"one of the chief propagandists for the violent Antifa movement … a long-time regular at Antifa riots in Portland … Azar immediately burst into tears upon hearing that she is now a convicted felon.” - Justin Trouble
Short Version
“Who is Alissa Eleanor Azar?”
Sex Work & Losing Child Custody
2021, March 12 - Riot, Multnomah County, Oregon
2021, September 4, - Riot, Olympia, Washington
2021, June 18 - Riot, Clackamas County, Oregon
2021, November 10, - Indictment for 2021, June 18 Riot
2021, December 9 - Arraignment for 2021, June 18 Riot
2022, August - Riot
2023, October 13 - Held by TSA? On DHS Watch List?
Azar’s Articles for Left Coast Right Wing Watch
Short Version
Alissa Eleanor Azar, as we shall see, reportedly;
is/was Rose City Antifa
is a felon
was a single mother
is/was a sex-worker who described herself as a "slutty anarchist."
lost custody of her child in 2022
has gotten away with a lot of violent crimes in Portland/ Multnomah County
was tried Clackamas County in 2024 for a crime in a park near Portland but in neighboring Clackamas County and
was convicted of a felony
“Who is Alissa Eleanor Azar?”
This is the question asked by Andy Ngo and Katie Daviscourt in a report published by the Post Millennial1 August 14, 2024 in which they write,
Azar has risen to become one of the chief propagandists for the violent Antifa movement and maintains close ties with Rose City Antifa, a violent cell of Antifa in Portland. She claims to be a journalist and uses her social media following to help mainstream Antifa’s message of political violence.
For example, extremists who commit politically motivated attacks have fed responsibility claims to her for publication by Azar.
Ngo has posted on X2 that she is
an #antifa member who has attended most of the far-left riots in the Portland-area
Alissa Azar is a Portland-based journalist.
Sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it? Here are more passages from Ngo’s and Daviscourt’s Post Millennial report…
Azar joins a long list of Antifa self-described journalists who have been accused or convicted of politically motivated violent crimes.
. . .
Azar had been repeatedly arrested and charged at violent Antifa direct actions in Multnomah County, but was repeatedly not prosecuted.
. . .
Azar’s social media posts over the years indicate she views evangelical Christians, women activists who are critical of trans ideology, and Donald Trump supporters as “fascists.”
. . .
Her extremism appears to be the reason Patreon pulled her account sometime in 2023, though Azar later publicized a second ban-evading account on the platform. Victims of Azar’s violence have spoken to The Post Millennial about their frustration that she wasn’t held accountable for her actions in Portland.
Sex Work & Losing Child Custody
Ngo and Daviscourt reported for the Post Millenial,
Before Azar's involvement in militant Antifa extremism in Portland, she had a failed career in the entertainment industry. She has spoken about her family’s Syrian background and her support of dictator and accused genocidaire Bashar al-Assad. She also previously posted about her concern that Jews in the "entire industry" might discriminate against her. Last October, Azar appeared to post in support of the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel.
“MIlitant action is not for everyone, but it’s how things get accomplished,” she wrote on Oct. 7 in response to a post about Palestinians.
We magnified portions of the image above for clarity. See below.
Ngo and Daviscourt continue,
Simultaneous to her involvement with Antifa in Portland, Azar has also grown a fanbase within that community for her sex work. She runs an OnlyFans account where she shows off nude photos of herself standing in front of Antifa print propaganda. In some of the photos, Azar dons a balaclava while brandishing an AR-15-style rifle.
The reader can see her on Link Tree4, Twitter5, Instagram6 and/or see her writing7. Returning to Ngo’s and Daviscourt’s report,
In November 2022, Azar lost custody of her only child after the boy’s father told a family court that her involvement with Antifa and her sex work had created an unsafe environment for their child.
Note the irony in that being an Antifa, she would likely say that she is anti-capitalist and yet her loss of child custody is related to her entrepreneurial activities.
2021, March 12 - Riot, Multnomah County, Oregon
According to the Portland Police Bureau, Azar was one of 13 people charged on March 12, 2021. In the Portland Police Bureau report, “March in Pearl District Ends With Property Destruction, Group Detained (Photo)”, we read,
Alissa Azar, 29, unknown residence, criminal citation in lieu of custody for Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
They also write,
Officers detained a group of about 100 in a march that devolved into property destruction in the Pearl District.
…of Portland, Oregon on
Friday, March 12, 2021 at about 9:00p.m., a group began marching in the street, blocking vehicular traffic…
They also write,
They were advised by loudspeaker that the street was open to vehicular traffic, but the crowd continued to march in the street.
At about 9:15p.m., at Northwest 15th Avenue and Northwest Overton Street, some in the crowd began breaking windows (photo). Officers moved in to address the criminal behavior. They created a perimeter around the group
. . .
The group was advised that they were being detained for investigation of crimes, they were not free to leave, and they should comply with officers' lawful orders. Failure to comply may result in arrest or force being used against them to include, but not limited to, crowd control agents, impact weapons, or tear gas. Legal observers, press, and anyone who was medically fragile or anyone who needs immediate medical attention were invited to leave the enclosed area if they wished. Those that were being detained were identified and photographed, as part of a criminal investigation, before being released. Some refused to comply and locked arms together in an effort to interfere with the investigation. Officers escorted them away and they were arrested. A suspect in the earlier window vandalism was arrested and charged.
Officers discovered numerous items left behind by people inside the perimeter, including a crowbar, hammers, bear spray, slugging weapon with rocks, high impact slingshot, and knives (photos).
As the event unfolded, groups formed on the outside and physically challenged officers. Some threw rocks and full cans of beer at officers (photo). Officers deployed some OC (pepper) spray and one impact munition. Arrests were made, including two suspects carrying firearms, wearing body armor and helmets.

They then detail who was charged with what and stated,
The investigation is continuing and additional charges are possible.
The images below of Azar are from an Antifa Watch report8.

Ngo and Daviscourt report for the Post Millennial,
In March 2021, Azar was charged with second-degree disorderly conduct and interfering with a peace officer at an Antifa riot in downtown Portland. Her case was dropped by Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt—in line with his 2020 policy of not prosecuting most leftist riot-related crimes.
To be more specific, the charges were made the next calendar date, March 13 according to a post by Andy Ngo9 who included this image…
Perhaps if the District Attorney dropped one’s case and those of others charged with such riot-related crimes, one might think that one could continue to get away with such crimes and let one’s caution lax, leaving slack over which one can trip and fall, finding oneself in a less forgiving jurisdiction, one less derelict of duty.
2021, September 4, - Riot, Olympia, Washington
As I wrote in the Summary of “PROUD BOY SHOT By ANTIFA ∴ Full In-Depth Story with Proof of Everything”,
On Saturday, September 4th, 2021 in Olympia, Washington, a Proud Boy named Tusitala Toese (nicknamed “Tiny”, full name here) was shot by a retreating antifa as he and his fellow Proud Boys/patriots diverted antifa away from one of their targets that day, “a 58 year old disabled lady” by the name of Candace Mercer who is running for Olympia City Council.
As someone who identifies as a woman, as an age-challenged person and as a differently-abled person, Candace, in their own protocol, is at the intersection of 3 “protected groups” that antifa, as justification for their existence, claims to defend. This means that antifa planned to attack someone who is in not just one “specially protected class of victims”, but three. That’s a triple violation by their own dogma. This is unsurprising to those who pay attention to antifa’s track record of attacking members of all the major “marginalized groups” [archive].
Candace was to appear at City Hall as part of her campaign and the local antifa planned to violate her right to speak in public with threats/violence (terrorism). As Bard Eye News tweeted
All Antifa wants is for people to fear them and not show up to oppose actual totalitarian policies because of their violent threats, harassment, and intimidation… Political Terrorism in its simplest definition. Black Bloc is the new Brown… OBEYThe patriot/Proud Boys group were in the process of chasing antifa away from Olympia City Hall when one of them was pushed by Tiny, then shoved by an other man, then ran a few steps, turned around and fired 5 rounds (apparently 9mm) at them, shooting Tiny through his ankle/foot with one of them.
In Chapter 5 - Play-by-Play of the Day, I establish that Azar was with the black bloc (antifa) that day. Below is a tweet I included in that report that shows Alissa Azar with antifa that day and below that is an image from the report that I made to establish by comparison that the person in question was indeed Alissa Azar.

2021, June 18 - Riot, Clackamas County, Oregon
This happened on June 18th, 2021…

I too reported the matter…
On my Justin Trouble website, I wrote in “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony”10 that on June 18th, 2021, Azar
assaulted some people in a clash in a park near Portland, Oregon. She ran up to a man while dowsing him in with some sort of high power spray, likely mace. While it seemed to have no immediate effect on him due to his shield and face covering, Alissa Azar quickly turned to spray a woman who was a less protected. Alissa “antifa” Azar pursued the woman and continued to spray her with mace or some other substance before being knocked on her ass by the aforementioned man.
This was filmed by an antifa named Aisha Shah11 who uploaded the video to her Youtube channel Free Our Mind News. One can hear Aisha’s honking voice starting at 0:07 yelling, “Proud Boys at their finest, right here!” and so on.
Alissa can be seen beginning at 0:15 entering the frame from the viewer’s right. She sprays the man, perhaps a Proud Boy, then turns to spray the woman before the man turns to pummel her to the ground.
While Aisha Shah’s video of Alissa’s actions is still on her Youtube channel, it seems that’s not the video that incriminated her. It was a video from an other angle from the other schnook; Melissa “Claudio” Lewis12
Melissa’s video is embedded in this report for the Post Millennial by Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightingale published on December 12th, 202113 and Melissa is suing Andy Ngo for sharing her video content. We will circle back to that. Alissa Azar is seen entering from the left. This video shows much more clearly that Alissa assaulted the woman as that woman was fleeing.
In the original version of this report, I had written that I was not sure if Melissa “Claudio” Lewis had filmed the video embedded in the Post Millennial article by Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightengale. I am updating here because through bilocation we can say that this is likely Melissa’s video.
Notice that part way through the video, the camera person runs forward, passing Alissa on their left, pauses, backs up and then suddenly falls. In the following video tweeted by Andy Ngo someone whose appearance matches Melissa rushes forward, past Alissa on their left, pauses, backs up and then trips backwards in the chaos of falling and brawling people.
In a later report for the Post Millennial, Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightingale state that the event was held by “right-wing and conservative activists” who said it was a “voter registration drive”. Ngo and Nightingale also report,
People wearing symbols of the Proud Boys were in attendance. Ahead of the event, Portland Antifa and far-left accounts on Twitter called for a counter direct-action. Clashes broke out when the far-left militants moved to assault the right-wing side, who had men in riot gear and shields acting as volunteer security.
2021, November 10 - Indictment for 2021, June 18 Riot
Azar was scheduled for indictment on this day according to an image of a document shared by Ngo14 (see above).
2021, December 9 - Arraignment for 2021, June 18 Riot
On December 9th, at 6:37pm15, Andy Ngo tweeted…

You see, in Multomah County with it’s city of Portland, the district attorney famously gives outrageously lenient treatment to rioters. As Ngo is suggesting, things may be different in Clackamas County. At 6:48pm17…

Note the IWW and the IWWFJU references. We have a section for the IWW in the Culture War Encyclopedia and we explain the IWWFJU in the footnotes.18

Ngo continued his thread on December 11th at 10:13pm19…

Notice that the Dak, @dakisback2, is complaining about “Claudio”, Melissa Lewis, saying that…
Claudio's footage of Alissa defending themself on June 18th was the PRIMARY evidence used against Alissa to allow a grand jury to indict them. Are we still going to allow someone who is constantly making poor decisions that are affecting our lives in our radical spaces?
Ah! But how exquisite, this infighting! Someone responded to Dak with…
Have you spoken to Alissa and asked her how she feels before creating this Twitter fight? Do we just all use fucked situations to attack folks we don’t like on social media now? I mean, I get the point but it does feel a little hypocritical coming from you, just sayin
Dak responded…
Alissa said it was fine
The next day, Alissa tweeted20…

Concluding his thread, on December 12th at 7:33pm24, Ngo tweeted…

Ngo and Nightingale report for the Post Millennial on December 12th…
Portland Antifa member Alissa Eleanor Azar, 30, was indicted by a Clackamas County, Ore., grand jury on charges connected to a riot in June.
She was charged with felony riot, two misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct in the second degree and unlawful use of stun gun, tear gas or mace in the second degree. She was arraigned last Thursday.
Further on, they report…
The indictment of Azar, a regular at Antifa riots in Portland, nearly six months after the incident, is sending shockwaves across Antifa militants in the Pacific Northwest. Azar had previously been arrested and charged in March in Multnomah County, where Portland is, for her role in an Antifa riot, but her case was dropped by district attorney Mike Schmidt. Azar's current case is being prosecuted by the Clackamas County district attorney John Wentworth.
Azar identifies herself as a journalist, and has been inaccurately identified as such in news stories. She frequently talks about her Syrian background and has tweeted support of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who is accused of carrying out genocide against Syrians by human rights organizations. She also once posted about her concern that Jews in the "entire [entertainment] industry" might discriminate against her.
Though the 30-year-old single mother sometimes wears fake press markings and posts videos and photos online, she has been observed participating in violent direct action on behalf of her Antifa comrades numerous times in the Portland-area since the summer of 2020. Some of her riot propaganda is posted on her Patreon, where she doesn't disclose that she is a participant of the violent direct actions. She also runs an OnlyFans account, where she reportedly averages over $23,000 a month in subscription payments and describes herself as a "slutty anarchist."
After displaying some of the posts we saw above, the article continues…
Fellow Antifa members on Twitter have been fuming that video footage shot by a comrade, Melissa Lewis, was used in the case as evidence against Azar.
The article goes over the tweets by Alissa that we went over earlier and concludes…
Azar's next court date is on Jan. 27, 2022. Azar has been reached for comment.
You may remember in my report “Antifa Targets & Attacks a Baby, Children & Adults of Mixed Color (Who Does Antifa Actually Attack? #20)”25 (video version here) that among the antifas who attacked the families in a park in Portland, Oregon on August 7th, 2021 was none other than Aisha Shah and Melissa “Claudio” Lewis.

I contacted Aisha by email to ask why she removed her video of the attack from the Free Our Mind News Youtube channel and, well, a dialogue ensued, one could say. One could also say that the conversation is a window into her character. Though comically slow, she is disturbing nonetheless.

I did not know that Melissa was present for the attack. She sort-of accidentally gave that info away. See, these women are not exactly smart and, well, they are unintentionally funny in a village idiot kind of way. Also, Melissa is not very good at keeping secrets. Some bad feelings between these women were revealed.
Here’s a transcript of my emails with Aisha and my emails with Melissa. Here’s a visual summary of these women’s thinking with regard to this whole fascism/anti-fascism thing.
If you don’t recall, it’s no matter at all. It’s just that you would, I’m sure, appreciate this comedy even more.
At any rate, Melissa and some other antifa are apparently taking Andy Ngo to court and Tim Pool, at least, thinks their chances are laughably self-defeating. These half-wits who say “property is theft” are complaining that Andy shares “their” videos.
Before we get back to the article by Ngo and Daviscourt, know that for more context/info on Melissa Claudio Lewis, see the following;
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Shot a Proud Boy Named 'Tiny'“ - Justin Trouble (September 4, 2021) [archive], particularly the sections 4 Background / Context [archive], 5 Play-by-Play of the Day [archive], 6 Disinfo in the Aftermath of the Shooting [archive]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble (December 15, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - (video) “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble on Odysee (December 17, 2021)
Trouble, Justin - “Antifas $cammed by Their Lawyer - Antifas Sue Andy Ngô for Clicking 'Share' on Twitter But Only Makes Their Lawyer Richer!” - Justin Trouble (December 25, 2021) [archive]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Attacks Kids & Says They Deserved It” - Justin Trouble (August 7, 2021) [archive]
Trouble, Justin - “Desperate Antifa Turns to Sex Work & Get's Rejected Massively - Laughing at Antifa Again - Antifa's Crazy Commie Cat Lady Claudio's Catastrophic 'Comeback'“ (a series wherein we laugh at antifa) - Justin Trouble (January 5, 2023) [archive here]

Returning to Ngo’s and Daviscourt’s report,
In December 2022, she was charged with felony robbery, felony assault, tampering with physical evidence, theft and other serious crimes stemming from an attack on a citizen journalist in August 2022 in downtown Portland. Schmidt’s prosecutors asked a judge to dismiss the case entirely in 2023.
In May 2024, she was charged over a pro-Hamas riot on the Portland State campus after far-left occupiers were evicted from a violent four-day occupation of the Millar Library that sustained over a million dollars in damage.
They briefly detail a couple of court cases involving other individuals. Interested readers can see the footnote number-link at the end of this sentence26.
2023, October 13 - Held by TSA? On DHS Watch List?
Apparently, in a post on X on October 16, 2023, Alissa Azar clamed that on October 13, 2023, TSA held her for “over an hour” without letting her use her phone “or anything”.
The image above is from the following post by Andy Ngo27.
Portland Antifa leader Alissa Azar appears to be on a @DHSgov list for potentially dangerous individuals who require additional bomb and security screening at airports.
The OnlyFans starlet currently faces multiple felony cases in different Oregon counties for organized, violent attacks. She travels across state lines for Antifa activities as well, having been detained by police in Idaho last year with a group of Antifa members. https://x.com/alissaazar/sta/AlissaAzar/status/1713716371593597239
Below are the 2 of the 4 images Ngo included, the 2 we have not already seen above.
We were unable to access Azar’s post that Ngo linked to nor were we able to archive it. Below is a screen capture of what we see when we try to view it.
At any rate, one interesting response to her was the following28…
Below are the images this person included…
Again, when we here at the Culture War Encyclopedia present claims and/or evidence, we are not implying that the evidence and/or claims are valid or true.
Azar’s Articles for Left Coast Right Wing Watch
Left Coast Right Watch hosts the following articles credited to Azar…
ANDY NGO LOSES CIVIL SUIT AGAINST Portland locals August 10, 2023
NOTE: there is more info to be gained from the sources below if more details/depth is desired. For your convenience, we have listed then in chronological order and then we listed them again by author’s name.
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Attacks Kids & Says They Deserved It” - Justin Trouble (August 7, 2021)
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Shot a Proud Boy Named 'Tiny'“ - Justin Trouble (September 4, 2021), particularly the sections 4 Background / Context, 5 Play-by-Play of the Day, and 6 Disinfo in the Aftermath of the Shooting
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble (December 15, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - (video) “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble on Odysee (December 17, 2021)
Trouble, Justin - “Antifas $cammed by Their Lawyer - Antifas Sue Andy Ngô for Clicking 'Share' on Twitter But Only Makes Their Lawyer Richer!” - Justin Trouble (December 25, 2021) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “Portland Antifa member and OnlyFans starlet charged with felony for brawling at riot” - Post Millennial (December 13, 2021) [archive here]
Cathell, Mia - “REVEALED: The 'journalists' suing Andy Ngo are Antifa members who advocate for violence” - Post Millennial (December 20, 2021) [archive here]
Taft, Victoria - “Antifa Members Sue Journalist for 'Stealing' Their Public Comments. It Doesn't Go Well for Them” - PJ Media (December 21, 2021) [archive here]
Cathell, Mia - “BREAKING: Antifa 'troll' lawsuit against Andy Ngo quietly withdrawn” - Post Millennial (December 23, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifas $cammed by Their Lawyer - Antifas Sue Andy Ngô for Clicking 'Share' on Twitter But Only Makes Their Lawyer Richer!” - Justin Trouble (December 25, 2021) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Hannah Nightengale '- “ANDY NGO REPORTS: Portland Antifa 'journalist' charged with felony robbery, assault” (December 28, 2022) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Desperate Antifa Turns to Sex Work & Get's Rejected Massively - Laughing at Antifa Again - Antifa's Crazy Commie Cat Lady Claudio's Catastrophic 'Comeback'“ (a series wherein we laugh at antifa) - Justin Trouble (January 5, 2023) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa with 7 Felonies & $50,000 Bond Let Off Free but Loses Child Custody” - Justin Trouble (January 11, 2023) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa $teals From Antifa“ - Justin Trouble (January 15, 2023) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “UPDATED: Oregon jury convicts violent Portland Antifa 'ringleader' Alissa Azar of felony over 2021 attack” - Post Millennial (August 14, 2024) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “BREAKING: Oregon jury convicts violent Portland Antifa ‘ringleader’ Alissa Azar of felony over 2021 attack” - Post Millennial (August 14, 2024) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “BREAKING: Portland Antifa 'ringleader' Alissa Azar sentenced to jail over felony conviction” (September 9, 2024) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy - (video) “Antifa simps cry after Portland Antifa ringleader and OnlyFans starlet Alissa Azar sentenced to jail” - Andy Ngo on Odysee (September 10, 2024)
Ngo, Andy - (video) “Portland Antifa ringleader and OnlyF—ns starlet Alissa Azar convicted over violent attack” - Andy Ngo on Odysee (September 17, 2024)
Cathell, Mia - “REVEALED: The 'journalists' suing Andy Ngo are Antifa members who advocate for violence” - Post Millennial (December 20, 2021) [archive here]
Cathell, Mia - “BREAKING: Antifa 'troll' lawsuit against Andy Ngo quietly withdrawn” - Post Millennial (December 23, 2021) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “Portland Antifa member and OnlyFans starlet charged with felony for brawling at riot” - Post Millennial (December 13, 2021) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “BREAKING: Oregon jury convicts violent Portland Antifa ‘ringleader’ Alissa Azar of felony over 2021 attack” - Post Millennial (August 14, 2024) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “BREAKING: Portland Antifa 'ringleader' Alissa Azar sentenced to jail over felony conviction” (September 9, 2024) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy & Hannah Nightengale '- “ANDY NGO REPORTS: Portland Antifa 'journalist' charged with felony robbery, assault” (December 28, 2022) [archive here]
Ngo, Andy - (video) “Antifa simps cry after Portland Antifa ringleader and OnlyFans starlet Alissa Azar sentenced to jail” - Andy Ngo on Odysee (September 10, 2024)
Ngo, Andy - (video) “Portland Antifa ringleader and OnlyF—ns starlet Alissa Azar convicted over violent attack” - Andy Ngo on Odysee (September 17, 2024)
Taft, Victoria - “Antifa Members Sue Journalist for 'Stealing' Their Public Comments. It Doesn't Go Well for Them” - PJ Media (December 21, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Attacks Kids & Says They Deserved It” - Justin Trouble (August 7, 2021)
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Shot a Proud Boy Named 'Tiny'“ - Justin Trouble (September 4, 2021), particularly the sections 4 Background / Context, 5 Play-by-Play of the Day, and 6 Disinfo in the Aftermath of the Shooting
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble (December 15, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - (video) “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble on Odysee (December 17, 2021)
Trouble, Justin - “Antifas $cammed by Their Lawyer - Antifas Sue Andy Ngô for Clicking 'Share' on Twitter But Only Makes Their Lawyer Richer!” - Justin Trouble (December 25, 2021) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa with 7 Felonies & $50,000 Bond Let Off Free but Loses Child Custody” - Justin Trouble (January 11, 2023) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Desperate Antifa Turns to Sex Work & Get's Rejected Massively - Laughing at Antifa Again - Antifa's Crazy Commie Cat Lady Claudio's Catastrophic 'Comeback'“ (a series wherein we laugh at antifa) - Justin Trouble (January 5, 2023) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa $teals From Antifa“ - Justin Trouble (January 15, 2023) [archive here]
Justin Trouble
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
Love my Life, Honor my Reward
Ngo, Andy & Katie Daviscourt - “UPDATED: Oregon jury convicts violent Portland Antifa 'ringleader' Alissa Azar of felony over 2021 attack” - Post Millennial (August 14, 2024) [archive here]
Trouble, Justin - “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony” - Justin Trouble (December 15, 2021) [archive here]
Aisha Shah, AKA Jamila Shah, Aisha J Shah, etc.
Aisha/Free Our Mind News…
…on Facebook [archive Sep 4, 2021]
…on Youtube [archive Dec 12, 2021]
…on Instagram [archive Dec 13, 2021]
…on Twitter [archive Dec 13, 2021]
Melissa Lewis, AKA Claudio, Melissa “Claudio” Lewis, the Claudio Report, etc…
The IWWFJU is the IWW Freelance Journalists Union. The IWW is the Industrial Workers of the World, commonly called the Wobblies. See the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) section of the Culture War Encyclopedia.

They write,
In November 2022, Darrel Kimberlin, a secret Portland Antifa member who publicly identified as a “gonzo journalist” like Azar, became a convicted felon after pleading guilty to smashing up the Oregon Democrats headquarters and businesses in multiple attacks. DA Schmidt's office asked for no prison time as part of the sweetheart plea deal.
In December last year, Renea Goddard, of Little Rock, Ark., was sentenced to federal prison over a 2020 firebombing attack on police. Goddard was a former journalist for a local NPR-affiliated station.