim Community. She run naked through streets. Now, what the police done at the time is nothing, yeah, so I grew up watching -
Jordan Peterson asks,
how old were you when that happened?
Tommy Robinson responds,
I would have been 13 so she was 14. So as all this is happening - and just so people get - Luton is one of the most diverse towns in Great Britain, one of the most diverse towns in Europe, yeah, so white English are a minority, okay. Most of the people I love are not white because I've been brought up in in this community. So as I've been brought up in our school playground when, when I went to school we had the Muslim playground and the non-Muslim playground, like, so I had very quick learning.
And then when you go into the why; why were they segregated? Well they segregated themselves. The Muslims did not integrate or assimilate. So when you go into the school dinner table just so people can picture it you'll have whites sitting with blacks sitting with Indians sitting with Sikhs sitting with Hindus all sitting together and in the corner there' be 10 tables of Muslims, yeah.
Now I never understood it as a child, okay. It was from when I went to high school I just knew the Pakistanis are very different, yeah, they're quite hostile if you mess with one you've declared war with the whole tribe, yeah. There's not a fair fight. There's never a one-on-one fight. It's all Gang Related and I learn, so, I just grew up learning it. But that's not to say - because some of the best people I met in my hometown were Muslim lads, yeah, some of the people I loved were Muslim lads - but, per say, there was a real problem here. And I grew up watching it, learning it and Alma ( ? ? ? ) um my first activism was in 2004. I was - what was I then? 20? 2004 I organized a protest and this group were - do you remember the Beslam School Massacre?”
Jordan Peterson answers, “No” and Tommy Robinson says,
So Beslam School Massacre was - a Chechnyan terrorists had took control of a school (and this is coming again, yeah, this is going to happen to a Jewish school, I guarantee you) they took control of a school. When I was -probably 2019 or something
Jordan Peterson asks where this was. Tommy Robinson tells him that this was in Chechnya, Russia. Robinson goes on to say,
and, what happened was, the parents all outside the school and all the Muslim jihadists are inside the school with their pupils, with their children and then they start butchering them and killing them. And I remember watching the parents dropped their knees and they're screaming, yeah, and I remember watching it thinking, “What is this? What has - this isn't one man that's gone in and done this. This is a whole group of people.”
So what - and then I had to understand what brings someone to do that. And two weeks later I saw an interview in a chicken shop in my hometown of Luton with a man called Saif of Islam which translates “the Sword of Islam”. He was second in command of Al(? ? ? ? ? ? ?), the group, yeah who whose head office is in my town and I saw him saying an attack like that would be just justified in a British school. And that was my wake up. I said, “Who's this man?”
And I looked him up; who's his group? And I looked up who they were and then I looked up Omar (?) Bakari (?) and then I started understanding their ideology and trying to work out - and then, for me, these are a danger, yeah. So then I organized and I looked and they used to have a store set up. So we have a Don Miller's Bakery a famous - it's like your Tim Horton’s, yeah - we have a bakery chain in Luton town center, and every Saturday this terrorist group are there openly promoting hatred, yeah, just openly sending people to fight for the Taliban; recruiting people. So the Stockholm Bomber who is a Iraqi Muslim who come to University in Luton was a nice young man till he come to Luton, yeah. Then, when you're vulnerable, at your most vulnerability, away from home for the first time in University, they pounce.
Jordan Peterson interjects,
That's typical cult behavior.
Tommy Robinson continues,
So they pounce, yeah, and they got him and then he went and blew himself up, yeah, so these groups have been operating. So I organized a protest called Ban the Luton Taliban, yeah, and I actually in my pres - I give a presentation Oxford University
“When was that?” Tammy asks. Tommy responds,
That was 2004, so I give a presentation Oxford University because I made leaflets and if you dig up the leaflet which I'd done for my Oxford University presentation in 2004 - my rhetoric has never changed, okay, so the leaflet was put as front page of our local newspaper and what I said is, whites and blacks are being religiously and racially targeted in this town, yeah. No one's doing anything about it. There's a total two police in operation in this town where they get away with what they want. The Islamic community get away with what they want. They don't, the police do not know how to deal with these problems. I went on to say that they use drugs as a weapon against our community to get our children into pedophilic practices which is what's now known as grooming.
Now when I made this when I - and I was a young man, yeah, and I organized it with my friends. We go to football together. Luton's one of the most - it was voted the roughest town in Great Britain, yeah, it's a rough place, but we went -
Jordan Peterson asks Tommy Robinson what makes Luton rough. The idea that they were hat makers and that they were exposed to mercury is entertained. But Robinson answers,
It's a poverty stricken town with a lot of problems regardless of Islam; Luton has a lot of problems. It's a rough environment. It's the levels of violence are are as high as anywhere in the UK but what you grow up thinking is normal actually isn't normal. You grow up with a level of violence in your school, on your streets, or the way to solve things is through violence and it's a poor town, yeah.
So I start - I organized this group. About 200 of us turned up - English men - and for the first time it works that the terrorist group weren't there, yeah, the jihadists weren't there that day because we were coming yeah, and the police locked it down. But the - what happened from that point.
Jordan Peterson asks what the police did and Tommy Robinson answers,
The police on this day - the police turned up we went, to we went to Don Miller. The group weren't there. We then stood, held a little protest at our council building saying we need to get rid of these terrorists, yeah. This was before 7/7. This is before any terrorist attacks in Great Britain. This was, these, the terrorist attacks we've seen and the so 60% of the Muslims in Great British prison, in, in Great Britain's jails are ex-members of this group in Luton, yeah, so, okay, you actually had put your finger on them. I put my finger on them and I named in the leaflet.
What I named in the leaflet was the link between the street drug gangs called the - we have a gang called the Gambinos. They haven't, they're not very original. They're a Pakistani group but they've called themselves the Gambinos and three year four years later the national newspaper, so in 2004 I named them in, I named them in my leaflet and say we've had enough of the gangs with their heroin and we've had enough of the jihadists all combining and what happened after this was I was targeted by the by the gangs, not by the jihadists, by the street level drug gangs who were drinking alcohol, gambling.
They're not religious. They're just out pumping heroin and controlling the streets and prostitution. I was targeted by them, now, years later the national newspapers run a link showing the link between the Gambinos, they name them, and, and terrorists. They're working, they work alongside each other and at the time the Luton Islamic Center, which is the main Mosque of Luton, the main Salafist Mosque of Luton, yeah, um, that's, it's the old synagogue, ironically, before the Jews were driven out. It's the old synagogue.
Tammy notes how that is quite convenient. Tommy Robinson says,
yeah convenient but Kadir Basque ( ??? ) was the leader of this mosque. Now at the time I then started looking at this mosque because my friends who are Muslim had said, “That. That's the problem. In this town, that's the problem, yeah.
So I went on their website and I translated their website and I found a seven-page justification for women to be lashed for adultery, yeah, I found justification for killing for apostates. This is on the main mosque, yeah. So I translate it all and then, basically, I faced a backlash from the Pakistani gangs and I had problems then but at this time, I'm being honesty it I was part of a Luton football scene. So I used to go football with my friends. The one Sat, the - Saturday would be the day that all the English Lads would come together for Luton Town Football Club; it was a culture, a cultural thing, I guess. Um, I've never claimed to be an angel either, um, so I was part of a football scene. So we clashed then with with the the drug gangs, the, the Muslim drug gangs and five years goes past, um, by this point, um,
Jordan Peterson asks Tommy Robinson if he thinks he did anything wrong with regard to those clashes. Tommy responds,
No, I didn't do anything. I stood up against them. Stood up, stood up against them at times. So I knew those gangs because they're all, we're all the same age. I went to school with them, yeah, stood up against them, and I remember when they were getting with one of my friend’s little sisters and I rang the sister’s, I rang the family and said, “Do not let her near them. I'm telling you,” yeah, at the time, “don't let her near them. I know what's going to happen.”
And then that I had all the gangs having problems with me then, saying, “What's going on?” ‘cuz, ‘cuz I knew them, yeah, “What's going on?”
I said, “You're not doing to her what you do -I know the family; it's not happening lads.”
The amount of girls I know whose lives have been destroyed through these prostitution drug gangs - and they start off nice with the girls. They get them in, they treat them well, they give them money. These are 13-year-old children, yeah. They give them drink, they give them alcohol, they'll drive them around in their sports cars. Gradually, gradually, bang! They're gone. The girl's gone, yeah. The girls gone and, as I said, when the family
Jordan Peterson asks Tommy Robinson if that when he became aware of the grooming that goes on. Robinson answers,
I've become aware because my cousin all the other girls went to school with. But at the time we viewed them - so at school the English kids, we just viewed the girls ourselves, we, we viewed them wrong; we viewed them as slags because they're off with all the Pakistani men, the older men, right, we were viewing them - as children just looking saying, “what they’re doing with all the taxi drivers?” and “What, what, why are they going out of all the all the older Pakistani men?”
Tammy references a video that she had watched in which Tommy Robinson talked about (or perhaps with) who said that when she was younger, if she was in a car (presumably with a Pakistani Muslim man) and her mother passed by, she would sink low so that her mother could not see her. Tommy Robinson said,
Yeah so all of these things are going on, yeah. But by this point I get we get to 2009, at that -
Jordan Peterson asks,
When did you start to understand that your view of the girls, the view of the girls that you had when you were 15, or thereabouts, when you were treating them like sluts, was wrong? When did you figure that out?
Tommy Robinson answers,
When I become an adult. When I become an adult and started looking thinking. And then when I, so 2009 - in two thou - So 2004, I do this protest; we have a backlash from all the Pakistani drug gangs. We carry on, sort of we get through that.
I've grown up, I've then by this point got two successful businesses, uh, between me and my wife, we had seven properties. We were doing, We were successful. We were doing well, well in life, yeah, and then 2009, we have a solders homecoming parade. So, they weren't out there at war. It was a Royal Anglian Regiment which is our local regiment, now Scott Mumphritch (? ? ?) is 26 years old, he's from our from the state I grew up in when I was young and he died. Um, Michael Swain was 19 and lost his legs.
When the soldiers I, I turned up on a Tuesday morning with my cousin and it wasn't well publicized, but we turned up to pay our respects and when I turned up I saw about 20 women in full Niqs which is quite a sight when you see them together, and then I looked and saw Saif of Islam the leader of this Islamic group The Sword of Islam, I looked and saw him and then I started seeing more of them and then I saw police everywhere and I'm thinking, “No way!” yeah, “Something's going to go down here!” yeah.
Then I saw the - I, I watched this myself; I watched as the police took a group - now what the - cuz my some of, of our friends got arrested at this event, we got the intelligence. Now, the police actually on the motorway stopped 360 other Muslims coming into Luton in that day, yeah. So there was a full-on, there was going to be a full-on attack against our Arm Forces as they walk through the town. But as they walk through the town, I watched as the local, as
Jordan Peterson interjects,
Sorry, these were the armed forces that had come back from -
Tommy Robinson responds that they had come back from Afghanistan or Iraq where they had undergone some training and that they had not been to war. He also says,
They had the freedom of the city because they've been away. So then they come to get their March and the public can come out and support them and it was all down-played anyway. It was on a Tuesday it wasn't publicized. We knew it because we know people in the regiment. So we've gone down that day and then I watched the town hall - now picture this; this is our town hall, remember, these groups, these, this group have all gone on to be imprisoned for ISIS, yeah, so, but, that's who they were at the time, yeah, but no one knows who they are really - no one has the knowledge of what these men are like. We do because we, we're born there.
I've looked here, I've researched them, I know who they are, I know the danger of this idea. It's 2009, I'm sitting there - standing there, and I watched my police walk through, all through the town hall. They opened up our town hall doors and walked them through. I thought, “What's going on there?”
And then, as the soldiers are marching here, then you just hear all commotion, so I go running around the back of the town hall. They've took them through the town hall to stand, as the soldiers walk here, the Muslim groups here, and they're spitting at the soldiers, they spit in Scott Mumphritch who's dead, they spit in his mom's face, yeah. They spat in the family's and they're shouting.
Jordan Peterson adds,
That's assault just to be straight.
Tommy Robinson says,
Just to be straight. ‘Baby killers’, ‘butchers of Bazra’; this what they're calling the soldiers. Now my opinion of that war has changed from back then as well, yeah, I believe it was an illegal invasion. I believe it was disgusting what our government's done, yeah, but, but my opinion has changed on the motive of the war, but, and our soldiers don't get to choose the war. They go into, they swear allegiance to Queen and Country and the government send them to war. Now if these people are upset about the war take, it to the government, yeah.
But they stood in front of our soldiers and, and my, and at this point, I was with my cousin there that day and they was, I mean you, you could have lit a match and our town would have blown up at this time, yeah, that's how we felt. But I'll tell you why we felt that ‘cuz I'm a proud Lutonian. Luton is part of the identity of who I am, where I've been brought up. And the only time you ever hear of our hometown mentioned, ever, is to do with terrorist and Jihad and now our soldiers have been attacked in our town, yeah, by these jihadists, and not just attacked but the police walked them through the town hall to do it!
So I watched it that day and then and I watched the police's reaction. They, they didn't turn on the Muslims at all they stood with their backs to the Muslims so the Muslims were all here screaming abuse. They stood with their bands to all the English people who were upset at what they're just allowed to happen. And the facts is the police could, the police didn't have to bring them through our town hall. They could have kept them there.
Jordan Peterson asks,
How do you think the ordinary Rank and file policeman thinks about this sort of thing? I wondered about that in Canada because the same things are happening.
Tommy Robinson responds,
Well, they had to change the rank and file police to police these events from this point on ‘cuz Luton police were furious. After this - this went out everywhere - Luton police went in the next day, all of them, and they wore Union Jack badges on their uniform that said, “British police support British Armed Forces”, yeah, because they were furious.
They were told to remove their badges, and we know this from the police, and they said, “No.” And 60 of them went on said, “We're going on a walk out. We are not removing these badges because you have portrayed, you've made it look like, and the police were unhappy with what they've been made to do, so from this - and for me, as a local lad, like, I said to my cousin, “We can't allow this!” yeah, “What's next from this? They've just attacked our Armed Forces. What's next? Turn up at solders funeral? We know who these men are. We know who these groups are. We need, the the whole country needs to know who they are.”
And we were so outraged that the people of Luton have been portrayed as being against their Armed Forces when, really it's the jihadists. And what we found out is that every mosque in Luton was leafleted in the days before it. So we didn't know this. So, all the mosques, the entire Islamic community knew. All the imams knew that our soldiers were going to come under hostile attack by a jihadist group, yeah, what's now a prescribed terrorist organization so then after that I organized a demonstration, um, called the United people of Luton.
But before that, what I done is I went to the council, contacted them, and, and set up a petition. We got 4,000 signatures. We have laws in the UK which are against, um, they're called ASBO orders (Antisocial Behavior Orders), so if two young kids are, at our local shops keep causing trouble together, they'll get an ASBO order to prevent them from being together, yeah.
So what we said is, “You've got these orders. I don't want my mom to walk through Luton Town Center and have to face these jihadist groups, yeah. None of our family should have to see them all together recruiting again. We want them banned, yeah, we want them banned from the town. And then we turned up for our first demonstration which was all of our, I went around leafleted everyone and said on, on it (it was bank holiday Sunday), “We're going to show the country that the people of Luton and support our Armed Forces.”
When we turned up that day and I knew, I knew ‘cuz, you know, you've heard of two tier policing. It's now become part of the vocabulary of Great Britain because everyone talks about how we're tier policing.
Jordan Peterson says,
In the US, increasingly, too.
Tommy Robinson says,
Everyone's seeing the two-tier policing but I'd seen it my whole life because I'm from a town that's now 50 60% Muslim and I know what I know: how we get policed. I know. I've seen it, yeah. So I bought a cameraman. I bought a wedding - he videos weddings, so I paid him for the day and said, “Come and video everything.”
As we turned up, the police come up they stopped us they made us take our shoes off. They searched us. They put their hands in our pockets and as they're doing it, I said, “You didn't do this to them. You did not do this to them. I watched the day they attacked our soldiers. You didn't put your hands on them. Why are you putting your hands on us? Why are you searching us? Why are you treating us like this? We're coming out to show support for our Armed Forces.”
Then the police drew a baton line. So we wanted to get to the town hall which is where our, remember, where our memorial is, which is where they let them get. And they blocked it. They blocked it. They kettled us for three hours. My auntie had to urinate in the street because they wouldn't let them out, yeah, and I said, I remember saying, “No Muslim woman would ever be forced to urinate in the street. You would never do this to them.”
And then they they batoned us. My friend who's a little black lad called Craig they knocked his teeth out, yeah, and there was then clashes with the police. And then, so, we were held for three hours we weren't allowed to get to the war memorial and all we wanted to do was show support for our armed forces. And they locked us down. And after that I then said, “No.”
And then they raided houses. They went to my mom's house (this is the start), they went to my mom's house .I wasn't there and everyone, they arrested, they went to each estate they arrested one person from each estate. This is the intimidation. And then they give them all bail conditions preventing them from entering our Town Center 24 hours a day seven days a week for three months. So then, and I knew they' been to my moms, but they, I wasn't there, so I thought, “Well you've done to us what we're asking you to do to them. They're the terrorists. You banned us from our own town.”
And so then, we organized another protest. And I remember contacting the police saying, “I don't think you understand the level of frustration here, yeah. This town's going to blow up, okay. The years of us being trodden down, the years of us being under attack, the crime, the drugs, the prostitution, the grooming, and here you are, you're crushing us on, we're trying to have an organized event.”
So I said, “You need to let us get to the war memorial because people are not going to be happy.”
But on that day, I was obviously wanted. They'd been to my mom's house. The other lads who had conditions not to enter the Town Center; we all wanted to go. So when I turned up, I gave everyone masks. I said, “When we leave here, no one take the masks off. Right? When we're get into the war memorial today -” and 500 young men turned up that day, more, probably a thousand, but, but we're all from Luton, so the songs we're all singing is about, “We are Luton town, it's our town!”
And then they they called us all “outsiders” they went on the news saying lots of troublemakers from outside of Luton have come into the town and, um, we got to the war memorial that day and this was the start what I done, is I went, I videoed it again and I went on all different football discussion forums around the country and said, “Luton stood up today!” Okay, “We've had enough! We've had enough of what's going on! We've had enough of the two-tier policing! We've had enough of the Islamic gangs! So Luton stood up today.”
And the video was reminiscent of hundreds and hundreds of young men just saying that; “We're we're not having it anymore.”
And our and our banners you know our banners made it very clear okay Muslim no problem extremist Muslim big problem
Tammy asks when that was.
This was 2009 this is the start so people know me early yeah this is this is the start of my activism this is what anyone knows me as now I used a fake name Tommy Robinson yeah tell me
00:56:27 about the name so in 2004 when I didn't use a fake name and I stood outside the town hall when I was 19 or 20 and held a protest my windows got smashed my house got attacked so come 2009 I'm successful I've got a family I've got businesses but I want to talk I was the same as every one of person watching this I didn't want to lose my house I didn't want to lose my business I wanted to be able to make money and I didn't want to lose my safety let let me ask you I I want I want to know where the name came
00:56:54 from but I also want to know and I don't know the answer this this is really a genuine question do you think it was a good move ethically and strategically to change your name or would it have been better to keep your name face the trouble then and deal with it at that point so in all honesty I didn't want to do this I didn't want to be the person so I wanted to make a stand but I didn't want to yeah yeah okay I wanted to be successful in business I wanted to make money my my passion was making money I was I was I
00:57:22 was good at it I was doing well as a family um but I wanted someone to speak about it so when you know the parable of the rich man no what's that well it's a gospel story I'm going to tell it because I see the problem that you're in well there's a scene in the gospels where Christ is traveling in a cart and uh a rich prince jumps in to accompany him and he tells Christ that he's done everything he should do in his life to be a moral person he's followed the Commandments he honors his parents and so on but that he's still
00:57:56 dissatisfied deep in his soul and Christ asks him about his situation he tells him he's Rich that he has all these concerns going and Jesus says to him I'm afraid you're going to have to sell everything you own and follow me and the disciples are like shorted right out by this and they say well if that's the cost of Salvation you know who's going to pay that and it it I was thinking about that in the story of Jonah at the same time when you were talking because Jonah is called upon by God to speak the
00:58:28 truth and he just heads in the other direction it's like he thinks exactly like you thought it's like yeah I don't think so and you know I who would do that who wants to do that and so but that that still doesn't quite answer the question like you said that you're caught right you're pulled because on the one hand you want to have your life and you want to be successful on the other hand you want to tell the truth and so the name was a compromise between that so I W mask for you I won't mask no
00:58:55 one knew who I was for you oh right so so so looking back on that now do you think that that was a mistake that you made to protect your life and your and your Enterprise I'm not saying that wasn't justifiable or because there's a price obviously for anonymity there's a price for not being public right it breeds suspicion for example and so what do you think about that so I think the best thing the best thing that ever happened is when I got unasked the best thing it was it it was not for me I was terrified so the there
00:59:28 was a Times newspaper report called Steven Bird and I've been hiding for a year so I'm talking about all these issues secretly on radios and I'm giving the name Tommy Robinson and I'm turning up to demonstrations with a mask on my face no one saw my face so no one knew who I was so there was lots of confusion who is this guy yeah but obviously my friends knew no one knew and then a Times newspaper journalist turned up at my mom's house and said where Stephen and my mom rang me and said there's a
00:59:52 journalist here looking for you yeah and then and I knew then okay this is it and I went to meet the journalist and he said you're on the front page of the Times newspaper tomorrow Stephen yeah your life changes tomorrow and I was terrified if I'm honest absolutely terrified now but in that that because then I was nationally known yeah at this point because the English this we we we we we set up the United people of Luton and then after our second protest where we got to the war memorial we put the
01:00:18 video online and this Islamic group of jihadists they held an Islamic Road Show in Birmingham yeah and they had a big banner that said Jesus was a Muslim and there's hundreds of them and they stop a young 11-year-old white Christian boy called sha in the shopping center who's with his friend and they get him up on stage and they convert him to Islam and as they convert him to Islam they're all cheering Al abbar and I watched it then from luten and said no they can't do this that cannot be allowed to happen in
01:00:45 a city center for a child so I said right Lads to the lads from Luton we're going to Birmingham we're going to move this from Lut this isn't a luten issue this is a national issue so we went to Birmingham and we formed the English Defense League and that's where the name English Defense League come from now when we went to Birmingham we went as a group of 50 50 men from Luton we got violently battered okay the news and this is where my first Awakening to the media come so there's a picture he this
01:01:13 boy wasn't with us there's a young English boy at a bus stop with a green top Green Top on and gangs of Muslims just come from everywhere and they battered everyone yeah and there's a there's a picture in the National newspaper and they're jumping on this boy's head and underneath the picture it says a fascist is attacked by anti-fascists and I look I remember look what remember I had an awaken into everything I because I went from working on a building site yeah to six months later leading the biggest protest
01:01:40 movement you have seen and when we went to Birmingham as a group of 50 we had English Defense League Tops on L and it said Luton division the the name of our town and these images went everywhere of English men getting chased and beaten yeah so this was Birmingham and our Pro our first banners said victims of jihad in Nigeria we stand with you because obviously I was down the rabbit hole so I was seeing on Christmas day five five Christian churches were blown to Pieces didn't make the BBC News yeah I was
01:02:07 following all these stories around the world of Christians facing persecution at the hands of jihad no one caring yeah so we went to Birmingham we thought let's highlight a lot of issues here yeah let's make this this a point and we had banners we had placards but we got violently the police had to lock us in a building for two hours because they couldn't control the streets then they got buses and put us on the buses and to get us out of there and all the windows were coming in there was riots going on
01:02:31 so from this we then went back to L and then we saw a Christian Church in Manchester that been taken over by Muslims which there's been another video go viral just weeks ago similar situation it was in the area of longside and they were bulldozing over Christian graveyard Graves and headstones so I was watching it going like they can't do this how come no one's talking about this in the town where's the local political voice where's the politicians now the thing where we people said because we took to the streets now we
01:02:59 went from a group of 50 men in Birmingham being violently beaten to going on all the messaging Boards of English football clubs then turned up in Manchester and I was like when we got there there was thousands of young English men had come from everywhere and and from the start because of the violence in Birmingham the men had come with an attitude of no we're not backing down okay so that was sort of the start and the birth of the English Defense League which every city we went to there was a Justified reason for going yeah
01:03:28 but no one ever spoke about that and then and then I realized very quickly that everything I'd seen in Len everything I talked about Len was it happening in every town in the city so then I started meeting families that victim their daughters were missing for weeks and then I started hearing all these stories and it's one thing to read about grooming and and that's why I made a five-part series the one you talked about that you watched because you don't get to feel the pain I'm sitting with a mother father and a brother whose
01:03:54 13-year-old daughter's been missing for 5 days and the police have doing nothing now no one so I remember going on big chat shows in 2009 Jeremy Paxman was the was the most feared BBC presenter and he had a show called newsight and when I went on everyone was all our opposition at the time and I was terrified again and it was the first time my mom so my family had been crying since the time I started my activism because my mom was threatened with her job um there was violence police raids uh terrorist
01:04:22 attack terrorist plots so my family were begging me and begging me to stop and I I went on this Jeremy Paxman show and I said to I said to him like I don't expect you to understand yeah but I expect you to listen okay our daughters are being taken they're being groomed they're being raped they're being prostituted in every town to see yeah and he said you expect us to believe and and it hasn't aged well for him at all because in the early days we were condemned as fabricating stories and and making this up so you understand the
01:04:50 level I met a father from Blackpool the gang took his daughter okay the father and the son would ring ring his phone and he'd have to listen whilst they were raping his da yeah these these levels so you and and in 2015 so we spread we go across the country and I've done a presentation called the rape of BR as well as documentaries and I go back to us marching through Telford and now the arrest rates for these crimes if you do a graph it goes like this there's none yeah the English Defense League forms in
01:05:19 2009 by 2010 and 2011 the arrests are going through the roof now we didn't expect any credit for it or any any recognition for it but the government were them faced with something they knew was going on look my sense was and this is part of why you're here today like I've been watching that since then I don't know if it's since then but it wasn't long after that and it was my sense at the time and this is something I think that Tammy has observed too that your work was essentially what called attention to the fact of these grooming
01:05:50 gangs so Andrew norfol is the Times newspaper who finally questioned these gangs now what he says he says we saw the emergence of the far right he's given an interview I had been made knowledgeable of these gangs for years but everyone was too scared to touch it because all the men were Pakistani Muslim and all the girls were young English children yeah so he'd known about it so for me Andrew norfol yeah okay you you you ended up reporting it in the end but he was a coward for years yeah you but I also think you know it's
01:06:22 hard for people what do they say Carl San said extraordinarily extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence I talked to Michael shellenberger about the trans Butchery kids that's going on now W path and shellenberger who's a very brave journalist told me that he had listened to my interview with either Abigail shrier or Helen Joyce detailing this out probably two years ago now and he said he couldn't believe it it took schellenberger two years to contemplate this because he couldn't believe of the
01:06:53 magnitude of the crime and I think it's not it's not merely cowardice although there's plenty of that it's also the fact that look it's a lot easier to write you off than to admit that there are gangs of of people who've been brought into the country who have set out malevolently and with intent to rape thousands of girls so it's a hell of a lot easier to write you off as a farri extremist than it is to even begin to contemplate what that might mean and that's what he that's what he said he said we he said when I saw the emergence
01:07:21 of the far right by far by far right he means concerned English fathers yeah yeah concerned Englishmen who are saying well we we've had enough of this if you go back to our videos we're marching through City saying Muslim pedos off our streets yeah before all this typical far rate stance yeah 2015 is when the ren report was released okay now this is when Andrew norfol started talking about it now that so Andrew Nik starts talking about it then they do an investigation in the city of RAM and the City of ram
01:07:47 has a 3.7% Muslim population and they find that over 1,400 children have been raped yeah and they find that the police knew Social Services so I remember at the time of this when it blew up everything we'd said everything we'd been screaming about yeah now it's in a government Rapport now that was actually one of the things that really alerted me to just exactly how screwy things had become so that was before I made the videos that made me viral in 2016 but one of the things I'd been following was that story and it
01:08:18 took me wow the first way you react when you come across a story like that is it's something like there's just no way this can possibly be true and it's far worse than you can ever yeah well that it's far worse it's far so when that report come out and let me think of what name I give her because I I I know all these girls and families now but you're not allowed to use them they're hidden so this girl one one girl her father had rang 999 the emergency number when when we when they they went through to get
01:08:45 the history of how many times he'd rung the emergency services for his daughter it was 200 times oh dear 200 times he'd rang for help 200 times then two fathers got together and this is all in the report it's not my not Tommy Robinson saying this two fathers got together and their two 13-year-old girls were in a house being raped by gangs of Muslim adults yeah the two fathers went around to get their daughters back the police turned up and arrested the fathers they left the girls in the house there's
01:09:10 another incident in this report five Muslim men have a 12-year-old English girl they've got her drunk she's in a derilict house they're all raping her yeah the police turned up they arrested the TW the 12-year-old girl for being drunk and disorderly yeah this is the level of one girl she was 12 years old as well they got a hot iron rod with the letter M and they heated it up and they scolded her bun because she was the property of Muhammad yeah she was the property of Muhammad another girl they
01:09:34 got and they nailed her tongue to a table they used to take these girls out we're not talking about sexual gratification here yeah we're talking about total Destruction of the most precious thing that we have which is our daughters this is not this is totally something and when you go through the cases I've investigated so many of them and look through the numbers yeah Ram had a 3.7% Muslim population so for people t understand the scale of this problem okay there was, 1400 girls raped I then looked and in two and and I how
01:10:02 many how many men do you think were involved well this is so tford so in tford I done an investigation into tford and the reason I chose tford was tford was one of the gangs where we had the Rapport the police had identified a thousand victims and they had identified 200 perpetrators so I went and spent 18 months in in tford and I got to know the story like you've seen yeah I've I've I've done a five-part series called the rape of Britain and when I went there we went there and worked for a year before
01:10:28 we let out that we were working there we got to know the girls we got to know their families we I spent time interviewing we had the ones that were willing to go on camera and the ones that weren't so I got a database and we we built a database of names so I'll interview a girl for three hours four hours five hours three four times hear every bit of her story we then sit down and work through it now when the name we got the men's names we had 254 identified Yeah by but and when they're identified by more than three girls who
01:10:57 do not know each other that's the green flag for me to go for them in the documentaries me I'm going to now make you famous yeah and now the police investigation identified 200 perpetrators our investigation identified 254 an independent inquiry is identified over 300 now there's only 1.7% Muslim population in that town so how many Muslims is that it's about three and a half three to three and a half thousand so when you get rid of the women and you get rid of the under 16s yeah we were talking about a thousand
01:11:24 men yeah a thousand men are in that town and the police identified 200 of them now when they brought them to prosecution they prosecuted 11 why they only prosecuted 11 so when people see these headlines and you're seeing grooming yeah they're not doing them they're doing a little in each Town they're nicking a few yeah they're nicking a few now what we found in our investigation was that one of the most senior ranking officers was receiving funds and monies from The Gangs The Gangs act act as a mafia they are
01:11:49 Pakistani Mafia yeah their level of violence their their the the groups that they're linked with they're all the way to the top from solicitors to CPS lawyers to politicians so in this one town where we' done this big investigation and we tried to give the information to the police they wouldn't take it yeah so there is still a massive cover up going on so and I done this I done this five-part series because in 2017 I've always talked about these issues then they started making arrests now when they started making arrests all
01:12:18 the crimes I'm talking about the the tongue on the table the hot iron rods these were coming out of the reporting because For the First Time if there's a six week trial journalists were sitting in the trials and they're reporting all the horrific details we get told the words they're Us in dirty Gass they use white slag it's all racial it's all religious they're literally quoting the Quran whilst doing their rapes yeah so as this is coming out finally all of it's coming out then all of a sudden the
01:12:42 reporting stops now why is the reporting stop they they put reporting restrictions on every one of these cases now yeah so what happens instead of getting the details what happens is they have a six week trial and on the final day you get one day news 20 men convicted yeah so I went up to one of these cases was going on in so is that the technical restriction they can now they put repor restrictions and say because there's such big trials they're a group of 10 men a group of 10 men a group of 10 men they're all interl until
01:13:09 the end of all the trials oh I see I see so hypothetically so they're not contaminating the tri yeah so what we'll do hypothetically in America and possibly here you lock up the jury yeah we lock up the public we don't let the public know think to keep the jury safe that's what that's what their argument is for okay so there's a case going on in leags now at this time I'm doing journalism I went to the top Kingsley Napoli lawyers in London Ezra Levant sent me I went on the cuse to understand what a can and can't do around Court
01:13:39 Reporting so when they have a reporting restriction the judge has no power over putting any restrictions on any information that's already in the public domain so I looked at this case 30 men and my problem with this was which I'd previously been to another case there was another case in called in a place called Canterbury this cases are everywhere yeah you've got to for the public you have to understand the crimes that are going on and been allowed to go on facilitated and accommodated to go on
01:14:05 literally handed over our kids so in Canterbury a young girl was drunk she was 14 or 15 she walked into a kebab shop a Muslim own Kebab shop and ask for directions she's taken upstairs by all six members of the staff they find all of their DNA they she found crying down the road they've all raped her they're all on bail so I I looked at this case they changed the name of their shop they're still running the shop so I went up to the city I went up to the city and I asked the people who were walking past
01:14:33 are you aware of any allegations against this business no so no one knew there's kids I'm watching kids same people operate same people running it they just changed name I'm watching kids going in there Jesus so then so I went to the court case next day because the man's in court now I went to the court case and I this was before I was aware of the laws you're not allowed to stand on court property and video yourself yeah so I stood on court property and said this is what's happening 6:00 in the morning my
01:14:58 dog goes through I'm raided I'm taken from my home straight down to Canter Court where they've told me because the judge obviously this is embarrassing for the judge two other people went and leafleted the estate where the men lived those people were sent straight to jail Paul golden he was put straight in prison yeah for for handing out leaflets to warn the public this man and all these men are now convicted they got 25 years but EV they had their DNA anyway so why are they out on the street why
01:15:23 are they still running the business but this was Canterbury so I go for legal training to make sure what I do is legal and right so they put these reporting restrictions on so I stand outside the court case and I report 30 men alleged to have made or alleged I made sure I said alleged they could be innocent yeah these are the crimes they alleged to have done and I'm warning the public that these cases are going on in every town and City and you're not being told the reality of the situation here you
01:15:47 and these are the signs and I read the men's names because it was already in the public domain from when they first were charged so I read everything that was in the public domain I stood outside court and then the police come over and arrest me and and they arrest me for um a breach of the peace that's on camera this video and as they arresting me and handcuffing me I just I'd only gone to work I said get me a lawyer yeah and as I get put put in the back of the van I I said thank you because millions are now
01:16:12 going to watch the warning I've just given yeah I get taken into the judge the judge sentenced me to 13 months in jail straight away the judge lets the the the the rapists go home one of them packs his bags and goes to Pakistan he still never fac Justice yeah so they will go home I'm in jail I'm the big risk yeah I got 13 months in prison and I remember getting to jail that that happened then within two hours within two hours no court case no trial contempt of court Yeah Bang 13 months and I remember standing there going 13
01:16:43 months what four yeah what four okay so that and this is there's one case where um there's no jewelry I didn't even get asked to play guilty or not guilty which which is the reason they had to release me in the end so I get 30 months in jail I get to prison I bring my wife I said I'm in jail like she's like what I said I'm in prison I've just been sentenced to 30 months in jail like and from prison for me our prisons are literally Isis training camps they've taken over control they the same in America I tried
01:17:09 to give These Warnings for a long time yeah they will control your prison system the most vulnerable and weak in society who have been wronged their whole life are going to be turned against your country yeah because that's what they're doing okay the money coming in the the the the most of them are sophism they're controlling the prison so for prison for me is a dangerous place and I land in H&B hole which doesn't have many mus Muslims so I think great yeah I'm all right here so I SP I spend two weeks in there and but what I
01:17:35 don't know is when the judge sends me a 13 months in prison he puts a reporting restriction on anyone knowing I've got 13 months in prison yeah so I'm in prison everyone saying where's Tommy yeah but Rebel media and American journalists have started saying he's in jail because they're not they're not bound by the Court's things so by the Monday the judge has been forced to release and let people know I'm in prison at that point 7 684 th000 people signed a petition demanding my release cuz if you watch the entirey in my video I just
01:18:03 stand and report and I say listen they might be innocent but this is what the alleged crimes are this is how many victims of English girls there are this is how many men there are you need to be aware as parents this is what's happening so I make the video and the allegation was that I breached the reporting restriction because they made reporting restrictions on it but by law I didn't anyway because the judge has no power to put a reporting restriction on the information is already in the public
01:18:26 domain I was talking about what was in the public domain but I'm in jail I'm there then after two weeks um there's 30,000 people marched on Parliament there's demonstrations in Sydney this is when this is 2017 stroke 18 this blew my name up yeah it blew up so big um 30,000 people marched on Parliament there was a massive free Tommy it's called free Tommy movement that was built yeah and then politicians Congressman Paul gasar he flew to London um um Ambassador Brownback uh part of Trump's team contact the government to
01:19:01 say make sure he's safe yeah what is going on in in the UK GT Builders flew to Britain um lots of politicians flew to Britain and it was all blowing up and I'm in jail so I don't really know what's going on I'm in prison and then after two weeks they come and move me and I said where am I going and they took me to hmp onle which has the largest Muslim population of an ja in Great Britain yeah so as I get there why have you why would you do this how how does this make sense to do this and then when I got there they said so you're
01:19:28 going to have to self-isolate yourself so I'm not self-isolate myself why have you brought me here I was fine where what what what's the reason for bringing me here and then I said I'm not self-isolating myself if if you put me on that prison Wing I'm going to come straight out that prison door and then I'm going to be in a position where I have to defend myself but I am willing to defend myself yeah I I've done nothing wrong to self what they want you to do when you get to prison is if you ask for protection you're put with
01:19:53 pedophiles so I'm never I I've done nothing wrong to Warrant myself being in this position yes well it'd be very convenient for those who aren't very happy with you to you be classified with the pet files classify ped files or killed right right those are good alter so so six Muslims were sent sentenced to 30 years for planning to kill me they got caught with guns and bombs yeah I get put into whill prison this is I'll go back to onle but I get put into whill prison I'm in the prison system I go
01:20:18 onto the first night Center my door opens it's an ex paratrooper uh British armed military who's now a prison he said when they come to get you do not leave this cell he said I'm telling you your life depends on it I said when they come when who comes when they when they come to get you that's all when they come to get you I said what do you mean he said when they come to get you don't leave your cell Tommy your life depends on it son do not come out of this cell so I said all right two hours later my
01:20:42 door opens prison officers he's with them he said right you're going on to awing I said I'm not going anywhere mate and then he I said I'm not leaving this cell I'm not coming out of this cell and he said if you don't leave this cell I'm going to arrest you and you're going to be put down into to solitary confinement you're going to be arrested I said okay so he said okay you're arrested and then I'm I'm separated he then comes to see me he said you going on awing that's where the six Muslims are who doing 30
01:21:06 years yeah there's no you're dead they're handing you to them you're dead yeah so I said okay and then I'm obviously thinking Jesus they lit he said he said though and I write about I write her name he said the woman would be done for corporate manslaughter but it's too late for you by that point so I said okay the next day I have a meeting with my lawyer and I go for the meeting with my lawyer and then a waiting room say like this and I've had my meeting and I this is the visit's waiting room for legals and they opened the door and
01:21:32 I walked in I saw beards but they was as shocked to see me as I was to see them so I was like okay so I I didn't even sit down they lock I stood my back to the wall they locked the door and I'm as soon as they lock the doors boom I got I got I lost my teeth so I'm getting battered in this little room but they literally put me in the room with them yeah so with and who exactly were you in the room with Muslims just Muslim prisoners Muslim prisoners cuz obviously I'm I'm the most outspoken concrete
01:21:55 Islam the prison systems but the Muslims didn't know I was coming in if they did I'd be dead I'd be dead had weapons waiting because I could see by their faces they've all looked each other I'm looking for but there's about eight nine prisoners in the room there's only three Muslims but they just anyway what feels like 10 minutes was probably 60 seconds the prison officers have come in they've broke it all up I've lost I've lost my front teeth in there I'm then transferred to another prison and this
01:22:18 is each time I've gone through the prison system so in this in this one where I was reporting I've been put in into h&p only and I said I'm not I'm not locking myself away yeah they said okay well you're um you're going to go on solitary confinement mhm but I said why have you bought me here you put me in this position now so they put me on solitary confinement and this is the sentence where I went into I'd say I enter jail one person come out another yeah in this so how long were you in solitary on this on this one was 12
01:22:45 weeks I lo but I lost I lost 30 uh30 P yeah because your prisoner is bought to your sell door and it has your name on it and the Muslims it's a majority Muslim prison who all run the survery who are all compare preparing the food so I said I need tinned food yeah I can't eat food that's been put on my cell door so I had five tins of tuna a week that's what I could afford to buy so I thought I just that's all I ate yeah and I thought I was all right but then even little little things like they come to my door and they open the door
01:23:15 and said where's your wife and and and and and and in my solitary confinment they used to transfer me my wife worked at a school and my kids were at school yeah so the only time they could get me out the whole prison would be locked up at lunchtime they then walk me to have a little exercise in the courtyard on my own and have a shower and the only time they do that is during lunchtime yeah so my wife's at work I can't I could even speak to my family yeah because usually to people understand the British prison
01:23:41 system you're out your sell for eight hours a day you've got a job you're going to work you're playing football you go to the gym yeah I was totally you're isolated you're on 23 and a half hour lock up on your own in a room and I I was upset about obviously but then they come and said where's your wife I said I don't know where my wife is why we have intelligence she's going to be attacked of acid and then they just shut the door and then they just shut the door and it's like and I can't even use
01:24:03 the phone so but they knocked on my wife's door and my mom's door they police did and they give them pieces of paper and the sad sick thing about this is I don't even believe they probably did have intelligence I believe that all of this and it worked all of this is for pressure for stress to make you break essentially because they didn't need to put me in hmp only I was fine in hmp hole Yeah so they purposely moved me to a PR to a majority Muslim custody then they used that to put me on solry confinement then I had this issue with
01:24:31 my wife and my mom and then when I got to ring them and then and and then they put me where my cell was literally my cell's here and it was so hot that summer and you can open your window this much and there's the the building they used as the mosque was there the building they use as the mosque is there I was getting like human feces put through my window yeah so I had and and prisoners at my door every day so I had all this going on and then it gets to the court of appeal so what was this doing to you at the time I didn't
01:25:00 realize it was doing anything at the time at the time I felt all right at the time how come how could you possibly feel all because I was I I was receiving a lot of mail which I was reading every day I had my head on the sentence um but what I mean is obviously when I say I felt all right obviously I was panicked I was waiting for them to leave the door open one day every time I heard the prison screws I got by the door ready cuz I thought if you open that door I need to be ready for who's coming in that door so I was
01:25:28 totally on edge the whole time okay okay totally totally on edge I was a wreck probably yeah yeah yeah well the thing is in a situation like that you you answered my question in a situation like that your stress response prepares you for action and so you'll be okay while that's happening the problem is is that when you're doing that your body is hyperaroused physiologically and it burns up your future resources that's when I go out already yeah yeah that's exactly what happens is that so all those resources that should be saved for
01:25:58 the future you're burning in the moment then when you go somewhere and the stress is lessened then that response will stop and you'll feel the consequences well that's so I as I said I thought I was all right and and i' lost a lot of weights I thought I looked all right and then after 11 weeks I had no idea carnivore diet yeah tuna yeah tuna but I was in and then and then and then bang bang bang bang my door goes and there another prisoner he said you're going home you're going home I said what are you talking about he
01:26:27 saidou going home it's everywhere it's all over the news so how could be going home I got I got 13 months I've been in there three months yeah so how how can I be going home and it had gone to the court of appeal but my salic didn't tell me yeah my selic said I didn't want to get your hopes up yeah everything they done was unlawful okay everything they done was unlawful but because of what my lawyers have seen with my cases we we didn't want to tell you you're going to get out we've looked it you didn't get
01:26:51 asked to plead guilty or not guilty no due process was followed in court yeah but it took them TW it took them 11 weeks or 12 weeks to get to before the judge so when they got before the judge the judge said let free him yeah get him out of prison so then I remember I had such a dry throat because then they got me up and I was du it's mad because I was I always book a holiday a year in advance yeah which is the problem I've got coming up now as well I always book a holiday a year in advance for my
01:27:15 children and we were meant to go on holiday we were going on holiday to tenie the the next day yeah so when they got me out at lunchtime obviously it's all over the news I'm going home so I said how long until I can I leave they said they're just preparing everything now yeah so I said can I use the phone so i r i myiss I said what's going on he said you're you're free to go to me you're free to go what you mean I'm free to go am I under conditions he goes no you're free so then I rang my then I
01:27:43 rang my wife and cu the holidays next day and I said tell you mom that must to make you thirsty yeah I think I better have a Tommy this is what I'm going to do so we're running out of time and we're only at 20 18 so I would like to continue this we'll do this another interview we'll do it remotely and we'll do part two okay okay for now I think what I'll do is I'll ask you to tell me what you're planning in London on the 27th of July so 27th of July you see in the UK we've we've turned a corner with
01:28:13 the public there's been a mass away we meaning we meaning the British public have been made to feel embarrassed of their identity and their culture for too long we' felt under attack um since October 7 7th there's been a mass Awakening so all the things we've warned about like every interview I've gave has aged very well for me every issue I've spoke about has come into fruition not because I'm a genius not because I'm I've got any anything special it's because I was born in a town where I witnessed what Mass open border Islamic
01:28:43 IM immigration will do and you Tau the truth that's right that's the other thing you the truth I've seen it so why did you no there's a mystery there still it's not merely a consequence of where you were born you know you grew up with good parents and that has really been instrumental in your values right and and your dedication for telling the truth and finding and and Having the courage to do what you your convictions you have convictions and you go forward and you want to tell the truth where's
01:29:16 that come from probably I said probably even if you even if I didn't want to because probably if you meet the people have met and hear the stories of okay see the other thing that happened to me you see when I was young 23 L younger than that I started this when I was 13 I started looking at the worst things I could find right I started that when I was 13 the first thing I did that was seriously academic was to a report on prison guards in owitz and I spent the rest of my life investigating that
01:29:47 looking at the worst things I could find and the thing about we're looking at the worst things is that that horrifies you so bad Sly that I think it's I think what it does is scare you straight oh I know which I tried having these conversations with my now ex wife if you think you're worried now I know what the consequen yeah right I know exactly I know what's coming I've got three beautiful children yeah if if anyone's got a fight I'll fight they're not fighting yeah and what what our cowardice is currently doing we've bred
01:30:16 a generation of cowards who care about themselves yeah so and half my friends were the same I'm all right yeah I've got enough money I'm okay you can't keep running from problem this problem isn't going anywhere that's right this problem is going to explode and on on October 7th in fact the longer you run from it the larger absolutely 100 October 7th really woke a lot of people up to see not yeah not it happened in Israel but to see the level of hate in every University to see that our institutions
01:30:42 have been taken over to see the level of aggression and the celebration from not just a hand we're not talking about handfuls of extremists we're talking about the mainstream we're talking about the Democrats yeah yeah the Democrats the labor party the and we've seen a massive so there's been a real wake up and I have my messages if I go through them every day are full of people who said I hated you yeah I thought you was a thug I thought yeah and I'm not perfect yeah and I've made mistakes because that's human and what I've done
01:31:08 the whole way through my activism and my career and now my journalism is whenever they've tried to stop me talking I think no that's not like you you if you tell me not to do something I will do it that's always been my way it's my character here I not so and I'm right and I remember my go my my wife's dad's saying stop please stop like you not see the danger here I said Am I Wrong Am I Wrong yeah no so why should I stop well because they're threatening us because they're trying to intimidate us so every
01:31:35 bit of police threaten this this incident in Canada well that that doesn't deter me you you locking me up even if you want to put me in jail it's not going to deter me if you're going to put me in prison now for this film what and I can't understand they make the same mistakes every time yeah yeah it's amazing you locked me up for this film yeah I hope every single person in the world talks yeah right I hope you bring more ey to that film so I'll go to jail jail for me is a terrifying I might not
01:31:57 come out of that prison sentence and if I do I'm going to do solitary confinement which is going to fry my head but I've gone through 15 years of this yeah and I am committed to it and I think that you I think that the when I say they they have underestimated the human Spirit the BR and certainly the British Spirit yeah and what you saw I hope so what you saw on the 1 of June was the British spirit and what you're going to see on on July 27th is what are we going to see on J you're going to see
01:32:21 the largest gathering of unified British public that they've seen and when I say Unified they like to separate us and divide us yeah like my my politics and my my my um since starting the English Defense League yeah has always been open to everyone okay I don't care if you come into Great Britain yesterday you love this country and you want to protect it come and join us yeah and we saw so whilst they've tried to label us as racist extremists it doesn't work their Monopoly in their power has gone
01:32:47 and we saw that on June the 1st with the total with the the different diverse backgrounds that come up to celebrate British identi yeah which is what being British is about and we're going to celebrate it on July 27th um two days later they believe they're going to lock me up and the problem they have now I had a recent court case on 26th of November you may have seen me arrested in London at the anti-Semitism rally which the world saw me do nothing wrong yeah they come yeah yeah they come and told me I wasn't allowed to report now
01:33:14 years ago like when the media got up and walked out of court yeah they could do that now we have citizen journalists thank you Elon Musk yeah thank you Elon Musk because in my court case in whatever court case now there will be a row of the most influential citizen journalists who will be live live tweeting every single word so they can't control the narrative anymore not in a minute yeah not since people have got platforms and voices again so on July 27th you're going to see the largest gathering we have three of the largest
01:33:41 screens in the UK being put up in trala square um we know everyone wants us to fail we knew that on June the 1st yeah we didn't fail it was a total success July 27th will be a total success if all I care about and which why I said this may be the most important interview I give is that freedom of press freedom of speech freedom of assembly have gone okay they're gone we have a controlled media totally controlled media you challenge any narrative this isn't just open border immigration you go against
01:34:05 transgenderism you challenge any of yes I've noticed they're coming for you they're coming for you and and they wish to seek and control everything they wish I saw the WF put out an ad I don't exactly know when they released it telling people not to launder their genes more than once a month right because yeah it produces too much carbon dioxide right t-shirts too by the way which is you can wash your underwear more regularly according to the WF those bastards will seek to control absolutely everything that people do and all the
01:34:37 jigsa is fitting together because everything we've spoke about all fits in with this total element of control yeah they want and unfortunately when I was deplatformed for five years off of every single social media yeah every single social media I made a documentary called panad drama okay now Panorama are the BBC's investigative journalists hit piece when they were doing a documentary on me I sent a girl undercover into them yeah and they had no idea okay I got them making up sexual allegations
01:35:03 against me on Covert recording yeah I got them so John Sweeny was the head of Panorama yeah I produced this documentary their program about me never come out I produced his documentary he was put on gardening Leaf yeah when I talk about the controlled media when I got these covert recordings he was telling he sat someone down and said say this about Tommy Robinson and it do we have an agreement yeah and it was one of my ex-employees but they didn't know we recording them yeah so they were telling
01:35:27 them what to say they were scripting the entire program how many other these programs have been scripted yeah but they were scripting the entire program when they come to interview me and I sat down like this I put I put a video wall behind me and I said to the Panorama would you ever tell anyone what to say no press play on the wall behind me the covert recording of him making agreements on what to say sexual allegations now if they would have been successful my life would have been destroyed my kids would had to go to
01:35:51 school with their father as a Harvey Weinstein yeah but but I produced this documentary within 48 Hours of producing that documentary I was blacklisted off of every social media and I was recharged by the government yeah this case that's coming up against me now is the government it's not the police it's the government the Attorney General now Facebook and and meta the entire meta made me a figure of hate which meant if you mention my name you get deleted yeah that's the that's and they were so
01:36:14 because you see again I my investigative documentary work is fabulous it exposes them and they deleted me and for 5 years I was disappeared until you must give me back my voice in those five years I think it I don't know what who got back first you or me I don't remember I think I might have got back first means I'm somewhat less controversial than you so congratulations so Tam do you have we should wrap up and we will you don't have any questions no I want to thank you I really want to thank you for yeah
01:36:47 so maybe let me ask you a question I mean you I've been following Tommy for quite a while but you were quite instrumental in arranging this discussion so why did you do that why very long time ago and supporting you as well why did I want to do it yeah yeah mo why do you trust him why do I trust him I don't know I had a pretty disagreeable Irish father and uh he was and he was a smartass you know and uh I trust Donald Trump I trusted Donald Trump all along too I don't know I just I know when you like disagreeable men I
01:37:23 like men men who have uh values that they'll Stand By and and they are brave and say what they mean I I think we need men to stand up and I need we need women to figure out their crap because we're causing a lot of trouble and I'm going to try to help with that I think just need I think we need to remember who we are well so so one of the things that maybe we'll close with this one of the things that I'm very interested in this is part of the reason why I was interested in you is because you are a working class
01:37:58 leader and the working class when angry can go very very badly wrong and so but the working class anger when it's Justified is absolutely necessary because you know one of the things I've thought about you and your guys is that you when when push comes to shove you'll stand up and that's something now the trick is going to be and also on July 27th to keep that managed you know the Canadian truckers did a very good job of that they kept the spirit of that protest very positive I don't know how much chance you've had
01:38:32 to talk with some of the lead organizers Metar leech I've been here I've met them yeah I've met them they she actually said to say hi to you guys I found her story I found it yeah found myself quite lucky that I'm getting to leave Canada after hearing what they' done to her H ARA after hearing what they done to all of them so we talked a little bit about the necessity of the working class standing up and making their position known the danger that that turns into a like a vindictive populism and gets taken over
01:39:06 by the psychopathic Community this was something I worried about at the end of the trucker Convoy they they stopped in time a they stopped before the real predators and parasites showed up to take over and so they did that brilliantly it was very well timed very peaceful very harmonious and it ended at the right time one of the things we're trying to do in the UK and elsewhere is to put together a positive vision for the West for the future because the other danger of that populist Uprising is that it's
01:39:39 all reactionary you know to use the left-wing phrase that it's all pushing back against and and angry instead of putting forward a positive vision and thing about workingclass men is they need a PO every man needs a posit div vision and so that's something else we should talk about when we if I can send you we've working what we've said is we need a cultural movement in the UK yeah we need a cultural movement that celebrates identity and celebrates who we are and brings everyone together for that Feast we've wrote like a 10-point
01:40:07 pledge a pledge that we want the public to take to be part of the movement well let's talk about that let's talk bring when we talk again let's talk about that pledge and I can discuss what we're doing with Arc as well because that's what we were hoping to launch on the on the 27th it was it was about saying if we if we change the culture we change the politics okay yeah let's show them that we control it and and and you're right about this like for years people have tried to align themselves and
01:40:30 Purity comes with time our support base now is totally mainstream totally normal um you you'll see the best of British in London what we have to make sure people will want us to fail well and who knows what kind of instigators there to but we but we have enough men now that if people turn up wearing all black wanting to inscape problems we'll put them in place ourself we don't want the we told the police at last demonstration stay away okay stay away let us Poli ourselves yeah because if anyone wants
01:40:56 to step out of line our own people know we'll put them in line that's that's the idea and the idea is to have fun we've got a church choir band singing we've got um we're having a celebration art is a good idea to bring to bring art music into it you know because that sets the that sets a good T I've asked tomorrow Lee to come and sing as well oh yeah okay asked her to come and sing cuz her stor is insane July 27th e yeah hey if you can be there it's just J this the story of so much now is it's ordinary
01:41:23 people trying to do extraordinary things because we shouldn't have to be doing this we should not we should we should no no we should be doing this PE ordinary people aren't as ordinary as they think yeah you're a good example of that you leave that extraordinary stuff to the leaders you get Tyrant which is what we've got now yeah yeah yeah yeah is what we've got now and essentially this is across the whole of the West and that's what I said with men we we need to remember who we are as in yes that's
01:41:48 right and if we had pride in who we were we we wouldn't allowed any of these abuses to happen none of this would have been allowed to happen but they've took our pride took our identity well they did take it I felt something I'll end this on I went to the 100y year anniversary of Polish Independence yeah and when I walked at the front of it there hundreds of thousands of them I felt something yeah I felt the the hairs on the back of my neck I felt an energy that I was I went home gutted about because they have such because they were
01:42:12 off the map for 100 over 100 years because they've continually had to fight they it's ingrained in their people to understand the importance of who they are and their identity and our new generation don't know this yeah so I I went home pretty upset thinking I haven't where has that gone in Britain and I felt it on 1st of June and I feel it now and and I think the British public are feeling it and feeling the sense of identity the sense of Pride and the sense of coming together to certainly tell the establishment
01:42:37 enough's enough here yeah we're not sitting by silently anymore so yeah exciting times but scary times um I want to do July 27th and then and then I hope that public opinion they've weaponized the courts and the Judiciary have been weaponized against me I hope to weaponize the public opinion against them so if you do want to send me a j and knock me out for two years let the world know what it's about so part of the problem with getting the working class aroused let's say in Anger is that that can degenerate into a like a
01:43:05 vengeful response that doesn't have an aim and so what has to be associated with that is something approximating a positive Vision to make sure that everyone's aligned and upward aligned and to provide the proper replacement to the ethos let's say that the Islamic fundamentalist Psychopaths and that's not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination are putting forward so what are you thinking about with regards to Vision so our vision so we've got probably 10 of the main influences in the UK around
01:43:41 politics and culture coming together to come to an agreement exactly this in celebrating our identity in how do we stop the erosion of our culture what are the 10 principles we can all agree on that we can come together on we don't have to agree on everything no one has agree on everything we have to agree to defend Great Britain to defend our culture to defend our identity and so that's we've got meet an important meeting on the ninth where we come together and the purpose of July 27th was to give the public a vision so
01:44:04 here's our vision here's our here's our vision okay okay gr it well thank you very much sir thank you Tammy thank you for so much as well for it's a good beginning H yeah yeah I'll do what I can to be there on the 9th thank you so okay and so to everybody watching on YouTube thank you very much for your time and attention the film crew here in Toronto that's much appreciated as well to the Daily wire for putting together the resources to make this possible and to staying the hell out of the way which
01:44:32 they're very very good at which is quite the skill um that's much appreciated as well thank you sir thank you good to meet you thank you T thank you have so much thanks thank you thank you [Music]

Below is an automatically generated and imperfect transcript31 of an interview with Robinson titled “Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476” by Jordan B Peterson and his wife Tammy (Youtube August 29, 2024). The entire transcript is relegated to the footnoets.32
00:00:05 I I've I've had a hell of a lot to deal with do you know what it's like sitting somewhere knowing that you called for calm knowing that you held a totally peaceful rally twice in a row knowing that you haven't instigated violence or attacks against mosques but watching as the entire world's media say you have there's no evidence to it they resurrected a dead organization of the English Defense League that hasn't been around for a decade and they told the entire British Muslim Community they're on about misinformation the British
00:00:32 government and its politicians and police forces told the whole Muslim Community of the UK that the English Defense League was coming to attack their mosques [Music] [Music] no so everybody um I'm talking with my wife and Tommy Robinson again today um many of you know Tommy Robinson is I don't know maybe he's the most controversial person in the Western World at the moment I mean there's always Trump and it's hard to beat Trump for sheer controversial for sheer controversy but Robinson is definitely
00:01:18 in the Forefront uh he's been the enemy of the leftists but also the establishment so to speak in the UK for many many years and has paid a big price for his work as a political activist and as a journalist and uh Tammy and I talked to him about a month ago after just before he organized a an assemblage of workingclass British people in TR Square about 100,000 people very very peaceful and that in turn was just before there was a terrible uh mass murder in the UK that precipitated a series of protests and riots and then a
00:01:59 real crack down by the UK government Crackdown that I do believe threatens free speech in a major way the uh podcast that Tammy and I did with Tommy has been interfered with in a major way by YouTube and by Google it's been deprioritized in the search engines the comments have been turned off it's been demonetized people can't share it there's a community warning on it and I think all of that is a consequence of the fact that what we were discussing is actually dead on Target and that's an indication that that's the case and I
00:02:31 guess in for a penny in for a pound I was very interested in talking to Robinson I'm trying to get to the bottom of things I'm trying to sort out the story and so is my wife and uh we didn't finish doing that the last time we talked and so I took the opportunity today I hope to roast Robinson over somewhat of a slow fire in so far as I'm capable of doing that uh to face him with the allegations that he that have been levied against him with regards to being a right-wing activist and to his past history of of uh Behavior that's
00:03:02 resulted in convictions and imprisonment in the British um judicial system and the and the and the penitentiary system we walked through all that to the degree that we were capable and that's what you're going to be presented with today so thank you very much for your time and attention in that regard um it's a very controversial podcast yeah hello Mr Robertson hello Tammy nice to see you guys again I suppose if nice is the word hi Jordan hi Tammy good to see you both Lots has happened yeah well and lots has happened
00:03:38 well it's been a month and so so let's re I I maybe start with a review of what's actually happened as a consequence of our video so the first thing is that it's it's probably acred something approximating 4 million views although it's hard to tell at the moment um partly because YouTube is up to uh the sorts of tricks that have become St standard in today's media I would say so this is what YouTube has done certain features have been disabled for this video in response to user reports we have disabled some features such as
00:04:16 comments sharing and suggested videos because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences and so what does that mean well it's hard to tell exactly what it means it does mean that we don't get to see how people are responding to the video now this happened relatively recently and I can tell you because I've been tracking the comments that the overwhelming majority of them are extremely positive and so obviously that isn't going to fly and people don't get
00:04:43 to say what they have to say about this video because well some people some user reports um have or some of the people who are submitting user reports have decided that this was inappropriate content so what else has happened well if you search for our video on Google it's really hard to find and if you search for it on YouTube it's also really hard to find if you type in Jordan Peterson Tommy Robinson our video comes up about 10th the first one that comes up has like 3,000 views instead of the multiple million views that our
00:05:18 video had and then it's the same thing on Google and so we've had our behind the scenes people at YouTube investigating and you know the scuttlebutt and who the hell knows if this is true is that you know YouTube is bowing to external pressure and some of that's submitted well by the powers that be in the UK and so the reason I'm highlighting this is because from a personal perspective it's really really annoying it's really annoying that the comments are turned off it's really annoying that it's demonetized and that
00:05:51 uh it can't be shared it's even more annoying that the search engine is being mucked around with so that our video doesn't come up first as it should so that it's not easy to find this is a real perversion of Public Communication and this is completely independent of the validity of your stance and I don't know how to respond to this because you know my sense is if you're over the target people get annoyed okay and then what else has happened well I've got a lot of feedback about our conversation I knew it was going to
00:06:26 be contentious and most of that feedback has been positive uh people reasonable people I suppose thought I should have raped you over the Kohls more Tammy as well should have raped you over the Kohls more about some of the issues in your past and so we're going to do that today um and then I guess we could talk about too Tommy let's talk about what's happened to you in the last month so bring everybody up to date and then we'll and then we'll continue our conversation so what you're experiencing
00:06:55 now is what I've experienced for the last since my activism and this is their ability to take away my voice or anyone from hearing from me so that they can continually tell people how I think and what I think that's all this is this is them controlling The public's opinion based upon me so they don't want people sitting and hearing my long form discussion they would rather their controlled weaponized media is able to give headlines as which we'll get on to over the last two weeks have been absolutely incredibly false and they've
00:07:23 lied about me to the entire world basic getting on to the fact that there's been riots in the UK and and and the the media have said that I instigated them and directed them there's no truth in that there's no evidence of it not a single piece of evidence what they use is once the media say it once and I've gone on to watch as journalist after journalist once it's once it was put out by The Daily Mail journalist after journalist have continued to regurgitate it and now it's spoken about as a matter
00:07:48 of fact is that I controlled and I instigated the riots in the UK whereas the evidence is that I made video after video after video calling for people to remain calm and not and not go out in violence I just understood why they were angry so the truth and when we get onto the media so the Daily Mail and the Daily Mail Runner headline Peter and Tammy that you've probably seen where they track down where I was with my family I was on a vacation if I can go through the sequence of events if that's
00:08:16 best off starting from the from the 20 so on the 27th of July we held a peaceful rally which we spoke about prior in in our last discussion was the buildup to it and we didn't know what to expect we knew what we were going to try and do and what we wanted to do and we were totally successful in both of them we held a 100,000 people in the largest gathering of British Patriots the countries ever seen in Trafalga Square for a celebration of all the things that have been taken from us and when I say
00:08:43 that our identity our culture celebrating who we are as a as a community and as a country and as a people and all the things that they've wanted to weaken about us we we B about every Community the diversity of our crowd was was everyone from Every background to say celebrate being being British and we sent a message to The Establishment on the 27th of July that if we had 100,000 people there on the streets and we had almost a million watching live and it was totally peaceful and I'll explain why it was
00:09:14 peaceful it was peaceful because we organized oursel and we didn't allow any infiltration we've seen the allegations and the suspicions on January 6th that many of the people instigating the violence were working with the government how could they do that on our demonstration when we made sure that all of our men we had influential men tough men from across the UK who came with the same mindset for a peaceful demonstration and we made the rule that if anyone covers their faces if anyone turns up wearing all black and we'll get
00:09:42 on to why this is important because we've seen riots in the UK and if you look at each of the videos of the riots and the at the hotels the people at the leading front of it are wearing exactly the same full disguises where no one can see their identity and they're the ones instigating the violence so we made it impossible for them to do that because they would have known that if anyone turned up with a face covering 100 English men would be turning on them take down the face mask what are you doing in what who are you from so we
00:10:09 held a peaceful rally it was impossible to infiltrate our our movement without being confronted and we made sure everyone knew that and we made sure that all the different groups of men that were coming from across the UK which we held meetings beforehand saying if there if there's five men 10 men 20 men we must confront them if anyone turns up to instigate violence on the street in our name we will confront them and these Security Services which I'm sorry but it's the security services who have
00:10:34 instigated violence in many demonstrations in fact if your people want to Google special demon special demonstration Squad as you're watching this video you'll see secretive organizations in the UK that were from the government which infiltrate demonstration movements to instigate a a narrative that they want they want us to be violent they want us wearing masks and they want to be able to Del legitimize what we stand for and what's happened since the 27th of July we had 100,000 people on the street we had a
00:11:02 celebration it wouldn't have gone the way the authorities or the security services or any of them would have wanted it to go and that was we have we have gone from working class we are now peeling to the middle class we're now reaching the masses in our Movement we have a larger reach than ever before and the way they've managed to tarnish us and taint us for a decade has not been successful in the last six months and the reason being I have an account here on X I can I can reach the public myself
00:11:27 so the way they've sensed us as you're now experiencing on your YouTube channel is they've silenced our voice and then they've told people how to think using their media it's 27th of July we have a successful event the next day I travel to the border of the UK and I'm I'm arrested under counterterrorism legislation what does that mean that means that as I got in my car and as I travel through the Border I was detained I was told it's under article 7even of the terrorism legislation act I believe
00:11:53 where they read they actually read out and it says we believe you're in the instigation and preparation of Acts of terrorism so we can now detain you and both the officers said well we don't believe that but this legislation gives us the power to now do this so give us your phone they seize my phone they can seize all electrical devices then they sat me down for 6 hours under interrogation where you do not have a right to remain silent now this should terrify everyone because these sorts it's like the Patriot Patriot Act in the
00:12:21 United States they bring in this legislation to prohibit terrorism so legitimate reasons to that that then take our freedoms away and then they turn it and use it against citizens so I'm sitting there as a journalist I've held a peaceful rally and here I am for 6 hours being questioned about certain things one of the questions I was asked is how do you think you're going to stop the great replacement this is a a question from counterterrorism in a six-hour interview where I do not have a right to remain silent when I ask what
00:12:48 that means if you don't answer our questions we'll charge you under terrorism legislation so if you do not give us the password to your phone you'll be charged under terrorism legislation so I sit there under interview for six hours answer the most absurd questions about why there can't be a two-state solution I in Palestine what's my opinion on that wanted to know wanting to question about who's organized behind the scenes in our movement that we've just held what are we planning next these are all
00:13:15 legitimate things that have absolutely no not no business of the British state but here they are infringing on my rights and our rights and especially my rights as a journalist cuz when they got into then seizing my phone and asking me for the passcode in my phone at which point I said well I'm I'm sorry you're not having the passcode in my phone because I work as a journalist that's my phone and I read there before they got me into interview I read their legislation and they weren't allowed to
00:13:41 question me in interview that would do anything that would reveal sources of information for my work as a journalist so I said well by opening my phone you're going to reveal privileged information between me and my lawyers because they're aware I've got a full a fullon legal battle with them now about the film that I've made Jordan I don't want to go off on on tangents here but I probably will we spoke before I I made a decision on the 27th of July I had 100,000 people watching almost a million
00:14:09 online I made a decision to play a movie that was banned it was banned for three years prior I had been prohibited from showing evidence to the British public again because they wish to control how people think they had used their media to tell the public that I had lied I had I had made a documentary that three years prior I failed I failed as a journalist I failed as a as I'd say as a father as an Englishman it's my job to protect and and expose corruption especially when it comes from the British State when the British state are
00:14:41 weaponizing courts and and what you all witnessed now in the last two weeks is what I've known they have weaponized the Judiciary within seven days some people were arrested and some people committed a crime and within two or three days it was televised to the British public as they were sent to prison for years for things they'd said on Facebook what this has been an attempt do is to to scare the British public intimidate them into silence the reason being we are on the verge of a cultural revolution in Great
00:15:10 Britain now bringing 100,000 people on the street in a peaceful celebration and sending a message to The Establishment is not certainly not what they want so what we've witnessed since that day is a full-on attack and especially against me and if and Jordan I don't I can go on talking about this but if it's okay I will so that people get the full context of what's happened here I'm taken in by counterterrorism by the time I'm released and I got questioned about the film that I played I make an allegation
00:15:39 in that film in that film fil about this is this is silence silenced yeah the film is called silenced it's pinned on my Twitter which is T Robinson New Era the problem they have they can't stop people viewing or restrict the comments on X because they don't have control of Elon Musk that is why they're upset with El musk it's why El musk is now being called a danger to our country it's why he's now being labeled as far right as an extremist all the same labeling they give to us is now what he faces because
00:16:09 they don't have control so at the minute I think when we spoke before I was hoping that 10 million people would watch the film and the reason I was hoping that was because it totally exposes the corruption of the Judiciary the weaponization of the Judiciary and the way the media the and all of them conspire together to control a narrative and the way they destroy anyone who gets in the way of that narrative which is what I've currently faced that film is currently on 44 million views I currently face as as people have the
00:16:35 media have said that I'm currently on the Run yeah that's what they've said is I'm I'm on the run and I fled I fled a court case so I go to leave the country the next day I'm detained by counterterrorism I'm held they then make the when I refuse to give my PIN code I say no and the re and I'll give the reason so people understand as a journalist I've made a five-part documentary series called the rap of brim in that uncover corrupt police officers in in episode six we're about to uncover a corrupt politician in
00:17:06 the same town who has allegations of child abuse against him we have covert recordings of this why would they want access to my phone which is what I was asking them am I going to give you access to my phone when I have my sources of information on there for this and so people understand my concerns because they're legitimate concerns in Ram one of the Scandal hit one of the towns hit by the rape scandal of Muslim men raping young English girls the police actually deleted evidence when young girls went in and give them their
00:17:35 their underwear which had the DNA of men on it who had raped them when they then went back in for the prosecution of the case the underwear had gone missing yeah in vow in Telford in older in all of these cases the police worked against the interests of the public they worked to hide the evidence in these cases to get rid of evidence and protect the rapist and not just protect the rapist but protect the dirty hands of lead police officers and Lead government officials who had allowed this rate to
00:18:01 continue for a generation so so many of them had dirty hands so I told the police why would I give you why I these girls have come to me to tell their stories they trust me not you and the reason they do that is because whatever you put on your computer system and in fact in episode five of our investigation it was the police who gave the address of our survivor to the gang Muslim gangs it was the police who leaked the information to families at the school it was the police so no I'm not about to put the Jeopardy or the
00:18:31 safety of the survivors or anyone who's given me their that who's given me their trust in confiding in me with information so I can expose it and that goes for whether it be about Corruption of the court cases the Judiciary or the rape gang so I told the police in uncertain terms you're not going to get a pin code off of me and if you want to charge me under terrorism legislation then you do that and um at which point I was transferred from the port to a police station to be charged I then had a ciss cuz up until this point you don't
00:19:00 have a right to remain silent under terrorism legislation I then get a solicitor we're both told including my solicor that we're about to be prosecuted I undergo interview where I explain exactly what I'd already said to the police no you're not having it and um this is an abuse of police power well the first question to me was what was your what is your opinion in the terrorism legislation what is your opinion of the UK right now and I said a totalitarian state and they said care to explain that I said yes I'm currently
00:19:28 sat here under no investig you don't believe I've commit committed any offense but here I am without right to remain silent being quizzed about my legal and lawful um activism and journalism and and under terrorism legislation this is a totalitarian state this stinks of nothing more this this exposes nothing more than a totalitarian state so I went through all of this and then when it gets to i' undergone my interview and I'm sat in myself cell for five or six hours and I don't get charged so I haven't yet been charged so
00:19:56 something happened between this and this for them to make a decision and bail him and that's what they've done but they took my phone they took my phone to download every bit of data this is the government and the state receiving every bit of data off of my phone to do with my work my activism even after I told them I'm a journalist that's my work phone you but they''re still gone in so this is what happens on the 28th of July I'm then released I'm released on the 28th of July at 11:00 p.m. I don't have
00:20:23 a phone but I continue to make my way where I was going I drive through fance by the time I actually get a phone in Spain by the time I get a six 16 or 18 hour drive I'm then informed when I get online that there's been a murder of a of of young girls in the in Southport in the north of England where a man has gone in and he's butchered lots of children in Southport that's all that was given to us at that time okay now the the alarming Bell for me not the alarming Bell but whether this is conspiracy or not because this proves it
00:20:54 is is that evening there was a vigil or the evening after there's a vigil for all the children who have been killed Southport is a close-knit workingclass community and all of the families have come out and they're there and so people can understand what were they going through in this community a few days later I spoke to one of the uncles of of these children who were attacked his seven-year-old niece the man entered the building he grabbed her by the hair he stabbed her in the face he stabbed her
00:21:22 and took her bicep off and he stabbed her in the body then he dropped her then he walked in and he continued butchering now this one family and the uncle I spoke to that was his niece the god daughter on the other side of the family was 9 years old and she was dead after being stabbed seven times so just so you can imagine the anguish the anger from this community that was going on they've all come out to hold a vigil and around the corner from the vigil a man of Arab appearance has been detained with
00:21:51 another big knife and a balac clava so word has quickly spread amongst the vigil that there's there's another planned attack on the that has boiled over into anger into frustration and into clashes with the police now I didn't organize this I hadn't even had a comment on it at this point yeah but that night when when Riot started ensuing by the British public not by any organized group the police come out and made a statement saying it was members of the English Defense League now as soon as I heard that so
00:22:22 your viewers and listeners understand I formed the English Defense League in 2009 it ended in 2015 15 that's a decade there there's not been an English Defense League for a decade there's no organization there's no membership there's no meetings there's nothing it's unheard of okay it's unheard of but by blaming rather than the I was trying to work out why they were doing this and then I've I've received it's probably to land it on my feet yeah so they can tarnish me with with the if they have to
00:22:52 accept why are people rioting on the streets of Southport it's the British public it's not an organized far-right group but by straight way labeling these British people as far right they don't have to discuss why they're angry I'm taking four of my esteemed colleagues and you across the world oh wow this is amazing to ReDiscover the ways our ancient ancestors develop the ideas that shap modern society it was a monument to Civic greatness to visit the places where history was made that is ash from the actual fires when the
00:23:26 Babylonians burn Jerusalem from 20 500 years ago to walk the same roads We are following the path of the crucifixion and experience the same [Music] wond we are on the site of a miracle what kind of resources can human beings bring to a mysterious but knowable Universe science art politics all that makes life Wonder Wonder [Music] ful and something new about the world is revealed let let me ask you a couple of things about that Tommy if you don't mind so you should probably walk people through what the English Defense League
00:24:19 was because that's one of the accusations that's leveled against you with regards to being far right we should also probably take apart this this massacre of these young girls because my understanding is when that first occurred that rumors were spread that that was um a like a first generation immigrant was involved in the stabbing now it turned out that it was the it was a second generation it was the child of first generation immigrants and I'm I'm not trying to make a case for that I'm just trying to lay out the
00:24:52 the facts and and so it isn't obvious to me how do you understand the Uproar about the the stabbings the murders in relationship to the furer that's developed on the immigration front so let's walk through the English Defense League I also you you I'd like to talk about the British national party too which you were involved in that Wikipedia defines as fascist and so those are the those are two things we can deal with and then I also want to know how you understand conceptually the connection between your activism and
00:25:30 that big rally that you had that was peaceful and because that had an effect and there's no reason to assume that that didn't um increase the probability that um protests of the sort that we saw in the aftermath of the stabbing were likely to occur and how do you construe your own your own responsibility for the heightened probability that such that such rots for example were likely to occur so it's a lot of things to to walk through English Defense League British national party and then your understanding of the
00:26:07 relationship between your rally and the the protests that that did degenerate into violence in the UK let's see if we can sort that out we start on the British national party so you're right the British national party was a fascist uh political party and when I was 21 years old I held my first ever rally and it was called B the luten Taliban it was against the increased islamization and jihadist organizations we spoke about them in our in our last meeting now when you're drowning you clutch at straws and Luton and my town
00:26:39 was drowning and I looked for anyone talking about this issue the only people I found talking about with the British national party now the reason why people know I was a member of the British national party is because there was a leaked list in in this year that I'm talking about now the leak list showed five years so I Join one year yeah I don't join the next year I don't renew my membership okay and I'll explain why so I joined the British national party I looked for someone talking about they
00:27:03 held a meeting I turned up to their meeting I spoke about in our last in our last sitdown I said that I I was part of a football culture and there was a large group of us who went to football together so the British national party would have been excited that they had boots on the ground in L yeah young men who who were boots on the ground for their activism now when I joined the British national party I had no idea that Nick Griffin who was the leader of it was the former member of the national
00:27:25 front as I said I wasn't political I was just a young that and their their first 10 points would you'd have to be brain dead not to agree with them when you go on the website homes for British pensioners and get all the all the 10 points you'd agree with yeah so they hold a meeting we turn up to the meeting as young Lads and this is actually documented by a far left magazine called search light and it's called when the minks which is luton's football uh Community luton's football hooligan element the men in gear fell out with
00:27:55 the BMP so we went to a meeting and when we got to the door they said he can't come in he can't come in and it was the black lads and we said what do you mean they can't come in and they said well you can't be a member of the BP unless you're unless you're white so we told him you're not having a meeting in our town then you're having no meetings in our town and the BMP was nonexistent from this point yeah so non-existent so four years later is when I formed the English Defense League and from the
00:28:20 offset we were welcome to every color every race everybody so I formed the Eng Defense League in 2009 I want to get on to the far right because this is provable as well the media called it far right from the start we had a SE leader git Singh okay great lad we we've done more to educate the British public and the white predominantly white workingclass community of what seeks have given and what other minorities have given into the UK and the reason being I'm from Luton Town the majority of my friends aren't white so I the EOS
00:28:50 of the English Defense League started with my mindset we had a seik division a Hindu division we had a lesbian and gay division we had a Jewish division we had divisions from every Community doesn't sound very far right now let let let's not allow the media to decide whether an organization's far right there's a national extremism unit within the metropolitan police force and it's their job to Define groups like The English Defense League and the BMP the BMP what categorized as extreme far right the
00:29:18 English Defense League the entire time I led It Center his organization so because the media say it once and then say it 100 times and then it gets regurgitated by the media and politicians and all the like it was far right it was far right it was never far right and it was always judged by the national extremism unit of the Metropolitan Police Force who are professionals and whose job it is to do this and look at groups as to what constitutes actually far right is that Muslims should enter dialogue this was
00:29:44 their advice which the officer got absolutely hammered for but their advice was the English Defense League is a cerist organization and Muslims should enter dialogue with them people should listen to them that was the entirety of the time I led the English Defense League so I left the Engish Defense League in 20145 so your viewers understand what it was we were a organization that brought to the Forefront issues which government media politicians didn't want to have discuss they were issues that bring about the
00:30:11 failures of open Bard and mass immigration the effect it has on society and the reality of living in a town that's been that they've flooded with people of all different cultures so the a group that come about to highlight and bring to the Forefront and remember grooming which we spoke about no one even KN there was no word grooming it's it's a pretty word they give it there was no word grooming no one knew of these rape gangs in fact everyone was attacked or we were demonized for trying to talk about them now years on everyone
00:30:38 accepts they were a reality as were many of the problems we spoke about are now accepted as legitimate and accepted as truthful which is why videos I made years ago have aged well for me and not well for my opposition it's why people are listening to me now and realizing that they lie it's why it puts them in a bad position and not me I can sit here and say well I told you the truth and the public who have been crying out for the truth who are angered and who are scared at a time like this when our
00:31:06 culture is disappearing when our country is being flooded they're looking back over 105 years and they're saying well he was telling us the truth he wasn't lying and against all the flak and all the attacks and all the imprisonment they still maintain telling the truth and that truth isn't far right it's not even extreme it's the truth hey there truth Seekers and freethinkers are you tired of the same old merch that doesn't quite capture your intellectual Spirit Well buckle up because we've got some exciting news
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00:32:00 you're not just getting awesome merch you're supporting free speech and standing up against leftist group thing plus a portion of every sale goes directly to support the daily wire so what are you waiting for head over to stickermule.com dailywire today that's stickermule.com dailywire okay well so a couple of things there so you said for example you're objecting to the labeling of farri you make the claim that many of your friends aren't Caucasian or aren't White a very difficult thing to Define you
00:32:31 talk about the English Defense League bringing in siks and Jews and people from all sorts of different ethnic groups but there's also an anti-mass immigration through story in your in your discussions and so how do you distinguish between the kind of immigration that has brought you the people that you have had friends friendships with in Luton and the and and the what what is it is it is it the grooming gangs that's drawing the distinction like what is it that you're trying to tell people about immigration
00:33:05 given that you also have friends from all sorts of different ethnic groups and races and you're also denying any allegations of racism or even ethnic Prejudice for that matter and partly you point to the fact that your English Defense League had different groups of people in it but also your own friendship so what makes you convinced that you're not a far-right figure and what is it specifically about immigration that you're trying to object to I'm not denying it I'm actually hated by the far right I'm despised as a race
00:33:33 trailer as I've made comments so Angela Merkel David Cameron these were all the leaders at the time in the English Defense League they all come out and said multiculturalism is failed I went on record of saying actually you're all cowards yeah because what's failed if we want to admit what's failed seism hasn't failed integ great or assimilate into British Society the Jews haven't failed Solutions haven't failed everyone else they haven't failed you are taking a problem that what's failed and I just speak
00:34:00 about my experience from growing up in Luton and again I set the record straight not every muslim okay I'm I'm not saying every Muslim some of the best people I've met growing up are Muslim some of the people I love and still have relationships are Muslim and I challenge any journalist any journalist come to Lon and find me Muslims with non-muslims just and every time like every time when I was leading the English Defense League and a journalist would come and interview me I said you walk through the
00:34:22 town and you try and find me Muslims with non-muslims you won't find them you'll have the Muslims and the non-muslims now we didn't create that we can't be on our school I speak about when I grew up it was the Muslim playground and the non-muslim playground so I grew up experien in this I experienced the separation the secreation the the zero assimilation and and I knew something was very very different and until I think in 2011 I was spending 22 weeks of solitary confinement and I challenge again anyone
00:34:49 listening to do this take the Quran I was sent in the Quran by a Muslim Outreach organization trying to convert me so I took the Quran and like right let's look at this and opened it and I challenge any of you to do this and every time it says do not be friends with Christians or Jews just write the verse number you will have pages and pages of verse numbers so then what you have is children being bought up and if I bought my children up and all of us as white people brought our children up to do not be friends with black children we
00:35:19 would see hostility and violence but sooner and all of a sudden when I started dissecting this book everything I'd seen my entire life growing up made sense everything and I don't and these Muslims are being brought up to believe this to believe that this is the word of God that this is what they want that's why we don't have a similation or integration so when I talk about the problems I've only ever spoke I haven't spoke against immigration which is why I'm under attack by people who are against total immigration quite
00:35:43 currently right now I believe we need to end immigration but the whole time I led the English Defense League I said no I'm against Islamic immigration and that's because you're mixing oil and water and it doesn't work and I can only speak from experience of what I've seen the more is problem let's assume that for let's assume that at least in part that your argument is valid and that you did experience the Muslim tendency in luten to be more segregated compared to the other ethnic groups that you're
00:36:15 describing so I could say well that's okay if people want to associate with their own kind as a consequence of their belief that's part parcel of a multicultural vision and so why is it that you object to it and why do you have the what the tarity to object to it people can associate with who they want and so then it's not reasonable for you to call out a specific religion regardless of what it believes and so what do you think of an objection like that because we have within that Islamic within that confined Islamic community
00:36:46 and we've had documentaries go down and speak to Muslims in Luton who said I've never met a non-muslim I've never met one yeah they're grown up in L they've never met a non-muslim so they're going to go through inward looking and within that Community it's a problem anyway for integration simulation but within that community and again I bring on our last episode I spoke about alasin alasin are now a prescribed terrorist organization but they never were and I Tred to explain it to members of the Muslim
00:37:12 Community like this you've got a close-knit Islamic community and within that close-knit Islamic community there's a bunch of activists who are active every day 25 hours a day seven days a week this group are active and they're teaching all non-muslims that they're teaching Supremacy and violence against non-muslims because within that Community that's what's happening Alma jine 60% of terrorist UK Muslims on terrorism charges or in ja for terrorism are ex-members of this group now within that community that if you if you if you
00:37:43 change it to the white community of luten and you have the non-muslim community and within there you have a thousand Nazis who have Pace tables set up and are continually promoting Nazism sooner or later the violence is going to come out of that Community well that's what we experienced we've experienced something we never even understood I we had to learn about Jihad before anyone knew what Jihad was because it was being taught Jihad was being taught as part and past with the Islamic community
00:38:08 within my town so all of these problems and that's not just that there's so many problems that come from the community the Hostile view the mainstream stream hostile view against women especially non-muslim women well those non-muslim women are my daughter they're my mom and they're walking through the streets of Luton and you've got Community that's being that's promoting a negative view of women but especially our women and we look at the Quran and we look at scripture we might understand why but
00:38:37 unfortunately as soon as you try and have that discussion you're farri right you're racist or you're extremist and the people that are calling you that have no knowledge of Islam they don't know anything about they're talking about they don't know Muhammad's teachings and and you're not even allowed to talk about Muhammad's teachings well sorry sorry Tommy let me bring Tammy into this for a moment and so and I'm I'm going to introduce her with a couple of different questions I mean there are many forces within the Muslim world that
00:39:03 are trying to establish something approximating a day taunt and a peace with the Western world that's exemplified most particularly with the Abraham Accords and the Abraham Accords have stayed intact despite what's happened after October 7th and all the activism on the side of Iran for example doing everything it possibly can to destabilize the Western universities and to bring out the demise of the um of the of the peace process that was established under the Trump Administration and so there are positive
00:39:36 forces operating within the Muslim Community that are trying to bring something approximating peace and so it's dangerous to segregate Islam as such you could make this case it's dangerous to segregate Islam as such because if we can't continue to communicate with the moderates then the more fundamentalist types that are likely misusing what might be a core religious Doctrine to push their fundamentalism and their and their essentially their race hatred and their sadism and so it's very difficult to walk through that and
00:40:16 separate the wheat from the tra Tammy what I wanted to ask you is like you insisted before we did that first interview that you trusted Tommy Robinson and I asked you why and I want you to reiterate that I also want you to tell me if that's still true and I want to see if you have some questions that you'd also like to Levy Adam you've watched what's happened in the last month since we did our interview and so maybe you could reiterate for people why you thought we should do this interview and what your what Drew you to want to
00:40:48 talk to Robinson to begin with and while what your conclusions have been given what we've gone through in the last month well first of all I'd say that I'm I'm free speech and I see Tommy as uh putting a light to issues that nobody else will talk about and that's important and he's also outlined his experience personally that has been his Guiding Light to it looks like what has been his Guiding Light in what he has done I guess my question would be why is it that Muslim culture has become so strong and
00:41:32 I know that there's lots of people there but what happened to the Christian what happened to the Christian word and the and the Christian values that uphold our um societies I think there's a from my point of view I think that there's been a you know a disillusion of our Christian values and so this other more aggressive Force has come in and taken our PL and taken the place of what used to be a place of Christianity and so I think that it's complicated so I think it's complicated yes I think that immigration isn't as
00:42:16 orderly as it was so now you know people are getting into not just the UK but into Canada into uh United States into Sweden into lots of different places and people aren't using their common sense to regulate that so and their faith common sense and Faith well common sense and Faith go together in some in some way because it means you're using your intuition which is using something that's smarter than you to find your way that you're not guiding but you're finding you know it from within your heart to do what best and um
00:43:00 everybody here is now so self-guided that I think we're getting in each other's way way more often and I can't speak for I've I've looked at the Quran some um and I am making my way through it and I agree with you Tommy that we should be reading that book because everybody should know if we're not going to read the Bible let's read the Quran I mean we have to we have to know what we're up against and we've left the Bible we've left the Bible and we're not going by those values anymore and so we're going to be
00:43:34 lost and we're go and those policemen and those government officials who are those people who are those people that they're not willing to stand up for British um for British values and they're not willing to tell the truth like what's going on with them why why don't they have the conviction to uh be I mean these are their families and their communities are going to suffer if they don't stand up so what's going on that Tommy has to shout from the rooftops what's going on with the Muslims okay so let me take that apart a
00:44:10 little bit so from what I understand well you you made reference to what might be a broader social problem which is well there is an incursion of fundamentalism let's say and that's coming in arguably primarily from the fundamentalist Muslim side and it's making major in in places like Luton and people like Tommy are at the Forefront of that and so you're highlighting the fact that it it's a tremendous weakness in the west perhaps primarily on the faith front that is allowing that and that we should look to that and attempt
00:44:43 to address it and that you feel that Tommy has been found himself and also adopted the position of being the canary in the coal mine with regards to that warning so okay so I have another another question for you Tammy it's like your your personal response to Tommy is also interesting to me I mean you know we we put ourselves you and I we put ourselves at substantial risk as a consequence of that interview and I don't regret that a bit I think it was the right thing to do but that was partly based on your intuition that we
00:45:17 could trust this man and so I'm still curious so let's divide this into two things I'm curious about why you trust him and if it's that's still the case despite all the things that have been levied against him let's say some of which we haven't got into yet and then um Tommy I'm also interested in your comments about Tammy's sense that the West has allowed itself to be weak in the way that has produced the situation that we're describing and that we bear you know as westerners we bear a tremendous amount of responsibility for
00:45:47 that so Tammy you start first is like well I first of all I think that the working class in the UK are trying to stand up and to protect the and the rest of the people in the UK the people who are more of an upper class are hesitant hesitant to join or even um support that kind of movement and that's a question that's definitely a question you know I'm a I'm from a workingclass place and so are you Jordan and I I was I was RA raised in a workingclass town and so I think that what Tommy is doing isn't foreign
00:46:34 to me it it his his response isn't foreign to me it seems like something that if we had you know friends in high school one of our high school friends would have been doing that or or maybe even ourselves would have been doing that if we were in that situation so I can see myself in Tommy in a way that uh makes me less skeptical of what he's doing because I can see the necessity for speaking up and telling people what's going on so that they have a chance Tommy y I think so Tommy you got any questions about that and yeah my
00:47:15 point is look at what you've faced or look at the attacks has anyone actually gone for anything we've said and drawn drawn a factual said this is this is factually incorrect no no one's challenging the discussion they just well and I would also I would also point out Tommy that you know you talked about the corruption of the Judiciary know while you know I'm in trouble with my college Licensing Board in Canada for saying things that people you know this the trouble that I've that I tamy and I have encountered as a consequence of
00:47:44 interviewing you is a variant of trouble that we're quite familiar with my my governing board the College of psychologists is doing everything they can to re-educate me and to suspend my license and the Judiciary in Canada has essentially refused to hear any of my appeals and so you know so I sit there wondering whether I'm far right and didn't know it or if I'm in the same kind of situation that you're in and facing a Judiciary and a political system that's become corrupted in some manner that's so fundamental that it's
00:48:15 kind of a miracle corrupted corrupted and it's well if someone has a problem with what we said tell me what it was that I said that was wrong and then this is the problem they don't and this and the reason being that they want to attack they attack why why aren't people speaking up I think you said Tammy why aren't there more people speaking up well look what they do to anyone that does you really whistle blood how many whistleblowers there were that attempted to talk up during the grooming Scandal
00:48:39 we found out once it all become knowledgeable they were destroyed they had their reputations destroyed people within in people within charities in those towns and cities and people within the police force that attempted to speak had their lives and reputations destroyed so what's happening to me you get to hear my story how many people this is happening to you don't get to hear across and that's why the weaponization of the Judiciary you hear my story you hear Donald Trump's story people can make their mind up and want
00:49:05 it how many people are being silenced across the west by that Judiciary how many people are having um like injunctions put against them or are being bankrupt and the targets I I actually think Jordan that since we LA and Tammy since we last spoke everything that's happened since has totally proven everything I said in in in the matter of fact of what have they said by the headlines I instigated the riots that's what they're saying the British media have said and they you that what they did is they came and found out where I
00:49:36 was with my family and then they made me front page news they they actually docked where my children were in in the resort they said that I fled the country and that I was in hiding that holiday was booked for 18 months that holiday was booked for 18 months now they said that and they put me as the instigator for the riots and that that was published everywhere and characters like Pierce Morgan you know earlier you said there was allegations that it was a Syrian I never shared those allegations so there's not one
00:50:06 person that can point to anything I shared that was factually incorrect about the Southport killer yet they want to say that I'm the instigation of the rights so Nigel farage shared that it was a Syrian refugee I didn't I didn't share any information till I had the knowledge of who it was so that no one can Levy that against me pi Morgan said i' done that factually incorrect again but then I'm not the one with the media they're the one with the mainstream media so the mainstream media have gone
00:50:31 out I what I done is I took what I've said and what and what my advice has been and do you know what they use in the in the Daily Mail article that put me as the bearer and the instigator of the violence the the example they gave of my inflammatory tweets was mass mass deportations needed so once again what we've seen I'm the scapegoat I'm facing total imprisonment calling for my extradition terrorism charges there's not one single shred of evidence not one person can point to what I've said or
00:51:03 what I done whether it be a tweet or a comment that instigated violence in fact all of the evidence is the total opposite so luckily the people who have seen my videos which is millions of millions on X they know that they're being lied to but I don't think the authorities or the government or all the powers that be care about that because they have the power of the media so they continually every day if you go on now and Google Tommy Robinson look how many negative stories there about me today
00:51:28 every single day since since since I put 100,000 people on the street since I had a massive peaceful rally every single day are become under complete and utter Onslaught by the media without one shred of evidence ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about something that matters your well-being in a world where Traditional Values are under siege it's crucial to stay strong mentally and physically enter responsible man a dailywire ventures company responsible man understands what it means to be a pillar
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00:52:20 OFA no compromises no shortcuts just pure American craftsmanship take advantage of responsible man's Labor Day sale going on now through September 8th visit responsible man.com and use code Jordan to get 50% off your first order but hurry because this deal won't last long remember a resilient Society needs resilient Men start your journey to Better Health with responsible man vitamins that's responsible man.com code Jordan for 50% off responsible man because true strength comes from within let me let me delve into some of
00:52:51 those again because I I want to go through everything that we've gathered that people are coming after you about and so I'm just going to read the listing of of allegations that we've that we've gathered convictions for assaults public order offenses and mortgage fraud allegedly violated court orders leading to imprisonment in 2018 we talked about that a little bit in the previous discussion defamation of 15-year-old Syrian refugee 2021 allegedly linked to the 2017 Finsbury Park Mosque attack exited Britain with
00:53:26 an Irish passport banned from multiple social media platforms including Twitter Facebook and Instagram for violating their policies on hate speech and incitement to violence well I was banned on Twitter so you know join the club accusations of Miss in fact I think you and I were reinstated at about exactly the same time accusations of misleading and inaccurate reporting Robinson has been criticized for spreading misinformation and making inaccurate claims in his reports and documentaries particularly regarding the grooming gang
00:53:56 scandals so we could start with convictions for assault public order offenses and mortgage fraud maybe we could do this Tommy I mean let's do this like if you look back okay if you look back in your at your past I mean what what do you think you've done that that hasn't been right that has increased the probability that you're going to be the target of these sorts of allegations I've open there's the mortgage fraud the public order offenses let's walk through that let's walk through them let's through them bearing in mind what you've
00:54:28 witnessed in the last seven days that British pensioners are being put to jail for gesturing their arms aggressively at a demonstration that's what everyone does at a demonstration but they're getting 20 months a man who said Allah Allah HUD is Allah just got 18 months for saying that yeah so what you w what you've witnessed is not actual crimes but you've witnessed being people sent to jail to set an example yeah and I'll give an example again Muslims drove from Manchester down to gold as green the
00:54:53 Jewish area of London they drove through on a tanoy system out of their car saying we're going to rape your daughters no prosecution the leader of hisb here stood on our capital city under a banner calling for Muslim armies and demanded Jihad in the name of Islam No conviction so what you what what the country have seen and I'll go through my experiences let's start on the mortgage fors U Jordan when I started my activism in 2009 between me and my wife we had seven properties two businesses and
00:55:23 seven properties all of my mortgages were 100% legit now what they done is they went and got a 5-year investigation and in their warrants they went through my mom's accounts my dad's accounts every family member bank accounts now what they got on my brother-in-law my brother-in-law who was 21 or 22 at the time yeah he bought his first property now when he B bought his first property that banks used to have they used to encourage self-certification mortgages so it was encouraged by the Banks so basically if you want to get a mortgage
00:55:53 as long as you put down 20% deposit you could just selfer Y how much you earn you don't have to show your wage you don't have to show your contract from your company you self-certify now as I said I had seven properties I was buying repossessions and doing them up and keeping them remortgaging the money there's no question about any of my mortgages yeah so my brother-in-law he I lent him £20,000 as a young man to get his first property he bought a property he said it was £80,000 he bought it he
00:56:21 put £20,000 down £60,000 he spent N9 months doing it up he sold it N9 mon months later yeah he so he buys the property he said he earned £20,000 a year but really he earned 12 so he buys it he gets a mortgage he sells it the mortgage company are paid back three or four years later after this they come in they go for all the forms and they say well he lied on his mortgage form yeah which the whole country lied on their self-certification mortgage forms it was encouraged they had no evidence against
00:56:52 me he was so he lied on his form what he lies in his form has nothing to do doing me so they get him and then they say that when he sells the property so he buys it for 80 he sells it for 120 after doing the property up after 9 months he makes a profit the B mortgage company are paid back there's no one been deed they then say that the profit then becomes the proceeds of crime because he lied on his mortgage form what do they do they Nick him and they Nick me they then charge me on tax evasion they go
00:57:21 through my companies they charge me on tax evasion they say I ow the bank I owed them 13 £7,000 tax they hold me on these conditions for four years Jordan they freezed my assets they closed I had two successful companies both of them were closed down yeah they so this so people understand the truth of what went on with the mortgage Ford I had no mortgage Ford they got me on tax I got not guilty within two hours of the tax investigation what they then done in court was they listed my wife to stand
00:57:51 trial for tax now no one knows what my wife looks like all my children even though the Daily Mail tried to expose last week no one knows some I I can't walk down the street in the UK yeah without being prepared to fight my wife can so they then put her on trial then they pull me out of the court case they sit me down and say plead guilty to these charges we dropped your wife we drop your other family members so I took a plea deal and I took a plea deal that got me 18 months in prison for a mortgage that had nothing to do with me
00:58:20 where a bank lost no money so when people want to list what but remember if you look now when you look and it frustrates me because I've never been tried by a jury Jordan all the other allegations you're going to read look what they say in there I lied about a Syrian refugee watch my documentary silence I didn't lie about anything I told the truth they lied they continuously lie now I'm not saying I'm perfect the assault charge and again this is all documented the assault charges I'm leading the English Defense
00:58:49 League at the time every time we say we're Against Racism and we're not far right the media say we are so we had a problem with n certain far-right nationalist groups trying to attach himself to our our organization there's actually a de there's actually a film that was made by Channel 4 and when I sit down on the coach and they say what do we expect today from the demonstration I say I'm going to kick all hell off and they said what do you mean I said we need a clear out yeah so I got on the stage at a demonstration
00:59:17 and I'm telling you this because we had no I had no other choice I'm leading a street protest movement that's what I was leading and we needed a clear out because the far right were continually trying to attach himself to our movement so I got on the stage at this and this is on a documentary I hold a seek lad's hand git sing and I say if you're in the crowd and you don't like what you see here you're in the wrong place this is our England yeah not your England not what you want for it so show yourself
00:59:43 and I name a far right group that were called the Northeast infidels I say where are you you go against everything we stand for but you're in amongst our thousands of supporters there's a little group of you but you keep coming in our crowd we don't want you here so I call them out now what I do is I leave the stage and I knock one of them out and and that and that was to cause the separation of the groups and it totally worked so when they talk about my assault they don't want to explain it was for a far-right Nazi wearing a
01:00:11 combat 18 t-shirt they don't give you the context of what it was now that was us making a a conservative I had to do that as a leader of an organization when Nazis were trying to come on the streets with us so I let them know you're not coming and then I made a video afterwards Jordan saying if anyone has a with that if any any of you next time we come to us on the streets with you it's on and and it's on from English men who don't want you there they never come on the streets again Jordan yeah they had
01:00:36 masqueraded themselves within our movement and that was so that's the assault charge so when they give this list of charges one of the others is the mortgage fraud the contempt proceedings what you're going to soon read Jordan on my Wikipedia page is that I got two years in jail which I face now because I lied about a Syrian refugee what's the film I didn't lie I told the truth so yes they've tried to set an example about me are our courts weaponized what have you seen in the last seven days we
01:01:05 have seen knife crime out of control migrant gangs out of control jihadists out of control 40,000 Muslims on a terror watch list and they managed to they they clear our prisons out to open spaces for pensioners who might have said something on Facebook that's what you and then they've live streamed those court cases they've let the this what what you've witnessed in the last seven days is to terrify the British public into remaining silent you better shut up while we open your borders you better
01:01:30 shut up while we bringing hostile people into community and if you open your mouth I think Constantine kissen has pointed out from trigonometry that there's been more than 3,000 convictions in the UK for for essentially for Facebook crimes so this has been building there only 600 in Mia there there was only 600 in Ria right right so this has been building for a long time and you know I also think that what happened to our interview on YouTube is emblematic of exactly this proclivity to Define certain kinds of speech as it
01:02:02 criminal as far right and and to suppress it entirely Tammy one of the things you and I talked about leading up to this interview was the Gathering of the kind of information that I'm torturing Tommy about right now and um we should talk about allegations linked to the 2017 Finsbury Mark Park Mosque attack but Tam are there other things other questions that we haven't address that you have on your list list well I'm I'm kind of curious about the passport the Irish passport yeah yeah can I can I
01:02:32 quickly do you know when I just said so on my mortgage fraud case I get sent a j on mortgage fraud it's to I leave the English Defense League this is factual yeah no one can deny this I get taken into a prison cell I'm sat in prison I'm in Winchester prison I've been I've been violently battered I lost my teeth in Woodhill so I'm sitting in Winchester I then get a legal meeting I go to my legal meeting and I go sit and this is all do I sit down in my legal meeting and two young men come in and they're
01:02:57 younger than me and then then you you wouldn't think they're police officers and they said no one knows we're in here visiting you no one only the head Governor yeah so when you go back to the wing of prisoners you can say whatever you want as to who's come to see you here I said okay they said what AR we're from the Metropolitan intelligence Bureau MIB what's the MIB it's a secretive unit within Scotland Yard okay if you the reasons you've get for leading the English Defense League if you're true and you want to help your
01:03:25 country which is what you've said and you opposed these far-right ideologies we we're asking you when you leave prison will you work for us I said what do you mean work for you I said just left hand not know what right hand's doing you've just absolutely tried to destroy my life for so long so I refuse and they say where do you and and and I've I've give the recording to this where do you see yourself in five years time and at this time in my life I I had had enough about talking about Islam I've been battled in jail I've lost
01:03:51 everything I've been to jail but I was in prison but i' i' managed to hold on to the seven properties my wife had that my wife and me had so I said when I get out of jail they said what's your plans I said well I'm going to sell my properties and go back into building they said where will you be in five years time I said I'll be a multi-millionaire I'll be a successful young man and a multi-millionaire they said okay well we're asking you again will you will you agree to work with us will you contemplate I said not a chance
01:04:16 I'm no one's slave yeah I'm not working I'm not a grass I'm not working for anyone I leave prison yeah so I come out of prison I'm driving and and and again I put the recording anyone who you might be able to find this speech yeah cuz they try and hide them all it's called Tommy Robinson um York free speech and I put the recordings in here so I'm driving in my car and I'm on the motorway boom police come from everywhere I'm shut down I'm arrested for burglary yeah I'm taking in and I'm questioned about a burglary in
01:04:43 my head's thinking what is this all about yeah what is this all about I get released the next day bearing in mind I've got nine months of prison license left to do so I get released I go home I get in and my wife says Winchester prison's been on the phone I say wi which is where I've just been released from which is where they made an approach to me in Winchester prison so she gives me a phone number it's 0207 well 027 is London it's not Winchester I said why are they been on the phone she said you've left property there I said
01:05:09 okay so I ring the number he says Tommy it's olle oie from the MIB I come and saw you in jail I said okay I said well you're in a predicament now aren't you I said how am I in a predicament they said what's it going to look like if the media get you on a on a burglary charge I said I haven't burgled anyway I'm not in predicament I haven't left the motorway yeah they said okay well if you get charged when you answer bail in 4 weeks time you're on licensed recall for 9 months now for me prison's death
01:05:35 possibly because jihadist control the prison so I sat there and I swear to God I cried my I come off the phone they said all you have to do is agree to have a meeting with us I said I'm never have I'm never having a meeting with you yeah I hung up the phone I cried my eyes out I said what am I meant to do here what am I meant to do and if you look at every single terrorist that's gone on to commit acts of jihad in our country they've all had prior involvement with our security services the MIB are the
01:05:59 security services now they try to approach me what happens then is I'm out of jail I then get a letter after refusing I get a letter from my lawyer saying they've they've launched confiscation orders against me and they want 125,000 off me now the £125,000 comes from the house that was sold by my brother-in-law well he bought it for 80 and sells it for 120 or 125 they want me to pay the entirety of the money even though 80 ,000 or 60,000 was a mortgage they want me to have to pay it back even though it had nothing
01:06:30 to do with me so I get a letter I then get a court date to go to court I then get contacted again Tommy you will never have to pay this money come and have a meeting with us this is blackmail by the security services at this time and I urge any of you to go watch this I sit down with the lead officer from counterterrorism my pration officer for being released from prison was counterterrorism why apparently I was in prison for mortgage for what's that going to do with counterterrorism when I got released from prison all my
01:06:56 conditions were not to contact the English Defense League and not to talk about Islam well how is this what's this got to do with the mortgage for I'm supposedly in jail with so I then sit down with the lead officer of counterterrorism I said you know what I'm I've got I've got a date to talk at Oxford University I'm blowing the lid on this yeah this is blackmail by the security services to get the blackmail in me in position to work for them I'm blowing the lid two days before I'm due to talk Oxford University boom I'm I'm a
01:07:21 licensed recall I'm put back in prison for 28 days on a recall and they used the fact that someone threatened to rap my mom I went online and posted saying well you don't need to look for me because that's what the threet said and it was on Twitter I'll be here tomorrow and a give where I'd be if you want to come and find me they use that to license recall me I spend 28 days in custody I come out of jail I sit down with my probation officer again I'm pretty stubborn if anyone hasn't noticed I refuse to back down so I said I'm I've
01:07:48 arranged to talk Oxford University you're not going to stop what I'm doing here yeah watch my speech at Oxford University do you know how it starts if you watch it from 2015 the speech she sits down they come back to me and they give me a list of things I'm not allowed to talk about or I'll end up in jail Islam the police Security Services yeah so I'm I said so I don't have free speech now if you watch my speech from 2015 Oxford University what I say is the speech I wanted to give you I'm not allowed to give you I've been
01:08:15 threatened with prison if I come and tell you my whole speech was going to be about the British police state and how they operate and I'm now not allowed to do that so the security services have been looking since 2015 saying well how do we deal with this guy yeah cuz he he I I sold my house you know I paid them £125,000 I paid them I had to sell everything and give them £125,000 or be in their pocket forever and I refused to be in their pocket so when we talk about the different cases that's my mortgage
01:08:44 thought the passport case it wasn't actually an Irish passport I went to America to your American audience I apologize for disregarding your laws but in 2011 or 12 I come to the United States I landed in 2011 I was rained at JFK airport and I was told on no on certain terms I'm getting deported back I got sent back because the British had requested me not to be allowed in the next year I decided to come I used my friend's passport that's where I used my friend's passport I got entry into America and I gave a speech after a New
01:09:17 York state senator and I recently dug up that speech and in that speech I say I wish someone had come to my hometown 30 years ago and warned us of what was going to happen well I'm here to warn you cuz i' I'm not talking about what I've read I'm talking about what I've seen and lived through open Bard Mass immigration and what's going to happen to the United States of America I give a speech I land back in the UK I was reminded I spent 22 weeks on solitary confinement for that crime 22 weeks on
01:09:42 so confinement so that's the passport case was it wrong for me to enter America um illegally yes it was did I come with a very important message from the United States of America a massive message that if they to listen to it in 2011 they might be in a better place to protect the United States of America now as I said I can go through every one of these instances no one can def no one can refute these there's no evidence to refute what I'm saying in fact I played the recordings in my York speech of the
01:10:09 police interviewing me on burglary now many people I can have every allegation you want against me everyone knows I'm not a house burglar yeah but they use that to get me in a position I don't doubt that they're blackmailing Muslims day in day out the security services to act and work in a certain way I have no doubt ever the dark powers that play in the British State and that's what I've spoke openly against so when I say why they don't know how to deal with me simply they don't know what to do and
01:10:35 that's why I think now I face two years in prison again and so tell tell tell me about that like so you're out of the country I don't I don't want to ask you where you are although maybe you want to Enlighten people as to your your whereabouts what is your legal situation at the moment in the UK and and what are your plans and then Tam if you have any other questions Maybe you can follow up after that so where are you what what's your legal situation what are your plans at the moment I'm in Russia no I'm only joking I'm only I'm
01:11:06 only joking have that as headlin sh I'm not in Russia my my plans everyone's telling me to run and everyone's telling me not to come home I'm coming home I'm not running I I don't believe I'm on trial I believe the British Judiciary is on trial the problem that they have is 44 million people have watched that film that means there's 4 million people including influential people across the world that know that I told the truth if they wish to lock me up for that lock me up they will lock me up we've seen what
01:11:34 they're doing with the current state of things will I be in danger yes I will um am I worried yeah totally totally worried um worry for me worry for my family I'm I I'm I'm I'm in court on the 28th and 29th of October so I currently don't have to be in the UK I'm again something I haven't talked about in the last seven days they've knocked at all my the police have gone to my family's addresses including my mother and father's and told them their lives are in danger so I I've I've had a hell of a
01:12:04 lot to deal with do you know what it's like sitting somewhere knowing that you called for calm knowing that you held a totally peaceful rally twice in a row knowing that you haven't instigated violence or attacks against mosques but watching as the entire world's media say you have there's no evidence to it no evidence at all they are putting me in danger they're putting a Target on me since then Somalians certain Somalians have said they want to kill me there's been me Muslims making videos with
01:12:30 machine guns all of them have been lied to they resurrected a dead organization of the English Defense League that hasn't been around for a decade and they told the entire British Muslim Community they're on about misinformation they're on about Prosecuting for people for misinformation the British government and its politicians and police forces told the whole Muslim Community of the UK that the English Defense League was coming to attack their mosques there is no English Defense League there has
01:12:55 hasn't been for a decade the British public were on the streets but what they've successfully managed to do by labeling everyone as far right by by putting an ideological spin on the reason people are angry they haven't once had to talk about open B border Mass immigration they haven't once even had to address why people are angry it's just they're angry because they're far right and they're racist no yeah and they' they've had a success it's it's a total successful campaign by the government if you look at what they've
01:13:22 done there was an uprising on the streets of the UK and rather than have to address one of those issues the labor party not one of they had to address what they've instead done is turn it on the British public then have show trials in order to intimidate and silence the British public into saying you do not get angry this has been our January 6th moment and and and right on the end of us having the most successful cultural re Revolution organization in the country seen what they've just they've
01:13:50 just blocked it totally blocked it used the mass media use the politicians use their weapons to totally deceive and lie and and again I ask if I've done all these things and I keep asking Pierce Morgan I know he was on the show with him last week why don't you sit down me poor peers and show me where I've instigated violence or attacks against mosque show me what I've said that's encouraged violence you know what there was do you know what I've heard one news reporter say well he said that there was
01:14:16 attacks by Somalians against a woman in iwi yeah that was the Times newspaper yeah I quoted the Times newspaper how dare I so no one's even been able to show me what I've said that's misinformation because I haven't I did I wasn't part of the campaign to push it was a Syrian refugee I remained silent on that fact in fact I come out and corrected certain falsehoods and I and but again what your what the people need to understand is in the seven days prior to the riots seven days prior to the riots eight I don't know if you're aware
01:14:47 that today there's been a terrorist attack look will I get done for misinformation in that a okay a migrant has gone and stabbed a bishop walking out an army barracks in the Republic of Ireland whilst muttering about the Irish Army's involvement in the Middle East yeah that's what's come out right now today in gway I believe in Ireland now in the seven days prior and this is very important that people understand what built up the frustrations of the British public yeah with watch since October 7th
01:15:12 as Hamas have took over the capital city calls for Jad by mosqu and imams desecration of War memorials no arrests we're continually told by the police we can't arrest people for burning Flags this is freedom of the speech they've committed no crimes so we've watched all of that and then we sit and we watch as a migrant gets off a motorbike he's been in the country six months he waits for an army officer in uniform he doesn't attack anyone who's not in uniform even though people who aren't in uniform are
01:15:37 there and he butchers that army officer this doesn't even make lead news I remember making a video next day saying why is it why am I not watching this on the news an army officer has been attacked in full uniform and stabbed to Pieces it's not even making the news what's going on and then we get told of course it's mental health so that incident is side sidelined as mental health the British public are watching because we're able to tell them actually an army officers has been attacked in a ferocious knifing here his wife comes
01:16:04 out of the house and jumps on the man that's attacking him the man that's attacking him doesn't stab his wife he continues stabbing the officer the only person he attacks is in a military uniform very similar to what happened to Lee R when he was beheaded by Michael adago they didn't attack the banders in the street because they said that they're not the targets the military are the targets for the British involvement in Muslim lands so this looks very similar you why don't I believe that the police and government why they tell us
01:16:29 it's mental health and again anyone anyone listening to this go on Google Now and type in Russell Square attack you will see an attack in Russell square a Muslim goes into his mosque in the morning says he wants to kill non-muslims yeah they don't they don't report him to the police they say a prayer for him what he then does he leaves he leaves the Muslim Community so don't he don't come out with a mental mental attack and start stabbing anyone he leaves the Muslim Community he travels to b square he stabs seven
01:16:57 non-muslims he murders a American citizen who's a tourist he gets stabbed to death in between each of these attacks he shout Al abbar now try and find this on the terrorist attack list you won't because it wasn't deemed a terrorist attack it was an incident of mental health like so many others and when they have these mental attacks they don't go and kill anyone that's not that's Muslim that is non-muslims that are killed so we don't believe them so this happens then we have the attack then we have the riots up in hair um up
01:17:27 in leads where basically um a Romanian child went into hospital with a fractured skull now we have uh protections for children where if there's questions about the parenting which I don't believe the parents were at home when this child had a fractured skull so they' see it as neglect they went in to take the children as protection yeah so they take the children as they do that in this close-knit Muslim and Romanian Gypsy Community the Muslims and the Romanians both of them because there's evidence it
01:17:55 was both of them come out and burn police cars buses and attack the police now the the images that the British public watched were as the police run away they didn't get their dogs out horses out they didn't come in with batons they literally Leed it and left them to burn the estate now as they burn the estate an English mother comes out of her house when the next night when all the crowds there again and start saying will you please go in your houses stop causing the problems I have to live here the police arrest the English
01:18:21 mother they take her away so what we've seen and and and then the Romanian gypsies make a statement saying unless the children are given back tonight you are going to talk about these riots for a hundred years in this country now as soon as I said that I put a post out on X saying guarantee they give the kids back I know they're going to because this is what works in Britain by by that later that night the children are given back to the parents there's no riots all the Gypsies and all the Muslims go off
01:18:47 the streets yeah so what that this is what the public are watching then all in this quick seven days then what we see is a Muslim at Manchester Airport is kicked in the heads you may have seen it go viral he's kicked in the head by a police officer whilst laying on the floor it doesn't look great yeah it looks ferocious by the police officer but we have no context as to what happens before that now what we then see are thousands of Muslims Target Rockdale police station where the Muslims have been arrested and we then find out three
01:19:17 officers have been injured including a a police woman who's had a broken nose so the Muslims come to the police station they attack the police station you there's not a police officer in sight there's no dogs there's no horses there's no riot shield literally the Muslims are given free reign we then hear Muslim commentator after commentator in the UK threaten The Establishment and say that they better prosecute the the police officer then the police come out and give a statement saying they've released the Muslims
01:19:44 they're released they're not on remand in jail even though you've seen all these people being remanded for Facebook post they're released and then they say a criminal investigation has been opened against the police officer so they give the Muslim Community what they're demanding the next day we see the video released of what happened prior to him getting kicked in the head guess what happened the Muslims violently attacked the police in unprovoked attack I mean punching and beating police officers
01:20:10 which is a straight away you'd get remanded if you do that how are they out on the streets and then the police had already give a statement saying they've been released because of insufficient evidence well now we're watching a video you had the evidence you had the EV you were about to sacrifice the police officer who actually done a fabulous job literally he gets attacked from behind he pulls the man down who's been tasered and instantly kicks him it wasn't he didn't even have a second to think yeah
01:20:35 and he's an armed response police officer so these Muslims violently attack him could have got hold of their guns so the public have watched all of this and they're asking the questions as to why did you release them why are you Prosecuting the police officer that done nothing wrong it's the whole it's the whole um it's the whole situation again from the United States is it's the whole situation with George Floyd they've they've surrendered and they've gave the police officer over for a lawful arrest
01:20:59 whether it looked bad or not it was within the law and that's what they've done to this police officer so this all happens what message of the British government told the country if you root we'll listen that's what they told them and then an attack happens straight after this so you have to understand the Prelude to what's happened yeah and you have to understand that attack after attack and aggression after aggression has not been dealt with the police have not made arrest against the Islamic
01:21:23 community they literally run away from them and literally at the same time as this they attack British protesters whether it be on St George's day now yesterday was Independence Day for Pakistan the scenes we've seen across our country the police dancing with pakistanis celebrating Pakistani day well that's not what we saw for Arsen George's day we saw police with batons and riot shields attacking English men dragging their s George's Flags off them and beating them so what you have is a British public who feel totally
01:21:50 oppressed by their government and police force and if they didn't feel that now then as we're watching people be impr prisoned for comments on Facebook many of them anti-establishment comments you're putting people in jail for anti-establishment comments whereas you haven't put people in jail or arrested them for calls for Jihad for calls from the river to the sea oh that's that's legit but you dare to say Allah Allah H is Allah you're get 18 months so they have actually ingrained on the world stage two-tier police and and two-tier
01:22:17 Judiciary and the public have had the opportunity to see exactly what I've known for 15 years of my activism I know that we have a two-tier policeing and two-tier Judiciary and in the last seven days that Judiciary has been totally weaponized and the target is the British public who are standing up and yes there were men committing crimes and yes there were riots and if you wanted to deal with them but how come how come the four Muslims who got arrested or the three Muslims they still haven't even faced
01:22:45 prosecution yet women are in jail for Facebook post within seven days what is going on that's what the whole country it was very very rapid very rapid public it was really something to see so okay so Tommy let I I want to bring Tammy back in here for a minute but before I do that I want to ask you look you're you're at the center of a major controversy and that's not going to go away and what would you say this is kind of a stalk question but I don't know how to more intelligently formulate it um what frightens you about yourself
01:23:19 what do you think about you is what are your characterological weaknesses like you're in a rough position and it's necessary when you're in a position like yours is to be very aware of your various sins and stupidities and so you know you said you've been very emotionally upset about what's happened to you and you've been you've been traumatized in prison and you've had your finances demolished and you've been the target of Judiciary investigations for a very long time that's very stressful it can make people what would
01:23:48 you say touchy and volatile you know and I can actually understand that and so like what what do you see in yourself that's dangerous and and how are you trying to control what I suppose the terrible things that you could purposefully or inadvertently bring about okay so yep so yes when when the country was at as highest point point again when Lee RG was beheaded when Lee R was beheaded I held a demonstration to 10,000 people no one wants to pick up what I've said I stood up and said there's 660 Muslims serving in our Armed
01:24:22 Forces yeah they're doing more for the country than me if you attack a Muslim woman you're a coward I've always educated and been pivotal on my points of nonviolence always but yeah what is the danger for me the danger for me personally is I ain't going to back down it's simple and that doesn't mean I'm not scared I'm scared now I'm terrified of I have felt under attack at times I've never felt what I felt for the last two weeks never I never ever felt this I am I have got it coming from every angle
01:24:50 from everywhere what does that do to me does it make me cower no it makes me out fighting and it makes me come out fighting in the sense that I'm willing to be the sacrificial lamb for you yeah I'm willing to and you better believe it to the establishment if you think putting me in jail and getting me killed is going to solve your problems you're going to spark the revolution like you cannot imagine and I'm willing to be in that position so I keep putting myself in the way saying go on then what are
01:25:15 you going to do because I'm not going to back down on the sense and the re why am I not going to back down cuz I wholeheartedly Jordan Tammy I to anyone watching I wholeheartedly believe our country is State the future safety of our children is at stake we're supposed to shut up and remain silent whilst we're replaced we well whilst hostile communities are brought into our nation whilst our rights and freedoms are taken if you know how after the last seven days you can't see our rights and freedoms are being taken well we're not
01:25:41 going to remain silent while they take them and I'm going to scream it from the hilltop so what faults do I have that's my fault my fault is that I'm I should have backed down a long time ago I should remain silent probably anyone reviewing this may say I come across is aggressive I can't I'm passionate and I'm passionate because I've had every thought and every worry going through my mind for the last two weeks have I as I watched the entire establishments media government politicians lie about me but
01:26:09 I also know there's an army of people watching this who have seen their lives so there's people that you think you can just silence me is it's not going to work you're going to Marty me and I'm not going to back down and you know what you're going to create a thousand Tommy Robinson you've already done that with your actions over the last seven days ' already done that so there's no there is no winning for them at this current situation people are awake people aren't backing down our fight for freedom
01:26:32 without your waight without our fight and love for Freedom will outweigh your want for tyranny and right now we're facing tyrannical for forces tyranical Forest that wish to enslave us and take our speech something that's our god-given right you're not taking it not without a fight so people are and what does that fight in doe I'm not calling for people to commit violence I never have what I'm saying is we will use our platform for we will awaken people and whatever move they make next whether it's be my in prison and you see putting
01:27:00 people in prison for 30 months for s in on Facebook you're actually doing our job our cause to awaken people you're helping with it so each time they try to crush it you're actually creating more people and they think that they can scare people into silence and as I said I stood on I stood in trafala square and said to The Establishment what your witness in now is the British Spirit do you see what they've done since that day is try to break that British spirit I don't think be successful and the reason
01:27:26 they need to censor this video you're watching now they need to censor it because it has the ability to awaken more people it has the ability to inspire more people and they know that they know that which is why they must have total control you're going to go back to the UK you said if I've got this right near the end of October to face the music that's the plan and in the meantime I presume your your strategy so far has been certainly not to involve yourself in the demonstrations and so for that
01:27:55 have been occurring in the UK over the last few weeks except you also said that you were correcting certain misapprehensions about what's been said about you and and also the information that's been spread around so you're going to your plan is to stay out of the to let the events unfold as they will but but that you're going to go back to the UK and face the music that's this that's the plan my my plan is my documentary is currently on 44 million views by the time they get me in jail it'll be on 100 million so by
01:28:24 all means send me to jail you'll put more rid in that film than I ever dream of we people need to realize the weaponization of the court system against the people it's not right it's not right and people need to know what they're doing and how they're silencing dissident voices across the West they need to understand it if we're going to stop it people need to understand it if Donald Trump gets elected he needs to break this okay the weaponization of the courts the unfair Judiciary do you know I'm I will watch what I say when I get
01:28:50 into court before the judge have you watched the film your honor if you have watched the film and I'm still sat your face in prosecution you're corrupt as well cuz that film categorically proves all I done was report the truth in what sane Freedom loving world are we standing in where someone faces two years for reporting the truth do we believe in the journalism or not do we believe in freedom of the press or not the problem is so many journalists don't believe in it they believe believe in activism they're activists not
01:29:14 journalists they're total activists so my my my intention is on the 28th and 29th of October to put the BR British Judiciary on trial in the world's eyes now so long as they don't kill Elon Musk between now and then that's my intention CU everyone on X through my account will be able to witness and watch the truth be told that's my plans Jordan that's not something I'm looking forward to I I I just had I had two weeks booked my children because I knew what was coming yeah after three days they found me and
01:29:43 my children they doxed them and put them in danger they purposely done that so I I had that time that was my time with my loved ones because I know what's coming for me and they broke that yeah they broke that so I'm not doing this because I want to do this I don't want to do this I much rather just be enjoying my time with my children but I'm not prepared for my children to become enslaved I'm not prepared for their freedom of speech to be taken I'm not prepared for them to be totally controlled by a manipulated media to
01:30:10 totally they want total control of the narrative the centering of your YouTube channel is to control the narrative nothing more they not can't pick fault with anything I've said otherwise that highlight it they say you you've gone against guidelines well show us what guidelines I've gone against how come you can't show us this is total and out of control we either become slaves and allow censorship through big Tech through all the corporations or we fight it I'm going to play my part in fighting
01:30:34 it Tam do you want to bring this to a close make some comments ask Tommy some some questions well you inspired me you're inspiring us and thank T and our our our our country and our values are worth fighting for and um it's time for people I think it's time for people to to see the next right thing to do and then and then to do it not to turn away not to turn away and not to think it's someone else's fight because I mean if it's your fight then it's my fight if it's if it's your fight then it's my my son's fight it's my daughter
01:31:24 daughters fight cuz they have children and we're fighting for our kids we're fighting for our our grandchildren to be able to have a place that can they can call home like we have had a place to call home you know I don't really have any questions I think um I think Tommy ended it on a a very good note I think that it's his bravery and his conviction um that's what we need we need to look at ourselves and to see what it is that is calling us to do and to take one step in that direction and see where it
01:32:04 takes us and if that's a scary place and it's going to be a scary place because it's a uh we're in a we're in an inflection point are you going to stay with the Matrix or are you going to tell the truth and free us from this tyranny well can I Jordan thank you Tammy do you know what thank you both of you cuz you didn't have to give me you didn't have to sit down with me ever and sit and talk to me with with the way they've made me toxic I understand the probably the fears that would have come with it you've done it as supporters of
01:32:34 free speech I'm very grateful for that I'm sure the British public are grateful as well because many British public who feel silence and sensed see see me talking on their behalf which is why they feel uh a connection with me a very passionate connection with me what would you Jordan do you know the censored one now that can't be shared and can't be commented on would you put that on X would you try yes yes we're planning to do that right now we're planning to do that I think we're doing that today
01:32:58 Tommy I think we're doing are you so you're going to put the entirey on X because because as they sent as they Center and take the comments X is the x is now the home of free it's the only place that can have that you canot that they cannot control the discussion which means they don't control the narrative I've said time and time again that Elon Musk has as well is that mainstream media and the controlled mainstream media is the cancer and citizen journalism I.E any show willing to have debate and discussion that's the Cure
01:33:26 more discussion more free speech I'll sit down and debate anyone on my issues and and and that doesn't mean I'm perfect or right about everything but they should not be censoring or controlling what you the public hear they want to silence me to control you they want to silence this they don't want the comments or being able to share this discussion because they want to control how you think you're the target we're in their way you are the target well I I do think I mean I do I do think like if I've had trouble with YouTube
01:33:55 in many ways they've left me alone but they've taken down three of my discussions in the past focusing most particularly on the issue of The Butchery of children by the sadistic greedy ideologically captured medical Elite and which is an absolutely appalling Scandal on in every possible Manner and so they took those down which I find absolutely reprehensible and then they have been gerrymandering our discussion and playing tricks on it with with it and I think if the powers that be so to speak at Google can Jerry
01:34:29 Mander my discussions which I'm trying to do in as good of Faith as I can possibly manage then what the hell chance does the typical person have to have their perspective noted and expressed and I'm looking at what's happening in the UK with these as you call it show trials which are taking place with amazing rapidity given the general congested nature of the Courts in an extraordinarily public Manner and I can't help but conclude that that's being done to intimidate and all of the worst fears I had about kir starmer have
01:35:03 come true he's a he's a totalitarian utopian narcissistic leftist and that's been on full display in the last month and so it's a hell of a thing to see and this is absolutely no fun for anyone and uh you know I can commiserate at least to some degree with what you've been through and uh um and I guess we're going to see what it unfolds maybe Tommy will talk again a after October after you go back to the UK that's probably the best logical thing to do I'll be in jail bro I'll be in jail yeah well I guess
01:35:39 we'll see about that won't we yeah well maybe maybe maybe maybe that's I need you know if there was any chance Elon must watch this film Elon please share the film silenced I know it's a long film and I know you're a busy man but if if he could get to watch that film and share it before I go prison it may well be the thing that saves me because once the world sees it the world's politicians the world's leaders which Elon M showing it would have the ability to do um then it'd be it'd be more difficult the more views on that film
01:36:09 The more difficult it is to lock me up that's what I think so I'm grateful for your time everyone and I if I come across you know what I'm stressing now thinking I've come across as aggressive or come across I I am passionate about what I believe in I'm passionate is my life that's I feel in danger here the effect on my family I've watched it all the last two weeks the the the the problems from my mom my dad the problems from my children all coming from what because we tell the truth because we
01:36:32 told the truth and there's no truth in what they're saying so again they don't back it up but I'm grateful for the time you've given me again I'm grateful for the opportunity to tell my story yes absolutely absolutely and thank you for talking to us um and taking the risk that goes along with it and uh we appreciate that uh terrifying though it is and uh I guess we're going to talk for another 20 minutes on the daily wire side and I'll take 3 minutes after this relatively stressful conversation in
01:37:00 terms of how you displayed yourself today look Tommy I think that being nice is an overrated virtue I don't think it's a virtue at all when it's indiscriminate and the fact that you have enough spine to stand up especially against those bloody grooming gangs which was the worst Scandal I think I've ever seen in my lifetime Bar None the fact that you were willing to put yourself in the front line with regards to those grooming gangs that that uh bestows a fair bit of credit on you in my estimation because that is so scandalous
01:37:31 and so brutal and so dark and so malevolent and so widespread that it's a it's no bloody Wonder people don't want to look at it and that it's easier for them to write you off as a right-wing provocator because the alternative is so bloody gruesome and horrible that I can see why people don't want to face it who wants to face and it's well that's that's that Bloody cowardice that that Tammy talked about that's pervasive in the west and it is a consequence of the collapse of our fundamental values and
01:37:59 our spineless weakness in the face of any assault on our core identity and our culture so oh well we'll watch how it plays out over the next month and so everybody watching and listening on YouTube assuming that you get to do that well thank you very much for your time and attention and uh you know we'll stay on top of this as much as we possibly can and bring you the closest account the closest to o imation to the truth that we can possibly manage and thanks again Tommy and Tammy for spending the
01:38:29 time and the effort to do this and if you guys who are watching and listening want to join us on the daily wire side we'll continue this conversation for another 20 or 25 minutes and so thanks again Tommy y good to see you both thank you thank you very much [Music]
On October 25, 2024, Tommy Robinson posted this [archive here]…
Later that day, this was posted using his account [archive here]…
The above was reposted later that day and the following was added [archive here]…
Also, this was posted [archive here]…
On this date, the Telegraph reported,33
Tommy Robinson has been charged with a terror offence after refusing to give police access to his mobile phone
he was accused of “frustration” of police counter-terrorism powers.
At the time of his arrest, Kent Police said a 41-year-old man was detained by officers under schedule seven of the Terrorism Act 2000…
…He has been bailed to appear at Westminster magistrates’ court on Nov 13.
They reported that a Kent Police spokesman said that Robinson was charged on this date
with one count of failing to provide the PIN to his mobile phone under schedule seven of the Terrorism Act 2000.
“The charge is in relation to an incident in Folkestone on Sunday July 28… ”
Alex Jones posted this [archive here]…
On October 26, 2024, at 11:56PM GMT, Mario Nawfal posted this [archive here]…
At 11:59PM GMT, TkeMedia posted this [archive here]…
At 12:04PM GMT, Nawfal reposted the above and added this [archive here]…
Nawfal also posted this [archive here]…
at 12:25PM GMT, Andy Ngo posted this [archive here]…
At 12:40PM GMT, Ngo posted this [archive here]…
At 12:53PM GMT, this was posted [archive here]…
At 6:33PM GMT, this was posted from Robinson’s account [archive here]…
On October 8, 2021, Ezra Levant of Rebel News posted this [archive here]…
Then this [archive here]…
The article shared is “Julian Assange wins right to appeal against extradition to US” by Ben Quinn for the Guardian (May 20, 2024).
Levant then goes on in many posts. The first one is here [archived here]. In this thread, he wrote,
I'm now sitting in Woolwich Crown Court, adjacent to HMP Belmarsh, the equivalent of Guantanamo Bay in the UK. I'm in the public gallery of courtroom 2. There are precisely 23 seats in the public gallery, though there are many more who want in.
The public gallery is a storey higher than the courtroom, and looks down through thick glass. There are other galleries on the main level, but we have been directed upstairs. I think they are deliberately trying to restrict the number of Tommy Robinson's supporters allowed in.
In the UK, "barristers" and "solicitors" are different kinds of lawyers. (In Canada, lawyers are both.) The main effect of this, that I can detect, is that it doubles the legal fees.
Tommy's solicitors are Carson Kaye, who have represented him for years. John Carson https://carsonkaye.co.uk/people/john-carson/… and Tana Adelmann https://carsonkaye.co.uk/people/tana-adelmann/… Tommy's barrister is Sasha Wass, KC, a very senior lawyer who is also a part-time judge:
Sasha Wass is famous for a variety of very high-profile, serious cases. In one instance, she successfully defended The Sun newspaper against a lawsuit from Johnny Depp.
I must emphasize how atrocious it was that @tidebusiness, Tommy's bank, seized his legal funds and refused to release them -- making it impossible for Tommy to pay his lawyers on the eve of the trial. We had to set up a crowdfund, or he would have been unrepresented. Outrageous.
There's no bureaucracy like a UK bureaucracy. I have been sent upstairs to the public gallery, while other citizen journalists have been given access to the main courtroom. I'm glad they're in, of course -- it's just a laugh at how random red tape is the lifeblood of the UK.
The regime media, by contrast, are escorted right in, no problem. Two-tier.
There are eight open seats in the main gallery, but Tommy's supporters have been locked out. I don't get it. Red tape, or a sort of vendetta?
There are three rows of lawyers. I see one "big wig" in the first and second row, and then the third row has five baby lawyers.
I think Sasha Wass, KC, has just entered. And now the judge.
And the case begins. The clerk announces the judge and the details of the case. He makes a warning against any recordings of the proceedings. (Tweeting is OK.)
Shocking news -- there is a plea deal!
Amazing. I was ready for a hearing. The crown's lawyer says there has been an agreement!
The judge is asking the crown what has been "admitted" by Tommy. The crown says there are actually two contempt applications.
The crown reads the two counts. The first refers to an online interview Tommy gave, a reference to Tommy's film, "Silenced", as originally published in the U.S.; an interview with Gavin McInnes; and an interview with Emerald Robinson. So those four acts are the first charge.
Tommy is asked by the judge if he agrees; he does. (Tommy is sitting in a separate area, behind plate glass.)
The crown outlines the second contempt charge. 1. A livestream from Europe; 2. an interview with @jordanbpeterson; 3. Tommy's rally in Trafalgar Square; 4. Publishing Silenced on X; 5. a YouTube version; and 6. another podcast. The judge asks Tommy if he admits this; he does.
So there will be no hearing on the substance of the contempt matters -- Tommy has admitted all of them. I suppose that was to be expected, as he has been open about them since the beginning.
The crown says there were three previous matters of contempt: in Canterbury (for filming himself in the precincts of the court); in Leeds, where he spoke to convicted rapists outside court; and in Syrian refugee case.
The crown starts by telling the story of the Syrian migrant teenager. The crown is saying the Syrian was attacked -- he was the victim. Tommy investigated and said he found that the Syrian teen was actually the bully. Tommy's videos to the effect had nearly a million views.
The Syrian teen sued Tommy for defamation. Tommy did not have a lawyer for that trial. (It crushes me to hear that.) Tommy pled the defence of truth. The trial was four days. The judge ruled against Tommy. Tommy was ordered to pay £100,000 (plus costs).
Tommy then said he would post the total evidence, proving the Syrian was the bully. The trial judge granted an injunction against Tommy. Tommy did not appeal. (Again, this kills me that he was unrepresented.)
Now the crown addresses the question of "personal service" of the injunction. As in, the injunction was not personally handed to Tommy -- it was allegedly emailed. The judge asks if service is really necessary "in this day and age".
The crown is asking for an order "dispensing with such service". As in: the government admits they didn't serve Tommy with the injunction, and they're asking to be exempted from that requirement. The judge is suggesting that he will waive that consideration.
I find this astonishing. The UK govt has spent unlimited resources hunting Tommy. Lawyers, police, bureaucrats, even spies. And they simply "forgot" to personally serve him an injunction. And they're asking the judge to relieve them of that duty. The the judge seems to agree.
Imagine resolving a question like this in favour of the state. Of simply saying, "well, the law requires service but I think we can dispense with it." Imagine siding with the state against the individual in a matter of civil rights.
I'm pleased to report that @CDP1882 of @GBNEWS is in the court. I think I see @GhorbaniiNiyak too.
The crown is going through the particulars of what the first injunction forbade Tommy from saying and doing. Tommy was banned from saying the Syrian teen was "aggressive and bullying" and "threatening". Imagine being banned from saying that.
Then this [archive here]…
Levant continues…
The judge just said that he's seen the film.
(I wonder if that's appropriate for the judge to review the film on his own. What other "research" has he done outside the court, outside a venue where Tommy (or the government) could make representations. Do UK judges often gather facts on their own before a hearing?
The crown quotes Tommy at the end of the video: "They didn't want you seeing it, which means they're going to come for me even more." And indeed that is coming true, isn't it?
The crown says that the leak of the film to "Mice Media" appears to have been done in cooperation with Tommy Robinson. As in, the crown says there was "plainly collaboration" with Tommy to get the film out on a third party platform.
The crown says the U.S. debut of the film was simply to create "plausible deniability" as to the provenance of the film, and that it was clearly Tommy's work.
The crown refers to republication of Tommy's film by @Cobratate, and other places, e.g. @rumblevideo.
The crown says that Tommy's film restates Tommy's case at trial, and therefore breaches the injunction.
The crown goes through the details of the aforementioned interviews with Tommy, including viewership stats. He also reads a letter from Tommy's lawyers, Carson Kaye, denying breaching the injunction.
The judge interjects that Tommy Robinson had indicated an interest in applying to set aside the question of service of certain legal paperwork. Tommy's lawyer Sasha Wass says that is no longer a live issue.
The crown is now describing Tommy's visit to Denmark to show his film. The long arm of the law, I guess, reaches into Europe.
The crown is now objecting to the interview @TRobinsonNewEra gave to @jordabpeterson earlier this year, when Tommy came to Canada. The crown says that was an illegal interview, as it breaches numerous parts of the court injunction.
The crown is now talking about how large an audience Jordan Peterson has.
The crown refers to a new introduction to the movie made by Tommy, in which he says it's the "most important" movie he's ever made, and he criticizes the "weaponization" of the courts.
The crown quotes Tommy's narration in the film at some length, in which Tommy says he ought to have objected more forcefully to the "gagging" order put on him.
Judge: Tommy was "rude" to the court but that's not the point, it's that he breached the injunction.
The crown now refers to the July 27th rally in Trafalgar Square where Tommy aired the film to a large crowd. The crown refers to CCTV cameras proving that it happened. (They just don't stop spying.)
The judge asks about the size of the audience. The crown says he doesn't know, but it may be in the "hundreds of thousands". Isn't that funny. They normally say that only "a few hundred" people come to his rallies. But when it could hurt Tommy, it's "hundreds of thousands".
The crown refers to Tommy's Twitter vid getting 44 million views. (It now has 55 million.)
"Those are the facts of the breaches, my lord." So now he turns to the law.
The judge says that all the breaches will dealt with together to avoid duplication of sentences. The maximum penalty being bruited today, therefore, is two years.
Crown: "the purposes are to punish and to ensure compliance, and to rehabilitate".
Crown reiterates that this isn't a criminal prosecution -- it's civil contempt. It's not a crime.
The crown cites a court precedent that "court must impose the shortest imprisonment" necessary to enforce compliance.
Other considerations for a prison term include the contemnor's family situation. (Contemnor is the legal term for someone found in contempt.)
The crown is now citing the European Court of Human Rights. (I find that bizarre, to cite a foreign court, and it shows that the UK isn't fully Brexited, does't it?)
They're referring to a case in Romania. "The imposition of a prison sentence for a press offence 'only in exceptional circumstances'" e.g. incitement to violence. As in: if it's a journalist, you ought not to imprison, says the ECHR.
The judge says: "when the injunction was granted, the judge must have had in mind that the granting of the injunction was itself an interference with rights..." "And that all having been the case, the scope now when imposing sanction... you must impose the minimum."
I think the crown just said imprisoning Tommy "shouldn't trouble the court", and says Tommy's been jailed for contempt before.
Crown says the number of breaches was high, and the 2024 breaches push it into a higher category, given Tommy's declared intention to violate any gag order. Crown says it's a "continuing breach" -- as in, it's on Twitter right now.
Judge: the harm that the Syrian teen felt all predated the injunction, and there's no evidence of any ongoing harm to the Syrian.
Judge invites Tommy's lawyer Sasha Wass to weigh in on the question.
Judge: you drew attention to viewing figures. What's the purpose? Is it open to me to infer that the videos have caused further harm to the Syrian teen?
Crown: yes, naturally, but we don't know for sure.
Also on this date, “BREAKING: British activist Tommy Robinson sentenced to 18 months in prison over libel against Syrian refugee alleged to have been school bully” was published by Thomas Stevenson for Human Events.
On October 29, 2024, LBC published “Southport stabbing suspect charged with creating ricin and possession of Al Qaeda training manual” by Danielle de Wolfe.
An 18-year-old suspect behind with Southport stabbings has been charged with making the toxic biological chemical ricin and possession of an Al Qaeda Training Manual.
Also on October 29, 2021, the Telegraph published “Southport ‘attacker’ charged with having al-Qaeda manual and making ricin” by Connor Stringer.
About Islam - “Is Islam a Religion, Culture, Nationality or Ethnicity?” by Professor Shahul Hameed (July 6, 2020)
Guardian - “Anti-Muslim campaigners denied entry to UK at border” by Mark Townsend (April 14, 2018)
Pew Research Center - “Mapping the Global Muslim Population” (October 7, 2009)
BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
CNBC - “Facebook bans UK far-right activist Tommy Robinson over hate speech” by Ryan Browne (February 26, 2019)
Daily Mail - “Tommy Robinson to take far right protest to Keir Starmer's doorstep as he announces 'show of resistance to his tyranny'“ by Matt Strudwick (September 15, 2024)
Economic Times - “Who is Tommy Robinson? The controversial far-right figure reinstated on X after getting banned in 2018” by The Feed (no date given, last updated November 9, 2023)
Euro News - “Tommy Robinson: Far-right activist jailed for live broadcasting outside sex grooming trial” by Euronews with Reuters (November 7, 2019)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: from local loud mouth to international far-right poster boy” by Josh Halliday and Lois Beckett (December 7, 2018)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson released from jail after nine weeks” by Mattha Busby (September 13, 2019)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson 'racist invective' led to far-right targeting family, court hears” by PA Media (March 12, 2020)
Guardian - “Far-right activist Tommy Robinson says he is being detained at Mexican airport” by Clea Skopeliti (April 2, 2022)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: Cenotaph clashes could mark return of far-right figure” by Emily Dugan (November 12, 2023)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson ‘could face jail’ over film screening at London protest” by Christy Cooney (July 27, 2024)
Hope Not Hate - “Tommy Robinson is a far-right, Islamophobic extremist. Here’s why” by Joe Mulhall
Human Events - “UK conservative activist Tommy Robinson charged with 'terror offense' in London” by Katie Daviscourt (October 25, 2024)
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
Mirror - “Far right extremist Tommy Robinson 'will be freed from prison at the weekend'“ by Neil Murphy (September 11, 2019)
Parliament - “British far-right activist Tommy Robinson to stand in EU elections” by Martin Banks (May 2, 2019)
Reuters - “Fact Check: Tommy Robinson arrested over stop and search, not London demonstration” by Reuters Fact Check (August 7, 2024)
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: YouTube removes ads from far-right activist's videos” by Russell Hope (January 17, 2019)
Sky News - “EDL founder Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram” (no author) (February 26, 2019)
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: Punches thrown as milkshake thrown over far-right figure” (no author) (May 3, 2019)
Sun - “GAME OVER Who is Tommy Robinson? Former EDL founder and far-right activist” by Tom Michael and Les Steed (July 29, 2020)
Telegraph - “Who is the real Tommy Robinson?” by Matt Rowland Hill (October 18, 2013)
Telegraph - “Tommy Robinson charged with terror offence” by Connor Stringer (October 25, 2024)
Last updated September 25, 2024 [2024.09.23]
See, for example, “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” which was published February 17, 2023 by Irish Times wherein they refer to Robinson as “controversial”. However, as we will see all throughout, there is no denying that he is controversial. We use the word "“international” here not just because it sounds cool like ‘international man of mystery’ but also because, as we will see, he is controversial in other nations than merely his own.
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: YouTube removes ads from far-right activist's videos” by Russell Hope (January 17, 2019)
Sky News - “EDL founder Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram” (no author) (February 26, 2019)
Hope Not Hate - “Tommy Robinson is a far-right, Islamophobic extremist. Here’s why” by Joe Mulhall
CNBC - “Facebook bans UK far-right activist Tommy Robinson over hate speech” by Ryan Browne (February 26, 2019)
Daily Mail - “Tommy Robinson to take far right protest to Keir Starmer's doorstep as he announces 'show of resistance to his tyranny'“ by Matt Strudwick (September 15, 2024)
Reuters - “Fact Check: Tommy Robinson arrested over stop and search, not London demonstration” by Reuters Fact Check (August 7, 2024)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: from local loud mouth to international far-right poster boy” by Josh Halliday and Lois Beckett (December 7, 2018)
Guardian - “Far-right activist Tommy Robinson says he is being detained at Mexican airport” by Clea Skopeliti (April 2, 2022)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: Cenotaph clashes could mark return of far-right figure” by Emily Dugan (November 12, 2023)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson ‘could face jail’ over film screening at London protest” by Christy Cooney (July 27, 2024)
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: YouTube removes ads from far-right activist's videos” by Russell Hope (January 17, 2019)
Sky News - “EDL founder Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram” (no author) (February 26, 2019)
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: Punches thrown as milkshake thrown over far-right figure” (no author) (May 3, 2019)
Sun - “GAME OVER Who is Tommy Robinson? Former EDL founder and far-right activist” by Tom Michael and Les Steed (July 29, 2020)
Economic Times - “Who is Tommy Robinson? The controversial far-right figure reinstated on X after getting banned in 2018” by The Feed (no date given, last updated: Nov 09, 2023)
Parliament - “British far-right activist Tommy Robinson to stand in EU elections” by Martin Banks (May 2, 2019)
Euro News - “Tommy Robinson: Far-right activist jailed for live broadcasting outside sex grooming trial” by Euronews with Reuters (November 7, 2019)
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson 'racist invective' led to far-right targeting family, court hears” by PA Media (March 12, 2020)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: Cenotaph clashes could mark return of far-right figure” by Emily Dugan (November 12, 2023)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson 'racist invective' led to far-right targeting family, court hears” by PA Media (March 12, 2020)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: Cenotaph clashes could mark return of far-right figure” by Emily Dugan (November 12, 2023)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson ‘could face jail’ over film screening at London protest” by Christy Cooney (July 27, 2024)
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
See Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Hope Not Hate - “Tommy Robinson is a far-right, Islamophobic extremist. Here’s why” by Joe Mulhall
Mirror - “Far right extremist Tommy Robinson 'will be freed from prison at the weekend'“ by Neil Murphy (September 11, 2019)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Hope Not Hate - “Tommy Robinson is a far-right, Islamophobic extremist. Here’s why” by Joe Mulhall
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
Parliament - “British far-right activist Tommy Robinson to stand in EU elections” by Martin Banks (May 2, 2019)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
CNBC - “Facebook bans UK far-right activist Tommy Robinson over hate speech” by Ryan Browne (February 26, 2019)
Daily Mail - “Tommy Robinson to take far right protest to Keir Starmer's doorstep as he announces 'show of resistance to his tyranny'“ by Matt Strudwick (September 15, 2024)
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
Economic Times - “Who is Tommy Robinson? The controversial far-right figure reinstated on X after getting banned in 2018” by The Feed (no date given, last updated November 9, 2023)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson 'racist invective' led to far-right targeting family, court hears” by PA Media (March 12, 2020)
Guardian - “Far-right activist Tommy Robinson says he is being detained at Mexican airport” by Clea Skopeliti (April 2, 2022)
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson: Cenotaph clashes could mark return of far-right figure” by Emily Dugan (November 12, 2023)
Mirror - “Far right extremist Tommy Robinson 'will be freed from prison at the weekend'“ by Neil Murphy (September 11, 2019)
Parliament - “British far-right activist Tommy Robinson to stand in EU elections” by Martin Banks (May 2, 2019)
Sky News - “Tommy Robinson: YouTube removes ads from far-right activist's videos” by Russell Hope (January 17, 2019)
Sun - “GAME OVER Who is Tommy Robinson? Former EDL founder and far-right activist” by Tom Michael and Les Steed (July 29, 2020)
Irish Times - “Tommy Robinson profile: Convicted criminal is one of UK’s most prominent far-right activists” (no author) (February 17, 2023)
Sky News - “EDL founder Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram” (no author) (February 26, 2019)
Sun - “GAME OVER Who is Tommy Robinson? Former EDL founder and far-right activist” by Tom Michael and Les Steed (July 29, 2020)
BBC - “Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy” by Dominic Casciani (July 11, 2019)
About Islam - “Is Islam a Religion, Culture, Nationality or Ethnicity?” by Professor Shahul Hameed (July 6, 2020)
He states as much beginning at about 35:00 in the video “Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462” published by Jordan B Peterson (Youtube, June 30, 2024) [backup on Rumble].
Guardian - “Tommy Robinson and the far right’s new playbook” by Daniel Trilling (October 15, 2018)
Transcription not perfect. Transcribed with NoteGPT.
00:00:05 I'm in prison and then after two weeks they come and move me and I said where am I going why have you brought me here I was fine where what what what's the reason for bringing me here if you put me on that prison Wing I'm going to come straight out that prison door he said when they come to get you do not leave this cell I'm telling you your life depends on it [Music] hello everybody I'm talking today to The Dread Tommy Robinson um my wife who's going to join the discussion she had something to do
00:00:42 with this Tammy and I have been following Tommy for quite a long time years really probably nine years maybe longer than that wondering just what the hell he's doing and what he's up to watching his exposure particularly of the grooming gangs in the UK which is like the darkest story that the most demented imagination could possibly pause it so Tammy was going to interview Tommy and I wanted to meet him and then he got arrested in Calgary and I talked to Tammy a bunch about this and we watched his
00:01:14 latest documentary silenced together and I felt that it would be more than useful for us to both do the podcast and so that's what we've done and so what did we talk about well we talked about his arrest in Canada right with no charges and we talked about well his past since really since 2009 up to 2018 and what he's been through and why and uh we talked about the rally that's going to occur in London on July 27th and much else as well and so join us for that so Mr Robinson my wife and I have been
00:01:56 following you a long time trying to figure out what the hell's going on and what you're up to and so you've just run into a spot of trouble you might say in Canada welcome to Canada welcome to Justin Trudeau's Canada yeah yeah so maybe why don't you start with what happened in Calgary and what and what you think happened because no one really knows um so I landed in I went to Montreal I spent a week in Montreal I met gadad I met enaf badawi I've been in contact with that family for 10 years went for dinner there then I traveled to
00:02:31 Calgary he's that's the family of the guy who's trapped in so ra ra badawi yeah um he he put a statement online in Saudi Arabia saying Jews Christians and Muslims are equal that's what he said he was prosecuted he got 10 years in prison and they kept trying to do him for apostasy so they were trying to sentence him to death he was sentenced to a thousand lashes now this was in 2011 2012 and that was to at the start my activism but I was in contact with Rafe and his family so he had three children
00:02:59 same age as my children children and to and I've just visited his family to know that he still hasn't embraced and be able to hug his family still now is insane yeah and there was a fight for his freedom and Canada gave his family who at the time I was in contact with them back then he gave them Refugee status um and so I I come to Canada and I went to meet his family they invited me for dinner had a lovely time um then I come to Calgary when I landed in Canada I contacted Ezra lant because I used to work for Rebel media said I'm in
00:03:26 Canada he said great let's set up a couple of an events and so I landed and then we set up the first event for 6 days later so which was in Calgary so I then traveled to Calgary give my first speaking event talking about my politics talking about my journalism back home telling about my story and as I went to leave the event at the end four four cars pulled up arrested me detained me took me to an Immigration Center I wasn't charged it was quite insane actually it quite bizarre because did they were you ever charged with anything
00:03:54 never charged with anything and and so so what what I found particularly strange about that was that you I understand that you were detained for some time at the airport is that is I was detained begin for three or four hours at immigration one so they went and I've got a copy of my stamp so they they stamped me with a qu with queries I think because I traveled in on an Irish passport from Denmark and I didn't have a return FL oh they probably knew who you were too yeah and and but they but they when they questioned me for the
00:04:20 three four hours they want to know who I was seeing where I was staying I gave them all that information they made phone calls to the people um and then they released me and then when and as I said when they come they said they detained me they took me to the Immigration Center and and then they seemed like they were trying to release me straight away which the officers didn't seem like they wanted to be detaining me they said they said Tommy listen if you agree to conditions we can get you out the door oh yeah if you
00:04:47 don't agree conditions you're going to be on a flight to Vancouver and you're going to be detained and that detainment could be for a while yeah okay but I said okay so what do you want me to agree to they said agree to not leave Calgary and agreed to sign in the police station three three times a week so my next my event did they say why well it's it become quite obvious why because it was to block my appearance at Edmonton they said you're not I said what about Edmonton I've got an event sold out
00:05:12 tomorrow in Ed you're not allowed to go to Ed okay okay got it and then I said I'm due to be in Toronto you're not allowed to go to Toronto so I said okay so that's what this is about then I see and did they say on what grounds you weren't allowed speak to all the people who'd already paid for you to speak to them they said that they didn't believe I've been entirely honest with them in my immigration meeting so I didn't we didn't preut up any event or for sales for a talking engagement until I was in
00:05:38 Canada when I was in Canada and I spoke to Rebel media so once I was through immigration I spoke to Ezra Ezra said right let's do a couple of speaking engagements so they said they believe I knew I was doing speaking engagements before I come here but there was no ticket sales there was nothing before I come here it was once I got in it but I said what what difference does that make what difference does that make I'm in Canada you've given me six months I believe to be here yeah when I've when when you you've allowed me in what
00:06:01 difference does it make whether I'm speaking or not then they said and we had lawyers present for all of this and IM Ezra hired us the best immigration lawyer they said that you're only allowed five days if you're coming and doing a speaking engagement which is a different visa to what you you've got then you're allowed five days so you've had your first day in Calgary so you can't do Toronto anyway because it's seven or eight days later and then the immigration lawyer said well that's not true because you're allowed five
00:06:24 separate dates and it doesn't matter if they're over the six months so they were trying to twist things the whole time they but then they seemed in a very bad situation which they were trying to we spent two days of negotiations so it was it was this in Calgary in Calgary yeah in Calgary with lawyers to negotiate my exit from the country so for them we had to negotiate when I because what they said is you're not free to leave at the minute you can't leave it's my daughter's birthday next week so I was
00:06:51 concerned I didn't want to tell him that but I was concerned that I was going to be held here then I was concerned whether they'll holding me here till after July 27th which is my next big event in the UK so my my head started going down all the rabbit holes trying to work out what they're doing but I don't think they knew what they were doing if I'm honest after speaking it is Canada under Justin Trudeau so that's a fair assumption and they didn't want to be doing it it was very clear the officers that were doing it in Calgary
00:07:14 in Calgary yeah I wondered about we're so nice yeah we so nice the whole time and who picked you up what was the the Canada Border immigration agency cbsa right so was the Federal people the federal people yeah and they said it had come from cuz I asked them I recorded them in the back of the car saying who's who's ordered my detention and what for and they said for immigration violations yeah I poked around in the Alberta Government to see if there is any involvement there and I found no evidence that they knew anything about
00:07:40 what was going on with you at all or could find out about anything and it doesn't make sense because then that now they've just G me back my passport but they only give me back my passport under the agreement that I booked my flight to leave from Toronto now do you have a speaking engagement in Toronto today today when is it uh it's at five it starts at 5:00 right right okay okay okay so so okay so what did you want to come here to speak about so I'll be honest this this possibly could be the most important interview I've done of my
00:08:10 life yeah I currently face since leaving the UK I had a bit huge event on the 1 of June since leaving the UK I've received no paperwork but a far-left organization have put out that I'm going to be in court on July 29th facing two years in prison for a for a film that I made four years ago so why are you being charged for Tammy and I watched that film last week you've watched the film yeah now the only thing I saw about it that was you know could be argued to be questionable was the fact that you recorded people who didn't
00:08:43 want to talk without them knowing now my sense was that it was perfectly understandable why you did that but you know in terms of looking for Mel Fant say that seemed to be the most obvious thing now you were investigating something like you have been lot as far as I'm concerned something unspeakably vile and so it seems to me that you had a moral obligation as a human being and as a journalist to do exactly that but like what what the hell why are you up on charges for for two so I'm I'm up for
00:09:14 Content because when we talk about the politicization of the Judiciary or the weaponization of the Judiciary basically when this story that you've watched this story went Global it was a global news story which was a total fabricated story yeah you maybe clue people in the story so there was Syrian refugee in a school in the north of England and he's held down on video by a White English pupil and he pours a bottle of water over him now the headlines were that Syrian refugee was racially attacked and and
00:09:41 water boarded yeah so that was the headline and that went CNN it went ABC ABC Australia it went BBC it was the biggest news story of the world yeah and they blew it up now the story the public were told was that it was a racist attack because because he was a Syrian and because he was a refugee and everyone was told that the white English boy was a racist bully now very quickly very quickly as this blew up I think £170,000 was donated to the Syrian refugee our politicians used it everyone used this story for their
00:10:09 agenda so the Home Secretary invited the Syrian refugee to Parliament um professional Lennox Lewis well Champion boxers made invites to him everyone was supporting the Syrian refugee because of what the way the story was portrayed I very quickly got contacted by mothers and parents at the school and pupils at the school saying that there were allegations that the Syrian refugee had beat up girls H Attack girls he threatens to rape girls all of these allegations so I made a video saying to the public you're being lied to about
00:10:36 this event okay this is not the entire story you've got a 10-second clip stop donating your money and this isn't the truth from that then I received we have a celebrity jihadist lawyer who represents all the jihadists so if you right yeah his name is Muhammad akanji so he's the man trying to get shamina begam back into the UK that's the one the girl that went to the Isis bride um he's been the he was the lawyer for Mad bajo who beheaded Lee r he is the celebrity jihadist lawyer he then contacts me and it worked with everyone
00:11:05 else everyone else that was threatened over this story shut up or retracted their statements yeah he contacted me and said you have to pay £50,000 make an apology um for your defamation because I went online and said that the Syrian refugee had threatened to stab someone and I said he attacks girls yeah they said that wasn't true so they then started legal proceedings to suei okay this is where it starts so they start legal proceedings to Sumi I then launch into action investigating cuz I know what I've said's true because I spoke to
00:11:34 parents pupils I spoke to everyone at the school so then I thought how do I prove I'm always thinking outside of the the court because there's no jury in this in this court case I'm thinking of public opinion I need to show the public that I have credibility and I haven't lied to you in fact I was the only journalist in Britain who told you the truth about this story now when you see the film if they can change the the the entire story they change and deceive the entire nation on this story how many
00:12:01 other stories are we seeing daily which are tot mean like the story about Biden being competent like that story for example like when they hide it like the hunter B Hunter Biden story when certain stories right Russian disinformation 50 Intelligence Officers swearing to swearing it to it they hide certain stories and then they pump other stories now why did they pump this story this story was about supporting migration supporting Refugee status because the reality was the British government at this time this Syrian refugee was one of
00:12:27 20,000 welcomed in by the cons conservative government at the height of the Isis conflict so if the reality could be told which was allegations of the boy being a bully attacking girls stabbing people and we can I'll get on to all of this so if that was the truth then people might start challenging the government policy now the government very quickly used the story invited the Syrian refugee he was on every news show Once they' done that they couldn't go back on it they had to crush the story yeah at which point I then wear a hidden
00:12:55 camera and I say I say let's go and speak to the teachers let's find out what's gone on up in this up in Huddersfield the first teacher I go to who was an Asian gentleman come out and said just said straight away Tom me I took I took the money said what do you mean you took the money he said I took the money I said they paid you who paid you Kirk Le's Council now the leader of C Kirk Le's Council was uh shabir pandor who's a Muslim his brother's delete do you remember the school story in in Batley
00:13:22 where a school teacher tried to talk about uh about Muhammad and that school teacher that school teacher is still in hiding now so the man that organized the rally outside that school is a muy muy pandor so shabir pandor is the leader of the council his brother is the main radical Imam who organized all the protests now at the time in the city of Huddersfield it was the biggest grooming Scandal grooming is rape Jihad gangs of Muslim men who are raping young girls in our country's history yeah this was a
00:13:52 perfect news story to change the narrative which is what they done right right so the teacher says he was paid I say how much he he whispers on camera £18,000 so then he goes on to tell me that the Syrian refugee come up to his classroom to beat up a girl remember my allegation is that he beats up girls and then we go on to get the school records yeah we we have and just so you can see the deception to the British public the Syrian refugee was sat on TV and making comments like I don't like to break the
00:14:21 school rules yes yes well his school records show 117 disciplinaries his school records show that the teacher he meant he didn't like to break them 150 times but the the public were totally deceived on this and they donated £180,000 to this child yeah yeah and they would and at the same time as this the English boy was portrayed as a racist bully right which was a total they had to move right they they their house come under attack there was threats to rape the sisters do you know what you don't see in the story do you
00:14:47 know that boy lived with me for three years that boy I took him home I took the family home so they lived four hours away and didn't they put them in a ratty hotel right next to a brothel they were putting them in is in an Islamic District they were putting in in the Islamic District that muy Pandora the man who organized a protest outside the school controls the main Moss next door how soon did he show up at the school after the next day the next day but and the story so people understand the story
00:15:14 wasn't organic the story of the bottle of water happens here four weeks later it blows up into into international news now what happens in that four weeks the celebrity jihadist lawyers working with the home office yeah they put in a criminal record check on the Syrian family so they're making sure the store the family are clean before they blow it up the criminal record check comes back say on the 25th on the 26th it's world news so it wasn't like this story just went online and blew up and all the and
00:15:42 everyone started reporting on it they had four weeks to plan it and they planned it and they planned the entire story and what you see the Syrian refugee had a broken arm at the time yeah he had his arm in a plaster cast now what the public were told was that he broke his arm in another racist attack so when I went to the Head teacher's house after already having the teacher say he was paid £18,000 to prevent him telling the truth about the Syrian I then go to the Head teacher's house who just said Tommy I've never had
00:16:08 my chance to talk about this yeah I'm not allowed to okay I said so you've been have you have you signed a non-disclosure agreement did they pay you and he he goes on to say they blackmailed him they threatened him so when this went onto world news the they and when I say who's they he says Theresa May who was our prime minister at the time she spoke about this in the United Nations meeting she spoke about this story that's how big this story was and then they came into his school and he said he'd worked there
00:16:37 for 25 years he joined education to help pure he had a I could have done a whole documentary on that head teacher yeah on they closed the school they closed the school down actually yeah everybody so what happened to his arm so so basically the head teacher says do you know how he broke his arm and I did but I said no tell me how he broke his arm he said he was attacking a pupil four years younger than him so he was 15 he was attacking 11 old boy after racially abusing the boy's mom yeah yeah so he is attacking
00:17:04 the boy and another pupil cuz he had a little boy in the headlock and other pupil pushed him off that's how he broke his arm but I said that's not what the whole world was told we were told he fell against a curb he fell against a curb and that's what the record show from the school and the head teacher says on camera I investigated it I know how he broke his arm yeah and then I asked the T teacher well how come the public were never told any of this he said we told the media we we were telling the media all of us were it was
00:17:30 never reported so then the head teacher goes on to state that they made him sign a non-disclosure agreement they then escorted him off the school crappie and he never worked a day since and part of his agreement he's not even allowed to talk to other teachers so they totally shut this case down now whilst they shut this case down I was a problem because I was a journalist with a very large following telling the public in the world they're lying to you yeah so how did they deal with me they then started
00:17:56 legal proceedings now legal proceedings to sue me because they said the allegations I made were lies now so I I had to prove I went who was they um uh so his the C the lawyers the law firm but then with as a journalist I I can prove everything I reported is what I was told I had the messages from a mom who sent me pictures of her daughter's Faceook with bite marks yeah so I went to court first of all and said well I'm a journalist I just I reported what I was told yeah the judge didn't allow that the judge said no you have to prove
00:18:27 it is true so I said well I don't have protection as a journalist that I I I reported what I was told yeah so why do I have to even if I was told it and I reported the allegation but then but you had the school record St did you not have them I got no I didn't have them at this point I see I didn't have them at this point so then he said you have to prove it you have to prove it's true I said okay so then they going online without expressvpn is like putting all your passwords and credit card numbers on a huge billboard
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00:19:53 very apparent what this was for me very quickly because we sat down in court and they agreed their legal cost we're up to £750,000 right so then I'm like okay this is what's happening law yeah for me to fight this and I couldn't afford to fight it yeah so I I I couldn't afford the legal teams but we got into the proven truth so I had all the recordings yeah so I I went and got seven teachers one teacher a female says on camera women couldn't speak to this Syrian refugee right he hated women yeah he was
00:20:26 I say what was he like he was aggressive and you know I asked teaches the same questions what was Jamal like and what was Bailey the English racist bully and whenever I mention Bailey's name they said Oh What a Beautiful Boy yeah right really nice kid now some people understand the story of why why I couldn't back down anyway yeah is when I went when this story blew up into National News international news I went to meet the family the English boy and I went to a hotel and I met the mom they were live hiding in the hotel cuz the
00:20:55 police you're right were putting them in a hostile Islamic area in some Hotel so when I met the mom she was crying to eyes out and she said I've spent all my Christmas money Tommy I've got no Christmas money for the kids I've been here for a week hiding and we don't know what to do she had two 9-year-old little girls with her twins two mixed race little girls who were were Bailey's little sisters right oh yes right that's important yeah it's because they're calling them a racist family so I said
00:21:18 to the family I said okay I've got come and stay with me yeah till we sort this out so I come back up the next day and I and we go to the house now at the time when this blew up onto national news their address was put out and when their address was put out gangs had turned up which I wear again to prove to the public that it's not my allegation of this I go and knock on the neighbor's doors and say what was it like and they say cars of Muslim men were turning up here sh saying they're going to rape the
00:21:45 sisters they're raping the mom the the and then the family at the time barricaded themselves so the two little sisters and the mom barricading himself inside their door now when I went to move their stuff the next day the family wouldn't come back to the house they were too scared I said right we'll go with men to your prop and get you all your belonging yeah cuz the Christmas presents were under the tree so that's what the mom was like my Christmas presents were under the tree the kid all the kids stuff said when I got there we
00:22:07 couldn't get in the bedroom door the bedroom door was only this much open yeah where they where the family this is to understand what the family had had to go through they' had to barricade thems in as gangs of Muslims are outside attempting to get in the house because the boy poured a bottle of water over him and not just the boy P ped B of water over him but every single Pier's Morgan Jeremy Vine the biggest commentators in our country country demanded severe retribution that's their words against this child he was a child
00:22:34 so even if he had when you said he was wasn't Bailey uh responding to something that Jamal had done when he poured the water so what we so what I said originally was that Jamal had threatened to stab Bailey that was my allegation because that's what Bailey had told me when we go to the teachers houses one there I had her under Posh teacher because she spoke very well she said you do know and this is all on the documentary you do know he threatened to rape Bailey's little n sisters don't you yeah so when you see the boy pouring a
00:23:02 bottle of water over him in the playground he doesn't physically beat him up no yeah pours a bottle of water over him you don't get any backstory and although all the teachers knew the backstory yeah one of the teachers I knocked on their door and I'm so GED because the foot there was a teacher who knew Bailey and when I knocked on her door she just got on her knees crying oh dear she just felt on her knes crying and I know why she felt on knes crying that's guilt yeah and every one of those teachers the head teacher had a
00:23:24 breakdown he turn the head teacher's life was a breakdown and and the sad story was I spoke to other pupils cuz I spoke to so many people another pupil who was had serious mental health issues always self Haring he when I met him he said you see if it wasn't for that head teacher I'd be dead now I wouldn't have survived my school time without that head teacher that head teacher saved my life on many occasions the the fact that I could go and talk to him yeah so this head teacher was a brilliant man from
00:23:49 everyone I spoke to they threw him under the bus they closed the school down so to get rid of this problem they closed the school they closed the school amazing school was gone so I still want to know more about well the contempt issue so the contempt issue is so when I so I I went to court and five pupils who I don't know oh yeah came to court and testified now one of those pupils was got a grade is the best you can get in school so one of those pupils got 11 A's yeah a young girl called Charlie okay
00:24:16 her life's been destroyed through this as well this is what I'm so angry about yeah this isn't about saying I lied you've said these children lied yeah that's what the judg has done yeah right so what he done this pupil come to court she gave testimony that that the the Syrian boy within a week of being in school beat her up with a hockey stick yeah and she still back hit her in the back with a hockey stick another boy come to court and testified that he witnessed it yeah another girl come to court and testified that he spat in her
00:24:40 face and attacked her another boy come to court and said he racially abused her M but this is the if you said the journalists left they left court before that happened and then the judge said that all those people were lying and said that people have all sorts of reasons to lie they just make things so basically as as the syian refugee was given evidence the media was sitting there and headlines were going everywhere about how scared he was with my video yeah um and how he was intimidated and his family were were in
00:25:07 danger we find out from the police records there were no threats yeah but this is how them so and then when it got to the first of our Witnesses which is five pupils you know when it got to the witnesses I mean the I watched the media get up and walk out of court and I sat there looking at the judge so they walked out of court so as each one of these Witnesses give evidence there not one single thing what portrayed to the British public so the public were told told nothing of what the allegations
00:25:30 were again it's a total and I sat there and I said to the judge how how where are they gone there's another news story I said so no one's reporting this no one's and then what the judge done I then produced seven covert recordings now the covert recordings proved that the council because the head teacher was paid this teacher was paid and they all said they were paid yeah and they all say they were paid to prevent them telling the truth about this situation so whilst they're telling everyone I lied no one was free to tell the truth
00:25:59 because they've signed Financial nondisclosure agreements so in the documentary we put in a we put in an application to the local Council controlled by shabir Pand mu pandor and we ask how much have you spent on nondisclosure of right right they spent £ 274,000 buying the Silence of their employees so they from there what do you make of the who's the judge and what can you say about what you make of him well I I I actually should I I'm not allowed to say anything so even though I'm sitting here talking yeah I have been
00:26:29 bound and gagged and this film that I made so when I produced all the coote recordings I'm sitting there thinking your entire case is gone yeah this was a setup it was fake it was fraudulent it's all a lie yeah and then on the school records remember to find me in defamation I said he threatened to stab someone so then I produce a School record from his teacher that says he stabbed someone then I go to the boy's house who he stabbed and get the boy in his mom on camera covertly yeah saying that he he stabbed him and drew blood
00:26:58 yeah he stabbed five pupils that day according to these pupils yeah five five but but he was he was portrayed to the entire country as a perfect little pure Syrian poor Syrian refugee who had been racially bullied now I'm not having to go at the Syrian refugee here either because he was 15 years old he was a child he'd come from a war zone he had his problems yeah what the problem is here is the total deception to the entire world to push a narrative by a government yeah the narrative open border immigration the narrative White
00:27:28 English racists they said the school was racist so even in the documentary I go and find other Syrian refugees at the school and I knock on their doors and say how have you found it living here and the the girl says I found it brilliant everyone's been so welcome into US yeah so it was a total misrepresentation to the public now when I show the judge all of these recordings what he does is he writes down everything he saw so every allegation that the women made so but their case was their case was backed by the fact
00:27:59 that the mother who went out publicly and said Jamal attacked her daughter the mother that sent me pictures of her daughter's injuries that mother retracted her statement yeah which she did I knock on her door with a hidden camera and just say look I'm just trying to understand what's going on and she says Tommy they're threatened to rape us yeah I said okay she go I've got to live here Tommy with my daughters yeah and this is the city with the biggest Muslim rape gangs yeah so she's terrified so I
00:28:25 said okay I'm not angry with you yeah because they're ruining my life because of this because they're saying they're telling the world I lied when I didn't so she says okay and I said but what I need to ask you is just was Jamal involved in the attack against your daughter she says yes of course he was so okay so it was the truth so I produced this to the judge to say you may have a retraction statement but here's why you've got a retraction statement yeah and here's the school records in the school records in minutes
00:28:51 from a meeting yeah which they tried to block us getting the school records as well in the school records from the minutes from the meeting Jamal's father his name is Jihad yeah yeah I know I can't believe that Jamal's father Jihad in the in in all the council records They say that his family were trying to manipulate the situation for their own benefit Jamal had his own casew worker who in the emails says Jamal is not the innocent party that's being betrayed here yeah that's his own caseworker
00:29:16 there was not one single person that went to court and gave any evidence for Jamal yeah it was literally seven teachers five pupils the P the a grade pupil I read out in Us in the schools in her school record what it says is that she is the only pupil in the school to have zero negatives yeah yeah she's a perfect grade a student at the time of this court case she's at University studying law why would she come to court and lie yeah but the judge listed everything that's in the documentary yeah and then gave me a ruled against me
00:29:50 bankrupt me for 1.6 million pounds yeah which is what this was about so people understand Kate I don't know if you know KY Hopkins in the UK they took ran Katie before this case yeah because I knew they they took her house they took her family home they put her through the courts and They seized her home and I said Katie I'm facing she said Tommy do an agreement I'm telling you you can't win you cannot win this yeah I said I can't do an agreement I I can't do it to the kid who was living with me the
00:30:15 English kid he tried to kill himself as well tried to commit suicide I said I can't say that he that this is all I can't do it I said so I can't come to an agreement with them I just can't I can't principally do it when I have reported the truth and I'm not backing down on that so she said well they can do what they want because when they made me bankrupt when when they took my house they my new husband who had savings from his previous marriage they took that she said they're going to clean you out so I
00:30:41 had that advice very early on but I went through and she was 100% right they could do what they want and they bankrupt me to the tune of 1.6 million pounds when they bankrupt me they then give me an injunction and when the judge give me an injunction in court I said when he mentioned it I said the film's already made yeah cuz I'd already made the film they knew I had film because I've put out promos before the court case to and the whole the public are going to see the truth of this case yeah every again in the the film is not
00:31:07 opinion based it's fact-based it's school records it's when are you going to release it so I'm not all so B basically since I've been here the film was played in America two years ago in a in a cinemar in Florida General Flynn was there he get he gave his account of what he watched he said it's unbelievable what I've just watched because what people need to understand is you see what they've done to me me is exactly the same lawfare that's going on across the whole Western World to anyone who ra raises their voice what I managed
00:31:35 to do is document every single part of it and show what I call the Unholy Alliance the alliance together of the Judiciary of far-left organizations Muslim organizations all working together to control the narrative and I was challenging The Narrative and that's why I had to be punished but the judge gives an injunction where he listed everything in the film and basically said if the public ever see this you get two years in jail so I and if I'm the cont that's the contempt and when I come out of court I failed I totally failed
00:32:06 in in myself in in myself as a journalist because for since the start of my activism which I'll get it was in 2019 I've said if you worry about consequence you will never ever bring about change you won't bring about change I wouldn't walk out my front door if I wouldn't come to Canada if I was worrying about consequence getting torn down by a communist government but if you worry about Comm consequence you won't bring about change an incompetent communist government you better be precise yeah yeah should probably throw
00:32:34 a bit of malevolence wounded narcissism malevolence in to you know just for the icing but so so I so so but when I come out of court that day with the injunction I was SC I was scared in all honesty um I've been in prison multiple times to do with my work um I spent a year I've done a year of solit confinement which damaged me which was totally damaged me I went into prison one person come out another yeah and um so at that time and it also damaged my family so at that time I didn't play the film
00:33:10 right so this is interesting I think I should have played the film these are adult these are adult problems that haven't been dealt with because people aren't allowed to speak and now children are at the brunt of it do you know they ruined that whole so that school was closed down the the collateral damage in the government's lie because that's what it is a total lie the collateral damage that young English kid is still suicidal I talk to him every day yeah as I said he lived with me for three years right
00:33:38 think he' do a podcast yeah yeah he would you want to ask him yeah he would do it man and you know you got to hear what what he done to his life you've got to see what he done to hey let's talk to him talk to him yep talk to him okay he's a lovely young man you know he had a difficult upbringing he had a difficult upbringing and from the background he's from and the upbringing he had of poverty and a real rough environment he is a very nice kid and and so and I look my son's 15 it happened to him when he was 15 right the
00:34:08 whole world turned on him right the whole world turned on him man and even now he's still feel he's still he's still bearing the brunt of it now CU he lived with me until till the till this case when this case finished I left the UK now when I left the UK he left he left living with us and he's gone back up to his home his hometown where he's still facing problems Oh Yeah from this lie but the the thing is I I should have played the film I should have just played the film and I didn't play the film because I for the first time
00:34:34 worried about consequence I I was I should have played the film man it's e me up for years and the film was never played but it was played in America two years ago yeah two years ago it's played in America now they've come for me why have they come for me now I held a I held a rally on the 1 of June um no I come back to so I I'd stayed out of the UK for a year since with all of this and i' I stopped I wasn't in a great place either and then I come back I think Elon Musk Elon Musk gave me back my account
00:35:05 now my activism and my journalism took me in 2015 I if I go I I started my activism in 2009 yeah so I'll give a brief history to my work yeah do that I was born in I was born in Luton in 1982 luton's a town that's 30 miles north of London when I was born in 1982 there was one mosque there's now 45 mosques okay how big is lon it's 200,000 population and how many mask 45 okay 45 Luton was named by the CIA as the epicenter for terrorist activities across Europe the fertilizer bomb plot was planned in
00:35:36 Luton the 77 attacks they got their bombs in Luton the stockhome bomber was radicalized in Luton terrorist attack after terrorist attack is orchestrated and come from Luton now growing up in Luton I as I said when I was born I've seen all of this yeah Al mine you know Omar back Abu Abu Hamza the two their head office they used to have an organized ation called Aline who were not a they're now a prescribed terrorist organization but they never were their head office was in biscuit Mill in my hometown so growing up I had a very life
00:36:09 lesson of the influence of islamist ideology and what it can do to Freedom yeah also the grooming gangs which is something we'll get on to so my cousin was a victim at 14 she was hooked on Heroin and raped she she was she woke up being raped by gangs of bearded men in the Muslim in the Muslim Community she run naked through streets now what the police done at the time is nothing yeah so I grew up watching how old were you when that happened I would have been 13 so she was 14 so as all this is happening and just so people get Luton
00:36:40 is one of the most diverse towns in Great Britain one of the most diverse towns in Europe yeah so white English are a minority okay most of the people I love are not white because I've been brought up in in this community yeah so as I've been brought up in our school playground when when I went to school had the Muslim playground and the non-muslim playground like so I had very quick learning and then when you go into the why why were they segregated well they segregated themselves the Muslims did not integrate or assimilate so when
00:37:10 you go into the school dinner table just so people can picture it you'll have whites sitting with blacks sitting with Indians sitting with siks sitting with Hindus all sitting together and in the corner there' be 10 tables of Muslims yeah now I never understood it as a child okay it was from when I went to high school I just knew the pakistanis are very different yeah they're quite hostile if you mess with one you've declared war with the whole tribe yeah there's not a fair fight there's never a
00:37:32 one-on-one fight it's all Gang Related and I learn so I just grew up learning it but that's not to say because some of the best people I met in my hometown were Muslim Lads yeah some of the people I loved were Muslim Lads but per se there was a real problem here and I grew up watching it learning it and Alma rine um my first activism was in 2004 I was what was I in 20 2004 I organized a protest and this group were do you remember the bezam school massacre no so bezam school massacre was chian re chian terrorists had took
00:38:06 control of a school and this is coming again yeah this is going to happen to a Jewish school I guarantee you they took control of a school when I was probably 2019 or something that was where this was in C Russia yeah okay I and what happened was the parents all outside the school and all the Muslim jihadists are inside the school with their pupils with their children and then they start butchering them and killing them and I remember watching the parents dropped their knees and they're screaming yeah
00:38:30 and I remember watching it thinking what what is this what has this isn't one man that's gone in and done this this is a whole group of people so what and then I had to understand what brings someone to do that and two weeks later I saw an interview in a chicken shop in my hometown of Luton with a man called safe of Islam which translates the sword of Islam he was second in command of aline the group yeah who whose head office is in my town and I saw him saying an attack like that would be just justified
00:38:58 in a British scho and that was my wake up I said who's this man and I looked him up who's his group and I looked up who they were and then I looked up on my backery and then I started understanding their ideology and trying to work out and then for me these are a danger yeah so then I organized and I looked and they used to have a store set up so we have a a Don Miller's bakery a famous it's like your Tim Horton yeah we have a bakery chain in Lut town center and every Saturday this terrorist group are
00:39:24 there openly promoting hatred yeah just openly sending people to fight for the Taliban recruiting people so so the Stockholm bomber who is a Iraqi Muslim who come to University in Len was a nice young man till he come to L yeah then then When You're vulnerable at your most vulnerability away from home for the first time in University they pounce yeah that's typical cult Behavior this is what so they pounce yeah and they got him and then he went and blew himself up yeah so these groups have been operating
00:39:54 so I organized a protest called ban the loton Taliban yeah and I actually in my pres I give a presentation Oxford University when was that that was 2004 so I give a presentation Oxford University because I made leaflets and if you dig up the leaflet which i' done for my Oxford University presentation in 2004 my rhetoric has never changed okay so the leaflet was put as front page of our local newspaper and what I said is whites and blacks are being religiously and racially targeted in this town yeah
00:40:20 no one's doing anything about it there's a total two police in operation in this town where they get away with what they want the Islamic community get away with what they want they don't the police do not know how to deal with these problems I went on to say that they use drugs as a weapon against our community to get our children into pedophilic practices W which is what's now known as grooming now when I made this when I and and I was a young man yeah and I organized it with my friends we go to football
00:40:44 together um luton's one of the most it was vot voted the roughest town in Great Britain yeah it's a rough place but we went makes it rough um they were heart makers what we were heart makers what made you rough that's all that mercury that's the history lon's a it's a poverty stricken town with a lot of problems regardless of Islam Luton has a lot of problems it's a rough environment it's the levels of violence are are as high as anywhere in the UK but what you grow up thinking is normal actually
00:41:10 isn't normal you grow up with a level of violence in your school on your streets or the way to solve things is through violence and it's a poor town yeah so I start I organized this group starting a business can be tough but thanks to Shopify running your online storefront is easier than ever Shopify is the global Commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launch your online shop stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage Shopify is there to help you grow our
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00:42:08 business no matter what stage you're in that's shopify.com jbp so I start I organized this group about 200 of us turned up English men and for the first time it works that the terrorist group weren't there yeah the the jihadists weren't there that day because we were yeah and the police locked it down but the what happened from that point the police tell me what they did no the police on this day the police turned up we went to we went to Don Miller the group weren't there we then stood held a little protest at our
00:42:39 Council building saying we need to get rid of these terrorists yeah this was before 77 this is before any terrorist attacks in Great Britain this was these the terrorist attacks we've seen and the so 60% of the Muslims in Great British prison in in Great Britain's jails are ex-members of this group in Luton yeah so okay you actually had put your finger on them I put my finger on them and I named in the leaflet what I named in the leaflet was the link between the street drug gangs called the we have a gang
00:43:06 called the gambinos they haven't they're not very original they're a Pakistani group but they've called themselves the gambinos and three year four years later the national newspaper so in 2004 I named them in I Nam them in my leaflet and say we've had enough of the gangs with their heroin and we've had enough of the jihadists all combining and what happened after this was I was targeted by the by The Gangs not by the hadist by the street level drug gangs who were drinking alcohol gambling they're not
00:43:32 religious they're just out pumping heroin and controlling the streets and prostitution I was targeted by them now years later the national newspapers run a link showing the link between the gambinos they name them and and terrorists they're working they work alongside each other and at the time the lottin Islamic Center which is the main Mosque of luten the main salafist Mosque of luten yeah um that's it's the old synagogue ironically before the Jews were driven out it's the old synagogue is now oh really yeah convenient but
00:44:03 Kadir Basque was the leader of this mosque now at the time I then started looking at at this mosque because my friends who are Muslim had said BR that that's the problem in this town that's the problem yeah so I went on their website and I translated their website and I found a seven-page justification for women to be lashed for adultery yeah I found justification for killing for apostates this is on the main mosque yeah so I translate it all and then basically I faced a backlash from the Pakistani gangs and I had problems then
00:44:31 but at this time I'm being hon it I was part of a loton football scene so I used to go football with my friends the one sat the Saturday would be the day that all the English Lads would come together for Luton Town Football Club it was a culture a cultural thing I guess um I've never claimed to be an angel either um so I was part of a football scene so we clashed then with with the the drug gangs the the Muslim drug gangs and five years goes past um by this point um do you think you did something wrong there
00:45:03 no I didn't do anything I stood up against them stood up stood up against them and at times so I knew those gangs because they're all we're all the same age I went to school with them yeah stood up against them and I remember when they were getting with one of my friends little sisters and I rang my sister I rang the family and said do not let her near them I'm telling you yeah at the time don't let her near them I know what's going to happen and then that I had all the gangs having problems with me then saying what's going on CU
00:45:26 because I knew them yeah what's going on I said you're not doing to her what you do I know the family it's not happening lad the amount of girls I know who lives have been destroyed through these prostitution drug gangs and they start off nice with the girls they get them in they treat them well they give them money these are 13-year-old children yeah they give them drink they give them alcohol they'll drive them around in their sports cars gradually gradually bang they're gone the girl's gone yeah
00:45:51 the girls gone and as I said when the family is that when you became aware of grooming yeah I've become aware because my cousin all the other girls went to school with but at the time we viewed them so at school the English kids we just viewed the girls ourselves we we viewed them wrong we viewed them as slags because they're off with all the Pakistani men the older men right we were viewing them as children just looking saying what they doing with all the taxi drivers and what what what they're G out of all the all the older
00:46:16 Pakistani men I watched your uh video about the woman now who's older who talked about the gangs The Gangs when she was young and she would get into a car and lay down so that her mom M's in the car yeah so all of these things are going on yeah but by this point I get we get to 2009 when did you start to understand that your view of the girls the view of the girls that you had when you were 15 or thereabouts when you were treating them like was wrong yeah when did you figure that out when I become an adult when I become an adult
00:46:47 and started looking thinking and then when I so 2009 in 20 so 2004 I do this protest we have a backlash from all the Pakistani drug gangs We Carry On sort of we get through that I've grown up I've then by this point got two successful businesses uh between me and my wife we had seven properties we were doing we were successful we were doing well well in life yeah and then 2009 we have a solders homecoming parade so they weren't out there at War it was a royal anglian regim regimen which is our local
00:47:15 regimen now Scott mrid is 26 years old he's from our from the state I grew up in when I was young and he died um Michael Swain was 19 and lost his legs when the soldiers I I turned up on a Tuesday morning with my cousin and it wasn't well publicized but we turned up to pay our respects and when I turned up I saw about 20 women in full Nicks which is quite a sight when you see them together and then I looked and saw saful Islam the leader of this Islamic group The Sword of Islam I looked and saw him
00:47:43 and then I started seeing more of them and then I saw police everywhere and I'm thinking no way yeah something's going to go down here yeah then I saw the I I watched this myself I watched as the police took a group now what the cuz my some of of our friends got arrested at this event we got the intelligence now the police actually on the motorway stopped 360 other Muslims coming into loot in that day yeah so there was a full-on there was going to be a full-on attack against our Arm Forces on they as
00:48:09 they walk through the town but as they walk through the town I watched as the local as sorry these were the armed forces that had come back from come back from Afghanistan or Iraq train training they were training they weren't at War there they I see okay okay so they had the freedom of the city because they've been away so then they come to get their March and the public can come out and support them and it was all played anyway it was on a Tuesday it wasn't publicized we knew it because we know
00:48:30 people in the regimen so we've gone down that day and then I watched the town hall now picture this this is our town hall remember these group these this group have all gone on to be impr prisoned for Isis yeah so but that's who they were at the time yeah but no one knows who they are really no one has the knowledge of what these men are like we do because we we're born there I've looked here I've researched them I know who they are I know the danger of this idea it's 2009 I'm sitting there standing there and I watched my police
00:48:56 walk through all through the town hall they opened up our town hall doors and walked them through I thought what's going on there and then as the soldiers are Marching here then you just hear all commotion so I go running around the back of the Town Hall they've took them through the town hall to stand as the soldiers walk here the Muslim groups here and they're spitting at the soldiers they spit in Scott M who's dead they spit in his mom's face yeah they spat in the fam's and they're shouting that's ass salt just to be straight just
00:49:23 to be straight B baby killers butchers of bazra this what they're calling the soldiers now now my opinion of that war has changed from back then as well yeah I believe it was an illegal Invasion I believe it was disgusting what our government's done yeah but but my opinion has changed on the motive of the war but and our soldiers don't get to choose the war they go into they swear allegiance to Queen and Country and the government send them to war now if these people are upset about the war take it
00:49:49 to the government yeah but they stood in front of our soldiers and and my and at this point I was with my cousin there that day and they was I mean you you could have lit a match and our town would have blown up at this time yeah that's how we felt but I'll tell you why we felt that CU I'm a proud lonian Luton is part of the identity of who I am is where I've been brought up and the only time you ever hear our hometown mentioned ever is to do a terrorist and Jihad and now our soldiers have been
00:50:17 attacked in our town Yeah by these jihadists and not just attacked but the police walked them through the town hall to do it so I watched it that day and then and I watched the police's reaction they they didn't turn on the Muslims at all they stood with their backs to the Muslims so the Muslims were all hear screaming abuse they stood with their bands to all the English people who were upset at what they're just allowed to happen and the facts is the police could the police didn't have to bring them
00:50:41 through our town hall they could have kept them there how do you think the ordinary Rank and file policeman thinks about this sort of thing I wondered about that in Canada because the same things are happening well they had to change the rank and file police to police these events from this point on cuz Len police were Furious oh after this this went out everywhere Lon police went in the next day all of them and they wore Union Jack badges on their uniform that said British police support British Armed Forces yeah because they
00:51:06 were Furious they were told to remove their Badges and we know this from the police and they said no and 60 of them went on said we're going on a walk out we are not removing these badges because you have portrayed you've made it look like and the police were unhappy with what they've been made to do so from this and for me as a local lad like I said to my cousin we can't allow this yeah what's next from this they've just attacked our Armed Forces what's next turn up at solders funeral we know who
00:51:35 these men are we know who these groups are we need the the whole country needs to know who they are and we were so outraged that the people of Luton have been portrayed as being against their Armed Forces when really it's the jihadist and what we found out is that every mosque in Luton was leafleted in the days before it so we didn't know this so all the MOs the entire Islamic community knew all the imams knew that our soldiers were going to come under hostile attack by a jihadist group yeah what's now a prescribed terrorist
00:52:00 organization so then after that I organized a demonstration um called the United people of Len but before that what I done is I went to the council contacted them and and set up a petition we got 4,000 signatures we have laws in the UK which are against um they're called asbo orders antisocial Behavior orders so if two young kids are are local shops keep causing trouble together they'll get an asbo order prevent them from being together yeah so what we said is you've got these orders I don't want my mom to walk through Lut
00:52:30 toown Center and have to face these jihadist groups yeah none of our family should have to see them all together recruiting again we want them banned yeah we want them banned from the town and then we turned up for our first demonstration which was all of our I went around leafleted everyone and said on on it was bank holiday Sunday we're going to show the country that the people of Loot and support our Armed Forces when we turned up that day and I knew I knew CU you know you've heard of two policing now yeah it's now become
00:52:58 part of the vocabulary of Great Britain because everyone talks about how we're two Poli in the US increasingly too everyone's seeing the two-tier policing but I'd seen it my whole life because I'm from a town that's Now 50 60% Muslim and I know what I know how we get policed I know I've seen it yeah so I bought a cameraman I bought a wedding he videos weddings so I paid him for the day and said come and video everything yeah as we turned up the police come up they stopped us they made us take our
00:53:21 shoes off yeah they searched us they put their hands in our pockets and as they're doing it I said you didn't do this to them you did not do this to them I watched the day they attacked our soldiers you didn't your hands on them why are you putting your hands on us why are you searching us why are you treating us like this we're coming out to show support for our Armed Forces then the police drew a baton line so we wanted to get to the town hall which is where our remebrance where our Memorial is which is where they let them get and
00:53:46 they blocked it they blocked it they kettled us for three hours my auntie had to urinate in the street because they wouldn't let them out yeah and I said I remember saying no Muslim woman would ever be forced to urinate in the street you would never do this to them yeah and then they they batoned us my friend who's a little black clad called Craig they knocked his teeth out yeah and there was then clashes with the police and then so we were held for three hours we weren't allowed to get to the war
00:54:11 memorial and all we wanted to do was show support for our armed forces and they locked us down and after that I then said no and then they raided houses they went to my mom's house this is the start they went to my mom's house I wasn't there and everyone they arrested they went to each estate they arrested one person from each estate this is the intimidation and then they give them all bail conditions preventing them from entering Our Town Center 24 hours a day seven days a week for three months so
00:54:37 then and I knew they' been to my moms but they I wasn't there so I thought well you've done to us what we're asking you to do to them they're the terrorists you banned us from our own town and so then we organized another protest and I remember contacting the police saying I don't think you understand the level of frustration here yeah this town's going to blow up okay the years of us being trodden down the years of us being under attack the crime the drugs the prostitution the The Grooming and here
00:55:05 you are you're crushing us on we're trying to have an organized event so I said you need to let us get to the war memorial because people are not going to be happy but on that day I was obviously wanted they'd been to my mom's house the other lads who had conditions not to enter the Town Center we all wanted to go so when I turned up I gave everyone masks I said when we leave here no one take the masks off right when we're get into the war memorial today and 500 young men turned up that day more
00:55:31 probably a thousand but but we're all from Luton so the songs we're all singing is about we are luten town it's our town and then they they called us all Outsiders they went on the news saying lots of troublemakers from outside of Luton have come into the town and um we got to the war memorial that day and this was the start what I done is I went I videoed it again and I went on all different football discussion forums around the country and said Luton stood up today okay we've had enough we've had enough of what's going on
00:55:59 we've had enough of the two-tier policing we've had enough of the Islamic gangs saluton stood up today and the video was reminiscent of hundreds and hundreds of young men just saying that we're we're not having it anymore and our and our banners you know our banners made it very clear okay Muslim no problem extremist Muslim big problem when was that this was 2009 this is the start so people know me early yeah this is this is the start of my activism this is what anyone knows me as now I used a fake name Tommy Robinson yeah tell me
00:56:27 about the name so in 2004 when I didn't use a fake name and I stood outside the town hall when I was 19 or 20 and held a protest my windows got smashed my house got attacked so come 2009 I'm successful I've got a family I've got businesses but I want to talk I was the same as every one of person watching this I didn't want to lose my house I didn't want to lose my business I wanted to be able to make money and I didn't want to lose my safety let let me ask you I I want I want to know where the name came
00:56:54 from but I also want to know and I don't know the answer this this is really a genuine question do you think it was a good move ethically and strategically to change your name or would it have been better to keep your name face the trouble then and deal with it at that point so in all honesty I didn't want to do this I didn't want to be the person so I wanted to make a stand but I didn't want to yeah yeah okay I wanted to be successful in business I wanted to make money my my passion was making money I was I was I
00:57:22 was good at it I was doing well as a family um but I wanted someone to speak about it so when you know the parable of the rich man no what's that well it's a gospel story I'm going to tell it because I see the problem that you're in well there's a scene in the gospels where Christ is traveling in a cart and uh a rich prince jumps in to accompany him and he tells Christ that he's done everything he should do in his life to be a moral person he's followed the Commandments he honors his parents and so on but that he's still
00:57:56 dissatisfied deep in his soul and Christ asks him about his situation he tells him he's Rich that he has all these concerns going and Jesus says to him I'm afraid you're going to have to sell everything you own and follow me and the disciples are like shorted right out by this and they say well if that's the cost of Salvation you know who's going to pay that and it it I was thinking about that in the story of Jonah at the same time when you were talking because Jonah is called upon by God to speak the
00:58:28 truth and he just heads in the other direction it's like he thinks exactly like you thought it's like yeah I don't think so and you know I who would do that who wants to do that and so but that that still doesn't quite answer the question like you said that you're caught right you're pulled because on the one hand you want to have your life and you want to be successful on the other hand you want to tell the truth and so the name was a compromise between that so I W mask for you I won't mask no
00:58:55 one knew who I was for you oh right so so so looking back on that now do you think that that was a mistake that you made to protect your life and your and your Enterprise I'm not saying that wasn't justifiable or because there's a price obviously for anonymity there's a price for not being public right it breeds suspicion for example and so what do you think about that so I think the best thing the best thing that ever happened is when I got unasked the best thing it was it it was not for me I was terrified so the there
00:59:28 was a Times newspaper report called Steven Bird and I've been hiding for a year so I'm talking about all these issues secretly on radios and I'm giving the name Tommy Robinson and I'm turning up to demonstrations with a mask on my face no one saw my face so no one knew who I was so there was lots of confusion who is this guy yeah but obviously my friends knew no one knew and then a Times newspaper journalist turned up at my mom's house and said where Stephen and my mom rang me and said there's a
00:59:52 journalist here looking for you yeah and then and I knew then okay this is it and I went to meet the journalist and he said you're on the front page of the Times newspaper tomorrow Stephen yeah your life changes tomorrow and I was terrified if I'm honest absolutely terrified now but in that that because then I was nationally known yeah at this point because the English this we we we we we set up the United people of Luton and then after our second protest where we got to the war memorial we put the
01:00:18 video online and this Islamic group of jihadists they held an Islamic Road Show in Birmingham yeah and they had a big banner that said Jesus was a Muslim and there's hundreds of them and they stop a young 11-year-old white Christian boy called sha in the shopping center who's with his friend and they get him up on stage and they convert him to Islam and as they convert him to Islam they're all cheering Al abbar and I watched it then from luten and said no they can't do this that cannot be allowed to happen in
01:00:45 a city center for a child so I said right Lads to the lads from Luton we're going to Birmingham we're going to move this from Lut this isn't a luten issue this is a national issue so we went to Birmingham and we formed the English Defense League and that's where the name English Defense League come from now when we went to Birmingham we went as a group of 50 50 men from Luton we got violently battered okay the news and this is where my first Awakening to the media come so there's a picture he this
01:01:13 boy wasn't with us there's a young English boy at a bus stop with a green top Green Top on and gangs of Muslims just come from everywhere and they battered everyone yeah and there's a there's a picture in the National newspaper and they're jumping on this boy's head and underneath the picture it says a fascist is attacked by anti-fascists and I look I remember look what remember I had an awaken into everything I because I went from working on a building site yeah to six months later leading the biggest protest
01:01:40 movement you have seen and when we went to Birmingham as a group of 50 we had English Defense League Tops on L and it said Luton division the the name of our town and these images went everywhere of English men getting chased and beaten yeah so this was Birmingham and our Pro our first banners said victims of jihad in Nigeria we stand with you because obviously I was down the rabbit hole so I was seeing on Christmas day five five Christian churches were blown to Pieces didn't make the BBC News yeah I was
01:02:07 following all these stories around the world of Christians facing persecution at the hands of jihad no one caring yeah so we went to Birmingham we thought let's highlight a lot of issues here yeah let's make this this a point and we had banners we had placards but we got violently the police had to lock us in a building for two hours because they couldn't control the streets then they got buses and put us on the buses and to get us out of there and all the windows were coming in there was riots going on
01:02:31 so from this we then went back to L and then we saw a Christian Church in Manchester that been taken over by Muslims which there's been another video go viral just weeks ago similar situation it was in the area of longside and they were bulldozing over Christian graveyard Graves and headstones so I was watching it going like they can't do this how come no one's talking about this in the town where's the local political voice where's the politicians now the thing where we people said because we took to the streets now we
01:02:59 went from a group of 50 men in Birmingham being violently beaten to going on all the messaging Boards of English football clubs then turned up in Manchester and I was like when we got there there was thousands of young English men had come from everywhere and and from the start because of the violence in Birmingham the men had come with an attitude of no we're not backing down okay so that was sort of the start and the birth of the English Defense League which every city we went to there was a Justified reason for going yeah
01:03:28 but no one ever spoke about that and then and then I realized very quickly that everything I'd seen in Len everything I talked about Len was it happening in every town in the city so then I started meeting families that victim their daughters were missing for weeks and then I started hearing all these stories and it's one thing to read about grooming and and that's why I made a five-part series the one you talked about that you watched because you don't get to feel the pain I'm sitting with a mother father and a brother whose
01:03:54 13-year-old daughter's been missing for 5 days and the police have doing nothing now no one so I remember going on big chat shows in 2009 Jeremy Paxman was the was the most feared BBC presenter and he had a show called newsight and when I went on everyone was all our opposition at the time and I was terrified again and it was the first time my mom so my family had been crying since the time I started my activism because my mom was threatened with her job um there was violence police raids uh terrorist
01:04:22 attack terrorist plots so my family were begging me and begging me to stop and I I went on this Jeremy Paxman show and I said to I said to him like I don't expect you to understand yeah but I expect you to listen okay our daughters are being taken they're being groomed they're being raped they're being prostituted in every town to see yeah and he said you expect us to believe and and it hasn't aged well for him at all because in the early days we were condemned as fabricating stories and and making this up so you understand the
01:04:50 level I met a father from Blackpool the gang took his daughter okay the father and the son would ring ring his phone and he'd have to listen whilst they were raping his da yeah these these levels so you and and in 2015 so we spread we go across the country and I've done a presentation called the rape of BR as well as documentaries and I go back to us marching through Telford and now the arrest rates for these crimes if you do a graph it goes like this there's none yeah the English Defense League forms in
01:05:19 2009 by 2010 and 2011 the arrests are going through the roof now we didn't expect any credit for it or any any recognition for it but the government were them faced with something they knew was going on look my sense was and this is part of why you're here today like I've been watching that since then I don't know if it's since then but it wasn't long after that and it was my sense at the time and this is something I think that Tammy has observed too that your work was essentially what called attention to the fact of these grooming
01:05:50 gangs so Andrew norfol is the Times newspaper who finally questioned these gangs now what he says he says we saw the emergence of the far right he's given an interview I had been made knowledgeable of these gangs for years but everyone was too scared to touch it because all the men were Pakistani Muslim and all the girls were young English children yeah so he'd known about it so for me Andrew norfol yeah okay you you you ended up reporting it in the end but he was a coward for years yeah you but I also think you know it's
01:06:22 hard for people what do they say Carl San said extraordinarily extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence I talked to Michael shellenberger about the trans Butchery kids that's going on now W path and shellenberger who's a very brave journalist told me that he had listened to my interview with either Abigail shrier or Helen Joyce detailing this out probably two years ago now and he said he couldn't believe it it took schellenberger two years to contemplate this because he couldn't believe of the
01:06:53 magnitude of the crime and I think it's not it's not merely cowardice although there's plenty of that it's also the fact that look it's a lot easier to write you off than to admit that there are gangs of of people who've been brought into the country who have set out malevolently and with intent to rape thousands of girls so it's a hell of a lot easier to write you off as a farri extremist than it is to even begin to contemplate what that might mean and that's what he that's what he said he said we he said when I saw the emergence
01:07:21 of the far right by far by far right he means concerned English fathers yeah yeah concerned Englishmen who are saying well we we've had enough of this if you go back to our videos we're marching through City saying Muslim pedos off our streets yeah before all this typical far rate stance yeah 2015 is when the ren report was released okay now this is when Andrew norfol started talking about it now that so Andrew Nik starts talking about it then they do an investigation in the city of RAM and the City of ram
01:07:47 has a 3.7% Muslim population and they find that over 1,400 children have been raped yeah and they find that the police knew Social Services so I remember at the time of this when it blew up everything we'd said everything we'd been screaming about yeah now it's in a government Rapport now that was actually one of the things that really alerted me to just exactly how screwy things had become so that was before I made the videos that made me viral in 2016 but one of the things I'd been following was that story and it
01:08:18 took me wow the first way you react when you come across a story like that is it's something like there's just no way this can possibly be true and it's far worse than you can ever yeah well that it's far worse it's far so when that report come out and let me think of what name I give her because I I I know all these girls and families now but you're not allowed to use them they're hidden so this girl one one girl her father had rang 999 the emergency number when when we when they they went through to get
01:08:45 the history of how many times he'd rung the emergency services for his daughter it was 200 times oh dear 200 times he'd rang for help 200 times then two fathers got together and this is all in the report it's not my not Tommy Robinson saying this two fathers got together and their two 13-year-old girls were in a house being raped by gangs of Muslim adults yeah the two fathers went around to get their daughters back the police turned up and arrested the fathers they left the girls in the house there's
01:09:10 another incident in this report five Muslim men have a 12-year-old English girl they've got her drunk she's in a derilict house they're all raping her yeah the police turned up they arrested the TW the 12-year-old girl for being drunk and disorderly yeah this is the level of one girl she was 12 years old as well they got a hot iron rod with the letter M and they heated it up and they scolded her bun because she was the property of Muhammad yeah she was the property of Muhammad another girl they
01:09:34 got and they nailed her tongue to a table they used to take these girls out we're not talking about sexual gratification here yeah we're talking about total Destruction of the most precious thing that we have which is our daughters this is not this is totally something and when you go through the cases I've investigated so many of them and look through the numbers yeah Ram had a 3.7% Muslim population so for people t understand the scale of this problem okay there was, 1400 girls raped I then looked and in two and and I how
01:10:02 many how many men do you think were involved well this is so tford so in tford I done an investigation into tford and the reason I chose tford was tford was one of the gangs where we had the Rapport the police had identified a thousand victims and they had identified 200 perpetrators so I went and spent 18 months in in tford and I got to know the story like you've seen yeah I've I've I've done a five-part series called the rape of Britain and when I went there we went there and worked for a year before
01:10:28 we let out that we were working there we got to know the girls we got to know their families we I spent time interviewing we had the ones that were willing to go on camera and the ones that weren't so I got a database and we we built a database of names so I'll interview a girl for three hours four hours five hours three four times hear every bit of her story we then sit down and work through it now when the name we got the men's names we had 254 identified Yeah by but and when they're identified by more than three girls who
01:10:57 do not know each other that's the green flag for me to go for them in the documentaries me I'm going to now make you famous yeah and now the police investigation identified 200 perpetrators our investigation identified 254 an independent inquiry is identified over 300 now there's only 1.7% Muslim population in that town so how many Muslims is that it's about three and a half three to three and a half thousand so when you get rid of the women and you get rid of the under 16s yeah we were talking about a thousand
01:11:24 men yeah a thousand men are in that town and the police identified 200 of them now when they brought them to prosecution they prosecuted 11 why they only prosecuted 11 so when people see these headlines and you're seeing grooming yeah they're not doing them they're doing a little in each Town they're nicking a few yeah they're nicking a few now what we found in our investigation was that one of the most senior ranking officers was receiving funds and monies from The Gangs The Gangs act act as a mafia they are
01:11:49 Pakistani Mafia yeah their level of violence their their the the groups that they're linked with they're all the way to the top from solicitors to CPS lawyers to politicians so in this one town where we' done this big investigation and we tried to give the information to the police they wouldn't take it yeah so there is still a massive cover up going on so and I done this I done this five-part series because in 2017 I've always talked about these issues then they started making arrests now when they started making arrests all
01:12:18 the crimes I'm talking about the the tongue on the table the hot iron rods these were coming out of the reporting because For the First Time if there's a six week trial journalists were sitting in the trials and they're reporting all the horrific details we get told the words they're Us in dirty Gass they use white slag it's all racial it's all religious they're literally quoting the Quran whilst doing their rapes yeah so as this is coming out finally all of it's coming out then all of a sudden the
01:12:42 reporting stops now why is the reporting stop they they put reporting restrictions on every one of these cases now yeah so what happens instead of getting the details what happens is they have a six week trial and on the final day you get one day news 20 men convicted yeah so I went up to one of these cases was going on in so is that the technical restriction they can now they put repor restrictions and say because there's such big trials they're a group of 10 men a group of 10 men a group of 10 men they're all interl until
01:13:09 the end of all the trials oh I see I see so hypothetically so they're not contaminating the tri yeah so what we'll do hypothetically in America and possibly here you lock up the jury yeah we lock up the public we don't let the public know think to keep the jury safe that's what that's what their argument is for okay so there's a case going on in leags now at this time I'm doing journalism I went to the top Kingsley Napoli lawyers in London Ezra Levant sent me I went on the cuse to understand what a can and can't do around Court
01:13:39 Reporting so when they have a reporting restriction the judge has no power over putting any restrictions on any information that's already in the public domain so I looked at this case 30 men and my problem with this was which I'd previously been to another case there was another case in called in a place called Canterbury this cases are everywhere yeah you've got to for the public you have to understand the crimes that are going on and been allowed to go on facilitated and accommodated to go on
01:14:05 literally handed over our kids so in Canterbury a young girl was drunk she was 14 or 15 she walked into a kebab shop a Muslim own Kebab shop and ask for directions she's taken upstairs by all six members of the staff they find all of their DNA they she found crying down the road they've all raped her they're all on bail so I I looked at this case they changed the name of their shop they're still running the shop so I went up to the city I went up to the city and I asked the people who were walking past
01:14:33 are you aware of any allegations against this business no so no one knew there's kids I'm watching kids same people operate same people running it they just changed name I'm watching kids going in there Jesus so then so I went to the court case next day because the man's in court now I went to the court case and I this was before I was aware of the laws you're not allowed to stand on court property and video yourself yeah so I stood on court property and said this is what's happening 6:00 in the morning my
01:14:58 dog goes through I'm raided I'm taken from my home straight down to Canter Court where they've told me because the judge obviously this is embarrassing for the judge two other people went and leafleted the estate where the men lived those people were sent straight to jail Paul golden he was put straight in prison yeah for for handing out leaflets to warn the public this man and all these men are now convicted they got 25 years but EV they had their DNA anyway so why are they out on the street why
01:15:23 are they still running the business but this was Canterbury so I go for legal training to make sure what I do is legal and right so they put these reporting restrictions on so I stand outside the court case and I report 30 men alleged to have made or alleged I made sure I said alleged they could be innocent yeah these are the crimes they alleged to have done and I'm warning the public that these cases are going on in every town and City and you're not being told the reality of the situation here you
01:15:47 and these are the signs and I read the men's names because it was already in the public domain from when they first were charged so I read everything that was in the public domain I stood outside court and then the police come over and arrest me and and they arrest me for um a breach of the peace that's on camera this video and as they arresting me and handcuffing me I just I'd only gone to work I said get me a lawyer yeah and as I get put put in the back of the van I I said thank you because millions are now
01:16:12 going to watch the warning I've just given yeah I get taken into the judge the judge sentenced me to 13 months in jail straight away the judge lets the the the the rapists go home one of them packs his bags and goes to Pakistan he still never fac Justice yeah so they will go home I'm in jail I'm the big risk yeah I got 13 months in prison and I remember getting to jail that that happened then within two hours within two hours no court case no trial contempt of court Yeah Bang 13 months and I remember standing there going 13
01:16:43 months what four yeah what four okay so that and this is there's one case where um there's no jewelry I didn't even get asked to play guilty or not guilty which which is the reason they had to release me in the end so I get 30 months in jail I get to prison I bring my wife I said I'm in jail like she's like what I said I'm in prison I've just been sentenced to 30 months in jail like and from prison for me our prisons are literally Isis training camps they've taken over control they the same in America I tried
01:17:09 to give These Warnings for a long time yeah they will control your prison system the most vulnerable and weak in society who have been wronged their whole life are going to be turned against your country yeah because that's what they're doing okay the money coming in the the the the most of them are sophism they're controlling the prison so for prison for me is a dangerous place and I land in H&B hole which doesn't have many mus Muslims so I think great yeah I'm all right here so I SP I spend two weeks in there and but what I
01:17:35 don't know is when the judge sends me a 13 months in prison he puts a reporting restriction on anyone knowing I've got 13 months in prison yeah so I'm in prison everyone saying where's Tommy yeah but Rebel media and American journalists have started saying he's in jail because they're not they're not bound by the Court's things so by the Monday the judge has been forced to release and let people know I'm in prison at that point 7 684 th000 people signed a petition demanding my release cuz if you watch the entirey in my video I just
01:18:03 stand and report and I say listen they might be innocent but this is what the alleged crimes are this is how many victims of English girls there are this is how many men there are you need to be aware as parents this is what's happening so I make the video and the allegation was that I breached the reporting restriction because they made reporting restrictions on it but by law I didn't anyway because the judge has no power to put a reporting restriction on the information is already in the public
01:18:26 domain I was talking about what was in the public domain but I'm in jail I'm there then after two weeks um there's 30,000 people marched on Parliament there's demonstrations in Sydney this is when this is 2017 stroke 18 this blew my name up yeah it blew up so big um 30,000 people marched on Parliament there was a massive free Tommy it's called free Tommy movement that was built yeah and then politicians Congressman Paul gasar he flew to London um um Ambassador Brownback uh part of Trump's team contact the government to
01:19:01 say make sure he's safe yeah what is going on in in the UK GT Builders flew to Britain um lots of politicians flew to Britain and it was all blowing up and I'm in jail so I don't really know what's going on I'm in prison and then after two weeks they come and move me and I said where am I going and they took me to hmp onle which has the largest Muslim population of an ja in Great Britain yeah so as I get there why have you why would you do this how how does this make sense to do this and then when I got there they said so you're
01:19:28 going to have to self-isolate yourself so I'm not self-isolate myself why have you brought me here I was fine where what what what's the reason for bringing me here and then I said I'm not self-isolating myself if if you put me on that prison Wing I'm going to come straight out that prison door and then I'm going to be in a position where I have to defend myself but I am willing to defend myself yeah I I've done nothing wrong to self what they want you to do when you get to prison is if you ask for protection you're put with
01:19:53 pedophiles so I'm never I I've done nothing wrong to Warrant myself being in this position yes well it'd be very convenient for those who aren't very happy with you to you be classified with the pet files classify ped files or killed right right those are good alter so so six Muslims were sent sentenced to 30 years for planning to kill me they got caught with guns and bombs yeah I get put into whill prison this is I'll go back to onle but I get put into whill prison I'm in the prison system I go
01:20:18 onto the first night Center my door opens it's an ex paratrooper uh British armed military who's now a prison he said when they come to get you do not leave this cell he said I'm telling you your life depends on it I said when they come when who comes when they when they come to get you that's all when they come to get you I said what do you mean he said when they come to get you don't leave your cell Tommy your life depends on it son do not come out of this cell so I said all right two hours later my
01:20:42 door opens prison officers he's with them he said right you're going on to awing I said I'm not going anywhere mate and then he I said I'm not leaving this cell I'm not coming out of this cell and he said if you don't leave this cell I'm going to arrest you and you're going to be put down into to solitary confinement you're going to be arrested I said okay so he said okay you're arrested and then I'm I'm separated he then comes to see me he said you going on awing that's where the six Muslims are who doing 30
01:21:06 years yeah there's no you're dead they're handing you to them you're dead yeah so I said okay and then I'm obviously thinking Jesus they lit he said he said though and I write about I write her name he said the woman would be done for corporate manslaughter but it's too late for you by that point so I said okay the next day I have a meeting with my lawyer and I go for the meeting with my lawyer and then a waiting room say like this and I've had my meeting and I this is the visit's waiting room for legals and they opened the door and
01:21:32 I walked in I saw beards but they was as shocked to see me as I was to see them so I was like okay so I I didn't even sit down they lock I stood my back to the wall they locked the door and I'm as soon as they lock the doors boom I got I got I lost my teeth so I'm getting battered in this little room but they literally put me in the room with them yeah so with and who exactly were you in the room with Muslims just Muslim prisoners Muslim prisoners cuz obviously I'm I'm the most outspoken concrete
01:21:55 Islam the prison systems but the Muslims didn't know I was coming in if they did I'd be dead I'd be dead had weapons waiting because I could see by their faces they've all looked each other I'm looking for but there's about eight nine prisoners in the room there's only three Muslims but they just anyway what feels like 10 minutes was probably 60 seconds the prison officers have come in they've broke it all up I've lost I've lost my front teeth in there I'm then transferred to another prison and this
01:22:18 is each time I've gone through the prison system so in this in this one where I was reporting I've been put in into h&p only and I said I'm not I'm not locking myself away yeah they said okay well you're um you're going to go on solitary confinement mhm but I said why have you bought me here you put me in this position now so they put me on solitary confinement and this is the sentence where I went into I'd say I enter jail one person come out another yeah in this so how long were you in solitary on this on this one was 12
01:22:45 weeks I lo but I lost I lost 30 uh30 P yeah because your prisoner is bought to your sell door and it has your name on it and the Muslims it's a majority Muslim prison who all run the survery who are all compare preparing the food so I said I need tinned food yeah I can't eat food that's been put on my cell door so I had five tins of tuna a week that's what I could afford to buy so I thought I just that's all I ate yeah and I thought I was all right but then even little little things like they come to my door and they open the door
01:23:15 and said where's your wife and and and and and and in my solitary confinment they used to transfer me my wife worked at a school and my kids were at school yeah so the only time they could get me out the whole prison would be locked up at lunchtime they then walk me to have a little exercise in the courtyard on my own and have a shower and the only time they do that is during lunchtime yeah so my wife's at work I can't I could even speak to my family yeah because usually to people understand the British prison
01:23:41 system you're out your sell for eight hours a day you've got a job you're going to work you're playing football you go to the gym yeah I was totally you're isolated you're on 23 and a half hour lock up on your own in a room and I I was upset about obviously but then they come and said where's your wife I said I don't know where my wife is why we have intelligence she's going to be attacked of acid and then they just shut the door and then they just shut the door and it's like and I can't even use
01:24:03 the phone so but they knocked on my wife's door and my mom's door they police did and they give them pieces of paper and the sad sick thing about this is I don't even believe they probably did have intelligence I believe that all of this and it worked all of this is for pressure for stress to make you break essentially because they didn't need to put me in hmp only I was fine in hmp hole Yeah so they purposely moved me to a PR to a majority Muslim custody then they used that to put me on solry confinement then I had this issue with
01:24:31 my wife and my mom and then when I got to ring them and then and and then they put me where my cell was literally my cell's here and it was so hot that summer and you can open your window this much and there's the the building they used as the mosque was there the building they use as the mosque is there I was getting like human feces put through my window yeah so I had and and prisoners at my door every day so I had all this going on and then it gets to the court of appeal so what was this doing to you at the time I didn't
01:25:00 realize it was doing anything at the time at the time I felt all right at the time how come how could you possibly feel all because I was I I was receiving a lot of mail which I was reading every day I had my head on the sentence um but what I mean is obviously when I say I felt all right obviously I was panicked I was waiting for them to leave the door open one day every time I heard the prison screws I got by the door ready cuz I thought if you open that door I need to be ready for who's coming in that door so I was
01:25:28 totally on edge the whole time okay okay totally totally on edge I was a wreck probably yeah yeah yeah well the thing is in a situation like that you you answered my question in a situation like that your stress response prepares you for action and so you'll be okay while that's happening the problem is is that when you're doing that your body is hyperaroused physiologically and it burns up your future resources that's when I go out already yeah yeah that's exactly what happens is that so all those resources that should be saved for
01:25:58 the future you're burning in the moment then when you go somewhere and the stress is lessened then that response will stop and you'll feel the consequences well that's so I as I said I thought I was all right and and i' lost a lot of weights I thought I looked all right and then after 11 weeks I had no idea carnivore diet yeah tuna yeah tuna but I was in and then and then and then bang bang bang bang my door goes and there another prisoner he said you're going home you're going home I said what are you talking about he
01:26:27 saidou going home it's everywhere it's all over the news so how could be going home I got I got 13 months I've been in there three months yeah so how how can I be going home and it had gone to the court of appeal but my salic didn't tell me yeah my selic said I didn't want to get your hopes up yeah everything they done was unlawful okay everything they done was unlawful but because of what my lawyers have seen with my cases we we didn't want to tell you you're going to get out we've looked it you didn't get
01:26:51 asked to plead guilty or not guilty no due process was followed in court yeah but it took them TW it took them 11 weeks or 12 weeks to get to before the judge so when they got before the judge the judge said let free him yeah get him out of prison so then I remember I had such a dry throat because then they got me up and I was du it's mad because I was I always book a holiday a year in advance yeah which is the problem I've got coming up now as well I always book a holiday a year in advance for my
01:27:15 children and we were meant to go on holiday we were going on holiday to tenie the the next day yeah so when they got me out at lunchtime obviously it's all over the news I'm going home so I said how long until I can I leave they said they're just preparing everything now yeah so I said can I use the phone so i r i myiss I said what's going on he said you're you're free to go to me you're free to go what you mean I'm free to go am I under conditions he goes no you're free so then I rang my then I
01:27:43 rang my wife and cu the holidays next day and I said tell you mom that must to make you thirsty yeah I think I better have a Tommy this is what I'm going to do so we're running out of time and we're only at 20 18 so I would like to continue this we'll do this another interview we'll do it remotely and we'll do part two okay okay for now I think what I'll do is I'll ask you to tell me what you're planning in London on the 27th of July so 27th of July you see in the UK we've we've turned a corner with
01:28:13 the public there's been a mass away we meaning we meaning the British public have been made to feel embarrassed of their identity and their culture for too long we' felt under attack um since October 7 7th there's been a mass Awakening so all the things we've warned about like every interview I've gave has aged very well for me every issue I've spoke about has come into fruition not because I'm a genius not because I'm I've got any anything special it's because I was born in a town where I witnessed what Mass open border Islamic
01:28:43 IM immigration will do and you Tau the truth that's right that's the other thing you the truth I've seen it so why did you no there's a mystery there still it's not merely a consequence of where you were born you know you grew up with good parents and that has really been instrumental in your values right and and your dedication for telling the truth and finding and and Having the courage to do what you your convictions you have convictions and you go forward and you want to tell the truth where's
01:29:16 that come from probably I said probably even if you even if I didn't want to because probably if you meet the people have met and hear the stories of okay see the other thing that happened to me you see when I was young 23 L younger than that I started this when I was 13 I started looking at the worst things I could find right I started that when I was 13 the first thing I did that was seriously academic was to a report on prison guards in owitz and I spent the rest of my life investigating that
01:29:47 looking at the worst things I could find and the thing about we're looking at the worst things is that that horrifies you so bad Sly that I think it's I think what it does is scare you straight oh I know which I tried having these conversations with my now ex wife if you think you're worried now I know what the consequen yeah right I know exactly I know what's coming I've got three beautiful children yeah if if anyone's got a fight I'll fight they're not fighting yeah and what what our cowardice is currently doing we've bred
01:30:16 a generation of cowards who care about themselves yeah so and half my friends were the same I'm all right yeah I've got enough money I'm okay you can't keep running from problem this problem isn't going anywhere that's right this problem is going to explode and on on October 7th in fact the longer you run from it the larger absolutely 100 October 7th really woke a lot of people up to see not yeah not it happened in Israel but to see the level of hate in every University to see that our institutions
01:30:42 have been taken over to see the level of aggression and the celebration from not just a hand we're not talking about handfuls of extremists we're talking about the mainstream we're talking about the Democrats yeah yeah the Democrats the labor party the and we've seen a massive so there's been a real wake up and I have my messages if I go through them every day are full of people who said I hated you yeah I thought you was a thug I thought yeah and I'm not perfect yeah and I've made mistakes because that's human and what I've done
01:31:08 the whole way through my activism and my career and now my journalism is whenever they've tried to stop me talking I think no that's not like you you if you tell me not to do something I will do it that's always been my way it's my character here I not so and I'm right and I remember my go my my wife's dad's saying stop please stop like you not see the danger here I said Am I Wrong Am I Wrong yeah no so why should I stop well because they're threatening us because they're trying to intimidate us so every
01:31:35 bit of police threaten this this incident in Canada well that that doesn't deter me you you locking me up even if you want to put me in jail it's not going to deter me if you're going to put me in prison now for this film what and I can't understand they make the same mistakes every time yeah yeah it's amazing you locked me up for this film yeah I hope every single person in the world talks yeah right I hope you bring more ey to that film so I'll go to jail jail for me is a terrifying I might not
01:31:57 come out of that prison sentence and if I do I'm going to do solitary confinement which is going to fry my head but I've gone through 15 years of this yeah and I am committed to it and I think that you I think that the when I say they they have underestimated the human Spirit the BR and certainly the British Spirit yeah and what you saw I hope so what you saw on the 1 of June was the British spirit and what you're going to see on on July 27th is what are we going to see on J you're going to see
01:32:21 the largest gathering of unified British public that they've seen and when I say Unified they like to separate us and divide us yeah like my my politics and my my my um since starting the English Defense League yeah has always been open to everyone okay I don't care if you come into Great Britain yesterday you love this country and you want to protect it come and join us yeah and we saw so whilst they've tried to label us as racist extremists it doesn't work their Monopoly in their power has gone
01:32:47 and we saw that on June the 1st with the total with the the different diverse backgrounds that come up to celebrate British identi yeah which is what being British is about and we're going to celebrate it on July 27th um two days later they believe they're going to lock me up and the problem they have now I had a recent court case on 26th of November you may have seen me arrested in London at the anti-Semitism rally which the world saw me do nothing wrong yeah they come yeah yeah they come and told me I wasn't allowed to report now
01:33:14 years ago like when the media got up and walked out of court yeah they could do that now we have citizen journalists thank you Elon Musk yeah thank you Elon Musk because in my court case in whatever court case now there will be a row of the most influential citizen journalists who will be live live tweeting every single word so they can't control the narrative anymore not in a minute yeah not since people have got platforms and voices again so on July 27th you're going to see the largest gathering we have three of the largest
01:33:41 screens in the UK being put up in trala square um we know everyone wants us to fail we knew that on June the 1st yeah we didn't fail it was a total success July 27th will be a total success if all I care about and which why I said this may be the most important interview I give is that freedom of press freedom of speech freedom of assembly have gone okay they're gone we have a controlled media totally controlled media you challenge any narrative this isn't just open border immigration you go against
01:34:05 transgenderism you challenge any of yes I've noticed they're coming for you they're coming for you and and they wish to seek and control everything they wish I saw the WF put out an ad I don't exactly know when they released it telling people not to launder their genes more than once a month right because yeah it produces too much carbon dioxide right t-shirts too by the way which is you can wash your underwear more regularly according to the WF those bastards will seek to control absolutely everything that people do and all the
01:34:37 jigsa is fitting together because everything we've spoke about all fits in with this total element of control yeah they want and unfortunately when I was deplatformed for five years off of every single social media yeah every single social media I made a documentary called panad drama okay now Panorama are the BBC's investigative journalists hit piece when they were doing a documentary on me I sent a girl undercover into them yeah and they had no idea okay I got them making up sexual allegations
01:35:03 against me on Covert recording yeah I got them so John Sweeny was the head of Panorama yeah I produced this documentary their program about me never come out I produced his documentary he was put on gardening Leaf yeah when I talk about the controlled media when I got these covert recordings he was telling he sat someone down and said say this about Tommy Robinson and it do we have an agreement yeah and it was one of my ex-employees but they didn't know we recording them yeah so they were telling
01:35:27 them what to say they were scripting the entire program how many other these programs have been scripted yeah but they were scripting the entire program when they come to interview me and I sat down like this I put I put a video wall behind me and I said to the Panorama would you ever tell anyone what to say no press play on the wall behind me the covert recording of him making agreements on what to say sexual allegations now if they would have been successful my life would have been destroyed my kids would had to go to
01:35:51 school with their father as a Harvey Weinstein yeah but but I produced this documentary within 48 Hours of producing that documentary I was blacklisted off of every social media and I was recharged by the government yeah this case that's coming up against me now is the government it's not the police it's the government the Attorney General now Facebook and and meta the entire meta made me a figure of hate which meant if you mention my name you get deleted yeah that's the that's and they were so
01:36:14 because you see again I my investigative documentary work is fabulous it exposes them and they deleted me and for 5 years I was disappeared until you must give me back my voice in those five years I think it I don't know what who got back first you or me I don't remember I think I might have got back first means I'm somewhat less controversial than you so congratulations so Tam do you have we should wrap up and we will you don't have any questions no I want to thank you I really want to thank you for yeah
01:36:47 so maybe let me ask you a question I mean you I've been following Tommy for quite a while but you were quite instrumental in arranging this discussion so why did you do that why very long time ago and supporting you as well why did I want to do it yeah yeah mo why do you trust him why do I trust him I don't know I had a pretty disagreeable Irish father and uh he was and he was a smartass you know and uh I trust Donald Trump I trusted Donald Trump all along too I don't know I just I know when you like disagreeable men I
01:37:23 like men men who have uh values that they'll Stand By and and they are brave and say what they mean I I think we need men to stand up and I need we need women to figure out their crap because we're causing a lot of trouble and I'm going to try to help with that I think just need I think we need to remember who we are well so so one of the things that maybe we'll close with this one of the things that I'm very interested in this is part of the reason why I was interested in you is because you are a working class
01:37:58 leader and the working class when angry can go very very badly wrong and so but the working class anger when it's Justified is absolutely necessary because you know one of the things I've thought about you and your guys is that you when when push comes to shove you'll stand up and that's something now the trick is going to be and also on July 27th to keep that managed you know the Canadian truckers did a very good job of that they kept the spirit of that protest very positive I don't know how much chance you've had
01:38:32 to talk with some of the lead organizers Metar leech I've been here I've met them yeah I've met them they she actually said to say hi to you guys I found her story I found it yeah found myself quite lucky that I'm getting to leave Canada after hearing what they' done to her H ARA after hearing what they done to all of them so we talked a little bit about the necessity of the working class standing up and making their position known the danger that that turns into a like a vindictive populism and gets taken over
01:39:06 by the psychopathic Community this was something I worried about at the end of the trucker Convoy they they stopped in time a they stopped before the real predators and parasites showed up to take over and so they did that brilliantly it was very well timed very peaceful very harmonious and it ended at the right time one of the things we're trying to do in the UK and elsewhere is to put together a positive vision for the West for the future because the other danger of that populist Uprising is that it's
01:39:39 all reactionary you know to use the left-wing phrase that it's all pushing back against and and angry instead of putting forward a positive vision and thing about workingclass men is they need a PO every man needs a posit div vision and so that's something else we should talk about when we if I can send you we've working what we've said is we need a cultural movement in the UK yeah we need a cultural movement that celebrates identity and celebrates who we are and brings everyone together for that Feast we've wrote like a 10-point
01:40:07 pledge a pledge that we want the public to take to be part of the movement well let's talk about that let's talk bring when we talk again let's talk about that pledge and I can discuss what we're doing with Arc as well because that's what we were hoping to launch on the on the 27th it was it was about saying if we if we change the culture we change the politics okay yeah let's show them that we control it and and and you're right about this like for years people have tried to align themselves and
01:40:30 Purity comes with time our support base now is totally mainstream totally normal um you you'll see the best of British in London what we have to make sure people will want us to fail well and who knows what kind of instigators there to but we but we have enough men now that if people turn up wearing all black wanting to inscape problems we'll put them in place ourself we don't want the we told the police at last demonstration stay away okay stay away let us Poli ourselves yeah because if anyone wants
01:40:56 to step out of line our own people know we'll put them in line that's that's the idea and the idea is to have fun we've got a church choir band singing we've got um we're having a celebration art is a good idea to bring to bring art music into it you know because that sets the that sets a good T I've asked tomorrow Lee to come and sing as well oh yeah okay asked her to come and sing cuz her stor is insane July 27th e yeah hey if you can be there it's just J this the story of so much now is it's ordinary
01:41:23 people trying to do extraordinary things because we shouldn't have to be doing this we should not we should we should no no we should be doing this PE ordinary people aren't as ordinary as they think yeah you're a good example of that you leave that extraordinary stuff to the leaders you get Tyrant which is what we've got now yeah yeah yeah yeah is what we've got now and essentially this is across the whole of the West and that's what I said with men we we need to remember who we are as in yes that's
01:41:48 right and if we had pride in who we were we we wouldn't allowed any of these abuses to happen none of this would have been allowed to happen but they've took our pride took our identity well they did take it I felt something I'll end this on I went to the 100y year anniversary of Polish Independence yeah and when I walked at the front of it there hundreds of thousands of them I felt something yeah I felt the the hairs on the back of my neck I felt an energy that I was I went home gutted about because they have such because they were
01:42:12 off the map for 100 over 100 years because they've continually had to fight they it's ingrained in their people to understand the importance of who they are and their identity and our new generation don't know this yeah so I I went home pretty upset thinking I haven't where has that gone in Britain and I felt it on 1st of June and I feel it now and and I think the British public are feeling it and feeling the sense of identity the sense of Pride and the sense of coming together to certainly tell the establishment
01:42:37 enough's enough here yeah we're not sitting by silently anymore so yeah exciting times but scary times um I want to do July 27th and then and then I hope that public opinion they've weaponized the courts and the Judiciary have been weaponized against me I hope to weaponize the public opinion against them so if you do want to send me a j and knock me out for two years let the world know what it's about so part of the problem with getting the working class aroused let's say in Anger is that that can degenerate into a like a
01:43:05 vengeful response that doesn't have an aim and so what has to be associated with that is something approximating a positive Vision to make sure that everyone's aligned and upward aligned and to provide the proper replacement to the ethos let's say that the Islamic fundamentalist Psychopaths and that's not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination are putting forward so what are you thinking about with regards to Vision so our vision so we've got probably 10 of the main influences in the UK around
01:43:41 politics and culture coming together to come to an agreement exactly this in celebrating our identity in how do we stop the erosion of our culture what are the 10 principles we can all agree on that we can come together on we don't have to agree on everything no one has agree on everything we have to agree to defend Great Britain to defend our culture to defend our identity and so that's we've got meet an important meeting on the ninth where we come together and the purpose of July 27th was to give the public a vision so
01:44:04 here's our vision here's our here's our vision okay okay gr it well thank you very much sir thank you Tammy thank you for so much as well for it's a good beginning H yeah yeah I'll do what I can to be there on the 9th thank you so okay and so to everybody watching on YouTube thank you very much for your time and attention the film crew here in Toronto that's much appreciated as well to the Daily wire for putting together the resources to make this possible and to staying the hell out of the way which
01:44:32 they're very very good at which is quite the skill um that's much appreciated as well thank you sir thank you good to meet you thank you T thank you have so much thanks thank you thank you [Music]
Transcription not perfect. Transcribed with NoteGPT.
00:00:05 I I've I've had a hell of a lot to deal with do you know what it's like sitting somewhere knowing that you called for calm knowing that you held a totally peaceful rally twice in a row knowing that you haven't instigated violence or attacks against mosques but watching as the entire world's media say you have there's no evidence to it they resurrected a dead organization of the English Defense League that hasn't been around for a decade and they told the entire British Muslim Community they're on about misinformation the British
00:00:32 government and its politicians and police forces told the whole Muslim Community of the UK that the English Defense League was coming to attack their mosques [Music] [Music] no so everybody um I'm talking with my wife and Tommy Robinson again today um many of you know Tommy Robinson is I don't know maybe he's the most controversial person in the Western World at the moment I mean there's always Trump and it's hard to beat Trump for sheer controversial for sheer controversy but Robinson is definitely
00:01:18 in the Forefront uh he's been the enemy of the leftists but also the establishment so to speak in the UK for many many years and has paid a big price for his work as a political activist and as a journalist and uh Tammy and I talked to him about a month ago after just before he organized a an assemblage of workingclass British people in TR Square about 100,000 people very very peaceful and that in turn was just before there was a terrible uh mass murder in the UK that precipitated a series of protests and riots and then a
00:01:59 real crack down by the UK government Crackdown that I do believe threatens free speech in a major way the uh podcast that Tammy and I did with Tommy has been interfered with in a major way by YouTube and by Google it's been deprioritized in the search engines the comments have been turned off it's been demonetized people can't share it there's a community warning on it and I think all of that is a consequence of the fact that what we were discussing is actually dead on Target and that's an indication that that's the case and I
00:02:31 guess in for a penny in for a pound I was very interested in talking to Robinson I'm trying to get to the bottom of things I'm trying to sort out the story and so is my wife and uh we didn't finish doing that the last time we talked and so I took the opportunity today I hope to roast Robinson over somewhat of a slow fire in so far as I'm capable of doing that uh to face him with the allegations that he that have been levied against him with regards to being a right-wing activist and to his past history of of uh Behavior that's
00:03:02 resulted in convictions and imprisonment in the British um judicial system and the and the and the penitentiary system we walked through all that to the degree that we were capable and that's what you're going to be presented with today so thank you very much for your time and attention in that regard um it's a very controversial podcast yeah hello Mr Robertson hello Tammy nice to see you guys again I suppose if nice is the word hi Jordan hi Tammy good to see you both Lots has happened yeah well and lots has happened
00:03:38 well it's been a month and so so let's re I I maybe start with a review of what's actually happened as a consequence of our video so the first thing is that it's it's probably acred something approximating 4 million views although it's hard to tell at the moment um partly because YouTube is up to uh the sorts of tricks that have become St standard in today's media I would say so this is what YouTube has done certain features have been disabled for this video in response to user reports we have disabled some features such as
00:04:16 comments sharing and suggested videos because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences and so what does that mean well it's hard to tell exactly what it means it does mean that we don't get to see how people are responding to the video now this happened relatively recently and I can tell you because I've been tracking the comments that the overwhelming majority of them are extremely positive and so obviously that isn't going to fly and people don't get
00:04:43 to say what they have to say about this video because well some people some user reports um have or some of the people who are submitting user reports have decided that this was inappropriate content so what else has happened well if you search for our video on Google it's really hard to find and if you search for it on YouTube it's also really hard to find if you type in Jordan Peterson Tommy Robinson our video comes up about 10th the first one that comes up has like 3,000 views instead of the multiple million views that our
00:05:18 video had and then it's the same thing on Google and so we've had our behind the scenes people at YouTube investigating and you know the scuttlebutt and who the hell knows if this is true is that you know YouTube is bowing to external pressure and some of that's submitted well by the powers that be in the UK and so the reason I'm highlighting this is because from a personal perspective it's really really annoying it's really annoying that the comments are turned off it's really annoying that it's demonetized and that
00:05:51 uh it can't be shared it's even more annoying that the search engine is being mucked around with so that our video doesn't come up first as it should so that it's not easy to find this is a real perversion of Public Communication and this is completely independent of the validity of your stance and I don't know how to respond to this because you know my sense is if you're over the target people get annoyed okay and then what else has happened well I've got a lot of feedback about our conversation I knew it was going to
00:06:26 be contentious and most of that feedback has been positive uh people reasonable people I suppose thought I should have raped you over the Kohls more Tammy as well should have raped you over the Kohls more about some of the issues in your past and so we're going to do that today um and then I guess we could talk about too Tommy let's talk about what's happened to you in the last month so bring everybody up to date and then we'll and then we'll continue our conversation so what you're experiencing
00:06:55 now is what I've experienced for the last since my activism and this is their ability to take away my voice or anyone from hearing from me so that they can continually tell people how I think and what I think that's all this is this is them controlling The public's opinion based upon me so they don't want people sitting and hearing my long form discussion they would rather their controlled weaponized media is able to give headlines as which we'll get on to over the last two weeks have been absolutely incredibly false and they've
00:07:23 lied about me to the entire world basic getting on to the fact that there's been riots in the UK and and and the the media have said that I instigated them and directed them there's no truth in that there's no evidence of it not a single piece of evidence what they use is once the media say it once and I've gone on to watch as journalist after journalist once it's once it was put out by The Daily Mail journalist after journalist have continued to regurgitate it and now it's spoken about as a matter
00:07:48 of fact is that I controlled and I instigated the riots in the UK whereas the evidence is that I made video after video after video calling for people to remain calm and not and not go out in violence I just understood why they were angry so the truth and when we get onto the media so the Daily Mail and the Daily Mail Runner headline Peter and Tammy that you've probably seen where they track down where I was with my family I was on a vacation if I can go through the sequence of events if that's
00:08:16 best off starting from the from the 20 so on the 27th of July we held a peaceful rally which we spoke about prior in in our last discussion was the buildup to it and we didn't know what to expect we knew what we were going to try and do and what we wanted to do and we were totally successful in both of them we held a 100,000 people in the largest gathering of British Patriots the countries ever seen in Trafalga Square for a celebration of all the things that have been taken from us and when I say
00:08:43 that our identity our culture celebrating who we are as a as a community and as a country and as a people and all the things that they've wanted to weaken about us we we B about every Community the diversity of our crowd was was everyone from Every background to say celebrate being being British and we sent a message to The Establishment on the 27th of July that if we had 100,000 people there on the streets and we had almost a million watching live and it was totally peaceful and I'll explain why it was
00:09:14 peaceful it was peaceful because we organized oursel and we didn't allow any infiltration we've seen the allegations and the suspicions on January 6th that many of the people instigating the violence were working with the government how could they do that on our demonstration when we made sure that all of our men we had influential men tough men from across the UK who came with the same mindset for a peaceful demonstration and we made the rule that if anyone covers their faces if anyone turns up wearing all black and we'll get
00:09:42 on to why this is important because we've seen riots in the UK and if you look at each of the videos of the riots and the at the hotels the people at the leading front of it are wearing exactly the same full disguises where no one can see their identity and they're the ones instigating the violence so we made it impossible for them to do that because they would have known that if anyone turned up with a face covering 100 English men would be turning on them take down the face mask what are you doing in what who are you from so we
00:10:09 held a peaceful rally it was impossible to infiltrate our our movement without being confronted and we made sure everyone knew that and we made sure that all the different groups of men that were coming from across the UK which we held meetings beforehand saying if there if there's five men 10 men 20 men we must confront them if anyone turns up to instigate violence on the street in our name we will confront them and these Security Services which I'm sorry but it's the security services who have
00:10:34 instigated violence in many demonstrations in fact if your people want to Google special demon special demonstration Squad as you're watching this video you'll see secretive organizations in the UK that were from the government which infiltrate demonstration movements to instigate a a narrative that they want they want us to be violent they want us wearing masks and they want to be able to Del legitimize what we stand for and what's happened since the 27th of July we had 100,000 people on the street we had a
00:11:02 celebration it wouldn't have gone the way the authorities or the security services or any of them would have wanted it to go and that was we have we have gone from working class we are now peeling to the middle class we're now reaching the masses in our Movement we have a larger reach than ever before and the way they've managed to tarnish us and taint us for a decade has not been successful in the last six months and the reason being I have an account here on X I can I can reach the public myself
00:11:27 so the way they've sensed us as you're now experiencing on your YouTube channel is they've silenced our voice and then they've told people how to think using their media it's 27th of July we have a successful event the next day I travel to the border of the UK and I'm I'm arrested under counterterrorism legislation what does that mean that means that as I got in my car and as I travel through the Border I was detained I was told it's under article 7even of the terrorism legislation act I believe
00:11:53 where they read they actually read out and it says we believe you're in the instigation and preparation of Acts of terrorism so we can now detain you and both the officers said well we don't believe that but this legislation gives us the power to now do this so give us your phone they seize my phone they can seize all electrical devices then they sat me down for 6 hours under interrogation where you do not have a right to remain silent now this should terrify everyone because these sorts it's like the Patriot Patriot Act in the
00:12:21 United States they bring in this legislation to prohibit terrorism so legitimate reasons to that that then take our freedoms away and then they turn it and use it against citizens so I'm sitting there as a journalist I've held a peaceful rally and here I am for 6 hours being questioned about certain things one of the questions I was asked is how do you think you're going to stop the great replacement this is a a question from counterterrorism in a six-hour interview where I do not have a right to remain silent when I ask what
00:12:48 that means if you don't answer our questions we'll charge you under terrorism legislation so if you do not give us the password to your phone you'll be charged under terrorism legislation so I sit there under interview for six hours answer the most absurd questions about why there can't be a two-state solution I in Palestine what's my opinion on that wanted to know wanting to question about who's organized behind the scenes in our movement that we've just held what are we planning next these are all
00:13:15 legitimate things that have absolutely no not no business of the British state but here they are infringing on my rights and our rights and especially my rights as a journalist cuz when they got into then seizing my phone and asking me for the passcode in my phone at which point I said well I'm I'm sorry you're not having the passcode in my phone because I work as a journalist that's my phone and I read there before they got me into interview I read their legislation and they weren't allowed to
00:13:41 question me in interview that would do anything that would reveal sources of information for my work as a journalist so I said well by opening my phone you're going to reveal privileged information between me and my lawyers because they're aware I've got a full a fullon legal battle with them now about the film that I've made Jordan I don't want to go off on on tangents here but I probably will we spoke before I I made a decision on the 27th of July I had 100,000 people watching almost a million
00:14:09 online I made a decision to play a movie that was banned it was banned for three years prior I had been prohibited from showing evidence to the British public again because they wish to control how people think they had used their media to tell the public that I had lied I had I had made a documentary that three years prior I failed I failed as a journalist I failed as a as I'd say as a father as an Englishman it's my job to protect and and expose corruption especially when it comes from the British State when the British state are
00:14:41 weaponizing courts and and what you all witnessed now in the last two weeks is what I've known they have weaponized the Judiciary within seven days some people were arrested and some people committed a crime and within two or three days it was televised to the British public as they were sent to prison for years for things they'd said on Facebook what this has been an attempt do is to to scare the British public intimidate them into silence the reason being we are on the verge of a cultural revolution in Great
00:15:10 Britain now bringing 100,000 people on the street in a peaceful celebration and sending a message to The Establishment is not certainly not what they want so what we've witnessed since that day is a full-on attack and especially against me and if and Jordan I don't I can go on talking about this but if it's okay I will so that people get the full context of what's happened here I'm taken in by counterterrorism by the time I'm released and I got questioned about the film that I played I make an allegation
00:15:39 in that film in that film fil about this is this is silence silenced yeah the film is called silenced it's pinned on my Twitter which is T Robinson New Era the problem they have they can't stop people viewing or restrict the comments on X because they don't have control of Elon Musk that is why they're upset with El musk it's why El musk is now being called a danger to our country it's why he's now being labeled as far right as an extremist all the same labeling they give to us is now what he faces because
00:16:09 they don't have control so at the minute I think when we spoke before I was hoping that 10 million people would watch the film and the reason I was hoping that was because it totally exposes the corruption of the Judiciary the weaponization of the Judiciary and the way the media the and all of them conspire together to control a narrative and the way they destroy anyone who gets in the way of that narrative which is what I've currently faced that film is currently on 44 million views I currently face as as people have the
00:16:35 media have said that I'm currently on the Run yeah that's what they've said is I'm I'm on the run and I fled I fled a court case so I go to leave the country the next day I'm detained by counterterrorism I'm held they then make the when I refuse to give my PIN code I say no and the re and I'll give the reason so people understand as a journalist I've made a five-part documentary series called the rap of brim in that uncover corrupt police officers in in episode six we're about to uncover a corrupt politician in
00:17:06 the same town who has allegations of child abuse against him we have covert recordings of this why would they want access to my phone which is what I was asking them am I going to give you access to my phone when I have my sources of information on there for this and so people understand my concerns because they're legitimate concerns in Ram one of the Scandal hit one of the towns hit by the rape scandal of Muslim men raping young English girls the police actually deleted evidence when young girls went in and give them their
00:17:35 their underwear which had the DNA of men on it who had raped them when they then went back in for the prosecution of the case the underwear had gone missing yeah in vow in Telford in older in all of these cases the police worked against the interests of the public they worked to hide the evidence in these cases to get rid of evidence and protect the rapist and not just protect the rapist but protect the dirty hands of lead police officers and Lead government officials who had allowed this rate to
00:18:01 continue for a generation so so many of them had dirty hands so I told the police why would I give you why I these girls have come to me to tell their stories they trust me not you and the reason they do that is because whatever you put on your computer system and in fact in episode five of our investigation it was the police who gave the address of our survivor to the gang Muslim gangs it was the police who leaked the information to families at the school it was the police so no I'm not about to put the Jeopardy or the
00:18:31 safety of the survivors or anyone who's given me their that who's given me their trust in confiding in me with information so I can expose it and that goes for whether it be about Corruption of the court cases the Judiciary or the rape gang so I told the police in uncertain terms you're not going to get a pin code off of me and if you want to charge me under terrorism legislation then you do that and um at which point I was transferred from the port to a police station to be charged I then had a ciss cuz up until this point you don't
00:19:00 have a right to remain silent under terrorism legislation I then get a solicitor we're both told including my solicor that we're about to be prosecuted I undergo interview where I explain exactly what I'd already said to the police no you're not having it and um this is an abuse of police power well the first question to me was what was your what is your opinion in the terrorism legislation what is your opinion of the UK right now and I said a totalitarian state and they said care to explain that I said yes I'm currently
00:19:28 sat here under no investig you don't believe I've commit committed any offense but here I am without right to remain silent being quizzed about my legal and lawful um activism and journalism and and under terrorism legislation this is a totalitarian state this stinks of nothing more this this exposes nothing more than a totalitarian state so I went through all of this and then when it gets to i' undergone my interview and I'm sat in myself cell for five or six hours and I don't get charged so I haven't yet been charged so
00:19:56 something happened between this and this for them to make a decision and bail him and that's what they've done but they took my phone they took my phone to download every bit of data this is the government and the state receiving every bit of data off of my phone to do with my work my activism even after I told them I'm a journalist that's my work phone you but they''re still gone in so this is what happens on the 28th of July I'm then released I'm released on the 28th of July at 11:00 p.m. I don't have
00:20:23 a phone but I continue to make my way where I was going I drive through fance by the time I actually get a phone in Spain by the time I get a six 16 or 18 hour drive I'm then informed when I get online that there's been a murder of a of of young girls in the in Southport in the north of England where a man has gone in and he's butchered lots of children in Southport that's all that was given to us at that time okay now the the alarming Bell for me not the alarming Bell but whether this is conspiracy or not because this proves it
00:20:54 is is that evening there was a vigil or the evening after there's a vigil for all the children who have been killed Southport is a close-knit workingclass community and all of the families have come out and they're there and so people can understand what were they going through in this community a few days later I spoke to one of the uncles of of these children who were attacked his seven-year-old niece the man entered the building he grabbed her by the hair he stabbed her in the face he stabbed her
00:21:22 and took her bicep off and he stabbed her in the body then he dropped her then he walked in and he continued butchering now this one family and the uncle I spoke to that was his niece the god daughter on the other side of the family was 9 years old and she was dead after being stabbed seven times so just so you can imagine the anguish the anger from this community that was going on they've all come out to hold a vigil and around the corner from the vigil a man of Arab appearance has been detained with
00:21:51 another big knife and a balac clava so word has quickly spread amongst the vigil that there's there's another planned attack on the that has boiled over into anger into frustration and into clashes with the police now I didn't organize this I hadn't even had a comment on it at this point yeah but that night when when Riot started ensuing by the British public not by any organized group the police come out and made a statement saying it was members of the English Defense League now as soon as I heard that so
00:22:22 your viewers and listeners understand I formed the English Defense League in 2009 it ended in 2015 15 that's a decade there there's not been an English Defense League for a decade there's no organization there's no membership there's no meetings there's nothing it's unheard of okay it's unheard of but by blaming rather than the I was trying to work out why they were doing this and then I've I've received it's probably to land it on my feet yeah so they can tarnish me with with the if they have to
00:22:52 accept why are people rioting on the streets of Southport it's the British public it's not an organized far-right group but by straight way labeling these British people as far right they don't have to discuss why they're angry I'm taking four of my esteemed colleagues and you across the world oh wow this is amazing to ReDiscover the ways our ancient ancestors develop the ideas that shap modern society it was a monument to Civic greatness to visit the places where history was made that is ash from the actual fires when the
00:23:26 Babylonians burn Jerusalem from 20 500 years ago to walk the same roads We are following the path of the crucifixion and experience the same [Music] wond we are on the site of a miracle what kind of resources can human beings bring to a mysterious but knowable Universe science art politics all that makes life Wonder Wonder [Music] ful and something new about the world is revealed let let me ask you a couple of things about that Tommy if you don't mind so you should probably walk people through what the English Defense League
00:24:19 was because that's one of the accusations that's leveled against you with regards to being far right we should also probably take apart this this massacre of these young girls because my understanding is when that first occurred that rumors were spread that that was um a like a first generation immigrant was involved in the stabbing now it turned out that it was the it was a second generation it was the child of first generation immigrants and I'm I'm not trying to make a case for that I'm just trying to lay out the
00:24:52 the facts and and so it isn't obvious to me how do you understand the Uproar about the the stabbings the murders in relationship to the furer that's developed on the immigration front so let's walk through the English Defense League I also you you I'd like to talk about the British national party too which you were involved in that Wikipedia defines as fascist and so those are the those are two things we can deal with and then I also want to know how you understand conceptually the connection between your activism and
00:25:30 that big rally that you had that was peaceful and because that had an effect and there's no reason to assume that that didn't um increase the probability that um protests of the sort that we saw in the aftermath of the stabbing were likely to occur and how do you construe your own your own responsibility for the heightened probability that such that such rots for example were likely to occur so it's a lot of things to to walk through English Defense League British national party and then your understanding of the
00:26:07 relationship between your rally and the the protests that that did degenerate into violence in the UK let's see if we can sort that out we start on the British national party so you're right the British national party was a fascist uh political party and when I was 21 years old I held my first ever rally and it was called B the luten Taliban it was against the increased islamization and jihadist organizations we spoke about them in our in our last meeting now when you're drowning you clutch at straws and Luton and my town
00:26:39 was drowning and I looked for anyone talking about this issue the only people I found talking about with the British national party now the reason why people know I was a member of the British national party is because there was a leaked list in in this year that I'm talking about now the leak list showed five years so I Join one year yeah I don't join the next year I don't renew my membership okay and I'll explain why so I joined the British national party I looked for someone talking about they
00:27:03 held a meeting I turned up to their meeting I spoke about in our last in our last sitdown I said that I I was part of a football culture and there was a large group of us who went to football together so the British national party would have been excited that they had boots on the ground in L yeah young men who who were boots on the ground for their activism now when I joined the British national party I had no idea that Nick Griffin who was the leader of it was the former member of the national
00:27:25 front as I said I wasn't political I was just a young that and their their first 10 points would you'd have to be brain dead not to agree with them when you go on the website homes for British pensioners and get all the all the 10 points you'd agree with yeah so they hold a meeting we turn up to the meeting as young Lads and this is actually documented by a far left magazine called search light and it's called when the minks which is luton's football uh Community luton's football hooligan element the men in gear fell out with
00:27:55 the BMP so we went to a meeting and when we got to the door they said he can't come in he can't come in and it was the black lads and we said what do you mean they can't come in and they said well you can't be a member of the BP unless you're unless you're white so we told him you're not having a meeting in our town then you're having no meetings in our town and the BMP was nonexistent from this point yeah so non-existent so four years later is when I formed the English Defense League and from the
00:28:20 offset we were welcome to every color every race everybody so I formed the Eng Defense League in 2009 I want to get on to the far right because this is provable as well the media called it far right from the start we had a SE leader git Singh okay great lad we we've done more to educate the British public and the white predominantly white workingclass community of what seeks have given and what other minorities have given into the UK and the reason being I'm from Luton Town the majority of my friends aren't white so I the EOS
00:28:50 of the English Defense League started with my mindset we had a seik division a Hindu division we had a lesbian and gay division we had a Jewish division we had divisions from every Community doesn't sound very far right now let let let's not allow the media to decide whether an organization's far right there's a national extremism unit within the metropolitan police force and it's their job to Define groups like The English Defense League and the BMP the BMP what categorized as extreme far right the
00:29:18 English Defense League the entire time I led It Center his organization so because the media say it once and then say it 100 times and then it gets regurgitated by the media and politicians and all the like it was far right it was far right it was never far right and it was always judged by the national extremism unit of the Metropolitan Police Force who are professionals and whose job it is to do this and look at groups as to what constitutes actually far right is that Muslims should enter dialogue this was
00:29:44 their advice which the officer got absolutely hammered for but their advice was the English Defense League is a cerist organization and Muslims should enter dialogue with them people should listen to them that was the entirety of the time I led the English Defense League so I left the Engish Defense League in 20145 so your viewers understand what it was we were a organization that brought to the Forefront issues which government media politicians didn't want to have discuss they were issues that bring about the
00:30:11 failures of open Bard and mass immigration the effect it has on society and the reality of living in a town that's been that they've flooded with people of all different cultures so the a group that come about to highlight and bring to the Forefront and remember grooming which we spoke about no one even KN there was no word grooming it's it's a pretty word they give it there was no word grooming no one knew of these rape gangs in fact everyone was attacked or we were demonized for trying to talk about them now years on everyone
00:30:38 accepts they were a reality as were many of the problems we spoke about are now accepted as legitimate and accepted as truthful which is why videos I made years ago have aged well for me and not well for my opposition it's why people are listening to me now and realizing that they lie it's why it puts them in a bad position and not me I can sit here and say well I told you the truth and the public who have been crying out for the truth who are angered and who are scared at a time like this when our
00:31:06 culture is disappearing when our country is being flooded they're looking back over 105 years and they're saying well he was telling us the truth he wasn't lying and against all the flak and all the attacks and all the imprisonment they still maintain telling the truth and that truth isn't far right it's not even extreme it's the truth hey there truth Seekers and freethinkers are you tired of the same old merch that doesn't quite capture your intellectual Spirit Well buckle up because we've got some exciting news
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00:32:00 you're not just getting awesome merch you're supporting free speech and standing up against leftist group thing plus a portion of every sale goes directly to support the daily wire so what are you waiting for head over to stickermule.com dailywire today that's stickermule.com dailywire okay well so a couple of things there so you said for example you're objecting to the labeling of farri you make the claim that many of your friends aren't Caucasian or aren't White a very difficult thing to Define you
00:32:31 talk about the English Defense League bringing in siks and Jews and people from all sorts of different ethnic groups but there's also an anti-mass immigration through story in your in your discussions and so how do you distinguish between the kind of immigration that has brought you the people that you have had friends friendships with in Luton and the and and the what what is it is it is it the grooming gangs that's drawing the distinction like what is it that you're trying to tell people about immigration
00:33:05 given that you also have friends from all sorts of different ethnic groups and races and you're also denying any allegations of racism or even ethnic Prejudice for that matter and partly you point to the fact that your English Defense League had different groups of people in it but also your own friendship so what makes you convinced that you're not a far-right figure and what is it specifically about immigration that you're trying to object to I'm not denying it I'm actually hated by the far right I'm despised as a race
00:33:33 trailer as I've made comments so Angela Merkel David Cameron these were all the leaders at the time in the English Defense League they all come out and said multiculturalism is failed I went on record of saying actually you're all cowards yeah because what's failed if we want to admit what's failed seism hasn't failed integ great or assimilate into British Society the Jews haven't failed Solutions haven't failed everyone else they haven't failed you are taking a problem that what's failed and I just speak
00:34:00 about my experience from growing up in Luton and again I set the record straight not every muslim okay I'm I'm not saying every Muslim some of the best people I've met growing up are Muslim some of the people I love and still have relationships are Muslim and I challenge any journalist any journalist come to Lon and find me Muslims with non-muslims just and every time like every time when I was leading the English Defense League and a journalist would come and interview me I said you walk through the
00:34:22 town and you try and find me Muslims with non-muslims you won't find them you'll have the Muslims and the non-muslims now we didn't create that we can't be on our school I speak about when I grew up it was the Muslim playground and the non-muslim playground so I grew up experien in this I experienced the separation the secreation the the zero assimilation and and I knew something was very very different and until I think in 2011 I was spending 22 weeks of solitary confinement and I challenge again anyone
00:34:49 listening to do this take the Quran I was sent in the Quran by a Muslim Outreach organization trying to convert me so I took the Quran and like right let's look at this and opened it and I challenge any of you to do this and every time it says do not be friends with Christians or Jews just write the verse number you will have pages and pages of verse numbers so then what you have is children being bought up and if I bought my children up and all of us as white people brought our children up to do not be friends with black children we
00:35:19 would see hostility and violence but sooner and all of a sudden when I started dissecting this book everything I'd seen my entire life growing up made sense everything and I don't and these Muslims are being brought up to believe this to believe that this is the word of God that this is what they want that's why we don't have a similation or integration so when I talk about the problems I've only ever spoke I haven't spoke against immigration which is why I'm under attack by people who are against total immigration quite
00:35:43 currently right now I believe we need to end immigration but the whole time I led the English Defense League I said no I'm against Islamic immigration and that's because you're mixing oil and water and it doesn't work and I can only speak from experience of what I've seen the more is problem let's assume that for let's assume that at least in part that your argument is valid and that you did experience the Muslim tendency in luten to be more segregated compared to the other ethnic groups that you're
00:36:15 describing so I could say well that's okay if people want to associate with their own kind as a consequence of their belief that's part parcel of a multicultural vision and so why is it that you object to it and why do you have the what the tarity to object to it people can associate with who they want and so then it's not reasonable for you to call out a specific religion regardless of what it believes and so what do you think of an objection like that because we have within that Islamic within that confined Islamic community
00:36:46 and we've had documentaries go down and speak to Muslims in Luton who said I've never met a non-muslim I've never met one yeah they're grown up in L they've never met a non-muslim so they're going to go through inward looking and within that Community it's a problem anyway for integration simulation but within that community and again I bring on our last episode I spoke about alasin alasin are now a prescribed terrorist organization but they never were and I Tred to explain it to members of the Muslim
00:37:12 Community like this you've got a close-knit Islamic community and within that close-knit Islamic community there's a bunch of activists who are active every day 25 hours a day seven days a week this group are active and they're teaching all non-muslims that they're teaching Supremacy and violence against non-muslims because within that Community that's what's happening Alma jine 60% of terrorist UK Muslims on terrorism charges or in ja for terrorism are ex-members of this group now within that community that if you if you if you
00:37:43 change it to the white community of luten and you have the non-muslim community and within there you have a thousand Nazis who have Pace tables set up and are continually promoting Nazism sooner or later the violence is going to come out of that Community well that's what we experienced we've experienced something we never even understood I we had to learn about Jihad before anyone knew what Jihad was because it was being taught Jihad was being taught as part and past with the Islamic community
00:38:08 within my town so all of these problems and that's not just that there's so many problems that come from the community the Hostile view the mainstream stream hostile view against women especially non-muslim women well those non-muslim women are my daughter they're my mom and they're walking through the streets of Luton and you've got Community that's being that's promoting a negative view of women but especially our women and we look at the Quran and we look at scripture we might understand why but
00:38:37 unfortunately as soon as you try and have that discussion you're farri right you're racist or you're extremist and the people that are calling you that have no knowledge of Islam they don't know anything about they're talking about they don't know Muhammad's teachings and and you're not even allowed to talk about Muhammad's teachings well sorry sorry Tommy let me bring Tammy into this for a moment and so and I'm I'm going to introduce her with a couple of different questions I mean there are many forces within the Muslim world that
00:39:03 are trying to establish something approximating a day taunt and a peace with the Western world that's exemplified most particularly with the Abraham Accords and the Abraham Accords have stayed intact despite what's happened after October 7th and all the activism on the side of Iran for example doing everything it possibly can to destabilize the Western universities and to bring out the demise of the um of the of the peace process that was established under the Trump Administration and so there are positive
00:39:36 forces operating within the Muslim Community that are trying to bring something approximating peace and so it's dangerous to segregate Islam as such you could make this case it's dangerous to segregate Islam as such because if we can't continue to communicate with the moderates then the more fundamentalist types that are likely misusing what might be a core religious Doctrine to push their fundamentalism and their and their essentially their race hatred and their sadism and so it's very difficult to walk through that and
00:40:16 separate the wheat from the tra Tammy what I wanted to ask you is like you insisted before we did that first interview that you trusted Tommy Robinson and I asked you why and I want you to reiterate that I also want you to tell me if that's still true and I want to see if you have some questions that you'd also like to Levy Adam you've watched what's happened in the last month since we did our interview and so maybe you could reiterate for people why you thought we should do this interview and what your what Drew you to want to
00:40:48 talk to Robinson to begin with and while what your conclusions have been given what we've gone through in the last month well first of all I'd say that I'm I'm free speech and I see Tommy as uh putting a light to issues that nobody else will talk about and that's important and he's also outlined his experience personally that has been his Guiding Light to it looks like what has been his Guiding Light in what he has done I guess my question would be why is it that Muslim culture has become so strong and
00:41:32 I know that there's lots of people there but what happened to the Christian what happened to the Christian word and the and the Christian values that uphold our um societies I think there's a from my point of view I think that there's been a you know a disillusion of our Christian values and so this other more aggressive Force has come in and taken our PL and taken the place of what used to be a place of Christianity and so I think that it's complicated so I think it's complicated yes I think that immigration isn't as
00:42:16 orderly as it was so now you know people are getting into not just the UK but into Canada into uh United States into Sweden into lots of different places and people aren't using their common sense to regulate that so and their faith common sense and Faith well common sense and Faith go together in some in some way because it means you're using your intuition which is using something that's smarter than you to find your way that you're not guiding but you're finding you know it from within your heart to do what best and um
00:43:00 everybody here is now so self-guided that I think we're getting in each other's way way more often and I can't speak for I've I've looked at the Quran some um and I am making my way through it and I agree with you Tommy that we should be reading that book because everybody should know if we're not going to read the Bible let's read the Quran I mean we have to we have to know what we're up against and we've left the Bible we've left the Bible and we're not going by those values anymore and so we're going to be
00:43:34 lost and we're go and those policemen and those government officials who are those people who are those people that they're not willing to stand up for British um for British values and they're not willing to tell the truth like what's going on with them why why don't they have the conviction to uh be I mean these are their families and their communities are going to suffer if they don't stand up so what's going on that Tommy has to shout from the rooftops what's going on with the Muslims okay so let me take that apart a
00:44:10 little bit so from what I understand well you you made reference to what might be a broader social problem which is well there is an incursion of fundamentalism let's say and that's coming in arguably primarily from the fundamentalist Muslim side and it's making major in in places like Luton and people like Tommy are at the Forefront of that and so you're highlighting the fact that it it's a tremendous weakness in the west perhaps primarily on the faith front that is allowing that and that we should look to that and attempt
00:44:43 to address it and that you feel that Tommy has been found himself and also adopted the position of being the canary in the coal mine with regards to that warning so okay so I have another another question for you Tammy it's like your your personal response to Tommy is also interesting to me I mean you know we we put ourselves you and I we put ourselves at substantial risk as a consequence of that interview and I don't regret that a bit I think it was the right thing to do but that was partly based on your intuition that we
00:45:17 could trust this man and so I'm still curious so let's divide this into two things I'm curious about why you trust him and if it's that's still the case despite all the things that have been levied against him let's say some of which we haven't got into yet and then um Tommy I'm also interested in your comments about Tammy's sense that the West has allowed itself to be weak in the way that has produced the situation that we're describing and that we bear you know as westerners we bear a tremendous amount of responsibility for
00:45:47 that so Tammy you start first is like well I first of all I think that the working class in the UK are trying to stand up and to protect the and the rest of the people in the UK the people who are more of an upper class are hesitant hesitant to join or even um support that kind of movement and that's a question that's definitely a question you know I'm a I'm from a workingclass place and so are you Jordan and I I was I was RA raised in a workingclass town and so I think that what Tommy is doing isn't foreign
00:46:34 to me it it his his response isn't foreign to me it seems like something that if we had you know friends in high school one of our high school friends would have been doing that or or maybe even ourselves would have been doing that if we were in that situation so I can see myself in Tommy in a way that uh makes me less skeptical of what he's doing because I can see the necessity for speaking up and telling people what's going on so that they have a chance Tommy y I think so Tommy you got any questions about that and yeah my
00:47:15 point is look at what you've faced or look at the attacks has anyone actually gone for anything we've said and drawn drawn a factual said this is this is factually incorrect no no one's challenging the discussion they just well and I would also I would also point out Tommy that you know you talked about the corruption of the Judiciary know while you know I'm in trouble with my college Licensing Board in Canada for saying things that people you know this the trouble that I've that I tamy and I have encountered as a consequence of
00:47:44 interviewing you is a variant of trouble that we're quite familiar with my my governing board the College of psychologists is doing everything they can to re-educate me and to suspend my license and the Judiciary in Canada has essentially refused to hear any of my appeals and so you know so I sit there wondering whether I'm far right and didn't know it or if I'm in the same kind of situation that you're in and facing a Judiciary and a political system that's become corrupted in some manner that's so fundamental that it's
00:48:15 kind of a miracle corrupted corrupted and it's well if someone has a problem with what we said tell me what it was that I said that was wrong and then this is the problem they don't and this and the reason being that they want to attack they attack why why aren't people speaking up I think you said Tammy why aren't there more people speaking up well look what they do to anyone that does you really whistle blood how many whistleblowers there were that attempted to talk up during the grooming Scandal
00:48:39 we found out once it all become knowledgeable they were destroyed they had their reputations destroyed people within in people within charities in those towns and cities and people within the police force that attempted to speak had their lives and reputations destroyed so what's happening to me you get to hear my story how many people this is happening to you don't get to hear across and that's why the weaponization of the Judiciary you hear my story you hear Donald Trump's story people can make their mind up and want
00:49:05 it how many people are being silenced across the west by that Judiciary how many people are having um like injunctions put against them or are being bankrupt and the targets I I actually think Jordan that since we LA and Tammy since we last spoke everything that's happened since has totally proven everything I said in in in the matter of fact of what have they said by the headlines I instigated the riots that's what they're saying the British media have said and they you that what they did is they came and found out where I
00:49:36 was with my family and then they made me front page news they they actually docked where my children were in in the resort they said that I fled the country and that I was in hiding that holiday was booked for 18 months that holiday was booked for 18 months now they said that and they put me as the instigator for the riots and that that was published everywhere and characters like Pierce Morgan you know earlier you said there was allegations that it was a Syrian I never shared those allegations so there's not one
00:50:06 person that can point to anything I shared that was factually incorrect about the Southport killer yet they want to say that I'm the instigation of the rights so Nigel farage shared that it was a Syrian refugee I didn't I didn't share any information till I had the knowledge of who it was so that no one can Levy that against me pi Morgan said i' done that factually incorrect again but then I'm not the one with the media they're the one with the mainstream media so the mainstream media have gone
00:50:31 out I what I done is I took what I've said and what and what my advice has been and do you know what they use in the in the Daily Mail article that put me as the bearer and the instigator of the violence the the example they gave of my inflammatory tweets was mass mass deportations needed so once again what we've seen I'm the scapegoat I'm facing total imprisonment calling for my extradition terrorism charges there's not one single shred of evidence not one person can point to what I've said or
00:51:03 what I done whether it be a tweet or a comment that instigated violence in fact all of the evidence is the total opposite so luckily the people who have seen my videos which is millions of millions on X they know that they're being lied to but I don't think the authorities or the government or all the powers that be care about that because they have the power of the media so they continually every day if you go on now and Google Tommy Robinson look how many negative stories there about me today
00:51:28 every single day since since since I put 100,000 people on the street since I had a massive peaceful rally every single day are become under complete and utter Onslaught by the media without one shred of evidence ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about something that matters your well-being in a world where Traditional Values are under siege it's crucial to stay strong mentally and physically enter responsible man a dailywire ventures company responsible man understands what it means to be a pillar
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00:52:20 OFA no compromises no shortcuts just pure American craftsmanship take advantage of responsible man's Labor Day sale going on now through September 8th visit responsible man.com and use code Jordan to get 50% off your first order but hurry because this deal won't last long remember a resilient Society needs resilient Men start your journey to Better Health with responsible man vitamins that's responsible man.com code Jordan for 50% off responsible man because true strength comes from within let me let me delve into some of
00:52:51 those again because I I want to go through everything that we've gathered that people are coming after you about and so I'm just going to read the listing of of allegations that we've that we've gathered convictions for assaults public order offenses and mortgage fraud allegedly violated court orders leading to imprisonment in 2018 we talked about that a little bit in the previous discussion defamation of 15-year-old Syrian refugee 2021 allegedly linked to the 2017 Finsbury Park Mosque attack exited Britain with
00:53:26 an Irish passport banned from multiple social media platforms including Twitter Facebook and Instagram for violating their policies on hate speech and incitement to violence well I was banned on Twitter so you know join the club accusations of Miss in fact I think you and I were reinstated at about exactly the same time accusations of misleading and inaccurate reporting Robinson has been criticized for spreading misinformation and making inaccurate claims in his reports and documentaries particularly regarding the grooming gang
00:53:56 scandals so we could start with convictions for assault public order offenses and mortgage fraud maybe we could do this Tommy I mean let's do this like if you look back okay if you look back in your at your past I mean what what do you think you've done that that hasn't been right that has increased the probability that you're going to be the target of these sorts of allegations I've open there's the mortgage fraud the public order offenses let's walk through that let's walk through them let's through them bearing in mind what you've
00:54:28 witnessed in the last seven days that British pensioners are being put to jail for gesturing their arms aggressively at a demonstration that's what everyone does at a demonstration but they're getting 20 months a man who said Allah Allah HUD is Allah just got 18 months for saying that yeah so what you w what you've witnessed is not actual crimes but you've witnessed being people sent to jail to set an example yeah and I'll give an example again Muslims drove from Manchester down to gold as green the
00:54:53 Jewish area of London they drove through on a tanoy system out of their car saying we're going to rape your daughters no prosecution the leader of hisb here stood on our capital city under a banner calling for Muslim armies and demanded Jihad in the name of Islam No conviction so what you what what the country have seen and I'll go through my experiences let's start on the mortgage fors U Jordan when I started my activism in 2009 between me and my wife we had seven properties two businesses and
00:55:23 seven properties all of my mortgages were 100% legit now what they done is they went and got a 5-year investigation and in their warrants they went through my mom's accounts my dad's accounts every family member bank accounts now what they got on my brother-in-law my brother-in-law who was 21 or 22 at the time yeah he bought his first property now when he B bought his first property that banks used to have they used to encourage self-certification mortgages so it was encouraged by the Banks so basically if you want to get a mortgage
00:55:53 as long as you put down 20% deposit you could just selfer Y how much you earn you don't have to show your wage you don't have to show your contract from your company you self-certify now as I said I had seven properties I was buying repossessions and doing them up and keeping them remortgaging the money there's no question about any of my mortgages yeah so my brother-in-law he I lent him £20,000 as a young man to get his first property he bought a property he said it was £80,000 he bought it he
00:56:21 put £20,000 down £60,000 he spent N9 months doing it up he sold it N9 mon months later yeah he so he buys the property he said he earned £20,000 a year but really he earned 12 so he buys it he gets a mortgage he sells it the mortgage company are paid back three or four years later after this they come in they go for all the forms and they say well he lied on his mortgage form yeah which the whole country lied on their self-certification mortgage forms it was encouraged they had no evidence against
00:56:52 me he was so he lied on his form what he lies in his form has nothing to do doing me so they get him and then they say that when he sells the property so he buys it for 80 he sells it for 120 after doing the property up after 9 months he makes a profit the B mortgage company are paid back there's no one been deed they then say that the profit then becomes the proceeds of crime because he lied on his mortgage form what do they do they Nick him and they Nick me they then charge me on tax evasion they go
00:57:21 through my companies they charge me on tax evasion they say I ow the bank I owed them 13 £7,000 tax they hold me on these conditions for four years Jordan they freezed my assets they closed I had two successful companies both of them were closed down yeah they so this so people understand the truth of what went on with the mortgage Ford I had no mortgage Ford they got me on tax I got not guilty within two hours of the tax investigation what they then done in court was they listed my wife to stand
00:57:51 trial for tax now no one knows what my wife looks like all my children even though the Daily Mail tried to expose last week no one knows some I I can't walk down the street in the UK yeah without being prepared to fight my wife can so they then put her on trial then they pull me out of the court case they sit me down and say plead guilty to these charges we dropped your wife we drop your other family members so I took a plea deal and I took a plea deal that got me 18 months in prison for a mortgage that had nothing to do with me
00:58:20 where a bank lost no money so when people want to list what but remember if you look now when you look and it frustrates me because I've never been tried by a jury Jordan all the other allegations you're going to read look what they say in there I lied about a Syrian refugee watch my documentary silence I didn't lie about anything I told the truth they lied they continuously lie now I'm not saying I'm perfect the assault charge and again this is all documented the assault charges I'm leading the English Defense
00:58:49 League at the time every time we say we're Against Racism and we're not far right the media say we are so we had a problem with n certain far-right nationalist groups trying to attach himself to our our organization there's actually a de there's actually a film that was made by Channel 4 and when I sit down on the coach and they say what do we expect today from the demonstration I say I'm going to kick all hell off and they said what do you mean I said we need a clear out yeah so I got on the stage at a demonstration
00:59:17 and I'm telling you this because we had no I had no other choice I'm leading a street protest movement that's what I was leading and we needed a clear out because the far right were continually trying to attach himself to our movement so I got on the stage at this and this is on a documentary I hold a seek lad's hand git sing and I say if you're in the crowd and you don't like what you see here you're in the wrong place this is our England yeah not your England not what you want for it so show yourself
00:59:43 and I name a far right group that were called the Northeast infidels I say where are you you go against everything we stand for but you're in amongst our thousands of supporters there's a little group of you but you keep coming in our crowd we don't want you here so I call them out now what I do is I leave the stage and I knock one of them out and and that and that was to cause the separation of the groups and it totally worked so when they talk about my assault they don't want to explain it was for a far-right Nazi wearing a
01:00:11 combat 18 t-shirt they don't give you the context of what it was now that was us making a a conservative I had to do that as a leader of an organization when Nazis were trying to come on the streets with us so I let them know you're not coming and then I made a video afterwards Jordan saying if anyone has a with that if any any of you next time we come to us on the streets with you it's on and and it's on from English men who don't want you there they never come on the streets again Jordan yeah they had
01:00:36 masqueraded themselves within our movement and that was so that's the assault charge so when they give this list of charges one of the others is the mortgage fraud the contempt proceedings what you're going to soon read Jordan on my Wikipedia page is that I got two years in jail which I face now because I lied about a Syrian refugee what's the film I didn't lie I told the truth so yes they've tried to set an example about me are our courts weaponized what have you seen in the last seven days we
01:01:05 have seen knife crime out of control migrant gangs out of control jihadists out of control 40,000 Muslims on a terror watch list and they managed to they they clear our prisons out to open spaces for pensioners who might have said something on Facebook that's what you and then they've live streamed those court cases they've let the this what what you've witnessed in the last seven days is to terrify the British public into remaining silent you better shut up while we open your borders you better
01:01:30 shut up while we bringing hostile people into community and if you open your mouth I think Constantine kissen has pointed out from trigonometry that there's been more than 3,000 convictions in the UK for for essentially for Facebook crimes so this has been building there only 600 in Mia there there was only 600 in Ria right right so this has been building for a long time and you know I also think that what happened to our interview on YouTube is emblematic of exactly this proclivity to Define certain kinds of speech as it
01:02:02 criminal as far right and and to suppress it entirely Tammy one of the things you and I talked about leading up to this interview was the Gathering of the kind of information that I'm torturing Tommy about right now and um we should talk about allegations linked to the 2017 Finsbury Mark Park Mosque attack but Tam are there other things other questions that we haven't address that you have on your list list well I'm I'm kind of curious about the passport the Irish passport yeah yeah can I can I
01:02:32 quickly do you know when I just said so on my mortgage fraud case I get sent a j on mortgage fraud it's to I leave the English Defense League this is factual yeah no one can deny this I get taken into a prison cell I'm sat in prison I'm in Winchester prison I've been I've been violently battered I lost my teeth in Woodhill so I'm sitting in Winchester I then get a legal meeting I go to my legal meeting and I go sit and this is all do I sit down in my legal meeting and two young men come in and they're
01:02:57 younger than me and then then you you wouldn't think they're police officers and they said no one knows we're in here visiting you no one only the head Governor yeah so when you go back to the wing of prisoners you can say whatever you want as to who's come to see you here I said okay they said what AR we're from the Metropolitan intelligence Bureau MIB what's the MIB it's a secretive unit within Scotland Yard okay if you the reasons you've get for leading the English Defense League if you're true and you want to help your
01:03:25 country which is what you've said and you opposed these far-right ideologies we we're asking you when you leave prison will you work for us I said what do you mean work for you I said just left hand not know what right hand's doing you've just absolutely tried to destroy my life for so long so I refuse and they say where do you and and and I've I've give the recording to this where do you see yourself in five years time and at this time in my life I I had had enough about talking about Islam I've been battled in jail I've lost
01:03:51 everything I've been to jail but I was in prison but i' i' managed to hold on to the seven properties my wife had that my wife and me had so I said when I get out of jail they said what's your plans I said well I'm going to sell my properties and go back into building they said where will you be in five years time I said I'll be a multi-millionaire I'll be a successful young man and a multi-millionaire they said okay well we're asking you again will you will you agree to work with us will you contemplate I said not a chance
01:04:16 I'm no one's slave yeah I'm not working I'm not a grass I'm not working for anyone I leave prison yeah so I come out of prison I'm driving and and and again I put the recording anyone who you might be able to find this speech yeah cuz they try and hide them all it's called Tommy Robinson um York free speech and I put the recordings in here so I'm driving in my car and I'm on the motorway boom police come from everywhere I'm shut down I'm arrested for burglary yeah I'm taking in and I'm questioned about a burglary in
01:04:43 my head's thinking what is this all about yeah what is this all about I get released the next day bearing in mind I've got nine months of prison license left to do so I get released I go home I get in and my wife says Winchester prison's been on the phone I say wi which is where I've just been released from which is where they made an approach to me in Winchester prison so she gives me a phone number it's 0207 well 027 is London it's not Winchester I said why are they been on the phone she said you've left property there I said
01:05:09 okay so I ring the number he says Tommy it's olle oie from the MIB I come and saw you in jail I said okay I said well you're in a predicament now aren't you I said how am I in a predicament they said what's it going to look like if the media get you on a on a burglary charge I said I haven't burgled anyway I'm not in predicament I haven't left the motorway yeah they said okay well if you get charged when you answer bail in 4 weeks time you're on licensed recall for 9 months now for me prison's death
01:05:35 possibly because jihadist control the prison so I sat there and I swear to God I cried my I come off the phone they said all you have to do is agree to have a meeting with us I said I'm never have I'm never having a meeting with you yeah I hung up the phone I cried my eyes out I said what am I meant to do here what am I meant to do and if you look at every single terrorist that's gone on to commit acts of jihad in our country they've all had prior involvement with our security services the MIB are the
01:05:59 security services now they try to approach me what happens then is I'm out of jail I then get a letter after refusing I get a letter from my lawyer saying they've they've launched confiscation orders against me and they want 125,000 off me now the £125,000 comes from the house that was sold by my brother-in-law well he bought it for 80 and sells it for 120 or 125 they want me to pay the entirety of the money even though 80 ,000 or 60,000 was a mortgage they want me to have to pay it back even though it had nothing
01:06:30 to do with me so I get a letter I then get a court date to go to court I then get contacted again Tommy you will never have to pay this money come and have a meeting with us this is blackmail by the security services at this time and I urge any of you to go watch this I sit down with the lead officer from counterterrorism my pration officer for being released from prison was counterterrorism why apparently I was in prison for mortgage for what's that going to do with counterterrorism when I got released from prison all my
01:06:56 conditions were not to contact the English Defense League and not to talk about Islam well how is this what's this got to do with the mortgage for I'm supposedly in jail with so I then sit down with the lead officer of counterterrorism I said you know what I'm I've got I've got a date to talk at Oxford University I'm blowing the lid on this yeah this is blackmail by the security services to get the blackmail in me in position to work for them I'm blowing the lid two days before I'm due to talk Oxford University boom I'm I'm a
01:07:21 licensed recall I'm put back in prison for 28 days on a recall and they used the fact that someone threatened to rap my mom I went online and posted saying well you don't need to look for me because that's what the threet said and it was on Twitter I'll be here tomorrow and a give where I'd be if you want to come and find me they use that to license recall me I spend 28 days in custody I come out of jail I sit down with my probation officer again I'm pretty stubborn if anyone hasn't noticed I refuse to back down so I said I'm I've
01:07:48 arranged to talk Oxford University you're not going to stop what I'm doing here yeah watch my speech at Oxford University do you know how it starts if you watch it from 2015 the speech she sits down they come back to me and they give me a list of things I'm not allowed to talk about or I'll end up in jail Islam the police Security Services yeah so I'm I said so I don't have free speech now if you watch my speech from 2015 Oxford University what I say is the speech I wanted to give you I'm not allowed to give you I've been
01:08:15 threatened with prison if I come and tell you my whole speech was going to be about the British police state and how they operate and I'm now not allowed to do that so the security services have been looking since 2015 saying well how do we deal with this guy yeah cuz he he I I sold my house you know I paid them £125,000 I paid them I had to sell everything and give them £125,000 or be in their pocket forever and I refused to be in their pocket so when we talk about the different cases that's my mortgage
01:08:44 thought the passport case it wasn't actually an Irish passport I went to America to your American audience I apologize for disregarding your laws but in 2011 or 12 I come to the United States I landed in 2011 I was rained at JFK airport and I was told on no on certain terms I'm getting deported back I got sent back because the British had requested me not to be allowed in the next year I decided to come I used my friend's passport that's where I used my friend's passport I got entry into America and I gave a speech after a New
01:09:17 York state senator and I recently dug up that speech and in that speech I say I wish someone had come to my hometown 30 years ago and warned us of what was going to happen well I'm here to warn you cuz i' I'm not talking about what I've read I'm talking about what I've seen and lived through open Bard Mass immigration and what's going to happen to the United States of America I give a speech I land back in the UK I was reminded I spent 22 weeks on solitary confinement for that crime 22 weeks on
01:09:42 so confinement so that's the passport case was it wrong for me to enter America um illegally yes it was did I come with a very important message from the United States of America a massive message that if they to listen to it in 2011 they might be in a better place to protect the United States of America now as I said I can go through every one of these instances no one can def no one can refute these there's no evidence to refute what I'm saying in fact I played the recordings in my York speech of the
01:10:09 police interviewing me on burglary now many people I can have every allegation you want against me everyone knows I'm not a house burglar yeah but they use that to get me in a position I don't doubt that they're blackmailing Muslims day in day out the security services to act and work in a certain way I have no doubt ever the dark powers that play in the British State and that's what I've spoke openly against so when I say why they don't know how to deal with me simply they don't know what to do and
01:10:35 that's why I think now I face two years in prison again and so tell tell tell me about that like so you're out of the country I don't I don't want to ask you where you are although maybe you want to Enlighten people as to your your whereabouts what is your legal situation at the moment in the UK and and what are your plans and then Tam if you have any other questions Maybe you can follow up after that so where are you what what's your legal situation what are your plans at the moment I'm in Russia no I'm only joking I'm only I'm
01:11:06 only joking have that as headlin sh I'm not in Russia my my plans everyone's telling me to run and everyone's telling me not to come home I'm coming home I'm not running I I don't believe I'm on trial I believe the British Judiciary is on trial the problem that they have is 44 million people have watched that film that means there's 4 million people including influential people across the world that know that I told the truth if they wish to lock me up for that lock me up they will lock me up we've seen what
01:11:34 they're doing with the current state of things will I be in danger yes I will um am I worried yeah totally totally worried um worry for me worry for my family I'm I I'm I'm I'm in court on the 28th and 29th of October so I currently don't have to be in the UK I'm again something I haven't talked about in the last seven days they've knocked at all my the police have gone to my family's addresses including my mother and father's and told them their lives are in danger so I I've I've had a hell of a
01:12:04 lot to deal with do you know what it's like sitting somewhere knowing that you called for calm knowing that you held a totally peaceful rally twice in a row knowing that you haven't instigated violence or attacks against mosques but watching as the entire world's media say you have there's no evidence to it no evidence at all they are putting me in danger they're putting a Target on me since then Somalians certain Somalians have said they want to kill me there's been me Muslims making videos with
01:12:30 machine guns all of them have been lied to they resurrected a dead organization of the English Defense League that hasn't been around for a decade and they told the entire British Muslim Community they're on about misinformation they're on about Prosecuting for people for misinformation the British government and its politicians and police forces told the whole Muslim Community of the UK that the English Defense League was coming to attack their mosques there is no English Defense League there has
01:12:55 hasn't been for a decade the British public were on the streets but what they've successfully managed to do by labeling everyone as far right by by putting an ideological spin on the reason people are angry they haven't once had to talk about open B border Mass immigration they haven't once even had to address why people are angry it's just they're angry because they're far right and they're racist no yeah and they' they've had a success it's it's a total successful campaign by the government if you look at what they've
01:13:22 done there was an uprising on the streets of the UK and rather than have to address one of those issues the labor party not one of they had to address what they've instead done is turn it on the British public then have show trials in order to intimidate and silence the British public into saying you do not get angry this has been our January 6th moment and and and right on the end of us having the most successful cultural re Revolution organization in the country seen what they've just they've
01:13:50 just blocked it totally blocked it used the mass media use the politicians use their weapons to totally deceive and lie and and again I ask if I've done all these things and I keep asking Pierce Morgan I know he was on the show with him last week why don't you sit down me poor peers and show me where I've instigated violence or attacks against mosque show me what I've said that's encouraged violence you know what there was do you know what I've heard one news reporter say well he said that there was
01:14:16 attacks by Somalians against a woman in iwi yeah that was the Times newspaper yeah I quoted the Times newspaper how dare I so no one's even been able to show me what I've said that's misinformation because I haven't I did I wasn't part of the campaign to push it was a Syrian refugee I remained silent on that fact in fact I come out and corrected certain falsehoods and I and but again what your what the people need to understand is in the seven days prior to the riots seven days prior to the riots eight I don't know if you're aware
01:14:47 that today there's been a terrorist attack look will I get done for misinformation in that a okay a migrant has gone and stabbed a bishop walking out an army barracks in the Republic of Ireland whilst muttering about the Irish Army's involvement in the Middle East yeah that's what's come out right now today in gway I believe in Ireland now in the seven days prior and this is very important that people understand what built up the frustrations of the British public yeah with watch since October 7th
01:15:12 as Hamas have took over the capital city calls for Jad by mosqu and imams desecration of War memorials no arrests we're continually told by the police we can't arrest people for burning Flags this is freedom of the speech they've committed no crimes so we've watched all of that and then we sit and we watch as a migrant gets off a motorbike he's been in the country six months he waits for an army officer in uniform he doesn't attack anyone who's not in uniform even though people who aren't in uniform are
01:15:37 there and he butchers that army officer this doesn't even make lead news I remember making a video next day saying why is it why am I not watching this on the news an army officer has been attacked in full uniform and stabbed to Pieces it's not even making the news what's going on and then we get told of course it's mental health so that incident is side sidelined as mental health the British public are watching because we're able to tell them actually an army officers has been attacked in a ferocious knifing here his wife comes
01:16:04 out of the house and jumps on the man that's attacking him the man that's attacking him doesn't stab his wife he continues stabbing the officer the only person he attacks is in a military uniform very similar to what happened to Lee R when he was beheaded by Michael adago they didn't attack the banders in the street because they said that they're not the targets the military are the targets for the British involvement in Muslim lands so this looks very similar you why don't I believe that the police and government why they tell us
01:16:29 it's mental health and again anyone anyone listening to this go on Google Now and type in Russell Square attack you will see an attack in Russell square a Muslim goes into his mosque in the morning says he wants to kill non-muslims yeah they don't they don't report him to the police they say a prayer for him what he then does he leaves he leaves the Muslim Community so don't he don't come out with a mental mental attack and start stabbing anyone he leaves the Muslim Community he travels to b square he stabs seven
01:16:57 non-muslims he murders a American citizen who's a tourist he gets stabbed to death in between each of these attacks he shout Al abbar now try and find this on the terrorist attack list you won't because it wasn't deemed a terrorist attack it was an incident of mental health like so many others and when they have these mental attacks they don't go and kill anyone that's not that's Muslim that is non-muslims that are killed so we don't believe them so this happens then we have the attack then we have the riots up in hair um up
01:17:27 in leads where basically um a Romanian child went into hospital with a fractured skull now we have uh protections for children where if there's questions about the parenting which I don't believe the parents were at home when this child had a fractured skull so they' see it as neglect they went in to take the children as protection yeah so they take the children as they do that in this close-knit Muslim and Romanian Gypsy Community the Muslims and the Romanians both of them because there's evidence it
01:17:55 was both of them come out and burn police cars buses and attack the police now the the images that the British public watched were as the police run away they didn't get their dogs out horses out they didn't come in with batons they literally Leed it and left them to burn the estate now as they burn the estate an English mother comes out of her house when the next night when all the crowds there again and start saying will you please go in your houses stop causing the problems I have to live here the police arrest the English
01:18:21 mother they take her away so what we've seen and and and then the Romanian gypsies make a statement saying unless the children are given back tonight you are going to talk about these riots for a hundred years in this country now as soon as I said that I put a post out on X saying guarantee they give the kids back I know they're going to because this is what works in Britain by by that later that night the children are given back to the parents there's no riots all the Gypsies and all the Muslims go off
01:18:47 the streets yeah so what that this is what the public are watching then all in this quick seven days then what we see is a Muslim at Manchester Airport is kicked in the heads you may have seen it go viral he's kicked in the head by a police officer whilst laying on the floor it doesn't look great yeah it looks ferocious by the police officer but we have no context as to what happens before that now what we then see are thousands of Muslims Target Rockdale police station where the Muslims have been arrested and we then find out three
01:19:17 officers have been injured including a a police woman who's had a broken nose so the Muslims come to the police station they attack the police station you there's not a police officer in sight there's no dogs there's no horses there's no riot shield literally the Muslims are given free reign we then hear Muslim commentator after commentator in the UK threaten The Establishment and say that they better prosecute the the police officer then the police come out and give a statement saying they've released the Muslims
01:19:44 they're released they're not on remand in jail even though you've seen all these people being remanded for Facebook post they're released and then they say a criminal investigation has been opened against the police officer so they give the Muslim Community what they're demanding the next day we see the video released of what happened prior to him getting kicked in the head guess what happened the Muslims violently attacked the police in unprovoked attack I mean punching and beating police officers
01:20:10 which is a straight away you'd get remanded if you do that how are they out on the streets and then the police had already give a statement saying they've been released because of insufficient evidence well now we're watching a video you had the evidence you had the EV you were about to sacrifice the police officer who actually done a fabulous job literally he gets attacked from behind he pulls the man down who's been tasered and instantly kicks him it wasn't he didn't even have a second to think yeah
01:20:35 and he's an armed response police officer so these Muslims violently attack him could have got hold of their guns so the public have watched all of this and they're asking the questions as to why did you release them why are you Prosecuting the police officer that done nothing wrong it's the whole it's the whole um it's the whole situation again from the United States is it's the whole situation with George Floyd they've they've surrendered and they've gave the police officer over for a lawful arrest
01:20:59 whether it looked bad or not it was within the law and that's what they've done to this police officer so this all happens what message of the British government told the country if you root we'll listen that's what they told them and then an attack happens straight after this so you have to understand the Prelude to what's happened yeah and you have to understand that attack after attack and aggression after aggression has not been dealt with the police have not made arrest against the Islamic
01:21:23 community they literally run away from them and literally at the same time as this they attack British protesters whether it be on St George's day now yesterday was Independence Day for Pakistan the scenes we've seen across our country the police dancing with pakistanis celebrating Pakistani day well that's not what we saw for Arsen George's day we saw police with batons and riot shields attacking English men dragging their s George's Flags off them and beating them so what you have is a British public who feel totally
01:21:50 oppressed by their government and police force and if they didn't feel that now then as we're watching people be impr prisoned for comments on Facebook many of them anti-establishment comments you're putting people in jail for anti-establishment comments whereas you haven't put people in jail or arrested them for calls for Jihad for calls from the river to the sea oh that's that's legit but you dare to say Allah Allah H is Allah you're get 18 months so they have actually ingrained on the world stage two-tier police and and two-tier
01:22:17 Judiciary and the public have had the opportunity to see exactly what I've known for 15 years of my activism I know that we have a two-tier policeing and two-tier Judiciary and in the last seven days that Judiciary has been totally weaponized and the target is the British public who are standing up and yes there were men committing crimes and yes there were riots and if you wanted to deal with them but how come how come the four Muslims who got arrested or the three Muslims they still haven't even faced
01:22:45 prosecution yet women are in jail for Facebook post within seven days what is going on that's what the whole country it was very very rapid very rapid public it was really something to see so okay so Tommy let I I want to bring Tammy back in here for a minute but before I do that I want to ask you look you're you're at the center of a major controversy and that's not going to go away and what would you say this is kind of a stalk question but I don't know how to more intelligently formulate it um what frightens you about yourself
01:23:19 what do you think about you is what are your characterological weaknesses like you're in a rough position and it's necessary when you're in a position like yours is to be very aware of your various sins and stupidities and so you know you said you've been very emotionally upset about what's happened to you and you've been you've been traumatized in prison and you've had your finances demolished and you've been the target of Judiciary investigations for a very long time that's very stressful it can make people what would
01:23:48 you say touchy and volatile you know and I can actually understand that and so like what what do you see in yourself that's dangerous and and how are you trying to control what I suppose the terrible things that you could purposefully or inadvertently bring about okay so yep so yes when when the country was at as highest point point again when Lee RG was beheaded when Lee R was beheaded I held a demonstration to 10,000 people no one wants to pick up what I've said I stood up and said there's 660 Muslims serving in our Armed
01:24:22 Forces yeah they're doing more for the country than me if you attack a Muslim woman you're a coward I've always educated and been pivotal on my points of nonviolence always but yeah what is the danger for me the danger for me personally is I ain't going to back down it's simple and that doesn't mean I'm not scared I'm scared now I'm terrified of I have felt under attack at times I've never felt what I felt for the last two weeks never I never ever felt this I am I have got it coming from every angle
01:24:50 from everywhere what does that do to me does it make me cower no it makes me out fighting and it makes me come out fighting in the sense that I'm willing to be the sacrificial lamb for you yeah I'm willing to and you better believe it to the establishment if you think putting me in jail and getting me killed is going to solve your problems you're going to spark the revolution like you cannot imagine and I'm willing to be in that position so I keep putting myself in the way saying go on then what are
01:25:15 you going to do because I'm not going to back down on the sense and the re why am I not going to back down cuz I wholeheartedly Jordan Tammy I to anyone watching I wholeheartedly believe our country is State the future safety of our children is at stake we're supposed to shut up and remain silent whilst we're replaced we well whilst hostile communities are brought into our nation whilst our rights and freedoms are taken if you know how after the last seven days you can't see our rights and freedoms are being taken well we're not
01:25:41 going to remain silent while they take them and I'm going to scream it from the hilltop so what faults do I have that's my fault my fault is that I'm I should have backed down a long time ago I should remain silent probably anyone reviewing this may say I come across is aggressive I can't I'm passionate and I'm passionate because I've had every thought and every worry going through my mind for the last two weeks have I as I watched the entire establishments media government politicians lie about me but
01:26:09 I also know there's an army of people watching this who have seen their lives so there's people that you think you can just silence me is it's not going to work you're going to Marty me and I'm not going to back down and you know what you're going to create a thousand Tommy Robinson you've already done that with your actions over the last seven days ' already done that so there's no there is no winning for them at this current situation people are awake people aren't backing down our fight for freedom
01:26:32 without your waight without our fight and love for Freedom will outweigh your want for tyranny and right now we're facing tyrannical for forces tyranical Forest that wish to enslave us and take our speech something that's our god-given right you're not taking it not without a fight so people are and what does that fight in doe I'm not calling for people to commit violence I never have what I'm saying is we will use our platform for we will awaken people and whatever move they make next whether it's be my in prison and you see putting
01:27:00 people in prison for 30 months for s in on Facebook you're actually doing our job our cause to awaken people you're helping with it so each time they try to crush it you're actually creating more people and they think that they can scare people into silence and as I said I stood on I stood in trafala square and said to The Establishment what your witness in now is the British Spirit do you see what they've done since that day is try to break that British spirit I don't think be successful and the reason
01:27:26 they need to censor this video you're watching now they need to censor it because it has the ability to awaken more people it has the ability to inspire more people and they know that they know that which is why they must have total control you're going to go back to the UK you said if I've got this right near the end of October to face the music that's the plan and in the meantime I presume your your strategy so far has been certainly not to involve yourself in the demonstrations and so for that
01:27:55 have been occurring in the UK over the last few weeks except you also said that you were correcting certain misapprehensions about what's been said about you and and also the information that's been spread around so you're going to your plan is to stay out of the to let the events unfold as they will but but that you're going to go back to the UK and face the music that's this that's the plan my my plan is my documentary is currently on 44 million views by the time they get me in jail it'll be on 100 million so by
01:28:24 all means send me to jail you'll put more rid in that film than I ever dream of we people need to realize the weaponization of the court system against the people it's not right it's not right and people need to know what they're doing and how they're silencing dissident voices across the West they need to understand it if we're going to stop it people need to understand it if Donald Trump gets elected he needs to break this okay the weaponization of the courts the unfair Judiciary do you know I'm I will watch what I say when I get
01:28:50 into court before the judge have you watched the film your honor if you have watched the film and I'm still sat your face in prosecution you're corrupt as well cuz that film categorically proves all I done was report the truth in what sane Freedom loving world are we standing in where someone faces two years for reporting the truth do we believe in the journalism or not do we believe in freedom of the press or not the problem is so many journalists don't believe in it they believe believe in activism they're activists not
01:29:14 journalists they're total activists so my my my intention is on the 28th and 29th of October to put the BR British Judiciary on trial in the world's eyes now so long as they don't kill Elon Musk between now and then that's my intention CU everyone on X through my account will be able to witness and watch the truth be told that's my plans Jordan that's not something I'm looking forward to I I I just had I had two weeks booked my children because I knew what was coming yeah after three days they found me and
01:29:43 my children they doxed them and put them in danger they purposely done that so I I had that time that was my time with my loved ones because I know what's coming for me and they broke that yeah they broke that so I'm not doing this because I want to do this I don't want to do this I much rather just be enjoying my time with my children but I'm not prepared for my children to become enslaved I'm not prepared for their freedom of speech to be taken I'm not prepared for them to be totally controlled by a manipulated media to
01:30:10 totally they want total control of the narrative the centering of your YouTube channel is to control the narrative nothing more they not can't pick fault with anything I've said otherwise that highlight it they say you you've gone against guidelines well show us what guidelines I've gone against how come you can't show us this is total and out of control we either become slaves and allow censorship through big Tech through all the corporations or we fight it I'm going to play my part in fighting
01:30:34 it Tam do you want to bring this to a close make some comments ask Tommy some some questions well you inspired me you're inspiring us and thank T and our our our our country and our values are worth fighting for and um it's time for people I think it's time for people to to see the next right thing to do and then and then to do it not to turn away not to turn away and not to think it's someone else's fight because I mean if it's your fight then it's my fight if it's if it's your fight then it's my my son's fight it's my daughter
01:31:24 daughters fight cuz they have children and we're fighting for our kids we're fighting for our our grandchildren to be able to have a place that can they can call home like we have had a place to call home you know I don't really have any questions I think um I think Tommy ended it on a a very good note I think that it's his bravery and his conviction um that's what we need we need to look at ourselves and to see what it is that is calling us to do and to take one step in that direction and see where it
01:32:04 takes us and if that's a scary place and it's going to be a scary place because it's a uh we're in a we're in an inflection point are you going to stay with the Matrix or are you going to tell the truth and free us from this tyranny well can I Jordan thank you Tammy do you know what thank you both of you cuz you didn't have to give me you didn't have to sit down with me ever and sit and talk to me with with the way they've made me toxic I understand the probably the fears that would have come with it you've done it as supporters of
01:32:34 free speech I'm very grateful for that I'm sure the British public are grateful as well because many British public who feel silence and sensed see see me talking on their behalf which is why they feel uh a connection with me a very passionate connection with me what would you Jordan do you know the censored one now that can't be shared and can't be commented on would you put that on X would you try yes yes we're planning to do that right now we're planning to do that I think we're doing that today
01:32:58 Tommy I think we're doing are you so you're going to put the entirey on X because because as they sent as they Center and take the comments X is the x is now the home of free it's the only place that can have that you canot that they cannot control the discussion which means they don't control the narrative I've said time and time again that Elon Musk has as well is that mainstream media and the controlled mainstream media is the cancer and citizen journalism I.E any show willing to have debate and discussion that's the Cure
01:33:26 more discussion more free speech I'll sit down and debate anyone on my issues and and and that doesn't mean I'm perfect or right about everything but they should not be censoring or controlling what you the public hear they want to silence me to control you they want to silence this they don't want the comments or being able to share this discussion because they want to control how you think you're the target we're in their way you are the target well I I do think I mean I do I do think like if I've had trouble with YouTube
01:33:55 in many ways they've left me alone but they've taken down three of my discussions in the past focusing most particularly on the issue of The Butchery of children by the sadistic greedy ideologically captured medical Elite and which is an absolutely appalling Scandal on in every possible Manner and so they took those down which I find absolutely reprehensible and then they have been gerrymandering our discussion and playing tricks on it with with it and I think if the powers that be so to speak at Google can Jerry
01:34:29 Mander my discussions which I'm trying to do in as good of Faith as I can possibly manage then what the hell chance does the typical person have to have their perspective noted and expressed and I'm looking at what's happening in the UK with these as you call it show trials which are taking place with amazing rapidity given the general congested nature of the Courts in an extraordinarily public Manner and I can't help but conclude that that's being done to intimidate and all of the worst fears I had about kir starmer have
01:35:03 come true he's a he's a totalitarian utopian narcissistic leftist and that's been on full display in the last month and so it's a hell of a thing to see and this is absolutely no fun for anyone and uh you know I can commiserate at least to some degree with what you've been through and uh um and I guess we're going to see what it unfolds maybe Tommy will talk again a after October after you go back to the UK that's probably the best logical thing to do I'll be in jail bro I'll be in jail yeah well I guess
01:35:39 we'll see about that won't we yeah well maybe maybe maybe maybe that's I need you know if there was any chance Elon must watch this film Elon please share the film silenced I know it's a long film and I know you're a busy man but if if he could get to watch that film and share it before I go prison it may well be the thing that saves me because once the world sees it the world's politicians the world's leaders which Elon M showing it would have the ability to do um then it'd be it'd be more difficult the more views on that film
01:36:09 The more difficult it is to lock me up that's what I think so I'm grateful for your time everyone and I if I come across you know what I'm stressing now thinking I've come across as aggressive or come across I I am passionate about what I believe in I'm passionate is my life that's I feel in danger here the effect on my family I've watched it all the last two weeks the the the the problems from my mom my dad the problems from my children all coming from what because we tell the truth because we
01:36:32 told the truth and there's no truth in what they're saying so again they don't back it up but I'm grateful for the time you've given me again I'm grateful for the opportunity to tell my story yes absolutely absolutely and thank you for talking to us um and taking the risk that goes along with it and uh we appreciate that uh terrifying though it is and uh I guess we're going to talk for another 20 minutes on the daily wire side and I'll take 3 minutes after this relatively stressful conversation in
01:37:00 terms of how you displayed yourself today look Tommy I think that being nice is an overrated virtue I don't think it's a virtue at all when it's indiscriminate and the fact that you have enough spine to stand up especially against those bloody grooming gangs which was the worst Scandal I think I've ever seen in my lifetime Bar None the fact that you were willing to put yourself in the front line with regards to those grooming gangs that that uh bestows a fair bit of credit on you in my estimation because that is so scandalous
01:37:31 and so brutal and so dark and so malevolent and so widespread that it's a it's no bloody Wonder people don't want to look at it and that it's easier for them to write you off as a right-wing provocator because the alternative is so bloody gruesome and horrible that I can see why people don't want to face it who wants to face and it's well that's that's that Bloody cowardice that that Tammy talked about that's pervasive in the west and it is a consequence of the collapse of our fundamental values and
01:37:59 our spineless weakness in the face of any assault on our core identity and our culture so oh well we'll watch how it plays out over the next month and so everybody watching and listening on YouTube assuming that you get to do that well thank you very much for your time and attention and uh you know we'll stay on top of this as much as we possibly can and bring you the closest account the closest to o imation to the truth that we can possibly manage and thanks again Tommy and Tammy for spending the
01:38:29 time and the effort to do this and if you guys who are watching and listening want to join us on the daily wire side we'll continue this conversation for another 20 or 25 minutes and so thanks again Tommy y good to see you both thank you thank you very much [Music]
Telegraph - “Tommy Robinson charged with terror offence” by Connor Stringer (October 25, 2024)