“Sasha Sota” exposing his crotch to women and children. Original image source here. We have altered the original photo to hide the children’s identities. More on this below in the section October 17, 2019 - Panty Hose Covered Crotch Exposed to Kids Several Times.
Drag Queen Story Hour—in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores—has become a cultural flashpoint.
The political Right has denounced these performances as sexual transgressions against children, while the political Left has defended them as an expression of LGBTQ pride. The intellectual debate has even spilled into real-world conflict: right-wing militants affiliated with the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters have staged protests against drag events for children, while their counterparts in the left-wing Antifa movement have responded with offers to serve as a protection force for the drag queens.
Families with children find themselves caught in the middle.
What is Drag Queen Story Hour / Drag Story Hour / Drag Queen Story Time2 all about? Why do they want to be in children’s classrooms, interact with children and in some cases have them sit on their laps and lay on top of them?3 Why would they sit in front of children in a miniskirt and spread their legs (multiple times) to flash their nylon-covered male genitals while laughing?4 Why would they want to flip up their skirt to flash their panties for children?5 Why do they twerk and do other sexual dances with children?6 Why would they be allowed near children if they are convicted sexual predators7 or would-be school shooters?8
To avoid confusion, know that there may be official Drag Queen Story Time events as opposed to the official Drag Queen Story Hour events but some sources write “Drag Queen Story Time” when they actually mean “Drag Queen Story Hour”.9 Furthermore, Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has been renamed Drag Story Hour(DSH) and the website now redirects to
On the Drag Story Hour website, they say that they have worked with these companies. It seems unlikely that they are lying because that would invite negative pres and lawsuits from those very powerful companies.
Drag Queen Story Hour / Drag Story Hour has worked with Disney, PBS, Microsoft, Google, HBO, Hulu, Facebook, SXSW, Spotify, RuPaul’s Drag Con, Fiverr, Yahoo, Intuit, Home Chef and VMWare and is advocated by the ALA (American Library Association), more specifically their Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services.10 Furthermore, according to MassResistance, the ALA organizes and promotes Drag Story Hour events along with other groups.11 This calls to mind some questions at the front of society’s cultural division.
Should anyone trust an organization, in this case Drag Story Hour, with a prominent member who, as we’ll see, wrote a academic paper more-or-less advocating for pedophilia?12
Do they just want to instill tolerance in children before cis-hetero-normative-patriarchal-sexist-homophobic society can make them transphobic homophobic sexist bigots?
Are those cases we have seen wherein drag queens are caught being inappropriate with kids just cherry picked exceptions?
Or could it be an inevitable outcome to the expressed purpose of the ‘queer pedagogy’ of which, as we’ll see, Drag Story Hour is a part?
Is criticism of Drag Story Hour just demonization of drag queens motivated by homophobia and/or transphobia?
Some argue that critics of Drag Story Hour are projecting their own perversion onto it.13 Some say it is just campy fun. Others would say14 that
while the drag queen might appear as a comic figure, he carries an utterly serious message: the deconstruction of sex, the reconstruction of child sexuality, and the subversion of middle-class family life.
Predictably, this is a partisan matter, an issue that divides people roughly along the lines of left vs right. Each side has it’s own view which conflicts with the other side’s view.
Is either side correct?
What are the facts?
Let’s begin with what the Drag Story Hour people claim about themselves. They wrote that they
started out as drag queens reading stories to children in libraries and grew into a global phenomenon! DQSH now offers literary and creative programming for kids and teens of all ages led by drag queens, kings, and creatures all over the world. Our organization’s headquarters are in New York City where we create programming curriculum, produce over a hundred events a year, and provide resources, training, and support to build our growing network of DQSH chapters all over the world.
Since then,
other organizations with readers in drag have also formed
according to a report by The Daily Mail15 in which they also report,
some parents say the programs were booked without their consent
In other words, they say, their children were exposed to these things without their consent.
As we’ll see below, Drag Story Hour is, according to one of its board members “a project driven by desire”16by adults who aim to undermine social and sexual norms in small children17andto make them queer,18by which the people we are concerned with here do not mean ‘gay’ or ‘bi’ but rather something that lacks healthy boundaries.
They seek to engage with children in “a pedagogy of desire”,19to make them devoid of healthy sexual boundaries,20to encourage them “to break the rules”,21to involve them in a “destigmatization of shame”22related to things that are personal, private and “taboo”,23to expose them to “alternate modes of kinship”24andto teach them that “family”25means “other queers on the street”26which amounts to teaching them to accept strangers without sexual boundaries (“queers”)27as family members.
They put on “family friendly”28events for children but “family”, they write, is “queer code”29for “queers on the street”.30
They desire to engage in bodily play and “embodied kinship”31with these children as a form of praxis32(activism) to undermine the nation33and to pervert children’s natural sexual development for their own desires34that, again, drive their entire project.35
To add insult to injury, Drag Story Hour is state funded36 meaning the tax payers are made to pay for the corruption of their children, without their knowledge or consent for the most part, in state funded institutions they already pay for.Furthermore, they proclaim that this is just a starting point.37
If you think we are being hyperbolic, check the footnotes. We demonstrated every single claim as usual here at the Culture War Encyclopedia. Now you have an idea of what to expect ahead and may want to get something to vomit into before proceeding.
Note that they wrote ‘queer role models’ and not ‘gay role models’ or ‘lesbian. gay and bi role models’. Again, as we’ll see, Q does not mean any combination of L, G or B. Also as we’ll see ahead in the so-called ‘manifesto’ of Drag Queen Story Hour, the authors wrote,39
DQSH grew from queer author Michelle Tea’s personaldesire to connect her toddler with queer culture.
Images from Tea's X account.
Since 2017, on the opposite side of the continental USA, Drag Queen Story Hour / Drag Story Hour events for children have been featured in public school libraries in New York City.40 The people behind Drag Queen Story Hour / Drag Story Hour also state,41
It started out as drag queens reading stories to children in libraries and grew into a global phenomenon! DSH now offers literary and creative programming for kids and teens of all ages led by drag queens, kings, and all other royal beings!
DSH is a national 501 c 3 non-profit with a global network of local organizations, each of which is independently managed and funded.
Drag Story Hour events are happening all over the world at libraries, schools, bookstores, museums, summer camps, afterschool programs, and other community spaces!
Elizabeth Moreau Nicolai, Youth Services Coordinator at Anchorage Public Library in Alaska. Image source here.
The American Library Association hosted their first Drag Queen Story Hour in May of 2018 according to Elizabeth Moreau Nicolai, Youth Services Coordinator at Anchorage Public Library in Alaska44 who wrote,
Our first Drag Queen storytime in May went fantastically.
We had one sort of grumpy comment online and one local right-wing blogger who picked it up and tossed it in her newsletter as a one-line jab, but all the other coverage was great.
Youth Services Coordinator Nicolai also state that following their first in May, there was a Drag “storytime” in June and46
This storytime was also an official Pride event and drew another huge crowd (room capacity plus 30 people turned away, over 100 people.) Unfortunately this time, it didn’t go so smoothly.
Youth Services Coordinator Nicolai went on to describe a protest against their event. We will return to this in the subsection PROTESTS under BACKLASH AGAINST & TROLLING of DRAG STORY HOUR below.
We will look at other books used in Drag Story Hour events in the section BACKLASH AGAINST & TROLLING of DRAG STORY HOUR in the subsection EXPOSE’ under Expose’ of Drag Queen Story Hour by Houston MassResistance.
This is a meme that has made rounds on social media to express a meaningful distinction between those of the LGBTQ acronym whom many have no issue with and the 2 that many feel cause more harm than good. Note that this assumes that so-called T people are actually T, that they suffer from gender dysphoria, as opposed to being some combination of activists, cross-dressers, transvestites, autogynephilic people, confused G or hetero people and whatnot.
As queer pedagogy is part of queer theory, it would be helpful to know a little about the connection between queer theory and abuse of children before moving on to queer pedagogy. See “Derrick Jensen: Anarchism and Queer Theory Jeopardy”.
tapping into children’s imaginations while providing positive, unapologetically queer role models
according to The Swarthmore College Bulletin.48 The term queer pertains to abnormal sexuality.49 To have a queer role model is to have a sexual role model. This calls to mind some questions;
Should children have sexual role models?
For a child to have a role model who happens to be gay, bi or straight is one thing but for a child to have a role model because of their sexuality is an other. Furthermore, queerness is simply inappropriate, especially for a child.
But isn’t queer just a catch-all term for homosexual, bisexual and transgender?
The term queer, in the proper usage, means strange.50 The term queer came to be used as an insult51 to indicate homosexuality. Later the term was appropriated by what would come to be called by some “queer culture” and the “queer community”.52 The “queer community” includes gay, bisexual and transgender people as well people who are queer53 in the proper sense as the term is used in that “community”54 to indicate a sexuality that is not straight, not gay, not bisexual but rather something without form or boundaries.55 Queer pedagogy advocate Hannah Dyer writes that queerness is56
deviance from cultural norms
and that
queerness is that which undoes identity, not what holds it together
as well as that queerness
can work to undo the innocent Child
In terms of health, some sexual boundaries should exist, such as the boundary between humans sexuality and animal sexuality and the boundary between the sex lives of adults and children.
The term queer also has political connotations57 suggesting praxis such as queer pedagogy a term used by one of the main drag queens of Drag Story Hour as we will see below. Dyer also writes of
queerness as that which is destructive to the social order and in contradiction of reproductive futurity.
Let’s look closer at this Dr. Hannah Dyer who, according to Brock University,58
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child & Youth Studies at Brock University. She is a critical theorist of childhood with concentration in art/aesthetics, social conflict, queer theory, and psychoanalysis.
Those familiar with critical theory will be alarmed to discover that there is such a thing as a “critical theorist of childhood”. It is even more alarming that she is a “critical theorist of childhood with concentration in,” among other things, “queer theory”. According to her academic profile at the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation,59
Her research on childhood has also been published in numerous books and journals. Dr. Dyer teaches both undergraduate and graduate students, facilitating courses that are reinforced by her areas of research but also a deep commitment to making knowledge applicable and significant to student’s lives.
the synchronous assumptions of the child’s a-sexuality and proto-heterosexuality to show how emphasizing sexuality within a discussion of children’s education is constructive
and traces
contemporary queer theory’s use of the figure of the child and consideration of the impact of “innocence” on childhood.
In her introduction, Hannah Dyer writes,
In 1991, Eve Sedgwick published an essay that may be said to have initiated contemporary queer theory’s consideration of childhood as a site of heteronormative intervention.
Dyer also writes that
Sedgwick contended that “desire for non-gay outcome” was pervasive in how adults deal with the appearance of non-normative gender or sexual desire in childhood. “Advice on how to help your kids turn out gay, not to mention your students, parishioners, your therapy clients, or your military subordinates,” Sedgwick (2004) jested, “is less ubiquitous than you might think” (p. 145).
After Sedgwick, queer theory has mapped numerous temporalities onto the future of the child
The child has become both a limit and a hope for queer theory.
Furthermore, Hannah Dyer writes,
Queer theory is now bursting with debates about the status of the child in relation to futurity, politics, and sexual subjectivity, but the field of Early Childhood Education largely resists learning from and carefully attending to these conversations.
Dyer acknowledges that
There remains a palpable nervousness and discomfort in this field of thought and practice when childhood comes into contact with sexuality.
She dismisses such concerns with stating that the child
is a locus of anxiety for homophobic culture because on it rests the reproduction of a heteronormative future.
Notice, however, that schools do not teach children to be heterosexual, do not teach them that they should have heterosexual sex and so on.
Here’s the most important part.
Are you ready for this?!?
Hannah Dyer, like many others she writes, challenges what these people call
the rhetoric of innocence
of children. Like other scholars she cites, she opposes the
insistences on childhood innocence
In other words, they argue that children are not sexually innocent which implies that there is nothing to violate, sexually, in a child which implies that queer relationships between children and between children and adults are good. To give more context, she writes,
As many have noted, the rhetoric of innocence that envelops normative theories of childhood development has the damaging effect of reducing the child to a figure without complexity (Allen, 2011; Kincaid, 1998; Matthews, 2009; Robinson, 2013). Here, I help to illustrate how some of the affective, libidinal, epistemological, and political insistences on childhood innocence can injure the child’s development and offer a new mode of analytical inquiry that insists upon embracing the child’s queer curiosity and patterns of growth.
She makes it clear that she and others want to
queer the rhetoric of innocence that constrains all children
the opportunity to explore desire
They want to “liberate” children from the “constraints” of what sane people would recognize as healthy childhood development with sensible private boundaries. She also writes that she is
apprehensive about queer theories of the child that do not account for its relationality and lived experiences
Consider, if you dare, what she means by “lived experience” of queerness in children’s lives!
She considers
childhood as social construction
One could safely bet that she agrees that an adult male is a baby girl if he identifies as a baby girl. She has a section headed
Queering the child’s innocence
wherein we read,
I employ “queer” to both (a) classify sexuality and (b) reference deviance from cultural norms.
I borrow from queer theory’s insistence that queerness is that which undoes identity, not what holds it together.
She writes that “queer” is that which
can work to undo the innocent Child.
The schematizing of childhood innocence and mutual rhetorics of vulnerability and its exploitation have devalued the child’s sexuality and ensured that the traumatized child is a figure hard to miss in most historical renditions of homosexuality (Kincaid, 1998; Kelleher 2004). James Kincaid (1998) and Bruhm and Hurley (2004) show how an easy collapse of all childhood sexuality into definitions of trauma forecloses careful consideration of the child’s agentic relationship to perverse and queer sexuality. Their work, like my own, is not interested in minimizing the corporeal or emotional impacts of sexual trauma experienced in childhood, but in understanding the possibility for children and youth to recruit amounts of bodily pleasure. With them, I am sure that the child can be hurt by theories of precious innocence that punish curiosity and assume the child’s status as victim.
“Queerness names the side of those not ‘fighting for the children,’ the side outside the consensus . . . “
There you go. What more blatant a statement do we need than that? It’s not about the well being of the children. It’s about what gratification they can gain from children. They add to this with,
Edelman hopes for a queer renouncement of loyalty to the child,
In her conclusion, Dyer writes,
Strengthening a conceptual relation between “queer” and “childhood” can help to cultivate a culture of critique concerning the interruptive force of heteronormativity on the child’s development and, more broadly, expose asymmetries in how children are treated and the rhetoric of innocence is distributed. Queer theories of childhood may operate as analytics with which to make arguments about social relations between children and the adult world to which they must respond and in doing so invite questions about the embodied vulnerabilities, educational effects, neurological impacts, and narrative implications of discourses of childhood innocence. A vast majority of research on childhood development resuscitates liberal individualism, as it does not consider the sociality of pain caused by the communal experience of violence wrought under racism and genocide. Building a queer theory of childhood may be a project in which histories of race and racialization are better understood for their continued impact on schooling and education.
Notice how she inserts rhetoric about race and “genocide” without explanation. Know that we are not leaving out her explanation because she never gave one. Read it all here and see for yourself.
With the emphasis on violating innocent children, invading of their privacy, destroying the family, breaking through educational norms, breaking down social norms, disrupting social institutions and undermining natural, healthy social relations, the approach here by these authors who argue for queer pedagogy including such things as Drag Story Hour is what some on the left themselves have called cultural Marxismfor at least half of a century. See the section cultural Marxism in the Culture War Encyclopedia for more, but to be very brief it can be explained as such;
In the view of Marxism, as capitalism carries on, the gap, and hence tension, between the rich and the poor is predicted to grow until there is class war in the form of a worker’s revolution to overthrow the government and replace it with a dictatorship to redistribute wealth/property/resources until differences between people vanish and hence antagonism vanishes. This removes the need for the state therefore government will fade away.63
In the view of cultural Marxism, it is recognized that as capitalism carries on, the gap and tension between rich and poor shrinks as the standard of living of more and more people rises and the middle class swells and that therefore it is necessary to stoke and harness tension between identity groups such as race, sex, sexual orientation, political views and so on. Keep this in mind as you read the words of this board member of Drag Story Time as he explains it’s reason for existence. Here’s one example of open cultural Marxism in their paper,64
To state it plainly, within the historical context of the USA and Western Europe, the institutional management of gender has been used as a way of maintaining racist and capitalist modes of (re)production. Trans studies scholar Jules Gill-Peterson (Citation2015) argued that, within this context, childhood is positioned as a form of “futures trading” wherein categories of human-sorting (e.g. race, class, gender, sexuality) play the role of “economic coefficients” that produce material consequences for the trajectory of children’s lives (p. 185).
That is straight-forward harnessing of economic struggle into the struggle of identity groups based on such things as race and gender. Pure cultural Marxism. We will have to return to Marxism below.
The aim of SOGI UBC, according to the program’s website, is “to transform educational environments to support self-determination surrounding gender and sexuality in schools.”
SOGI UBC currently operates a number of initiatives in an effort to meet this goal, such as the Transformative Education Speaker Series, which focuses on “anti-oppressive teaching and learning.” Past topics include “Queering Land-based Education,” “Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects,” and “Two-Spirit, Queer and Trans Indigenous Youth Change-making.”
Further in the article, we see…
It doesn’t stop there, either. SOGI UBC recently put out a call for proposals from undergraduate and graduate students across Canada for “gender and sexuality” resources for pre-kindergarten to grade 12 students.
Why is the SOGI UBC program so dominated by a focus on the “gender identity” and sexuality of minors?
Meet Harper Keenan, the inaugural Robert Quartermain Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality in Education. Keenan grew up and went to school in the United States, earning her doctorate from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2019.
Kornstein is a founder of the notorious Drag Queen Story Hour movement, where drag queens read books to kids at libraries, schools, and other events. He also wrote the infamous nursery rhyme picture book The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish. Seeking to make drag appealing to children, the book isa play on “The Wheels on the Bus.”
Note that when human female hips go “swish, swish, swish” it is to signal (consciously or not) the desire to mate.65 Thus, when a drag queen swishes his hips, it is because he is putting on a sexual performance, imitating a woman who wants to have sex. Such a thing is fine for adult entertainment, not for children. By the way, Kornstein also authored If You’re a Drag Queen and You Know It. But let us get back to Kurilova’s article on drag pedagogy,
In 2021, Kornstein participated in a panel talk, facilitated by Keenan, about the topic of “drag pedagogy” for the SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series.
“Like many queer kids, [drag] was something that I was just drawn to,” Kornstein says in the discussion. “A lot of people have drag families,” he continues, “and I eventually was adopted by a drag mother.”
Keenan (top middle) and Kornstein (top right) during the SOGI UBC drag pedagogy panel discussion
“Destigmatization of shame” seems to be largely about breaking norms and boundaries, especially as they relate to children:
Many campy drag aesthetics like parody and exaggeration destigmatize shame by placing the joke on society, rather than individuals, further revealing to kids that ideas of appropriateness are subject to change… Classroom teachers might similarly work to address children’s feelings of shame by highlighting the arbitrariness of norms.
By “embodied kinship,” Keenan and Kornstein explain, “we suggest that DQSH offers a queer relationality with children that breaks from the reproductive futurity of the normative classroom and nuclear family.”
In his excellent investigation into Drag Queen Story Hour, American journalist Christopher Rufo calls the paper a “manifesto” for the Drag Queen Story Hour movement, highlighting these two elements as well:
As Kornstein and Keenan explain, this is an intellectual and political project that requires drag queens and activists to work toward undermining traditional notions of sexuality, replacing the biological family with the ideological family, and arousing transgressive sexual desires in young children.
Part of what “queer” seems to mean to Kornstein and Keenan is the disruption of stable and protective elements in a child’s life. The other part is the upending of sexual norms and boundaries, painting them as arbitrary and oppressive.
Make no mistake—drag is a form of adult performance that often features vulgar and sexual themes. Its proponents pretend that what is being presented to children is sanitized and “family-friendly,” but this is very often not the case. Videos routinely go viral of drag queens—who, keep in mind, are adult men—dancing in a provocative manner, flashing their crotches at children, and collecting tips as they would at a night club.
The truth is that DQSH is not harmless, and it is, in fact, steeped in a political and ideological agenda that targets children. Drag itself is adult entertainment full of sexually charged themes meant to be performed at nightclubs. It did not lose these elements when children became the audience.
The paper was co-written by Harper Keenan, an assistant professor who heads the SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) program at the University of British Columbia and Harris Kornstein, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona, a founder of DQSH, and a drag queen who goes by the stage name Lil Miss Hot Mess.
Before we jump into the paper itself, let’s take a quick look at what grooming actually is. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) defines grooming as: "manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught."
Grooming involves tactics like victim selection, victim isolation, desensitization to sexual topics, the pushing of personal boundaries, and attempts to make the behavior seem normal.
These tactics bear more than an uncanny resemblance to the five elements of DQSH as described in Keenan and Kornstein’s paper: “play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of shame, and embodied kinship.
No, not all drag queens and not all drag queens who read books to children are trying to groom them. In fact, most very likely are not. But the movement itself and particularly the “drag pedagogy” it is based on does employ an awful lot of the tactics of grooming once you take a closer look.
“Drag queens have historically been relegated to the realm of the night,” Keenan and Kornstein begin their paper. “In the past few years, however, drag performers have made their way from the dimly lit bars of gayborhoods and into the fluorescent lights of libraries and classrooms.”
Why? Why did drag queens move from the bars to the classrooms? Well, the paper continues, “DQSH seems to uniquely thread the needle between queer activism and broad cultural acceptance.”
The aim seems to be to create little queer activists, and DQSH is an effective vehicle with which to do it: “Many elements of DQSH are common to early childhood schooling: bright colours, music, art, and imaginative play.”
“The traditional role of the teacher, transformed into a loud and sparkling queen, becomes delightfully excessive,” Keenan and Kornstein write. “Her pedagogy is rooted in pleasure and creativity borne, in part, from letting go of control.”
“Pedagogy rooted in pleasure” and “letting go of control,” are interesting and deliberate choices of phrasing. Keenan and Kornstein also argue that DQST is about exploring “the boundaries of acceptability” and “children’s curiosities about social norms.”
“At many DQSH events,” they write, “children ask genuine questions like ‘are you a boy or a girl?’ or ‘why are you dressed like that?’ … In many cases, drag queens may not respond with answers, but with questions meant to complicate perceptions of gender and society.”
Why can’t the drag queens simply respond that they are men and that dressing up the way they do doesn’t change that? Why do they have to deliberately confuse children about sex and gender?
Well, the aim is not only to create queer activists but to encourage children to be “queer” themselves.
“Drag is an imaginative and creative process. It is grounded in building character,” Keenan and Kornstein explain. “This approach can support students in finding the unique or queer aspects of themselves.”
They continue: “Drag pedagogy might enact a mode of queer kinship that acknowledges that there is already queerness within the classroom.”
By uncovering the queerness that they claim is already there in the classroom, Keenan and Kornstein explain that DQSH seeks to drive a wedge between children and the supportive structures in their lives, like school and family. They say this quite plainly and outright:
“We suggest that DQSH offers a queer relationality with children that breaks from the reproductive futurity of the normative classroom and nuclear family.”
The “normative classroom” and the “nuclear family” are two main areas of child safeguarding. Why should anyone seek to “break” these relationships?
Because, once these relationships are broken, the child is free to be “queer.”
“As drag has moved further into the mainstream, some have questioned whether this queer art form has lost its edge,” Keenan and Kornstein lament. “In discussing the work of DQSH within our social circles, we have occasionally encountered critiques that DQSH is sanitizing the risqué nature of drag in order to make it ‘family friendly.’”
Not to worry, Keenan and Kornstein don’t agree that drag loses its risqué edge when performed in front of children.
“We do not share this pessimistic view,” they write. “Queer worldmaking, including political organizing, has long beena project driven by desire.”
The word “desire,” like “pleasure,” crops up repeatedly throughout the piece. Where this all points is to the final of the five elements of DQSH: embodied kinship.
DQSH and the drag pedagogy that underpins it is not an innocent program where grown men get dressed up as female caricatures and read stories to children—though that’s strange enough.
The ultimate goal, stated clearly at the end of the paper, is to connect kids to a new, “queer” family:
“It may be that DQSH is ‘family friendly,’ in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship. Here, DQSH is ‘family friendly’ in the sense of ‘family’ as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street.”
By using theatrics, bright colors, appealing stories, and a playful approach, drag pedagogy targets children, desensitizes them to a form of adult entertainment, and seeks to undermine protective elements like school and family.
Interestingly, Keenan and Kornstein never actually define pedagogy. While definitions vary, pedagogy, most simply put, is an approach to teaching knowledge or skills, usually to children. Drag Queen Story Hour doesn’t aim to teach, it aims to indoctrinate children into “queerness.” It isn’t pedagogy at all—it’s grooming.
We recommend that the reader see the groomer/grooming section of the Culture War Encyclopedia to augment their understanding of this section. There will be more on drag pedagogy ahead but speaking of grooming and groomers, now that we know a bit about one of the founders of Drag (Queen) Story Hour, let us turn to Drag (Queen) Story Hour itself.
Image source: City Journal. Caption: “College professor Harris Kornstein, aka Lil Miss Hot Mess, a key figure in transforming drag performances into “family-friendly” events (SANTIAGO FELIPE/FILMMAGIC/GETTY IMAGES)”
A book by Lil Miss Hot Mess (Harris Kornstein)
A book by Lil Miss Hot Mess (Harris Kornstein)
Harris Kornstein / Lil Miss Hot Mess, Board member of Drag Queen Story Hour. Image source here.
Harris Kornstein / Lil Miss Hot Mess was involved in a SOGI UBC panel discussion on drag pedagogy69 along with an other assistant professor, Harper Keenan who, as we saw above, reportedly heads SOGI.70 According to The Swathmore College Bulletin,71 Kornstein / Lil Miss Hot Mess is
also interested in how drag provides a creative outlet to resist surveillance
His research on social media, surveillance, and big data led to more specific questions on how these issues affect the queer community—where policing has long been a concern, from bar raids to forced outings.
Police do not raid gay bars and out gay people, not in this century. They would still do that in the Muslim world if they had bars. So what is he concerned about? What is he hiding? Harper Keenan and Kornstein / Lil Miss Hot Mess wrote an important paper which we will now look at.
We return now to the paper “Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood” by Harper Keenan who, if you would recall, is an assistant professor who heads the SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) program at the University of British Columbia and Lil Miss Hot Mess (Harris Kornstein) who, again, is a founding member of Drag (Queen) Story Hour.72 If not the unofficial manifesto of the movement73 their paper is certainly indicative of their objectives.
Screenshot of their paper with 92,5000 views and 21 cross reference citations so far.
Their paper promotes the injection of “drag pedagogy” and “queer pedagogy into the world of early childhood education”. In this paper they specify that they are writing about pedagogy in “an early childhood context”. What they write, though veiled, is transparent enough to be obvious and disturbing.
Michel Foucault. Image from City Journal, captioned: “French philosopher Michel Foucault, the father figure of queer theory, an academic discipline that seeks to subvert sexual hierarchies (SOPHIE BASSOULS/SYGMA/GETTY IMAGES)”
They also cite the revered leftist scholar and pervert Michel Foucault to support their aim. For example, in their argument for the break down of the boundaries of school norms and practices, they write the following and cite Foucault…
From their inception, institutions within the modern nation-state – the medical clinic, the courthouse, the asylum, the prison, and the school among them – have established and policed the borders of gender (Foucault, Citation1977).
In their abstract, Harper Keenan and Harris Kornstein / Lil Miss Hot Mess wrote,
In recent years, a programme for young children called Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has risen to simultaneous popularity and controversy. This article, written collaboratively by an education scholar and a drag queen involved in organizing DQSH, contextualizes the programme within the landscape of gender in education as well as within the world of drag, and argues that Drag Queen Story Hour provides a generative extension of queer pedagogy into the world of early childhood education. Drawing on the work of José Esteban Muñoz, the authors discuss five interrelated elements of DQSH that offer early childhood educators a way into a sense of queer imagination: play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of shame, and embodied kinship. Ultimately, the authors propose that “drag pedagogy” provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly.
Further on they write,
In this article, we explore the pedagogical contributions of a programme called Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) as a form of queer imagining in an early childhood context. Through this programme, drag artists have chanelled their penchant for playfully “‘reading’ each other to filth”[1] into different forms of literacy, promoting storytelling as integral to queer and trans communities, as well as positioning queer and trans cultural forms as valuable components of early childhood education. We are guided by the following question: what might Drag Queen Story Hour offer educators as a way of bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children?
Why don’t they ask what would be healthy for children instead?
Harris Kornstein / Lil Hot Mess is on the left with the microphone. Image source here.
Later in their paper, they write,
DQSH grew from queer author Michelle Tea’s personal desire to connect her toddler with queer culture
We saw that earlier but it bears repeating. They also wrote
Soon after, DQSH was replicated by established organizations and in DIY-style events around the world. Most have taken place in libraries, schools, bookstores, and other community spaces. Readings have happened in dozens of locales, from major cities like New York, Mexico City, and Tokyo, to smaller ones like Cleveland, TN and San Marcos, TX (Drag Queen Story Hour, n.d.-b). Many coordinate under an incorporated non-profit organization, though others operate independently.
Keep in mind that this was published in 2020. Things have had time to metastasize since then. They write that in some cases, Drag (Queen) Story Hour events
translate drag’s penchant for taboo to kids’ ideas of silly topics, like making a mess or potty time (Brooklyn Public Library, n.d.).
Should these strange men be discussing such private topics with children?
They also write,
We take the public interest in DQSH as astarting point to highlight the generative pedagogical work that drag may offer to children.
Catch that?
Reading stories to kids while in drag is just their foot in the door, they wrote themselves. They wrote that they encourage children
to break the rules.
They ask,
What if we took play, defiance, and imagination seriously as forms of knowledge production? If we celebrated the convergence of children and drag queens, what kinds of potentialities might their collaboration hold?
Reading on, the reader sees that they authors conception of “queer pedagogy” and “drag pedagogy” involves undermining normality, society and the nation.
The institution of public schooling was founded, in part, as a way of maintaining nation-states
they write and complain that
schooling functions as a way to straighten the child
Queer theory can be used to examine how often-impossible standards of normalcy are formed, not only through institutional categorizations of gender and sexuality, but also through social expectations produced through the racialized structures of capitalism that are inextricably intertwined with that hierarchy
They later introduce the idea of “trans pedagogy” with,
queer and trans pedagogies seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schoolingthrough transformative education
They add,
This is a fundamentally different orientation than movements towards the inclusion or assimilation of LGBT people into the existing structures of school and society.
Much further on, they reiterate,
As an art form, drag is all about bending and breaking the rules, and so its aims are totally different from a normative classroom.
drag may help elucidate the arbitrariness of rules. By encouraging students to explore the boundaries of acceptability, drag offers a model for participating in a learning experience where axioms are meant to be challenged and authority is not a given. In the school environment, of course, oppressive conditions are often produced by the institution itself, and many children who intuitively resist these conditions are punished.
As mentioned earlier, they write,
To state it plainly, within the historical context of the USA and Western Europe, the institutional management of gender has been used as a way of maintaining racist and capitalist modes of (re)production.
As we will see shortly, what they wrote above about management of gender by the school system is what Marx and Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto about the values of capitalism in the school system. This is a perfect example of how cultural Marxism is a version of Marxism in which class tension is replaced with tension over gender, sex, race and so on. In their conclusion, they write,
Queer worldmaking, including political organizing, has long been a project driven by desire.
…and, as we saw a peek of above…
It may be that DQSH is “family friendly,” in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship. Here, DQSH is “family friendly” in the sense of “family” as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street.
Indeed, this agenda of using education (or miseducation) to break up the family, society and nation-state is in lock-step with the agenda of cultural Marxism and Marxism. Marx and Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto,74
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour.
But you Communists would introduce community of women, screams the bourgeoisie in chorus
they mock. Furthermore, they wrote that
Communists . . . desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalised community of women
by which they mean
a system of wives in common
Engels (left) and Marx (right)
One wonders what the wives of Marx and Engels might have thought about this, that is if they were allowed to read it. How about their children? How about those children’s grandparents? Feminists? What would say about this if they knew?
Summation of the ‘Drag Queen Manifesto’
To summarize, according to the people behind this “project driven by desire”, the aim of Drag Story Hour is to undermine the nation by perverting children, touching them, erasing their natural, healthy boundaries, boundaries that maintain what they instinctually know are healthy personal matters, matters that are private and that should be open to others, least of all to enemies of the family, society and America.
Despite the fact that
many parents, even if reluctant to say it publicly, have an instinctual distrust of adult men in women’s clothing dancing and exploring sexual themes with their children
as Christopher F. Rufo wrote in “The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour” for City Journal,75 the organization and the greater project of queering children has enjoyed great success and acceptance.
Rufo also writes,
Of course, the organizers of Drag Queen Story Hour understand that they must manage their public image to continue enjoying access to public libraries and public schools. They have learned how to speak in code to NGOs and to appease the anxieties of parents, while subtly promoting the ideology of queer theory to children. While many of Drag Queen Story Hour’s defenders claim that these programs are designed to foster LGBTQ “acceptance” and “inclusion,” Kornstein and Keenan explicitly dismiss those objectives as mere “marketing language” that provides cover for their real agenda.
“Though DQSH publicly positions its impact in ‘help[ing] children develop empathy, learn about gender diversity and difference, and tap into their own creativity,’ we argue that its contributions can run deeper than morals and role models,” they write. “As an organization, DQSH may be incentivized to recite lines about alignment with curricular standards and social-emotional learning in order to be legible within public education and philanthropic institutions. Drag itself ultimately does not take these utilitarian aims too seriously (but it is quite good at looking the part when necessary).”
In other words, as a movement, Drag Queen Story Hour has learned the dance of operating a cash-flow-positive activist organization, winning government contracts, and securing access to audiences, while providing a plausible rhetorical defense against parents who might question the wisdom of adult men creating “site[s] of queer pleasure” with their children.
This gambit has been remarkably successful. Drag Queen Story Hour began with voluntary programs at public libraries, which are required by law to provide equal access to organizations regardless of political affiliation or ideology. But within a few years, those state-neutral events have turned into state-subsidized drag performances for children. The New York City Council and New York Public Library have provided taxpayer funding directly to the Drag Queen Story Hour nonprofit, sparking a trend of state-subsidized drag readings, dances, and performances across the country. Next, the New York City Public Schools, with more than $200,000 in funding from the municipal government, began hosting dozens of drag performances in elementary, middle, and high schools in all five boroughs. Other political figures seem to want to go even further. The attorney general of Michigan has called for a “drag queen for every school.” California state senator Scott Wiener has suggested in a tweet that he might propose legislation to offer “Drag Queen 101 as part of the K–12 curriculum” and mandate that students attend Drag Queen Story Time as a way to “satisfy the requirement.” Both might have said this tongue in cheek—but in any case, these things have a way of going from joke to reality at the speed of light.
Indeed, it’s no joke that your taxes fund this stuff. In other words, we are being forced to pay perverts to groom our children.
New York City has been spending heavily on sending drag queens into its public elementary schools, dropping more than $200,000 on appearances since 2018.
Just last month, records show the city paying $46,000 to send Drag Story Hour NYC to public schools, libraries, and street festivals, according to the New York Post.
The company has received $207,000 from taxpayers since 2018, records show. $50,000 of that has come from the New York State Council on the Arts, and the other $157,000 from the NYC Department of Education, the Department of Youth and Community Development, the Department of Transportation, and Cultural Affairs.
The funds were provided by city council members, with $80,000 being allocated for drag programs in 2022 alone - over three times as much as was provided in 2020 for drag programs.
Those figures were corroborated by The New York Post79 which also reported80 that, for example, just in May of 2022, just the New York City chapter of Drag Story Hour
earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show.
They also reported81 that this money goes toward getting
drag queens into city schools — often without parental knowledge or consent — even as parents in other states protest increasingly aggressive efforts to expose kids to gender-bending performers.
One may wonder how much tax payer money is given to Drag Story Hour in other states. Anastasia Hibbs wrote for The Blaze,82
This will make your jaw drop: There are 26 states that have DQSH chapters in their cities: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
This will make you weep: Of those 26 states, 14 of them voted for Trump for president at least once in the last two presidential elections.
Every state that has a chapter has two to five cities that host. While we’re focused on what’s happening in the news or what’s happening in our own lives, the organizers have taken over half the states and gotten them to host their events that groom children to “be themselves.”
Now for some examples of Drag Story Hour and similar events wherein basic decency was transgressed were made or wherein straight lines were queered.
June 29, 2017 - Men Dressed as Pervert Nuns Read to Children
Our earliest example is arguably the least incriminating. We’ll all wade our way to the deep end and we’ll start by dipping our toes into the following unsettling perversion…
hosted the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” men in drag dressed mockingly as Catholic nuns, yet again. This time for children’s storytime.
Seeking to honor homosexual “Pride Month” in June, the library happily announced a “Drag Queen Storytime.” The San Francisco-based group enjoys non-profit tax deductible status.
Believing that guilt “chains the human spirit,” the group advocates that every person do whatever their passions dictate. It uses Christian terms and contorts them to mock the sacraments and church life in general, such as “Sister Inferior” and “Sister Hysterectoria.”
The men call themselves “queer nuns,” even though the anti-Catholic group is openly devoted to promiscuity. Their slogan is a ridicule of Jesus’ words to the woman caught in sexual sin. Instead of “Go, and sin no more,” the men “queers” have created their trademark slogan as, “Go forth and sin some more!”
ChurchPop summarizes the focus, goal, and purpose of the male queers as “essentially an inverted mockery of Catholic religious life for the purpose of promoting sexual perversion.”
The Boston Public Library not only championed the queer group, but promoted their brand of anti-Christian bigotry to the youngest of impressionable children. The Boston Children’s Library promoted the self-described queers’ visit on Facebook as well, posting, “Let’s end Pride Month with a drag --Drag Queen Storytime, that is! Join us on Thursday, June 29th at 3:30 for another visit from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”
Images from the video "Easter 2017 Trump Exorcism" posted on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence channel on the platform Vimeo.
Images from the video "Easter 2017 Trump Exorcism" posted on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence channel on the platform Vimeo.
Later in his piece, Fr. Hodge wrote,
In 1995, the “Sisters” initiated the first group tour to 13 gay bars in order to ridicule the Stations of the Cross. At each bar, men dressed as the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and other biblical women shout their adoration. At the end of the tour, they commune on vanilla wafers and Jägermeister.
May 19, 2017 - Queer Pedagogy Theorist Reads to Kids
Should such a person be this close to children? This is a man who wrote a paper to justify vile acts. This is a transgression wherein a man who should not be allowed near children sat and read to them in a public library. Who knows what he might have done or might do in the future!
One image in this Blaze report shows a man who looks, well, concerned. We enlarged his face to highlight this. We also blacked out the children’s faces.
The image above is from the X account for @Xochi_Mochi whose profile as “Xochi Mochi #BLM” states that his pronouns are “She/Her They/Them” and that he identifies as a “Killer Clown from Outer Space” with a “mission objective” to “read to humans of all ages”. “Killer Clown from Outer Space” is a nod to the 1988 film Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
Of course transgenderism is not the same thing as drag, but it would not be surprising if Xochi Mochi were also transgender along with many other drag queens and kings who work with Drag Story Hour.
I got to read to the children today and it was one of the best experiences I’ve been given as a drag queen. It’s so important to have representation and normalize all the letters in LGBTQIA+ in everyday lives.
A drag queen, wearing five red-tipped, demon-like horns, read to children at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach, California, on Saturday as part of LGBTQ History Month.
Urbanski also added,
At least one person wasn't too thrilled with Drag Queen Story Hour: Omar Navarro, a Republican congressional candidate aiming to defeat outspoken Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters in the 43rd District, KCBS-TV reported.
Navarro asked, "What are we teaching kids in school? Demonic teachings alive in Long Beach. I’m outraged they would allow this."
Further on, the article included this…
Urbanski also reported,
The Drag Queen Story Hour is part of a collaboration between the Long Beach Public Library, the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network and the LGBTQ nonprofit Imperial Court of Long Beach, KCBS added.
It seems, from what he posted on Twitter, that he put on an adult performance a few days after reading to kids.
July 11, 2018 - Registered Child Sex Offender Drag Queens, Smiling Virtue Signaling Moms Oblivious to Frightened Children
Image source here, captioned, “The Houston Public Library's advertisement featuring Tatiana Mala-Niña - a convicted child sex offender.”
Image source here, captioned, “Alberto Garza as himself, and as "Drag Queen" Tatiana Mala-Niña”
KHOU 11 in Houston, Texas aired this report about Drag Queen Storytime held at that the Heights Public Library. They say it was designed to promote acceptance. The narration introduces “a visitor who usually performs for an older audience”, a bearded man in drag going by the stage name Black Berry sits and asks some serious-faced children if any of them want to touch his beard. None of them show any interest in doing to but he presses them and asks again, focusing on a girl who responds by clearly shaking her head no. Perhaps they could sense that his beard has been on so many different men’s rear ends (see the photos below).
Above are images involving Black Berry from a 163 page report by Houston MassResistance titled, “Drag Queen Story Time An Expose’” that we will deal with below.
Above are images involving Black Berry from a 163 page report by Houston MassResistance titled, “Drag Queen Story Time An Expose’” that we will deal with below.
They focus on the face of an uncomfortable child and cut to a happy mother who says, “I just want to expose them to things they don’t get to see every day and want it to become the - more normal, more accepted” before finally looking at her toddler’s unhappy face.
The drag queen Black Berry states, “In queer culture, that is the whole goal, to make kids that aren’t used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.”
Cutting back to the news studio, one talking head says, “Now there were definitely some kids who had to warm up to Black Berry but that’s the whole reason some parents went, to expose their children to something that they’ve never seen before and most people seem to walk away having a good time.”
This comic strip style image contains screenshots and the actual words from a televised report you can view here.
An other talking head asks, cheerfully oblivious to the sick intent behind this stuff, “Start ‘em young, right?”
A registered child sex offender has been reading to children at Houston Public Library as part of its Drag Queen Storytime.
A group called Mass Resistance, which has been trying to put an end to the program, contacted KHOU about the child sex offender.
Mass Resistance claims it had been asking the City of Houston for months to disclose information about the drag queens, and when requests went unanswered, they did their own digging and made the shocking link.
A media spokesperson for the library confirmed one of the program’s drag queens, Tatiana Mala Nina, is Alberto Garza, a 32-year-old child sex offender. In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
“Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children. Shame on you, Mayor (Sylvester) Turner!” said Tracy Shannon with Mass Resistance.
In a statement, the Houston Public Library admits they didn’t do a background check on Garza and said Garza will not be involved in any future library programs.
“In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines,” the library said in a statement. “We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter.”
Protesters say they want more than apologies; they want heads to roll.
“If they had done their job and due diligence, if they had said wait...maybe it’s not a good idea to have a sex offender who at 200 pounds and 5-foot-11 assaulted an 8-year-old boy!” Shannon said.
In October, opponents sued the library system and Mayor Turner, trying to stop the program. They claim they’re not against the LGBTQ community, but instead, the library’s actions. The lawsuit was dismissed by a judge in January.
Plaintiffs argued the program favors “secular humanism," violating the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause on religion.
Unfortunately, despite all this bad publicity, the City of Houston has indicated that they will continue this terrible program. So Houston MassResistance will continue to confront it.
Last month, Houston MassResistance parents handed the City Council and Mayor a detailed 163-page report documenting the lurid activities of some of these “Drag Queens” who read to children, and how the library blatantly disregarded its own rules regarding the whole “Drag Queen” event. It was also pointed at the City Council meeting out that some of the drag queens carry rubber chickens, signaling their sexual interest in young boys.
We’ll look into that report in the section BACKLASH AGAINST & TROLLING of DRAG STORY HOUR in the subsection EXPOSE’. The KHOU 11 report also stated,
Also at the press conference: They're starting to see these Houston MassResistance t-shirts around town!"
At the press conference, the Houston MassResistance parents charged the Mayor, City Council members, and library officials have purposefully avoided doing any due diligence investigation about the “Drag Queen” cross-dressers, despite the shocking materials given to them.
Sleazy retaliation. On the same day as the press conference, two Houston MassResistance mothers were in the children’s section in the Houston Public Library to look at some of the books. They were told by library staff that they were not allowed in that area of the library. No reason was given except that “it’s for children only.” We have never heard of a public library anywhere with that “rule.”
They also wrote that Tracy Shannon, co-leader of Houston MassResistance
has said the parents have at least 500 pages of additional material about these “Drag Queen” performers who are reading books to children, much of which is very graphic and repulsive. Houston MassResistance intends to deliver that to city officials. And it’s likely that we will find more “sex offender” problems among this depraved crowd. They’ve also gotten valuable help from Dan Kleinman at the SafeLibraries website.
To what extent is this happening all over the country in libraries and other places where LGBTQ activists mingle with children?
This image is from the article from which we quote below. See here. The image was captioned, “"Drag Queen Story Hour" participants pose outside of Houston Public Library for social media photo. Houston MassResistance has exposed man at left as child sex offender. Note rubber chicken - a "gay" symbol for pederasty”
October, 2018 - Drag Queen Has Kids Straddle Him
Images from the LifeSiteNews linked below. We blocked out the children ourselves.
A west coast public library “Drag Queen Story Time” has evolved beyond drag queens reading pro-gay and pro-transgender books to kids to permitting children to frolic on the floor and lie on top of a man dressed as a woman.
Photo evidence of children having inappropriate contact with drag queen Carla Rossi at Portland, Oregon’s St. John’s Library . . . has been brought to the attention of LifeSiteNews. The photos are posted on the Multnomah County Library’s own Flickr account (Note: photos have been removed after LifeSiteNews published this report. The photos can be found hereWARNING: Link leads to images of child abuse).
“I wouldn’t let my kids crawl on top of random strangers no matter how said strangers are dressed,” commented Kaeley Triller Harms on Facebook.
“Even as a day camp counselor 15 years ago, we were pretty carefully trained about not giving kids piggyback rides or letting them sit on our laps,” continued Harms. “And if they asked for hugs, we took the side hug approach.”
In this report we also find,
“The goal is to normalize abnormal, sexually deviant homosexual behavior by enticing children to first: question their sexuality,” profamily activist Georgia Kijesky recently told LifeSiteNews. “The more children see men dressing up as women, the more normal it will become.”
Reporting about this for The Federalist, Libby Emmons (mother, writer, Senior Contributor to The Federalist and Senior Editor for The Post Millennial) wrote,87
Such photos taken at a Drag Queen Story Hour event at St. John’s Library in Portland, Oregon circulated on Facebook. Parents complained about the event, showing the photos of children lounging atop of the costumed queens on the floor, grabbing at false breasts, and burying their faces in their bodies.
The library had uploaded the photos to their Flickr feed, but they’re not available there anymore. Lifesite News archived them. Multnomah County Library took the photos down, without a word.
March 15, 2019 - An Other Child Raping Drag Queen Story Hour Pervert Caught
Tyler O’Neil reported for PJ Media88 that on March 15, 2019 an other pedophile Drag Queen Story Hour pervert was outed.
This Sept. 23, 2018 photo shows Tatiana Mala-Nina before a performance at Rich's Houston in Houston. Mala-Nina is schedule to read at an upcoming "Drag Queen Storytime" event at the Freed-Montrose Neighborhood Library. (Melissa Phillip/Houston Chronicle via AP)
On Friday, the pro-family group MassResistance revealed that a performer at "Drag Queen Story Hour" at the Houston Public Library (HPL) is, in fact, a convicted child sex offender. HPL confirmed the report, apologized, and insisted the drag queen was never alone with the children.
MassResistance revealed that 32-year-old Alberto Garza, who goes by the stage name Tatiana Mala-Niña, was convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy. The library had not run a background check on any of the drag queens.
"If they had done their job and due diligence, they might have said wait — maybe it’s not a good idea to have a sex offender who at 200 pounds and 5-foot-11 assaulted an 8-year-old boy," Tracy Shannon, a leader of the Houston chapter of MassResistance, told reporters on Friday.
MassResistance noted that members of the Houston City Council supported Drag Queen Story Hour, shooting down worries from parents. Mike Laster, an openly gay member of the city council, asked, "What are you afraid of?" Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner told parents with MassResistance that drag queens are "role models" for the Houston community.
"Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children," Shannon added. "Shame on you, Mayor Turner!"
The library did not deny the claims, KHOU 11 reported.
Instead, the library released a statement pledging that "this participant will not be involved in any future HPL programs."
"In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines. We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter," the library statement continued.
HPL insisted that Garza was never alone with any child. "Every program sponsored by HPL is supervised by HPL staff, and all children are accompanied by a parent and/or guardian. No participant is ever alone with children, and we have not received any complaints about any inappropriate behavior by participants at storytimes," the library said.
HPL assured parents that it is "taking the appropriate action to ensure that the status of every participant in every program throughout our system is verified. We will continue to review our process to ensure that this cannot happen again."
While the library has promised this will never happen again, the fact that this sex offender was able to read to children at a "Drag Queen Story Hour" confirms many parents' worst fears about the event.
The report goes into some matters that we cover elsewhere in this entry of the Culture War Encyclopedia.
April 22, 2019 - Pedo Prostitute Drag Queen Reads to Kids
it turns out that a second Houston Public Library Drag Queen was convicted of multiple sexual assaults against young children, according to records uncovered by Houston MassResistance activists. The man has also written a lurid article describing his work as a transgender prostitute. And he was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) event carrying a rubber chicken – a symbol used by homosexuals to indicate a sexual preference for young boys.
This man is part of the local Drag Queen group brought in to do the Story Hour events. We now know that local group is part of a bigoted national anti-Catholic Drag Queen organization.
It’s becoming clear that the outrages we’re exposing are not an anomaly, but more likely the norm – not only in Houston but probably around the country.
The shocking discovery by Houston MassResistance
The Houston man identified by MassResistance activists is William Travis Dees. He is a member of the “Space City Sisters” Drag Queen group. The Houston Public Library thought it appropriate to invite these unbalanced men to lead Drag Queen Story Hour readings to little children.
As part of these DQSH events, Dees has served as a “greeter” for young children as they came into the library, among other roles.
William Travis Dees posts photos of himself and his "transgender" alter ego on social media using his fake name, "Lisa Lott."
According to criminal records uncovered by Houston MassResistance activists, Dees was convicted in 2004 of sex crimes against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8), was jailed, and is listed as a “high risk sex offender.” MassResistance activists have also identified numerous aliases which Dees uses for his various characters and personas.
Since Dees was 16 years old at the time of his conviction, his record is “sealed” and not posted on government sites. However, it is available from other sex-offender record sources.
Dees's conviction and sentencing record.
Part of bigoted anti-Catholic group
The “Space City Sisters” have yet another odious distinction. Their website and social media reveal that the group is a local chapter of a national organization of cross-dressing homosexual men called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The men dress as garish and hideous parodies of Catholic nuns and mock Catholicism. They are a popular feature in gay pride parades and other LGBT events across the country. They now also do DQSH readings to small children.
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" contingent marching in Boston Gay Pride Parade. Note those wearing crosses and Bible handbags to further mock Catholicism
Member of "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" poses at California LGBT event. Note he is wearing a "Bottom for Jesus" shirt, referring to a particularly crude homosexual sex act.
Dees's alias as a Drag Queen "nun" is Novice Sister Jeff. (From a web post.)
"Space Sisters" pose with the two Houston Public Library DQSH organizers (back row on right). Note the "nuns" in front are mocking Catholicism by pretending to pray. Dees is in the middle of the front row.
A transgender prostitute doing BDSM
Dees appears to be a very troubled and dysfunctional man. Houston MassResistance activists were able to verify that under his alias of Elizabeth Davidson, Dees wrote a very graphic article on an LGBT website (which included a photo of himself) describing his experiences as a transgender prostitute (his term is “sex worker”) who engaged in BDSM (bondage, discipline, sado-masochism) with his clients.
Titled, “What I Learned as a Trans Dominatrix,” the article is very disturbing and also very sad. “I had tried for so many years to alleviate my depression and dysphoria through random sex, I had lost track of how many partners I’ve had,” he says. He also talks about his male clients who wanted to be tied up, beaten, have hot wax poured on them, etc.
Dees included this photo of himself as a transgender BDSM dominatrix in his article.
Unfortunately, this sort of behavior and dysfunction is probably far more common among Drag Queens than their allies in libraries and government will ever admit. Yet they have no problem letting them work with young children.
“Chicken” symbolism. What more do we need to know?
As we’ve described in previous posts, the expression “chickens” in “gay” slang refers to under-age boys that older gay men find and seduce. In other words, pederasty. So, when these cross-dressing homosexual men casually wave around a rubber chicken at a children’s event, that seems to be a pretty clear message. Dees, who has been convicted of multiple sex offenses against young children, was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour event doing exactly that.
Dees holding a robber chicken on his shoulder while standing outside of the Houston Public Library.
Local media decline to cover story; no reaction from politicians
When Houston MassResistance exposed the first DQSH sex offender on March 18, the story made a big splash in the local press and also in the national conservative press. Local politicians weighed in – or scrambled for cover. The public library officials were forced to issue a public apology, and eventually the entire event was shut down (at least temporarily).
But this time, things turned out differently. On April 3, Houston MassResistance called a press conference outside of the public library, just as they did the last time. Local media showed up, as before.
Tracy Shannon (in violet blouse) with other Houston MassResistance activists address the media at the April 3 press conference.
The media definitely showed up that day.
A reporter asks some questions. They certainly seemed interested — but then later nothing got reported!
But afterwards there was virtually no local coverage. And not a peep from any public officials. It was eerie. The following day, MassResistance activists were part of a local Fox 26 TV interview show about the news, but later that show was mysteriously removed from the TV station’s website.
If you go to the Houston Fox 26 TV website and search for the interview they did with Houston Massresistance about the Drag Queen sex offender, this is all you get!
Since the story wasn’t going “viral,” most of the national conservative media weren’t picking it up either. There were two exceptions. PJ Media got the press release and posted an article a few hours before the press conference. The other site was InfoWars.
To their credit, InfoWars really picked up on this. They did a very good article and also interviewed Houston MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon twice, including a personal interview by Alex Jones. See videos here.
Tracy Shannon was prominently featured on InfoWars, which covered this story better than any other media.
One of the media’s excuses we heard was that they couldn’t verify Dees’s records directly from the state, since the records are “sealed.” But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, or that it can’t be reported using other reputable sources. InfoWars was able to do that without any problem. To date, no one has disputed the facts that were presented.
And it will get worse. Much more to come on this!
The Houston Public Library is now talking about bringing back the Drag Queen Story Hour event this summer! So Houston MassResistance isn’t slowing down a bit. This is such a depraved situation, so there is surely much more to be exposed.
More BDSM - Dees posing with men who humiliate themselves by acting as "pups" - dogs who serve their master!
First of all, Tracy Shannon and the others have now amassed over 600 pages of very disturbing material about the DQSH, the officials behind it, laws and rules that were broken, and the lurid background of the Drag Queens themselves. (This is in addition to the 163-page report they presented to the City Council in March.) The new material will be released soon.
Second, Houston public officials have been illegally refusing to release key information about the Drag Queen event. Tracy and the others have been pressing them for months via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests to find out the answers to many questions regarding this event.
And third, at the April 3 press conference, Tracy laid out some further demands:
MassResistance will demand an audit of the entire HPL [Houston Public Library] background checks vs volunteer applications to see how many have experienced an "oversight" and how many sex offenders have been allowed to participate in children's programming at the libraries in Houston. We will also be demanding a city ordinance that requires background checks for all city-sanctioned programs for children.
We are clearly winning, but the fight in Houston is far from over. A lot has been accomplished by these outstanding Houston MassResistance activists. None of this would have come to light without their incredible work. What they found should frighten and anger everyone as these ghastly events show up across the country.
In his report on this for PJ Media,90 Tyler O’Neil wrote,
Shannon sent PJ Media the research document outlining how MassResistance uncovered this second alleged sex offender.
She connected the man to an article at About Online recalling experiences in "sex work" as a "professional dominatrix." At the beginning, the anonymous author admitted, "I had tried for so many years to alleviate my depression and dysphoria through random sex, I had lost track of how many partners I’ve had." This eased the transition from "sex work" to becoming a transgender prostitute and porn actor.
Shannon also connected the man to the Instagram account of Liza Lott, and to the group Space City Sisters/Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Instagram posts allegedly show this man posing with other Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, guiding children "past hate groups to Drag Queen Story Time."
"The malfeasance by the legal department, library staff, Mayor Turner, Rhea Lawson and city council members who are close to and protecting this program from scrutiny is appalling," Tracy Shannon told PJ Media. "In January, we gave city council and the mayor an expose that was over 160 pages. Our expose is now over 600 pages on this program and we are not even done."
"We still do not have all documents requested by this 'transparent' administration and the library and we are submitting more FOIA requests based on the uncovering of more negligence and malfeasance," she added.
That expose’ they mentioned above can be found here and is discussed under the section BACKLASH AGAINST & TROLLING of DRAG STORY HOUR under the EXPOSE’ subsection.
June 22, 2019 - Children at a Library Exposed to Drag Queens & Inappropriate Sexual Material - Antifa Defends the Pedos
a library in the Seattle area hosted a "Teen Pride" event for children ages 9-19. The event featured drag queens, all sorts of explicit adult-themed advice, and a raffle for dangerous transgender chest binders. Three local moms, concerned about children being exposed to such things at a taxpayer-funded library, filmed the event in order to expose it. Police escorted the mothers out by force, warning that they were guilty of "criminal trespass."
The "Teen Pride" event was billed as "a pride celebration designed by teens for teens!" According to the library website, it was suitable for "teens and tweens," an age range of roughly 9 to 19 years.
"Obviously, we have some really big concerns," local mom Lynn Meagher told PJ Media. "There wasn’t any restriction on any ages. It was just horrifying to us that they would use the library, the taxpayer public building, to fund this indoctrination of kids. So we are intending to go on the record and expose what they’re doing because we don’t think that anyone should be doing this in a public arena with children."
She said the organizers anticipated a protest and were prepared to launch a counter protest, so she and her fellow moms decided to attend the event and document it instead.
"We didn’t talk to any of the kids, we didn’t harass anybody. We were polite," Meagher said. "I saw kids that looked like they were ten," and those kids asked confused questions about the explicit materials around them.
According to this article,
Pictures also showed sex pamphlets in the shape of male genitalia. Saleem Juma, an independent journalist, obtained a close-up of the freebies handed out at the event. One of them is in the shape of a penis
The link in the above quote leads to the following which claims it was a Drag Queen Story Hour (Drag Story Hour) event. Red State also reported that it was a Drag Queen Story Hour event.93
A tweet that has since been deleted but which was archived here.
In the PJ Media article they also reported,
"After the drag queen, they said it was five o'clock and since the library was closing, this was not a private event and every adult who didn't have a teenager with them will have to leave," Meagher recalled. She refused to leave. "I am staying here and I am documenting this. If they're not doing anything wrong, they should not be ashamed."
"Two officers grabbed my arms and pulled me out of my chair and pushed me out of the library," the concerned mom told PJ Media. "I said, 'Is there a reason you need to hurt me? Why are you poking my arm?' He said, 'You could walk faster.'"
Police escorted her and her friend out of the library, but did not escort the other concerned mom, who had stopped filming in order to be less conspicuous.
"They said that we had committed criminal trespassing but they’re not going to charge us," Meagher recalled. "They left a police officer there in the parking lot to keep an eye on us."
"When we went to leave we were surrounded by about four men who behaved in a threatening way to us, they were taking our picture and filming us and getting pictures of our cars," she added. The men said "that we were haters and we were fascists. They were closing in on us and trying to be really threatening. We were just standing there, three moms, praying. We ended up having to call 9-11 to have the police help us to get to our vehicles safely."
In fact, a local antifa group published tweets calling for action against "right wing trash" at the library, whom they accused of "live-streaming kids trying to use the bathroom."
Twitter screenshot of local antifa threat.
Twitter screenshot of local antifa threat.
"The claim that we filmed kids in the bathroom is utterly false and a defamation of character," Meagher told PJ Media. "The video is available to view. Our friend was alone in the bathroom doing a live video in the only place she could find privacy to say where she was and what she was doing. Toward the end, a gentleman walked in behind her. She wasn't filming anyone. It's a smear."
Meagher insisted that she filmed the "Teen Pride" event to expose the indoctrination of children in a public library. The photos and videos she took are too explicit for publication on PJ Media. Interested readers can see a sampling of photos at this Facebook post.
Several parents have raised concerns over what they describe as an "inappropriate" children's entertainer who is appearing at a Devon library.
They also report,
with some parents accusing Mama G of being a "sexualised, offensive caricature" who "teaches kids to twerk".
Libraries Unlimited, who run Devon's libraries on behalf of Devon County Council, have booked Mama G to appear at two of their libraries - Bideford and Barnstaple
They report furthermore,
However, there has been a response from parents and others who have questioned the appropriateness of the act.
"Does anybody in this room know how to twerk?" Mama G asks those in the room, which sounds as though young children are present.
The drag performer continues: "All you need to do is you just need to stand with your feet sort of shoulder-width apart like so … and then you crouch down in this sort of position so you're bum's sticking out ... And then you just move your bum up and down like that. And that's twerking."
They also reported that
others weren't pleased in the slightest:
"Wholly inappropriate for children. [Devon Libraries] what on earth were you thinking."
"Heavens, this abomination is in UK now. Twerking for toddlers. Hiding in plain sight."
"FFS this is so not appropriate for children. It's disgusting misogynistic, over-sexualized, and wrong on so many levels."
"This is obnoxious, disrespectful and borderline child abuse. Please stop at once."
How did the libraries respond?
Libraries Unlimited, which runs Devon's libraries on behalf of Devon County Council, offered the following statement to Devon Live:
Story times and bounce and rhyme sessions are some of our most popular events across the county, with thousands of children attending each year. We host a variety of themed storytimes and they are always a huge success.
As a charity, we are committed to ensuring our libraries are welcoming, safe and inclusive places for all. We celebrate the arts, equality and diversity and are proud that our libraries offer a space for communities to come together and enjoy the power of words, reading and storytelling.
At Libraries Unlimited we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and have a safeguarding policy that is followed by all staff across the organization.
In this case, we can also confirm that the artist involved has a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
Libraries are open to all, and we hope that everyone will find something suitable for them amongst our diverse range of activity across Devon and Torbay.
October 17, 2019 - Drag Queen Exposes Panty Hose Covered Crotch to Kids Several Times
Original image from Neon Nettle, Oct 30, 2019, captioned, “Drag Queen 'Sasha Sota' exposed his crotch 'several' times to children while laughing”. We blacked out the children witnessing this.
I initially thought Drag Queen Story Hours were a hoax and simply unfathomable until I experienced one myself.
This occurred on October 17, 2019 according to Alpha News.99 Anne Taylor also wrote,
“Shake it Off” and train your toddler to be a Drag Queen! Let’s just say Ridgedale Library in Minnetonka, Minnesota, was a real show stopper last week during Drag Queen storytime.
We’ve heard of stories here and across the U.S. on Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) taking precedence in our local, tax-payer funded libraries. I initially thought this was a hoax and simply unfathomable until I experienced one myself.
Approximately fourteen moms showed up at the Ridgedale Library DQSH. Among them were several grandmas, two dads, and a grandpa. About twenty-two children were ranging in age from infant, toddler, and preschool into the elementary grades were there. There were several instances where I witnessed a few dads with their young ones in tow, and then quickly left when they saw the DQ for themselves.
Interestingly, the Drag Queen’s name never seems to be revealed until you show up for storytime.
The librarian shadowing the Drag Queen of the day wore a green “Black Lives Matter” t-shirt. I wonder if this is a library policy being other workers standing around were all in plain clothes. Perhaps the other workers missed the memo. But who really missed the memo was the Drag Queen himself.
We’re talking a sleeveless cut-off t-shirt resembling SpongeBob SquarePants with midriff exposed, a pink mini-skirt, rainbow ankle socks, and black spiked heels that went above six inches. The wig he wore was mermaid style crimping in the color of bright orange and makeup that was far too much under the neon lights.
At this point in the article included the following images in their original form. We cropped out and blacked out the children.
The author continues,
“Sasha Sota,” (as we slowly learned of the name), strode in suggestively past the children, sitting down in a chair before several preschool-aged girls with his legs spread wide, exposing his nylon covered crotch in front of children sitting at eye level. We noticed that he did this often while reading nervously before the children. Honey, if you’re going to act like a lady, you first need to start with sitting like one!
We were then reminded by the BLM librarian that we are role models for our children, and that “if anyone gets upset – even grownups – you can leave.”
Gee, why would I get upset that a young man wearing a mini-skirt and his legs spread is sexually grooming children?
Anne Taylor also wrote,
I wasn’t feeling the vibe being too disturbed myself over this man’s clothing, mannerisms, and again, that exposed nylon crotch!
Furthermore, she wrote,
I will point out that not all Drag Queens are pedophiles or convicted sex offenders. Being in theatre during my college years
What you don’t see behind the act and the makeup is very dark: self-abuse, drugs, alcohol, and a lot of sex. That IS the nature of the drag community, period.
As a result, many have marks and scars that deeply embed the soul, yet we are being forced as a society to celebrate this ‘difference’ by allowing adult men – who dress in scant clothing and moonlight in some of the most sexually charged adult entertainment industries – read to impressionable minors.
Take, for instance, Louisiana Drag Queen Dylan Pontiff, who moonlights as Santana Pilar Andrews; he said, “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.”
Shockingly, Taylor reported,
To date, our own Hennepin County Library denies running any background checks on its Drag Queens. Something tells me this is all about protecting the adults – say nothing about the safety of children.
Hennepin County Libraries scheduled 15 of these “Story Times with Drag Performers” during the months of October and November. The library hired men involved in the adult entertainment industry to read LGBTQ themed books to toddlers and preschoolers
Child Protection League reached out to every member of the Hennepin County Library Board numerous times with serious questions about the programming and obvious safety concerns. We wished to know specifically why they conduct no formal background checks on the men. We wanted to know why they felt it was appropriate to allow men involved in erotic adult entertainment access to little children. We wanted to know why they ignored the well documented alarms raised by clinical therapists and experts on the methods sex traffickers and pedophiles use to groom targets—experts who pointed out that Drag Queen Story Hours were the ‘greatest grooming programs’ ever devised. We wanted to know why all the books chosen for these story times advanced an agenda untethered from biological reality and one which deliberately confused children.
Two Board members responded expressing concerns about the programming but did not specifically address our questions above. So we asked every Hennepin County Commissioner the same questions since they provide oversight for the Library Board.
All but one ignored our questions. The official response came from another Hennepin County Commissioner, Debbie Goettel, who replied “I can promise that the story time programming is always appropriate for young children (ages 2-6).” (emphasis added)
In reply, we sent photographs of the drag performers to both boards asking again if this is what they considered “always appropriate”. We heard nothing for days.
The Federalist wrote101 about that Sasha Sota (whoever he really is),
is a provocative adult entertainer, and as so many on the right have been screaming from the rooftops for years now, such entertainment is simply not for kids. Those that promote drag queens reading to small children nationwide seem intent on refusing to recognize this fact.
They also report,
A second drag queen named Gemini Valentine also performed alongside Sasha Sota wearing a skintight bodysuit that could in no way be justified as appropriate for kids. Both performers came unprepared for their responsibilities and instead interpreted their performance as being like any other drag show. The performers did not consider their young audience or that their outfits were inappropriate. They did not think to protect the children watching them, accidental exposure or otherwise. And no one who advocates for them does either.
Sota’s social media indicates that this wasn’t a one-time appearance but a lifestyle.
Instead of keeping this hypersexualized adult performer away from children, the library is actively encouraging parents to sit their children in front of him while he reads to them.
Although the library bills the events as “safe, positive, and encouraging” for children, the presence of a grown man wearing clothes that are too revealing for most real women to wear appears to counter that narrative.
The only person who is “safe” here is the man living out his degenerate fantasies in front of kids.
First off, why hasn’t “Sasha Sota” been arrested? An adult male just repeatedly exposed his crotch to children. If “Bubba” did that, wearing a wolf t-shirt and a trucker hat, he’d be in jail. Men that dress up like women should receive no different treatment. Wasn’t this supposed to be about equality? And why isn’t Child Protective Services interviewing the parents involved? After all, these parents saw a grown man flash their children, and just sat there.
Second, local elected Republicans—in Minnesota and elsewhere—need to stamp DQSH out. Entirely. It isn’t just “Sasha Sota” who is problematic. A brief search of various DQSH performers reveals a consistent trend of both highly sexualized and ghoulish outfits. One “performer” pictured has about five white horns with red tips on his head. Many others have painted-up faces befitting “hellscape” Halloween decorations.
And don’t for one second think that DQSH will stop here. If left unattended to, DQSH will soon be in the public schools. Where are our elected representatives?
Sasha Sota was not the only inappropriate drag queen there. Below is an image of an other drag queen at the same event.
Original image from Neon Nettle, Oct 30, 2019, captioned, “Other images emerged from the library showing drag queen 'Gemini Valentine' wearing an inappropriate outfit for children”. We cropped out the children.
The Daily Caller reported103 that Child Protection League (CPL) president Michele Lentz
noted to the DCNF that Sota was wearing some type of garment under the miniskirt and that the grainy nature of the photo obscures this.
March 17, 2021 - Judge Connected with Drag Story Hour Charged with Child Porn
On March 17, 2021, a Milwaukee County Children's Court judge, Brett Blomme, 38 years old was charged with of possessing child pornography on 7 counts. This is according to the TheMilwaukee Journal Sentinel104 which also stated that the content of the child pornography
showed the abuse of young boys.
This report also states,
Each of the counts carries a minimum mandatory sentence of three years and as much as 15 years in prison plus 10 years of supervised release.
The criminal complaint charges that Blomme uploaded as many as 27 images and videos of children being sexually abused last fall, using the messaging app Kik. The uploads charged in the complaint occurred from a home he and his husband own in Cottage Grove, in Dane County.
Hamilt also told the paper that "neither have ever participated in planning, organizing, hosting, or performing at any of our events" and that Blomme "has never held a title or position within our organization ever."
"Cream City Foundation has only ever been a fiscal sponsor that allows DQSH Milwaukee to give & receive funds as a nonprofit. Asides [sic] from financials, they have had no part in DQSH Milwaukee & DQSH National," he also told the Examiner. "As the leaders of DQSH Milwaukee & DQSH National we absolutely condemn pedophilia. We are angry and outraged by Brett's actions. Pedophilia has no place in the LGBT community and no place in society as a whole."
The paper said Cream City Foundation didn't respond to its request for comment.
Anything else?
Blomme last year was elected to the circuit court and in August began as a judge in Children's Court in Wauwatosa, the Journal Sentinel said.
September 2021 - Child Sits on Lap of Drag Queen with Fake Exposed Breasts & Tips Him
A young girl was filmed tipping a drag queen baring a huge set of synthetic breasts during a 'family-friendly' event
at a now closed Hamburger Mary's which he reports is a LGBT bar and restaurant chain in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He reports that the drag queen in question was RuPaul's Drag Race star Yara Sofia. He reports, furthermore, that the child
was sat on the knee of an adult woman at the time, who smiled warmly as the youngster tipped the performer, whose real name is Gabriel Burgos Ortiz.
He reports that Gabriel Burgos Ortiz / Yara Sofia.
strutted around the bar wearing a pair of large fake breasts that hung outside her costumes, complete with tiny yellow pasties covering the nipples in what appeared to be an arch attempt at modesty.
It was originally posted by a TikTok user DavidLovesDragOk and has since been re-shared by anti-woke Twitter account Libs of TikTok amid growing concern about children being brought to sexualized shows in the name of diversity.
The Grand Rapids outlet of Hamburger Mary's closed in January of this year, but its Facebook page is still active, complete with scores of fliers for events.
Many of them are explicitly advertised as being for audiences aged 18+ only.
But the flyer for the drag event attended by Yara Sofia was not, suggesting that it may indeed have been marketed as a family-friendly event.
The news comes as debates rage across the country about whether young children are being exposed to content that is inappropriate by well-meaning family members and educators in the name of support for LGBT equality.
June 4, 2022 - It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself! Adult Entertainers Teaching Kids to Strut
On June 4, 2022, Isabella Riley Moody tweeted, “Drag Queen dances for children in Dallas, Texas.” In the video, one can see a drag queen in attire that is not appropriate for the children who can clearly be seen in the audience. One bright neon sign in the wall reads “IT’S NOT GONNA LICK ITSELF!” and, according to the tweet below, an other reads “I LICKED IT SO IT’S MINE”.
This image was taken from the video in the tweet shown below. Faces of children have been whited out.
In response to Ngo’s tweet above, this adult performer tweeted this…
This was not a Drag Story Hour event but it seems to be part of the same effort. A gay bar107 in Texas by the name of Mr. Misster Dallas posted this on Instagram,
Our under 21 guests can enjoy a special Mr. Misster Mocktails while the moms and dads can sip on one of our classic Mr. Misster Mimosa Towers. Do you want to hit the stage with the queens? We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing! Come hangout with the Queens and enjoy this unique pride experience, fit for guests of all ages! Purchase your tickets now through the link in our bio!
The post has since been removed. According to a report for The Blaze by Paul Sacca,108
The Texas gay bar said the "Drag the Kids to Pride" event was a spinoff of Mr. Misster's Champagne Drag Brunch – which tickets start at $25 and go all the way up to $600.
BlazeTV contributor Alex Stein attempted to attend the "Drag the Kids to Pride" event but was denied access at the door. Several supporters of the drag queen event for children assaulted Stein as they attempted to prevent him from filming.
"They're bigoted," Stein said of the gay bar staff. "I can't believe they're not letting me in a gay bar – I thought you guys were inclusive?"
They're gonna groom a bunch of children," Stein screamed. "They won't let me in, but they'll let children in."
Stein wrote on Twitter, "7 year olds tipping drag queens and hanging out in a 21 and up bar & the Dallas Police dept is letting it happen….why not enforce the law?"
Stein confronted one of the drag queen performers regarding dancing in front of little children.
(CAUTION: Explicit language)
Outside the Mr. Misster gay bar, protesters chanted, "Christ is king!"
There were physical confrontations near the gay bar. A person wearing a "Love is Love" shirt repeatedly shrieked at protesters, "Shut the f*** up!"
An attendee of the gay bar event spit on a woman recording video of the event. The woman reportedly filed a police report against the man.
There was immediate backlash to the "Drag the Kids to Pride" event.
Podcast hostAllie Beth Stuckey: "Every single Republican legislature should be creating a bill to criminalize drag shows that involve children. The parents, performers, bar owners - everyone should be charged with sexual abuse of children."
Conservative commentator Matt Walsh: "Every adult in the room should spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement."
Investigative reporter Drew Hernandez: "This is vile, all of these LGBTQ pedophiles should be arrested immediately And the parents that enabled this should be arrested as well. This is what happens when this crap gets normalized in society, you get gay bars grooming kids with Drag Queens."
Radio host Jesse Kelly: "Not sure people realize how painful a national course-correction is gonna be. Live it up. Have your fun. The realignment of society at the back end of this will be ugly."
Isabella Riley tweeted these images (we blotted out the children’s faces).
June 23, 2022 - Washington Post, Groomer Apologists
On this date, the The Washington Post published Monica Hesse’s “Drag queens are not the ones sexualizing drag story hour”109 which amounts to a defense of pedophilia. There’s no chance that this author was unaware of at least some of what we have covered here. If she was, she had no businesses writing in defense of something she is so uninformed about.
The Washington Post published propaganda in furtherance of pedophilia. That is inexcusable. Yet they presume to have some moral ground upon which to stand and judge others from.
September 2022 - Would-Be School Shooter Hired to Perform Drag for Kids
It was reported by Epoch Times110 that a person who had been convicted for their involvement in a plot to shoot up a school in 2004 was scheduled to perform as a drag queen at a so-called ‘family friendly’ event. Darlene McCormick Sanchez wrote in “Texas Church Bingo Event Drops Drag Queen Involved in School Shooting Plot” for Epoch Times (Sep 21, 2022),111
A church in Texas has quietly removed a self-described "Goth" drag performer with a criminal conviction from what has been advertised as a family drag bingo event.
The First Christian Church, part of the Disciples of Christ denomination, openly supports LGBT people. In a flier, the church had advertised drag queenTisha Flowers would be one of two performers at the sold-out event.
Flowers is a stage name for Jaysen Kettl, who portrays himself as a Goth drag queen, whose social media accounts include macabre content.
Area parents discovered that Kettl was convicted of being involved in a school shooting plot in 2004, after the news appeared in a Current Revolt article on Substack.
Back in2004, Kettl, then 17, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit capital murder after administrators at his school learned that he and at least one other student had plotted to commit a mass school shooting. Thankfully, the plot was foiled before anyone could carry it out.
Returning to Sanchez’s article for Epoch Times,
Images of Kettl that can be found online include one of him dressed in drag holding a red skull with pentagram earrings and another on Tik Tok where he is wearing a T-shirt with a Baphomet image surrounded by a pentagram.
An Instagram post depicts a skull and devil image announcing a Happy Death Day show.
Despite the controversy, the event sold out and was deemed a success, Rev. Tolleson claimed.
Along with CCDF, members of the Proud Boys protested the event, as did other churches. Several Catholics prayed the rosary.
On the other side of the street stood supporters of the family drag bingo day. Members of Antifawore all black and obscured their faces. Others who were not associated with Antifa proudly showed their identities and their support for exposing kids to LGBTQ-themed entertainment.
Both sides were heavily armed, and a steady police presence remained in the middle of the road to help keep the peace during drag bingo night. There were no reports of violence or arrests, and only church members were allowed to enter the property.
September 9, 10 & 11, 2022 - Children in Drag Performing for Adults
Idaho’s largest city and capital is hosting a Pride festival featuring a children’s drag queen show and sponsored by several major American corporations, according to the festival website.
Pride Boise in Boise, Idaho, is a three-day LGBTQ event from Sept. 9 to 11 featuring activities such as “Drag Story Time” and “Drag Kids,” a drag show performed by kids ages 11 to 18 which encourages festival attendees to “come cheer them on as they bring drag to the younger generation,” according to the Pride website. The event is sponsored by several big names including Fred Meyer, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Target, Courtyard by Marriott and Walmart.
September 24, 2022 - Pervert Tells Sexual Jokes to Kids
Hard Knocks Rescue and Training held a Drag Queen Story Time event
At the event, James Miller was reading a story about dog hiding bone
Children heard the teacher and drag queen say 'Everybody loves a big bone'
Since, Miller has released a TikTok saying he has 'no comment for anybody'
An Alabama middle school teacher who spends his free time as the drag queen Miss Majesty Divine has been caught on camera making lewd innuendos during a 'family friendly' event.
Hard Knocks Rescue & Training, an animal rescue organisation, in Huntsville, Alabama, live-streamed a September 24 Drag Queen Story Time event in which James Miller read a story to a group of children.
The teacher, who masquerades as Madge D.Ivine (Miss Majesty Divine) in his spare time, was reading a story about a dog that hid its bone at the event.
In the footage, which showed Miller reading from the book while two dogs played with their handler he said: 'Everybody loves a big bone'.
The handler and the person holding the camera were seen and heard laughing after the comment.
Miller was heard asking on the livestream 'We're not still live are we?' immediately after making the comment.
Libs of TikTok questioned why Miller asked if the livestream was still running.
The page also queried whether it was appropriate for Miller to make the comment in front of a group of children.
They included this image as well…
This image was captioned, “The teacher, who masquerades as Madge D.Ivine (Miss Majesty Divine) in his spare time, was reading a story about a dog that hid its bone at the event. In the footage, which showed Miller reading from the book while two dogs played with their handler he said: 'Everybody loves a big bone'. Pictured: Miller “
Miller has since made a TikTok referring to the article and said: 'I really have no comment for anybody, so people need to stop asking.'
He claimed that he had been 'doxxed' by the page. MailOnline contacted Miller, Mountain Gap Middle School and Hard Knocks Rescue and Training for comment.
A Hard Knocks Rescue and Training spokesperson said: ‘At Hard Knocks Rescue & Training, we would rather be excluded for who we include than included for those we exclude.’
October 14, 2022 - More Grooming of Kids With Sexual Dancing
On October 14, 2022, Libs of TikTok tweeted the following (since removed but archived here) which contained a video that can no longer be played.
This was followed up with…
We altered the original to cover up the children’s faces.
In the thread, this was added…
We altered the original to cover the child’s face.
A drag queen appeared to be performing at a 'family friendly' event
Young kids were present as the sexually suggestive moves were made
The drag queen spread their legs and thrust their breasts forward
A young boy could be seen handing a trip towards another cast member
Footage posted by infamous Libs of TikTok account sparked outrage online
Although the time and location are yet to be identified, the event appears to have been sponsored by IPIC Movie Theaters which operates a number of locations across the northeastern US, Florida and California.
In the short clip, a scantily clad drag queen performs a forward role along a catwalk before then suggestively spreading their legs wide in a skimpy leotard.
They include the following images and captions, some of which we have altered to cover children’s faces.
They also report,
The performer then thrusts their breast forward, all-the-while a young boy is merely feet away and appears to hand a tip over to another cast member.
They later add,
This latest clip generated a visceral response online.
They include the following examples,
October 18, 2022 - Man Flashes Panties In a Sexual Dance for All Ages
An explicit viral video of a raunchy Texas drag queen show performed in font of a little girl sparked a social media backlash — and has state lawmakers pledging legislative action.
The video filmed by BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales shows a drag queen lifting her skirt and gyrating while lip-synching lyrics to the song “P—y” by Lady as a confused kid looks on from one of the nearby tables.
“My p—y good / p—y sweet /p—y good enough to eat,” go the lyrics as the drag queen gyrates.
The young girl sits in a booth at the at the “Garden of Eden” brunch show in Plano restaurant Ebb & Flow, watching the proceedings as several adult women in her party look on with blank faces.
Gonzalez said on Twitter she attended the show, calling it an “an all ages drag brunch.”
It was not immediately clear if the party with the child had bought tickets for the drag brunch. Social media listings for the event warned of “strong language and suggestive dialogue” that “may not be appropriate for all ages.”
The post was retweeted more than 2,400 times as of Tuesday afternoon and had Republican lawmakers moving to pass legislation.
“Disgusting and entirely inappropriate for any child,” state Rep. Bryan Slaton wrote on Twitter.
“A drag show is no place for a child. I am committed to protecting kids from these sick displays,” he went on.
“We will get it done when the #txlege [Texas Legislature] returns in January.”
Texas House Rep. Jeff Leach said it was “unreal this is happening in our state.”
“And if I have anything to say about it, it will be unlawful in short order. #txlege,” he wrote.
One commenter sniped back, “I see ONE KID. Call CPS” with a shrug emoji.
Another asked if that meant they planned to outlaw drag shows, arrest parents or raid homes of people having drag show parties.
One reviewer wrote. “The food is pretty good. The service quite average. They host sexually explicit drag shows in front of children. This is not OK and I will not return.”
The Post has reached out to organizers of the show and the restaurant for comment.
Instagram video of two performances filmed at the restaurant on Saturday show performances that include lap dances and cash tossed to the performer.
The invite also comes with a disclaimer and a “viewer discretion” warning.
“This is a ticketed event at a private establishment,” the posting said.
“We believe it is the prerogative of parents/guardians to make decisions regarding the wellbeing of their children.
“If you would not allow your children to see a Rated R movie or watch TV-MA programming, this is not the event for them. Minors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.”
December 14, 2022 - Simulated Sex Performed for Children
On this date, an Austin, Texas, drag show advertised as an
“all ages” eventfeatured partial nudity and graphic sexual content, according to numerous videos of the event.
We added the black-out to cover certain things. Here are some images from the videos in the post above.
Drag queen displaying fake nude breasts and ass cheeks and pulls aside the thin string in the fake ass crack to show the area where an anus would have been if it were real.
A drag queen performed a lap dance for a student in front of cheering children at a Pride event for high schoolers.
The dancer, identified as Erica Chanel, was seen gyrating on top of the student at Forsyth Technical Community College, which is a public school located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
As the video pans around the room of cheering spectators, children, no older than elementary school age, can be seen in attendance.
In one clip, the drag queen - wearing a rainbow-colored wig - is seen strutting up and down the center of the room while a crowd jeers from the side.
The event was open to all students on campus, including high school students.
Wearing a pink sparkly romper that leaves little to the imagination, the drag queen then lifts her leg and black latex thigh-high boots on to the chair that the student is sitting on
Drag queen Erica Chanel is seen performing a series of dances, including a lap dance, for the sitter, who is believed to be a student from the college. There were people under the age of 18 in attendance
Erica Chanel, was seen dancing on top of the student at Forsyth Technical Community College, which is a public school located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The dancer then perches on the lap of what appears to be a student, who is sitting in the middle of the floor on a chair.
The drag queen then proceeds to whip her hair back and forth, while her chest area is directly in front of the sitter.
Wearing a pink sparkly romper that leaves little to the imagination, the drag queen then lifts her leg and black latex thigh-high boots on to the chair that the student is sitting on.
The dancer then crouches down in front of the seated spectator, rubs her arm and thigh, before flicking her hair once more and giving the girl a hug.
It's unclear what age the receiver of the lap dance is, but according to Libs Of TikTok, she is a student.
In more footage from the event, posted by the college's pride club, the dancer is seen dropping to the ground provocatively as she points and performs at the students.
Although faculty members and campus police were at the event, there was no attempt to stop underage students from participating, according to Libs of TikTok.
As the footage pans around, children, no older than elementary school age, are seen in the room (pictured in green shirt)
Later in the article, Aoraha wrote,
The college has two high schools on its main campus - and the Pride Fest was open to all students, including those who were under 18 years old.
Oct 13, 2023 - Co-Founder of Drag Story Hour Arizona Shoved to Pavement After Attacking Cameraman
David Boyles is the co-founder of Drag Story Hour Arizona according to The Guardian.119 According to Andy Ngo, David Boyles attacked a cameraman with Turning Point USA and was shoved to the ground by one of their reporters by the name of Kalen D’Almeida.
Arizona State University President Michael Crow has come out in defense of ASU writing professor, author and drag queen story hour advocate David Boyles after he allegedly assaulted a Turning Point USA Frontline cameraman when a reporter from the organization had asked him questions about his "sex education obsession."
As was highlighted by TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk, Crow went to work over the weekend to blast out an email in which he condemned the organization for the interaction, with The Guardian describing it as an "attack on Boyles," despite the fact that Boyles had initiated the physical altercation. Surveillance footage of the incident makes this very clear.
"Cowards that they are, and so confident in the legality and appropriateness of their actions, the Turning Point USA ‘reporter’ and ‘cameraman’ then ran away from the scene before police arrived," Crow reportedly wrote. "This is the kind of outrageous conduct that you would expect to see from bullies in a high-school cafeteria."
Past comments from Boyles, who is on the TPUSA professor watch list, include, "Sex education is a topic I've been obsessed with for a while," as well as remarks that the topic has "been traditionally racist since black people and immigrants were typically viewed as being sexually promiscuous and aggressive and sex education was designed to keep good white kids from being ‘infected’ by them."
In footage captured by TPUSA, Boyles can be seen making a lunge for the cameraman after a series of questions.
"So let me ask you, when did you decide to get obsessed with sex education?" asked Frontlines reporter Kalen D'Almeida.
"So," D'Almeida said at another moment, walking beside Boyles, "if I ask you how long you've been attracted to minors? How long you've fantasized about minors having sex with adults and why you write about it in children's books? What are you gonna tell me? Nothing?"
"What are you gonna do?" he asked. "David, you can't run. It's best if you just talk to me about why you want to push sodomy onto young people? That's the best thing to do is just have a conversation. You said that, right? 'I'm obsessed with sex education.' You said that? Yes or no. No? Huh? Why do you feel like children need to be exposed to drag? Why is that something that children should be exposed to and why do you feel that drag queens benefit from children being present at drag shows where they shake their genitals and their fake breasts?"
Boyles attacked the cameraman after D'Almeida said, "you would like to see a different America exist where little boys are sodomized by people like you, right?"
In a statement to RedState, Turning Point USA spokesperson Andrew Kolvet said, "What’s astounding is for President Crow to so brazenly misrepresent what’s crystal clear in the video."
"Professor Boyles is the one who turned this interaction violent. He lunged and hit our camera man. Our reporter moved to protect his crew member who was getting attacked. They then asked him if he was okay, and if he needed any assistance before leaving. Mr. Boyles and President Crow are shamefully attempting to use Mr. Boyles’s sexual orientation to play victim and skip over the fact that he was the one who attacked our crew. Self defense is not hate."
"President Crow should be ashamed of lying to the ASU community in an official university email when a simple review of the video contradicts his every word."
Crow, as well as ASU, was put on blast over the incident by the Arizona Freedom Caucus in a post on Tuesday.
The group wrote that under the rule of Crow, ASU stands with Hamas terrorists, defends the sexualization of young children, tramples on free speech rights, and institutionalizes racism.
"Taxpayers should not be forced to fund this trash," declared the Caucaus. "Time to cut ASU off."
In the recent past, Crow notably sent a letter requesting for Turning Point USA to remove ASU professors from its watchlist, and stressed that should it not happen, he would like to be on there himself.
"I just was like, 'Forget it; this is so stupid,'" Kirk had said of Crow's letter on his Sept. 8 podcast, according to The Arizona Republic. "Obviously, all of the professors were going and complaining to him."
Arizona State University is investigating a potential hate crime against one of its staff after members of Turning Point USA followed and harassed the professor, then shoved him to the ground.
Video footage posted by Turning Point, a rightwing youth organization known for its aggressive tactics, shows a cameraman and another person questioning David Boyles, an English instructor and the co-founder of Drag Story Hour Arizona, last Wednesday after Boyles taught a class on LGBTQ+ youth in pop culture and politics.
In the video, Boyles, who is queer, does not engage with Turning Point’s repeated questions, such as “How long have you been attracted to minors?” and why he hates America, accusing Boyles of wanting to “push sodomy on to young people”. A Turning Point representative walks side by side with Boyles and peppers him with questions, telling Boyles at one point, “You can’t run.”
At one point, Boyles moves toward the camera, though it is not clear if he makes contact with the cameraman.
Turning Point claimed Boyles “assaulted, pushed, and clawed at our cameraman”. Security footage released by ASU shows the other Turning Point member then shoving Boyles to the ground.
Boyles posted a picture on social media showing his bloodied face and said he tried to block the cameraman because he knew they would post video online to “inspire even more harassment against me”.
“My physical injuries are relatively minor and I’m doing OK,” Boyles wrote. “But I’m also feeling angry, violated, embarrassed, and despairing at the fact that we have come to normalize this kind of harassment and violence against anyone who tries to support LGBTQ+ youth (ironically the topic of the class I had just finished teaching) or just LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized groups in general.”
ASU confirmed it is investigating whether the assault on Boyles was motivated by “bias or prejudice”. Turning Point told media outlets its cameraman plans to seek assault charges.
was confronted by two right-wing fascists doing "citizen journalist" cosplay. One filmed on his phone while the other shouted horrible and incendiary things at me, repeating standard right wing nonsense about Drag Story Hour and also accusing me personally of pedophilia and hating America.
Knowing that they were filming in order to post this online and inspire even more harassment against me, I moved to block the camera. When I did so, the other one jumped me from behind, slamming me to the pavement and causing the injuries you see above. They then ran off like the cowardly pieces of shit that they are.
Pro-Hamas agitators were on campus last week denigrating Jewish students, and ASU President Michael Crow was again silent. But, as Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk pointed out, Crow worked over the weekend to send an official email smearing TPUSA and ignoring the fact that his own employee was the aggressor.
They also reported,
TPUSA Frontlines has publicized Boyles' beliefs on "gender, sexuality, and the involvement of children in the LGBT movement," which are of public concern given the professor's position at a publicly-funded school and the subject he teaches.
David Boyles is a Professor of English Writing at ASU with an area of expertise in “gender studies.” In 2019, Boyles gained recognition for establishing Drag Queen Story Hour-Arizona, a local chapter of the national Drag Queen Story Hour organization.
During his tenure with ASU, Boyles has expressed a number of deeply concerning beliefs regarding gender, sexuality, and the involvement of children in the LGBT movement. The ASU professor has stated that it is a “myth” to say that sexual drag shows are harmful to children. He has also described drag queens as the “leaders” of the LGBT community.
On his now-private Instagram account, Boyles has a long history of posting overtly sexual content, much of which is geared towards children. He has published posts that include gay erotica art, the promotion of gender transition for minors, the promotion of drag shows for children, and condemnations of Christianity.
In addition, Boyles has written an explicit "creative writing" series that was featured on his Substack, which has now been deleted. The series has the same protagonist as his novel, "Life is a Banquet." From the Amazon description of the book:
The classic queer story of Auntie Mame gets a Gen Z update in this bubbly tale of coming-of-age and finding chosen family. 17-year-old Isaac is feeling suffocated by his conservative Arizona suburb and his parents’ megachurch Christianity. But then he gets tutored by brilliant, free-spirited, and unapologetically queer college student Rachel, who helps Isaac come to terms with his own identity and introduces him to the sparkling and magical community that orbits around her and her ramshackle off-campus house. With the help of Rachel and her chosen family -- including her childhood best friend Johnny and sorority girl-turned-aspiring drag queen Vera -- Isaac will get an education unlike any other.
From reading just the sample available on the Amazon page, it's clear that Boyles has deep animosity toward the Christian communities in the Phoenix area and believes children raised in these families are brainwashed and repressed, and need drugs and sex to open their eyes. Between what's on his social media pages, questioning him publicly about his beliefs - and giving him a chance to make his case - is fair.
Source: CBS News, captioned, “Panda Dulce, who appeared at the storytime at the San Lorenzo Public Library on June 11, 2022.”
Expose’ of Drag Queen Story Hour by Houston MassResistance
Houston MassResistance released a 163 page report titled, “Drag Queen Story Time An Expose’”122 The report begins with the section Findings on Drag Queen Story Hour, a 4 page summary of their in 13 points. In support of those points, they present exhibits A through P over the next 145 pages. On the last 12 pages, they describe books read in Drag Queen Story Hour and show an images of the book covers.
They argue that Freed Montrose Library in Houston, a public library, violated constitutional rights, selectively enforced or made up rules in a partial manor, viewpoint discrimination, violating the fire code, and more.
Their 13 point argument is as follows.
Point 1 begins,
There are several violations of rules and policies in regard to how this program is being promoted and run. The library is making up rules and policies out of nowhere which are not published on their website under any rules of policies for the library.
They go on to claim that the staff of the Freed Montrose Library in Houston, being a public library, violated the constitutional rights of their journalists by not allowing them to record and/or photograph the Drag Queen Story Hour Events. They write,
The library has allowed the recording of the drag queen story hour program on certain dates but when they began being protested they decided
to '“ask” that people do not record or photograph,
removed people who would not stop recording and filed a no-trespass order against at least one patron who was subsequently arrested when he attempted to exercise his right to record as a citizen journalist.
They also argue,
Recording in the library, a public place, an event open to the public and a matter of interest to the public is protected under the 1st amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and the courts have ruled numerous times in favor of the right to record in public forums. Additionally, the library has allowed some people and not others to photograph and record in the library at this event and others before and after this “policy” started being selectively enforced.
Point 2 reads,
The library has begun a practice of issuing tickets and limiting those to people with children at the door. This practice is done to prevent observation of the program by those who either oppose it or who want to act as citizen journalists and report on it. The program is open to the public and should be first come-first served until the max capacity for the room according to fire code is met. Practices that limit the public in a manner to restrict access to the public because of their views is a violation of American Library Association Policy. They have an obligation to allow press (including citizens as journalist) access to the event. They are trying to limit access by viewpoint, assuming those who are opposed to the program won’t take their child to the program. Exhibit D shows the library is issuing tickets with priority to people with children.
Point 3 concerns the fire code which they say the library violated for the sake of Drag Queen Story Hour.
Point 4 argues that for the sake of a self-described “LGBTQ band” of drag queens called Space Kiddettes and the Grand Opera, the library violated their policy prohibiting the use of the library for programs, sales or promotion of commercial products or services of a business for any reason.
Point 5 regards nepotism by a senior Library Service Specialist/Youth Services Asst. Mgr. who, they argue, is the mother of one of the members of Space Kiddettes and the Grand Opera
Point 6 is a (hypocritical and anti-American) argument that they should be allowed to hold a religious event (Bible Story Hour) at the public library.
Point 7 argues that the drag queens and other people
who the library called on to counter protest the library
are openly sexual on social media and that the library should have screened such persons out for all ages events.
Point 8 reads,
Publicity for public use of the library must include “This program is not sponsored by the Houston Public Library”. The library is supposed to review and approve all publicity for programs at the library. The promotional material for the Drag Queen Story Hour does not include this statement. Space Kiddettes is promoting its band, the drag queens, and various bands and other entities using the platform given to them by the library. Additionally, the hashtags of #queer #lgbtq etc. are on every post promoting this event. The defenders of this program claim the program does not promote LGBTQ lifestyles, but only literacy.
Point 9 reads,
The library does not have a third option for a gender fluid, gender non-conforming, and transgender the restroom. Biological men are using the women’s restroom with girls and women in the bathroom. This is not acceptable and the residents of Houston rejected that idea already.
The protests have gotten more contentious. A known member of a terror group plans to come to the counter-protest armed. People will be armed on both sides. One counter-protester said that they would “bring force” to the next event. There is a great deal of anti-police rhetoric among the counter-protesters.
Point 11 reads in part,
FOIA Request are routinely denied by the City of Houston and the Library. This is being discovered by many different concerned citizens and with regards to other issue. As we have requested documents from the library relating to DQSH the city and library have denied them, appealing to the Attorney General as a matter of practice and using the excuse that some of the requests are made by people that are part of a pending lawsuit or that there is a lawsuit.
Point 12 reads,
Exhibit O – Space City Sisters organized counter protest at the library’s request.
Point 13 states, in part,
Suggested Reading list of Drag Queen Story Time includes books that promote to children homosexual marriage, gender-fluidity, gender nonconformity, cross-dressing, etc.
Below are are a few screenshots from the expose’ regarding the books read at Drag Queen Story Hour.
In the section above headed June 4, 2022 - It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself! Adult Entertainers Teaching Kids to Strut we saw that there was a protest against the event (as well as a counter protest in support of the event). There have been other such protests and counter protests As well as activist groups taking other measures against Drag Queen Story Hour and similar events.
MassResistance Action Against Drag Queen Story Hour
Starting in 2017, the Houston City Council has supported a series of “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) events in the Freed-Montrose branch of the Houston Public Library. (The city council oversees the library operations.) As we’ve reported, these programs are organized around the country and feature homosexual men in flamboyant women’s clothes – and often garish makeup – targeting very young children. They say it’s about “self-expression and diversity.” But the stated purpose is to get children to feel comfortable with LGBT behaviors at a very early age.
In Houston these events are worse than in other places. The “Drag Queens” seem to come from the “gay” nightlife scene – more overtly perverted and clearly dysfunctional than other Drag Queen Story Hours around the country. It’s any normal citizen’s nightmare that public facilities are being used to do these things to children.
This is a social media photo of "Space Sisters," the group that was doing the "Drag Queen Story Hour" at the Houston Public Library. The man in a dog mask appears to be involved with BDSM (bondage discipline sado-masochism).
The fight begins
Local pro-family groups and church organizations got involved last summer
by which they mean the summer of 2018,
and complained bitterly and very publicly.
Also in July 2018, the Houston-based pro-family group Conservative Republicans of Texas began an aggressive information and media campaign to inform people about the Drag Queen events in Houston and how destructive they are. They also started a city-wide petition. The information campaign went up until election day in November.
It caught the attention of the media. In July, 2018, the pro-LGBT local Fox TV affiliate did a (very biased) report on the controversy, which included a short debate between an LGBT activist and Michael Kubosh, a member of the Houston City Council who publicly opposes the event.
In October, three pro-family activists filed a lawsuit against the Mayor of Houston and the library director to stop the Drag Queen Story Hour events. The lawsuit was thrown out by a biased judge (who reportedly has a "gay" daughter and whose family had donated money to the library), but the activists are appealing that ruling.
The Drag Queen Story Hour controversy continued through the fall of 2018, but the city council and library refused to change anything.
MassResistance jumps in – confronting the Houston City Council
In November 2018, Houston MassResistance jumped in and got involved. They decided to take the fight directly to the city council politicians. Tracy, Linda, and others began coming to the Houston City Council meetings.
Tracy took this photo of some of the MassResistance people outside the city council chambers. The man in the red tie posing with them is City Councilor Michael Kubosh, who publicly opposes the Drag Queen event.
They handed out information. They testified during the weekly public comments sessions. They told it like it was and they didn’t hold back!
Tracy: "Adult entertainers who perform in nightclubs and have dollar bills into their bustiers at night should not be held as role models for young children. We are to believe that there is no agenda other than reading to children and promoting acceptance. But here’s what the organizers say: 'The program is aimed to provide positive and unabashedly queer role models.' A drag queen story hour reader said, 'This will be the grooming of the next generation' What do young children need queer role models for? … The seeds of gender confusion are being planted at Drag Queen Story Hour. So we must know more about the transgender community. Their suicide rate is as high as 40%. Their rates of drug and alcohol abuse soar above the general population."
This report later noted that in reaction to their testimonies, Mayor Sylvester Turner, lied at that meeting.
Mayor Sylvester Turner: [The boldest lie.] "This is strictly a volunteer program. There are no city tax dollars that are being invested in this program."
Rather than finding common ground with, say Gays Against Groomers for example, on the matter of ‘queer pedagogy’, that is, the attempt to be able to groom in schools, libraries and so on, Houston MassResistance choose to make enemies where they could have allies and go after the wrong target; they see homosexuality as the issue here rather than the grooming. As this MassResistance report stated,
The LGBT movement reacts to Houston MassResistance
By coming to the meetings often and hitting hard, the Houston MassResistance group really struck a nerve! The local homosexual newspaper reacted by writing an attack article against Houston MassResistance. As with Conservative Republicans of Texas and others, with MassResistance their main cry was to whine about a “hate group.” (It’s become like a broken record.)
And of course the local LGBT activists themselves were apoplectic that pro-family mothers would come and confront the politicians so boldly. When their attempts to get to children are threatened, they seem to get the angriest. They started coming to the city council meetings to try to intimidate the parents. Some of the men in women’s clothes even went into the female restrooms at the library when the pro-family women went in.
The LGBT activists also attempted to do a series of vile and disgusting social media attacks on the MassResistance mothers. This is not an uncommon tactic for LGBT activists to use; much of it owes to their own psychological issues. But these MassResistance parents are very strong, and didn’t let it stop them!
Social media attack on Tracy. This is an example of the unhinged mindset of the LGBT "community" when someone has a different opinion about their activities with children. Remember - these are the people who want to teach YOUR children.
was also taking the fight right to the library itself! This was probably the most stressful part of it. But it had to be done, and the Houston MassResistance parents were not backing down!
The Freed-Montrose Public Library in Houston.
As we saw in their first part, MassResistance argues that Drag Queen Story Hour normalizes homosexuality to children rather than that it normalizes grooming. In part 2 they also argue that it normalizes transgenderism in addition to homosexuality.
As we’ve described, in Houston, Texas, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) in the public library – targeting young children with transgender and homosexual propaganda – is among the most depraved and aggressive in the country. Trying to stop it means going up against the Houston City Council, library officials, and the militant LGBT movement in that city. It’s not a fight for weaklings!
Protesting outside the “Drag Queen” events
Last fall, Houston MassResistance joined other groups protesting outside of the monthly “Drag Queen Story Hour” events. They first showed up in October, then stepped up their presence in November and December.
This is a message that a LOT of parents have wanted to say at times like this.
"Fireman not Drag Queen - when reading to kids!"
A full-court press on the Houston Public Library!
Those protests were just the beginning. Houston MassResistance launched a range of activities taking on the library and the event. The more our people got involved, the more sleaze, dishonesty, and corruption they found surrounding this.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Houston MassResistance submitted several FOIA requests to the library and the City of Houston, for documents relating to the DQSH event. All were either outright refused or diverted to a lengthy state-level bureaucratic process that rarely gets resolved. We are continuing to press this with public officials.
Request for alternative children’s Bible story event. Houston MassResistance filed paperwork to request to hold a Bible story reading event for children at the Houston Public Library. It was denied. We were told that “no religious content is allowed” in library events. We are continuing to demand that this be allowed. Their blatant anti-Christian animus cannot be tolerated.
At some point we at the Culture War Encyclopedia will include a section on Separation of Church and State but we assume the average reader already knows how wrong Houston MassResistance is on this point. They continue,
Heavy police presence (at taxpayer expense). As many as a dozen Houston police officers began showing up to guard the Drag Queen event – even though the mayor repeatedly stated that no public money was being used for it. Houston MassResistance is insisting that they follow the American Library Association policy (which they cling to in other situations) – that events must pay for their own security.
Further down, they write,
Ban on taking video and photographing the event. The library had previously had no problem allowing people to photograph and video the “Drag Queen” events. (We have photographic evidence of that!) But when they noticed that pro-family people were doing it, they suddenly came up with an “official rule” prohibiting it. Since then, Houston MassResistance parents have come in – blending in as “supporters” – and done it anyway, as much as possible. Not surprisingly, “gay” publications continue to get photos from inside the events.
Viciously banning conservative press from covering the event. A local conservative talk-show host (who even has White House press credentials!) was ejected for taking video of the drag queens during the event. When he came back the following month, the police arrested him as he entered the door of the library. Later, in the police car, they confiscated his handgun – even though he had broken no laws and was not subsequently charged with any crime. This has brought the local gun lobby people to start getting involved with the DQSH library protests!
Last week another pro-family reporter asked the library for permission to come and cover the event. This is what she received back by email:
“If you are working on a news story, can you please provide us with the following information:
with which news organization are you affiliated,
the topic of your news story,
where it will be published and/or aired
when it is expected to be published and/or aired
Any photography or video that is needed for your news story will require a HPL Communications team member on-site, who will request for media credentials and individual customers’ consent to be interviewed and/or photographed/video taped for media purposes.”
In other words, the library wants to decide which media is “appropriate” and which isn’t. This requirement by a public body is outrageous by any standard (and likely unconstitutional)! Houston MassResistance is pushing back on this very hard!
Restricting access to the event. All DQSH events – and all other library events – had always been open to the public on a first-come first-served basis (until the room was full). In February, they announced that the library will now issue tickets to people they decide to allow – and keep everyone else out! Houston MassResistance is pushing back hard on this, also.
And more. The library is breaking their own rules on a range of other critical issues relating to the DQSH event – which we will describe in in Part 3 of this series.
LGBT activists converge at library to intimidate the parents
We continue to ask: Why is it that these adults (mostly without children of their own) are so powerfully obsessed with pushing their LGBT propaganda on other people’s children? It’s pretty scary to think about. The national LGBT movement puts enormous resources and energy into these kinds of programs.
When word got out that Houston MassResistance would be joining the protests outside the library, a vicious army of LGBT activists began showing up to intimidate our people.
It also appeared that some of these people were part of Antifa-like domestic terrorist groups. But Houston MassResistance and the other pro-family people didn’t back down a bit.
How did they know that we would be there? One of them admitted that the library officials had contacted them and asked them to organize and come! The LGBT activists were even given a permit to counter-protest on library property, while pro-family people had to stand on the sidewalk or on the side of the street.
Some of the pro-LGBT activists even got young children involved the protests. And of course, note their recurring theme of “hate” – meaning that they can’t defend their actions in any other way, so they are reduced to name-calling.
A photo posted on social media by a pro-LGBT activist who was "counter-protesting" outside the library.
The LGBT activists put up a long "rainbow wall" outside of the library to try to intimidate the parents.
Note the sign: "Now it's PRIDE every month," referring to the Drag Queen Story Hour targeting young children.
The LGBT activists (and drag queens themselves) also stepped up their social media attacks. However, that's what revealed the most about them!
This social media post shows who the real haters are. Note that the LGBT gang has no problem getting photos of the Drag Queen event - and posting them even with the children's images.
We debated about including this social media post. It's by one of the Drag Queens who reads to the children in the Houston library -- who are being defended by the public officials and LGBT activists as "positive role models" who are "promoting reading and tolerance" for children."
But despite all this, ultimately we got our message out loud and clear! They hated it!
Moving forward!
Finally, in February 2019, there was another round of strong public testimony at the Houston City Council meeting. Our people presented them with even more horrific information about the Drag Queen event and how it’s being run. After that, we found out that the authorities had finally backed down. The monthly Drag Queen event was being moved from the Houston Public Library to a nearby “gay” church. In Part 3 we’ll describe exactly what we did in February to make that happen!
On Feb. 19, Houston MassResistance parents came back to the Houston City Council meeting. This time, during the public comments section it was an even bigger confrontation.
The city council allowed the parents only about 70 seconds each to speak. But they gave some of the most powerful 70-second speeches we’ve ever heard!
Politicians are rarely publicly confronted so directly by parents over the LGBT agenda targeting children.
But that wasn’t all. The Houston MassResistance parents also presented the city council members a massive 163-page Drag Queen Story Time Exposé. (See below). It documents the range of corruption, dishonesty, and unethical conduct surrounding the Drag Queen event. It also includes pornographic material and general depraved activity associated with the Drag Queen participants.
A few of the Houston MassResistance mothers held up samples of the pornographic photos included in the report as they testified. They wanted to make sure that everyone saw what was really going on with this “children’s reading event.”
They didn’t hold anything back. One of the speakers testifying in the video above referred to the Drag Queens carrying rubber chickens around with them. That is a “gay” code word forpederasty. “Chickens” in “gay” slang refers to under-age boys that older gay men find and seduce. How much clearer a message do parents need?
A devastating document!
The Drag Queen Story Time Exposé is quite a powerful and thorough work. It includes 18 exhibits that cover a wide range of serious problems and outright corruption connected with the event, starting with the library staff’s blatant violations of their own rules of policies, violations of the American Library Association’s policies, and violations of applicable law.
It also documents that a library official is the mother of one of the people in the “Drag Queen” group – and is essentially promoting the group’s “Drag Queen” business by bringing them into the library to perform.
Several of the exhibits expose the perverted and very disturbing behaviors of some of the “Drag Queens” – much of it pornographic, including depraved activity such as sado-masochism – revealed through their social media posts and advertising. (The Drag Queens’ stage names were used in the library’s promotions for the Story Hours.)
It’s particularly disturbing that some of the Drag Queens are connected with “gay youth” organizations. One Queen who read to the children, ReginaBlakeDuBois (“Miss Gay Texas America”), is linked to the Houston LGBTQ Montrose Center which hosts “youth” support groups, one for ages 6-12, and one for ages 13-20.
Such LGBT “support groups” are found across the country and are notorious for bringing young teenagers (and even younger children) into unsupervised contact with LGBT adults, where kids are told “It’s OK to be gay or transgender.” This plays right into parents’ fears regarding the true nature of “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in the library.
They then include the following image without the black rectangle that we added to cover what are basically male genital with silver paint.
They continue,
Finally, the report includes a collection of the children’s books to be read to kids, from the “Drag Queen Story Hour” website. These books, aimed at children as young as toddlers, are truly frightening in the way they are designed to normalize LGBT behaviors in their young minds.
The exposé makes crystal clear the real interests of these Drag Queens. They don’t really care about “promoting literacy” in Houston. Rather, they are obsessed with homosexual sex, involving the most degraded and dangerous behaviors. How are these men “role models” for children?
A big win – the city and library cave in!
Soon after the Houston MassResistance parents testified and presented the document, they were told that the city authorities had decided to stop having the “Drag Queen Story Hour” at the public library. The Houston Parents had definitely won a big victory! For these Houston pro-LGBT public officials to concede to this is quite stunning.
Event is moved to a nearby “gay” church
Unfortunately, the event itself was not being discontinued. It was being moved to a nearby “gay” church. The very next scheduled “Drag Queen Story Hour,” set for February 23, would be held there.
Thus, the city officials were now saying that since it’s no longer being held on public property, but at a private venue, the city no longer has responsibility for it. But that’s not exactly true, said the Houston MassResistance parents. We’re glad that it’s no longer in the library. But the library was still promoting it, organizing it, and advertising it on its website, the parents said, so they’re not completely walking away from this.
So on February 23, a few Houston MassResistance parents showed up outside the church before the event. It was a very weird and creepy scene. Their true colors were on full display. The Drag Queens were able to act out pretty freely. And the hate against their opposition (i.e., parents) was also unrestrained. But only people with tickets were allowed inside.
And yes, we did spot at least one public library official there helping set things up.
One of the Houston Public Library assistant directors was spotted outside helping get things ready for the Drag Queen event. We're quite sure there were other library staffers inside.
They also wrote,
The Houston MassResistance team still want answers from city officials to numerous issues brought up in the Drag Queen Story Time Exposé document. If the library was violating rules and policies or breaking laws, this must be resolved – and not happen again.
June 2018 - Anchorage,Alaska - Protest vs Drag Story Time
In June of 2018, Anchorage Public Library (Alaska)held their second Drag Story Time event and, according to Elizabeth Moreau Nicholai,126
this storytime was also an official Pride event and drew another huge crowd (room capacity plus 30 people turned away, over 100 people.) Unfortunately this time, it didn’t go so smoothly. A self-proclaimed “street preacher” barged in and started yelling at the children. He was greeted by a loud chorus of “NOOOOOOO!” from the audience. Immediately a few storytime attendees jumped up and started escorting him out firmly but politely. Our librarian was right there explaining he was violating policy.
And the Drag performers started singing louder than he could yell. There was a moment when everyone was booing and it could have turned ugly but immediately the singing redirected the energy. It kept it fun. It kept it focused on the storytime and the kids and the fun and joy that we came for instead of getting lowered into hate. It was a perfect redirect and our performers are amazing.
We did trespass (ban) him from the building. And we are not focusing on his message, but his behaviors. He broke several of our policies: filming minors without permission, harassing other patrons, religious proselytizing, going into a full library program, and failing to follow staff instructions.
Basically it was a horrible thing and handled perfectly by all involved. He was filming and had an accomplice inside the theater who was on Facebook Live. He put the videos on Facebook and YouTube, and he keeps reposting them as he gets reported. I won’t give him the clicks because that is what he wants. But here is a video compilation from our local news station: “Street Preacher Interrupts Drag Storytime”
And just when I thought all the news story had played itself out. A Facebook politics page picked it up and posted its own video. At the time of this blog post, it had 1.9 million views and more than 18,00 shares. It was reposted and shared on Twitter and all over the place. It’s in all my library social media streams. I never wanted to go viral, but I 100% stand behind this program. I don’t mix my personal and professional, but I am a lifelong Christian and a Sunday School teacher. Creating a welcoming environment for our entire community full of programs and collections that reflect all of our diversity will always be a priority and passion for me.
So that is the drama of Drag Storytime
September 30, 2018 - Atlanta, Georgia - Local People & Atlanta MassResistance Stop Drag Queen Story Hour
On September 30, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Ponce De Leon Library there was to be a Drag Queen Story Hour but it
was abruptly cancelled after pressure from outraged MassResistance parents and activists, and also other local citizens
Our Georgia MassResistance chapter has stopped a “Drag Queen Story Hour” in one of the most pro-gay areas of the South. And more are being targeted as outraged parents contact us for help.
They go on to describe what they and other local citizens did to stop Drag Queen Story Hour at that library.
October 27, 2018 - Riverside, California - MassResistance Stands Up to Drag Queen Story Hour
Riverside, California, is a relatively conservative area in a very blue state. It’s the kind of place that the LGBT movement likes to target. Usually they choose a public library, but this time it was at a bookstore – the Cellar Door bookstore – not far from the center of town. It has a prominent children’s section and regularly schedules story events for local children – though not like this one!
The Cellar Door Book store in Riverside, CA.
They advertised the event for Oct. 27, right before Halloween. In the weeks leading up to the event, local MassResistance parents called, emailed, leafletted, and even talked to the owner personally to try to convince her not be part of this horrible agenda targeting young children. But she refused to budge. It went on as scheduled.
Parents fight back: Here’s how you do pro-family activism!
The morning of the event, a MassResistance mother, Genevieve, along with another activist, Jesse, walked in with their cell phone cameras. Genevieve stood near the front and began videoing the “drag queens” as they made their presentation. The man stayed in the back to video their interactions with Genevieve.
Before long the bookstore owner and some other pro-LGBT activists confronted Genevieve and surrounded her, and the scene began to get chaotic. The owner told Genevieve to leave, but she refused. “You advertised this as a public event,” she said. “And I’m the public.”
She was fearless and didn’t mince words. (This is very important – most pro-family people are afraid to express their justified outrage.) Being very firm and (mostly) polite, Genevieve told them exactly what she and so many others think about what they are doing to children. Judging by their reaction, nobody in the room had ever been rebuked that directly.
A few of the pro-LGBT activists brought out a curtain and held it up to block Genevieve from filming the drag queens. Then one of the drag queens came over to try to "dialogue" with her. Both our MassResistance activists stood their ground the whole time.
Pro-LGBT activists soon started to surround Genevieve ...
... and they were not happy with her being there! But she stood up to them.
She was fearless and didn’t mince words. (This is very important – most pro-family people are afraid to express their justified outrage.) Being very firm and (mostly) polite, Genevieve told them exactly what she and so many others think about what they are doing to children. Judging by their reaction, nobody in the room had ever been rebuked that directly.
A few of the pro-LGBT activists brought out a curtain and held it up to block Genevieve from filming the drag queens. Then one of the drag queens came over to try to "dialogue" with her. Both our MassResistance activists stood their ground the whole time.
One of the drag queens came up this close to Genevieve.But she wasn't intimidated at all.
Clearly, they were all rattled by Genevieve’s direct words. Not surprisingly, the bookstore owner claimed that the outrage against the event was “hate” – and what the drag queens were doing to children was “loving tolerance.”
Soon the police arrived. Genevieve and the Jesse walked out the door with them. Standing outside of the shop, she calmly explained to the police what was going on inside and why she and Jesse did what they did. The police actually seemed supportive of them - and were certainly not hostile.
The police really couldn't have been nicer!
Genevieve and Jesse had made their point in a big way. Genevieve had livestreamed her video on Facebook and it quickly went viral.
The word REALLY spreads as the media picks it up
The social media storm erupted about the confrontation, and a few days later the Los Angeles NBC-TV station called her and they interviewed her.
The TV report was biased, but not extremely so. Genevieve got some good words in. As usual with pro-LGBT liberals (most who were referred to only as "parents"), the shop owner and the drag queen relied on the tired “hate speech versus love and tolerance” line and refused to deal with what they were really doing to children.
They include a video of the report before concluding,
We'll call this a success!
With the social media and TV coverage, our California MassResistance activists definitely woke up a lot of people and made a strong statement that got the attention of the opposition as well as our supporters! A lot more people in Southern California now know what's going on - and that there are people unafraid to oppose it!
January 12, 2019 - Windsor, Colorado - MassResistance & Local Residents vs Drag Queen Story Hour
Windsor, CO is a town of 25,000 people located about 50 miles north of Denver. The people and their local officials are fairly conservative. But the town’s public library is part of an autonomous Library District controlled by its own Library Board which answers to the state, not local people.
Over time, the library board has become populated with liberals who have hired a radical pro-LGBT activist as Library Director. According to reports, she has hired “gays” as library staff as much as possible.
As we have previously described, so-called Drag Queen Story Hours (DQSH), held in local public libraries, target small children as young as 3 or 4 years old. They feature homosexual men dressed in women’s clothes and garish make-up, and they read LGBT-related books to children. Their self-proclaimed goal is to indoctrinate children – to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”
The propaganda begins
So when Windsor parents saw the lurid ad for “Drag Queen Story Hour” at their local library – featuring a man in skimpy female attire – they were shocked and outraged. They also learned that the event was being paid for by SPLASH, a state LGBT group targeting children. The library's ad made the preposterous claim that exposing young children to homosexuality and cross-dressing was an “important resource” to stop bullying and child suicide – and therefore must be done.
Parents thought it was impossible that their library would bring in sexually deviant men, flamboyantly dressed as women, to parade themselves in front of preschoolers. But they were wrong.
Citizens react – attend Library Board meeting
A local Catholic priest was horrified and encouraged his parishioners to join him and attend the Dec. 12, 2018 Library District Board meeting to complain and demand the event be stopped. Over 100 people came and the majority were from his church. According to reports, the comments were almost unanimously against the event. But the Board refused to listen to them. So the “Drag Queen Story Hour” was to go on unimpeded.
After the meeting a pro-LGBT activist angrily confronted the priest. The altercation was so bad that the police were called. It has, unfortunately, dampened the priest’s willingness to organize further on this issue.
Library Director responds with outrageous claim
Several days later, on Dec. 18, 2018, the pro-LGBT library director, Ann Kling, sent a letter to members of the Windsor community. She said that the library had received 215 comments and messages about the upcoming “Drag Queen Story Hour” and that over half, (52%) were in support of it. Therefore, she said, “After careful deliberation, we have chosen to move forward with the event.” She also included the absurd LGBT argument that this is necessary to eliminate bullying and suicide by children. Read the letter here.
Everyone in Windsor we talked to said that Kling’s claim that there was 52% support in the community was simply a lie, and that the “52% support” obviously came from outside LGBT activists – a common tactic.
Mayor reacts to local pressure – opposes the event
Parents were more upset than ever – and they let their local politicians know it! As a result, on Jan. 4, 2019, Windsor Mayor Kristie Melendez posted a message to the community on Facebook.
She refuted the library director’s claim about support for the event and said that she believes it should be cancelled:
[T]he numbers are clear to me—our community for the most part, feels this event is inappropriate for children and does not want it to take place. I feel obliged to advocate for these constituents and ensure that they are not ignored.
Her post was met with great approval in Windsor and social media attacks from outside LGBT activists. But unfortunately, the Mayor had no power to stop the event.
MassResistance gets involved
As the Jan. 12 Drag Queen Story Hour approached, MassResistance was contacted by parents in Windsor asking for help. They felt blindsided – taken by surprise by a well-organized LGBT machine. So we got our Colorado MassResistance chapter on it immediately!
Our people talked to local activists and friendly public officials and quickly got the lay of the land. They also contacted local churches. It was clear that this was being organized by state LGBT groups and they were taking advantage of the library’s political autonomy to force their way into this conservative community, using lies, deceit, and brute force -- leaving the locals seemingly helpless.
David Huntwork, a Windsor father and local Patriot activist, organized a group of other Windsor parents and citizens to protest outside of the library during the Drag Queen Story Hour. Colorado MassResistance helped Huntwork promote the protest, and also brought some of our own activists.
They go on to write that on January 12, 2019, the day of the Drag Queen Story Hour event, 6 police officers and 2 security guards were guarding the library in Windsor. They ordered to enter and remain in a “free speech zone”. This of course implies that the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution does not apply outside of these so-called “free speech zones”. If this is accurate, shame on those anti-American officers.
Image from the MassResistance article, captioned, “These parents (and grandparents) are not afraid of what liberals think of them.”
MassResistance writes later in their piece that the police also obeyed other unconstitutional orders . . .
The police refused to let people – even local residents – into the library who were not connected with the Drag Queen event, citing fire code regulations (a questionable reason). The police wouldn’t even allow reporters from the local newspapers inside the room to cover it!
About 80 people, including children and participants, came into the library for the event. We were told that almost all of them were from out of town. There were a lot of same-sex parents with children that no one had seen before.
The Colorado MassResistance mother with the flyers stood on the sidewalk outside the library main door and began passing out flyers to people coming in. The police confronted her and ordered her to move to the “free speech” zone. She argued with them about the notion of “free speech zones” in America, but eventually complied rather than be arrested.
The police patrolled the entrances to make sure no pro-family people were handing out fliers -- even though it was clearly public property. They gave the absurd excuse that it would be "impede" patrons from coming in!
LGBT counter-protesters come to intimidate parents
Soon about 40 pro-LGBT counter-protesters arrived. They tried to appear like they were locals, but they were clearly brought in by SPLASH, the state Colorado LGBT activist group – a common tactic to show artificial support. Gloria Belden, a fifth generation Windsor resident, was standing right there. She told us that she did not recognize even one of them.
MassResistance reports that the police had these counter protestors stand at one end of the so-called “free speech zone”. Further on they write,
Immediately after the Drag Queen event, MassResistance Organization Director Arthur Schaper complained to several Windsor city officials about the outrageous, unlawful, and unconstitutional treatment of the Windsor parents by the police and library staff.
The next day the library director sent a blistering email to the city officials attacking Arthur and making absurd statements that belie the truth. For example, she claimed (1) the library was in fact open and available to everyone before, during and after the event; (2) protesters were allowed to – and did – distribute flyers outside the library during the event; and (3) protesters chose where they wanted to protest. These assertions were all patently false.
She also repeated the tired old LGBT lies told about MassResistance (and hundreds of other conservative groups) – that it is a hate group, condemned by Democrats and Republicans, blah, blah, blah.
Again, MassResistance misses the point. It’s not a gay or bisexual thing. It’s a radical left thing. There’s no shortage of hetero people who want to violate children, destroy the fabric of society, destroy America and so on and there’s no shortage of gay, bi or trans people who oppose the grooming of children. See, for example, Gays Against Groomers.
On Jan. 16, a MassResistance activist asked that the Windsor police chief answer questions about the bizarre rules and police behavior during the Drag Queen event. The Mayor of Windsor agreed and directed the police chief to answer the questions.
The police chief completely refuted the library director’s statements (above). He admitted that (1) only “ticketed” people were allowed in the library – it was not open to everyone; (2) leafletting was not allowed outside the library (for a ridiculous reason); and (3) that there were in fact “free speech zones” where the protesters had to be, and these zones were determined by the library. Read the police chief’s email here.
The police chief also admitted that reporters were not allowed in the event – and that was the library’s decision.
They go on to write that an other Drag event had not been scheduled at that time but that it was sure to happen.
January 26, 2019 - Huntington Woods, Michigan - Protestors & Counter Protestors at Drag Queen Story Hour
According to MassResistance,130 on January 26, 2019, at the Huntington Woods Public Library in Michigan there was a Drag Queen Story Hour event. They report that “pro-family citizens” came to protest the event and “nearly 300 screaming LGBT activists converged” came to counter protest them. City officials coralled the protestors in one “free speech zone” and the counter protestors in an other. They wrote that
nearly 300 screaming LGBT activists converged
Their sole purpose was to intimidate and harass pro-family citizens who were protesting the library’s Drag Queen Story Hour event.
Image from the MassResistance article, captioned, “The noise from the LGBT mob was deafening. Note the bizarre costumes (left) and the signs such as "Homophobia is a mental health disorder" (center).”
Approximately 40 police, mostly from nearby communities, came to “protect” the library and the event attendees, and enforced the “free speech zones” – which included blockading sidewalks and streets.
They wrote furthermore,
While hundreds were protesting in the "free speech zones" the police made sure that none of them could come near the library itself.
Our pro-family protest was actually only a small handful of people.This included a group of Warriors of Christ activists who came from Tennessee to join in. That’s all we needed. The stark contrast of numbers exposed how absurd the hysteria generated by the city and their LGBT allies was.
Before protesting, local pro-family people gathered in a circle to pray.
It appeared that almost all of the LGBT activists, as well as the Drag Queen Story Hour attendees, came in from out of town. They were obviously in collaboration with library officials.
A sudden uproar - after a year of silence
For over a year,the Huntington Woods public library held regular “Drag Queen Storytime” events. These programs featured homosexual men in flamboyant women’s clothes – and often scary makeup – all of it targeting young children. They say they are helping young children become “literate” and “inclusive.” But in fact the stated purpose is to get children to feel comfortable with LGBT behavior at an early age.
Notice again how MassResistance misses the real problem. As we saw above, the objective of Drag Story Hour and queer pedagogy in general is to groom children so that these monsters can violate them. That is what one should be concerned with. Yes, they want to make hetero children think that they might be trans or gay and make children think that they will get a lot of positive attention if they are (or appear to be) gay or trans. Of course that is not acceptable just as it is unacceptable to convince gay children that they are hetero or that they can ‘pray the gay away’. Young children should not even be made by schools or public libraries to consider sexuality at all be it gay straight or what ever. It is not acceptable to indulge in a child’s gender dysphoria if they suffer from it or to convince them that they are trans. But let us never forget that their goal is to violate children so that we can always be vigilant against it.
MassResistance continued,
Many people in the town strongly objected to this event being held in their library, but they felt afraid to do or say anything. Judging by the uproar outside the library, it’s understandable they felt that way.
Then suddenly in Dec., 2018, MassResistance got involved. Local pro-family people had had enough. As we reported, MassResistance activists flooded the city officials with calls and emails. This soon was reported in the media, and resulted in a riotous City Commission meeting on Dec. 18, where over 200 LGBT activists (mostly from outside the city) came to “defend” the Drag Queen event – even though it wasn’t on the meeting’s agenda.
After that, when MassResistance announced there would be protests at the next Drag Queen Story Hour, scheduled for Jan. 26, the city – and the Detroit area LGBT community – went into a frenzy that just seemed to have escalated over time.
A true spectacle outside the library
What took place that day was truly a spectacle. Here are four observations from that:
It was quite cold that day, but the LGBT activists were willing to stand out there quite a while, chanting and screaming, to send a message to anyone who dares to publicly disagree. But our people refused to be intimidated!
First, the concept of government-demarcated “free speech zones,” which is naturally offensive, has had a rocky history in the courts. It began on college campuses and then moved on to political conventions. This is the second time we’ve seen a library use it to simply keep protesters away from their unsavory activities, and allow LGBT hooligans to harass pro-family people.
Also . . .
The police were quite friendly to our side, and it seemed that they personally sympathized with and agreed with us.
We have continued to be contacted Huntington Woods residents, thanking us for doing what we did! They all realize that they are up against a frightening irrational fascist-like force that sadly includes many of their own unthinking friends and neighbors. Without MassResistance, there would be no hope at all, we’ve been told.
Finally . . .
And the word has gotten out through that part of Michigan (mostly through the mainstream media) that there is organized resistance to this insanity. We may not have stopped this yet – but we’re certainly moving forward!
February, 2019 - Lansdale, Pennsylvania - Protest vs Drag Queen Story Hour
In early February, 2019at Pennsylvania's Lansdale Public Library, people protested a reading by a drag queen named Annie Christ. Say the name aloud and it may sound as if you are saying “anti-Christ”.
Houston city officials have been forced to back down and apologize to the public after Houston MassResistance activists exposed the criminal record of one of their “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dressers. It turns out he is a registered child sex offender! This man has been reading to children at those public library events.
The exposé came at an explosive press conference held by Houston MassResistance outside Houston’s Freed-Montrose Public Library on Friday afternoon. Within hours, the report was being broadcast on local Houston television.
Press conference outside the library: MassResistance parents (left) address the Houston media about the "Drag Queen."
MassResistance revealed that Alberto Garza, 32, who goes by the Drag Queen name Tatiana Mala-Niña, was convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy. The library had failed to do a background check on any of the “Drag Queens,” despite requirements and warnings by MassResistance.
They also reported that
On the same day as the press conference, two Houston MassResistance mothers were in the children’s section in the Houston Public Library to look at some of the books. They were told by library staff that they were not allowed in that area of the library. No reason was given except that “it’s for children only.” We have never heard of a public library anywhere with that “rule.”
Here’s more about the press conference from this report…
In fact, city leaders had been quite arrogant about their unqualified support for the character of the Drag Queens. At one of the recent Houston City Council meetings, Mike Laster, an openly “gay” City Council member, mocked this concern about the Drag Queens by Tracy and the others, asking them, “What are you afraid of?” (Well, Mike, now you know!) And when pressed by MassResistance parents, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner publicly stated that these Drag Queens are “role models” for the Houston community.
That continued to bother the parents. At the press conference, Tracy exclaimed, “Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children. Shame on you, Mayor Turner!”
They also report…
At the press conference, the Houston MassResistance parents charged the Mayor, City Council members, and library officials have purposefully avoided doing any due diligence investigation about the “Drag Queen” cross-dressers, despite the shocking materials given to them.
They report that the library released this statement…
We assure you that this participant will not be involved in any future HPL programs.
In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines. We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter.
Every program sponsored by HPL is supervised by HPL staff, and all children are accompanied by a parent and/or guardian. No participant is ever alone with children, and we have not received any complaints about any inappropriate behavior by participants at storytimes.
We are taking the appropriate action to ensure that the status of every participant in every program throughout our system is verified. We will continue to review our process to ensure that this cannot happen again.
Once again, we apologize for our failure to adhere to our own process in this matter and to the hundreds of parents and caregivers who have enjoyed this program with their children.
The author(s) of this report comment on the libraries statement with…
The arrogance of this statement – that it was simply an oversight and there were no problems resulting from it – did not appear to sit well even with the liberal media.
Unbiased press coverage! Although normally hostile to pro-family groups like MassResistance, the mainstream media – and even the “gay” media – covered this story fairly. Here are two more examples:
A terrible disaster waiting to happen
Any reasonable person would see that “Drag Queen Story Hour” is a train wreck waiting to happen. It’s a program whose goal is to make children feel comfortable about LGBT behaviors. It features cross-dressing homosexual men in garish make-up and costumes who seem obsessed with reading “gay” themed books to very young children. These same men lead bizarre lives as “adult” sex entertainers. What could possibly go wrong?
Last month, Houston MassResistance parents handed the City Council and Mayor a detailed 163-page report documenting the lurid activities of some of these “Drag Queens” who read to children, and how the library blatantly disregarded its own rules regarding the whole “Drag Queen” event.
We dealt with that 163 page report above. They also report,
It was also pointed at the City Council meeting out that some of the drag queens carry rubber chickens, signaling their sexual interest in young boys.
Also at the press conference: They're starting to see these Houston MassResistance t-shirts around town!
Houston MassResistance isn’t letting up!
As we recently reported, starting in February, the monthly Drag Queen Story Hour events were moved from the Houston Public Library to a local “gay” church a few blocks away. But it is still being advertised by the public library, and library staff are clearly involved with it. The library’s public statement (above) still describes it as being a library event. Thus, it is still a City of Houston taxpayer-supported activity.
Unfortunately, despite all this bad publicity, the City of Houston has indicated that they will continue this terrible program. So Houston MassResistance will continue to confront it.
More coming.Tracy has said the parents have at least 500 pages of additional material about these “Drag Queen” performers who are reading books to children, much of which is very graphic and repulsive. Houston MassResistance intends to deliver that to city officials. And it’s likely that we will find more “sex offender” problems among this depraved crowd. They’ve also gotten valuable help from Dan Kleinman at the SafeLibraries website.
August 1, 2019 - One Million Moms vs Whole Foods & Drag Queen Story Hour
A retailer that once promoted organics and clean food is now saturated in absolute filth, exploiting America’s children to be “groomed” by drag queens. Whole Foods Market is now sponsoring a Drag Queen Story Hour event to indoctrinate children into transgenderism and homosexuality. Their goal is to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle.
Whole Foods Market was one of the primary sponsors of the Drag Queen Story Hour held in Atlanta, GA. (City of Atlanta LGBTQ Affairs tweeted the photo above when thanking Drag Queen Story Hour sponsors which included Whole Foods Market.)
Drag Queen Story Hour has been endorsed by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, who is obviously signaling her support for transgenderism and homosexuality in order to appease the Left.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms invited “Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker,” a.k.a. Steven Igarashi-Ball, to perform in City Hall after a Drag Queen Story Hour he was scheduled to perform in at a nearby Fulton County Library branch was removed from the library system’s event calendar.
While the event wasn’t canceled, the library’s decision to halt all promotion of the event was perceived as a snub to the drag queen.
“Thank you to everyone who joined us at today’s Drag Queen Story Hour with Mayor Keisha Bottoms and Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker,” read a tweet posted by the City of Atlanta’s Official Twitter account.
Drag Queen Story Hours have been planned at local public and school libraries nationwide over the past year. The disturbing events involve men dressed up as garishly adorned women who read LGBTQ-themed books to young children under the guise of performing a public service. Some drag queens have admitted their goal is to “groom” the next generation.
Whole Foods Market headquarters is located in Austin, TX, with more than 499 stores, throughout the U.K., Canada, and in 42 U.S. states.
If you shop at Whole Foods Market, you are also supporting child exploitation, which this corporation apparently contributes to and endorses.
Sign our petition urging Whole Foods Market to no longer sponsor Drag Queen Story Hour.
According to Anne Taylor writing for The Blaze,135 One Million Moms is a Christian advocacy group and a division of the American Family Association. Taylor also reported that besides a Whole Foods Market in Atlanta,
other sponsors of the June event included the NBA's Atlanta Hawks and the NFL's Atlanta Falcons.
Anne Taylor’s report was published on August 9, 2019 and on that date her report stated.
At the time of this writing, the petition has received more than 10,000 supporters' signatures.
October 29, 2022 - Orlando, Florida - Drag Queen Story Hour Cancelled Due to Protests
An October 29, 2022 Drag Queen Story Hour event in Orlando, Florida was cancelled. The Center or LGBT+ Center Orlando, who was to host the event, posted this on Facebook on October 24, 2022…
Due to several threats from hate groups aimed at The Center and to those participating in Drag Queen Story Hour, we have decided to cancel the event for this Saturday’s Halloween Edition scheduled for 2PM.
We take these threats very seriously and would not want to endanger or expose children and their parents and guardians to bigotry and hate. We have the support of so many in our community including law enforcement, but as much as we would like to continue this fun-loving, innocent event, we feel that the safety of our community is our number one concern.
Thank you for your understanding that we live in challenging times right now, and we don’t want to expose or endanger innocent children to hate, bigotry or violence. #dragqueenstoryhour
Wallace said local public officials and the Anti-Defamation League alerted him to online posts where extremist groups planned for 40 to 50 protesters at the event. While the LGBT+ Center has had protesters at other drag queen storytime events, Wallace said he was concerned by the escalating threats.
“We have a church group that protests the center and the local Proud Boys came and were yelling ‘pedophile’ and terrible things at the parents that were bringing their kids in,” he said. “They were at arm’s length, but this Twitter thread that we saw — they’re violent.”
State Rep. Anna Eskamani, whose district includes the Center, said her office contacted law enforcement after learning of the threats.
“It’s absolutely disgusting,” Eskamani said of the threats.
Get ready for a nauseating conflation of justifiably alarmed people and far left anti-Semites as well as far right extremists and whatnot. As this article continues,
While most of the online comments from white supremacists were targeting LGBTQ+ people, Eskamani said she is also concerned for the safety of the Jewish community and communities of color.
“This was clearly part of that rise of homophobia and transphobia that we’re seeing across the country, but you cannot separate that from the antisemitism because these groups oppose anyone who’s different from them,” she said. “... Even though the Center has decided out of an abundance of caution to cancel this event, it doesn’t mean that Nazis are not still coming, and if they’re still coming, they’re potentially going to target another organization, which could be the Holocaust Center.”
“We have to work in [tandem] and be really, really explicit in saying that injustice against any group is injustice against all groups,” the Orlando Democrat added.
Later in the article, it states,
Wallace said the Center will do another drag queen story hour in the future despite having to cancel Saturday’s event.
“I don’t want people to think that we’re letting hate win,” he said. “... We won’t stop, even if we have to move it online.”
Wallace added that he wishes people who oppose drag queens reading to children would watch an event before forming an opinion.
“Drag Queen Story Hour is not about sexualization,” he said. “It is reading to children stories about love and acceptance and just being a good person. I think that these people who actually threatened violence could learn a lot from attending one of these events.”
Antifa members stood outside the Patchouli Joe's bookstore to guard against any disruptions
and that
political provocateur Alex Stein stirred the pot at a Texas bookstore that was hosting a "transgender storytime" for children. Stein confronted armed Antifa members guarding the bookstore in Denton, Texas.
BlazeTV host Alex Stein confronted and mocked the Antifa members holding guns outside the transgender storytime event for children.
Stein got near the faces of two alleged Antifa members dressed in black bloc attire and mocked them.
Stein stated, "We're at a bookstore here in Denton, Texas, where they're trying to do drag queen story hour."
"These are the real cowards, they're hiding behind their masks, they got their little guns," he continued. "They think they're so tough."
Stein sarcastically told the rifle-wielding men, "I'm so happy you're protecting these children so they can get indoctrinated and go in there for transgender storytime, you're such a good American."
At one point, a man wearing a face mask and holding a sign that read "We're here, we're queer" got in the face of Stein while he was walking on the sidewalk. Stein used his left arm to create distance between the two, but the protester fell to the ground.
At the end of the video, Stein said he "loved" the demonstrators and was "empathetic" towards them.
This meme, made from the video, was posted in the comments in the thread of the tweet above.
‘Pickle’ being blocked by the groups "Leave Our Kids Alone" and "Parents' Voices of the Glendale Unified School District". Image source: The Post Millennial
March 11, 2023 - Wadsworth, Ohio - A Big Mess
On March 11, 2023, in Wadsworth, Ohio there was to be an all-ages drag show called "Rock-n-Roll Humanist Drag Queen Story Hour" in public in Memorial Park.139 Various individuals and groups came to protest the event but they did not all stand side-by-side. Ford Fischer filmed the protest for News2Share and uploaded the following video.140
The video description included the following.
Anti-drag protesters including armed neo-Nazi group "Blood Tribe," White Lives Matter of Ohio, Patriot Front, Proud Boys, and unaffiliated conservative activists protested Saturday outside an all-ages drag show at Wadsworth Memorial Park in Ohio.
Weapons were pointed and mace deployed amidst scuffles between protesters and drag supporters, with at least one arrested on each side.
Proud Boys distanced themselves from avowed white nationalist groups, telling them to physically stay away. Police initially had to protect "Blood Tribe" members from other right-wingers angry at the presence of symbols like swastikas at their protest.
It is recommended that one watch the video rather than believe us, but the Proud Boys opposed the far right people (or feds). In our experience, Ford Fischer is not biased and News2Share presents the facts as they are. Fischer’s footage suggests that the Proud Boys opposed the far right groups even while protesting the same event as the far right protestors. Yet, Newsweek labelled the Proud Boys “far-right”.141 Amusingly, the Nazi- flag wavers unfurled a banner for display upside down. Also, according to FreedomnewsTV,142
protesters from Project 171 gathered outside
Screenshot from Ford Fischer’s footage.
Screenshots from Ford Fischer's video footage.
Ford Fischer posted shorter clips of the footage that was included in the video above and he included more info to further explain what the clips show.
Screenshots from the Farina News / FNTV / Freedomnews TV video below.
More footage can be found here from Farina News / FNTV / Freedomnews TV.143
March 19, 2023 - New York City - Ultra Orthodox Rabbis & Proud Boys vs Drag Story Hour
On March 19, 2023 there was a Drag Story Hour in Greenwhich Village in New York City with New York Attorney General Letitia James. Protesters against the event included Proud Boys and
Ultra Orthodox Rabbis, who said they did not associate with any group, but specified that they are “anti-Zionist”, joined the protesting outside to speak against the event, “This was lenninstine, Hitlerstine, they took away our children”
One person, wearing anonymous mask, confronted protesters and press, knocking things out of their hands, later got arrested.
As event went on, a member of Proud Boys allegedly fought with defenders, one of the people who was with the Proud Boys group says he got beat up “I came here to help, not get the shit beat out of me” – said the person, with visible blood on his face ushered away from Drag Queen Story Hour event in NYC as protesters chanted “Go back to Long Island” and “Fuck the Proud Boys”.
Image from the Freedom News article.
Images from the Freedom News article.
Freedom News also reported,
Attorney General James was joined by local elected officials, including Assemblymembers Tony Simone and Grace Lee, New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, Council Members Erik Bottcher, Shekar Krishnan, and Crystal Hudson.
“The recent rise in anti-LGBTQ+ protests, rhetoric, and policies has left New Yorkers — myself included — devastated and disappointed. But I know better than anyone that when the choice is between love and hate, between joy and venom, New Yorkers will always choose love, and New Yorkers will always choose joy,” said Attorney General James. “I am proud to have been joined by my colleagues in advocacy and government today in celebration of the love, joy, and family fun that Drag Story Hour brings to our communities. Hate has no home in New York, and I will always fight to ensure our LGBTQ+ siblings’ rights are upheld and defended.”
Here’s more about the protest . . .
See the video below from FreedomnewsTV.
July 25, 2023 - Berkshire, UK - Protest vs Drag Story Hour
Protestors gathered outside the library, and the reading was beset by them shortly after it began at around 10.30am.
He also reported,
During the event, protestors shouted from the street with megaphones to disrupt the reading, which was held on the third story.
Video footage also shows two protestors who gained access with a child in a pushchair, and began to shout slurs.
One of them continued by saying that the event was “disgusting” and that it was “allowing child grooming.”
Police forcibly removed the two women from the event, and footage uploaded to online protest groups shows members of the public arguing with officers and also attempting to gain access.
One shows a man attempting to gain access to make a “citizens arrest,” claiming the event to be “illegal.”
Once they were removed, the event continued.
We were unable to find the footage mentioned above. He reports, furthermore that the drag queen at the event who goes by
Aida H Dee was performing Drag Queen Story Hour, where she visits libraries and reads to families to promote literacy and acceptance.
Her tour of 100 libraries around the UK began here in Reading with the performance.
After finishing the event, Aida was escorted from the building by police for her own safety.
As she left, footage shows more protestors standing off with police, who had to physically hold many of them back.
Aida went on to perform in Tilehurst Library later that afternoon where further protests were staged outside the building.
With Drag Queen Story Hour coming to Whitley Library and Southcote Library on Tuesday, July 26, she says that the events will continue as planned.
“We’re going to go ahead, as usual, and if protestors are there, they’re there– we have things in place to protect ourselves, and our attendees.”
Aida says that protestors are “evidence” that Story Hour events are necessary.
“These people are why we do what we do– Drag Queen Story Hour UK exists because these people exist.
“If there were no backlash, nobody shouting things like ‘a man can’t be a woman,’ all the shows would be is a fun hour of interactive storytelling.
“But it becomes political because these people are making it a political issue.”
In a statement released today, Aida said: “There is absolutely no sexual language during any of these shows nor are children exposed to sexual situations.
“What is confusing is that these groups are attempting to create a sexual focus here where none exists by drawing attention to sex and sexuality.
One can read the remainder of the article here. Note that the author, Jake Clothier, ignores the dark underbelly, indeed, the sick goal of Drag Story Hour. We have called the section above that makes it clear that the impetus behind Drag Queen Story Hour is to erase the boundaries that make it forbidden to abuse children to the attention of Clothier on X.
At the time of this writing we have received no response.
October 25, 2023 - San FernandoLibrary, California - Protest of Drag Story Hour
On October 25, 2023, in San Fernando Library in California, there was to be an other Drag Queen Story Hour event featuring “Pickle the Drag Queen”. Katie Daviscourt reported for The Post Millennial146 that
concerned community members belonging to the groups "Leave Our Kids Alone" and "Parents' Voices of the Glendale Unified School District" protested the event, which resulted in it being canceled.
"Leave our kids alone!" parents chanted as Pickle arrived outside the library.
"Bye, bye!" a protester said to Pickle. "No pervert pedophiles are going to train our kids to be perverts like you."
The video shows the drag queen, who was surrounded by a group of police officers, attempting to enter the library which the group of parents were blocking the entrance to. Pickle had a flustered look on his face and made a phone call before the video cut out.
Daviscourt also reported,
Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsay Horvath, who organized the event at the library, slammed the protesters as "hateful" and alleged that their actions were an "incitement to violence" towards the LGBTQ community.
Here is the first post in a thread by Los Angeles County Supervisor Horvath.
Notice the ratio between likes and view count. If you do the math, 0.01% of those who saw this liked it. 0.01% is a tiny fraction of 1%.
Today, my office was set to host a Drag Storytime at the San Fernando Library as part of LGBTQ+ History Month.
What was meant to be a celebration of love and inclusion turned into the opposite.
Protestors claimed they want to keep children safe while they pounded on doors, shouted obscenities & slurs toward my staff and library staff, and used strollers to blockade moving vehicles.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
These disgusting tactics and efforts to incite violence prevented Pickle and Library patrons from even entering the building.
I hope no one does to their families what they did to their neighbors today.
Libraries will not be breeding grounds for indoctrination of hate and contempt toward our fellow neighbor.
I apologize to the families who were excited, but could not get in; to Pickle, a respected drag artist and West Hollywood’s Drag Laureate, who was determined that the program be held; and to the dedicated Library staff who have to show bravery by just showing up to work.
The protestors’ message and actions today will not win in our continued fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.
We will continue to build communities where every person is treated with dignity and respect – and diversity is celebrated, not attacked or shamed.
Image source: The Post Millennial. As Daviscourt reported, “Pickle was also invited to read at the First Congregational Church of Long Beach in September, writing on Instagram, "Thank you First Congregational Church of Long Beach for having me this morning! Always a joy to spread the good word and meet with your wonderful congregation.""
October 26, 2023 - Brooklyn, New York - Gays Against Groomers Hosts Protest vs Drag Queen Makeup Tutorial
The ALA put out “Libraries Respond: Drag Queen Story Hour”147 in which they stated,
Many libraries across the country have been hosting or participating in Drag Queen Story Hours. A few have experienced pushback from some members of their community. To support libraries facing challenges we have established this collection of resources. We will continue to add to it and welcome your contributions. ALA, through its actions and those of its members, is instrumental in creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society. This includes a commitment to combating marginalization and underrepresentation within the communities served by libraries through increased understanding of the effects of historical exclusion.
They go on to provide a number of resources to promote their agenda.
Seemingly in response to the shocking photos, videos and reports we saw above and perhaps some we missed, legislation has been pushed in many states to combat it. Below we will see many such examples. However, these examples probably do not represent all such cases. Furthermore, we will attempt to keep this section updated. So please donateto us!
On December 20, 2022 in MissouriHouse Bill 494 was introduced. The bill doesn’t specifically mention “drag”. However, if passed into law, it would make it illegal to have
an adult cabaret performance if such performance is:
(1) On public property; or
(2) In a location where the adult cabaret performance could be viewed by a person who is not an adult.
would make performing in drag—in any venue minors could access—a class A misdemeanor. Repeat offenders would face class E felony charges, carrying with it a maximum sentence of four years in jail.
Again, the bill does not use the word “drag”. Nonetheless, Pitch also reports that
The proposed law targets drag performers and venues, many of which welcome audiences of all ages and encourage families to attend shows together.
Baker’s bill defines an “adult cabaret performance” as “a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers, regardless of whether performed for consideration.”
Let us pause to reflect on the fact that this source is necessarily asserting that these “all ages” and so-called family drag events of which they speak appeal to prurient interest. The Pitch also reported,
A House hearing is not yet scheduled for House Bill 494. The proposed effective date is Aug. 28, 2023.
This would not be the only such bill introduced in Missouri as we will see.
On January 5, 2023, in Arkansas, a bill was filed150
seeking to define a “drag performance” as an “adult-oriented business” that cannot take place on public property or where a minor can see it.
The Arkansas Senate passed a version of that bill 29-6 on Jan. 24, along party lines.
But House members in early February watered down the bill, taking out references to drag performances. The House version of the bill would prohibit on public property or within view of a minor only “a performance that is intended to appeal to the prurient interest,” which is defined by certain explicitly sexual markers. The House on Feb. 6 passed the watered-down version of the bill 78-15, along party lines, with Republicans in favor and Democrats against.
The governor, a Republican, has said she wants to sign a bill that in her view protects children from drag queens.
On January 6, 2023, in Arizona a bill151 was pre-filed in the state senate that would prohibit state or federal taxes from being given to
any person or entity, including any state-funded institution or facility that operates a drag show targeting minors
and prohibits the use of tax money for
a drag show targeting minors.
The bill defines minors as being under 18. On February 16, 2023, The National Catholic Register would report,
The sponsor of the bill, State Sen. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, told the Arizona Senate’s Committee on Government that he thinks “it might be confusing and disturbing to children to see images at a drag show.”
“And in addition, frankly there’s a culture war going on in this country to win the hearts and minds of people. And a lot of these drag shows that target children, like library story hour, are specifically meant to introduce children to drag show and drag show performers. This is basically an attempt to influence the children,” Kavanagh said during the hearing Feb. 8.
State Sen. Jake Hoffman, R-Queen Creek, the committee chairman, called separating drag queens and children on public property “common sense.”
“To expose children to drag shows, to drag attire, to bring that into the minds of a 3-year-old, a 4-year-old, a 5-year-old, an 8-year-old, is wrong. It is objectively wrong. It socializes and conditions. It unlocks doors in their brains that they are not ready for, that their parents have not decided to speak with them about, and it is objectively wrong to do that,” Hoffman said.
An opponent of the bill, Sen. Juan Mendez, D-Tempe, described the bill as a harmful and dangerous overreaction.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of when it comes to drag shows reading stories to children. If that scares you, if that threatens you, if that confuses you, then we have way bigger problems than what’s before us today,” Mendez said.
The Arizona Senate’s Committee on Government voted 5-3 to recommend the bill Feb. 8, breaking down along party lines, with Republicans for and Democrats against.
Republicans hold slim two-member majorities in both the House and Senate. The governor is a Democrat.
On January 11, 2023 in West Virginia a bill was introduced intended to
prohibit public funding of drag shows in West Virginia, and to prohibit minors from being involved in or attending drag shows.
The bill would also prohibit children from being
involved in drag shows for any reason.
No funds from governmental entities in West Virginia may be used for organizing, promoting, or hosting drag shows for any reason. Any governmental entity found to be in violation of this section may have their funding restricted.
It’s a good start, but why should taxes fund any kind of shows? Furthermore, it is not hard to imagine that plenty of “government entities” should have their funding restricted entirely simply for being parasitic rather than necessary or helpful to the tax payers? Anyway, the bill states,
Any adult or parental guardian of a minor who
allows them to be involved in or witness drag shows
may be required to complete parenting classes
Well, that’s great but what about harsh criminal penalties as well?
Also in January 11, 2023, in South Carolina the “Defense of Children’s Innocence Act” bill was introduced in the House. If passed into law, it would be illegal to expose children to drag shows. It would also prohibit the use of public funds for drag shows.
On January 12, 2023, in Nebraska a bill was introduced that reads,
No individual under nineteen years of age shall be present at a drag show.
Across the United States Republican politicians are seeking to bring in new laws that crack down on drag shows as part of a broader backlash against LGTBQ+ rights sweeping through rightwing parts of America.
Legislators in at least eight states have introduced legislation aiming to restrict or censor the shows, according to a new report from a leading freedom of speech group. A total of 14 bills have been introduced across Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia.
Other bills are also being drafted in other states, including in Montana and Idaho.
On January 23, 2023, a bill was introduced in Arkansas that, if passed into law, would dictate that
An adult-oriented performance shall not:
(1) Take place on public property;
(2) Admit any minor for attendance; or
(3) Be funded in whole or in part with public funds.
This bill would be signed into law (see below).
Also on January 23, 2023, in North Dakota, a bill was advanced that does not mention “drag” but that reads
A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class C felony for a second or subsequent offense if the person organizes an adult - oriented performance:
a. On public property; or
b. At a business establishment frequented by minors, or where minors are or may be invited as a part of the general public.
On January 24, 2023, in Missouri the House General Laws Committee held a hearing on 2 bills. The National Catholic Register reported,153
A bill filed in January in the Missouri House of Representatives would define “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest” as an “adult cabaret,” which minors 17 and younger cannot legally attend under state law.
Another bill would define a “drag performance” as a “sexually oriented business,” which is off-limits to children 17 and younger.
Also on January 24, 2023, in South Dakota a bill was introduced into the House to prohibit drag shows from being hosted in public schools and to prohibit state money from going towards drag shows in public schools.
On January 26, 2023, in North Dakota, the state House of Representatives154
passed a bill that would ban “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest” from performing on public property or “in the presence of an individual under the age of eighteen.”
The bill doesn’t mention drag queen story hours.
The sponsor of the drag queen bill, State Rep. Brandon Prichard, R-Bismarck, attached to his written testimony to the North Dakota House Judiciary Committee a link to a 2017 YouTube video depicting an 8-year-old boy named Nemis who at the time danced drag as “Lactatia,” with the support and approval of his mother. In the video, the boy appears in makeup, blonde wig and a red dress with well-known drag queen Ru Paul.
The North Dakota Senate plans to take up the bill in March.
On January 30, 2023, in Minnesota, a bill was filed
classifying drag performances as adult entertainment
expanding location restrictions of an adult entertainment establishment
On January 31, 2023, in Tennessee, the Senate’s Judiciary Committee voted (along partisan lines) to recommend the passing of a bill that155
would ban an “adult cabaret performance” that includes “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest” on public property or in a place that “could be viewed by a person who is not an adult.”
The current version of the bill does not mention drag queen story hours.
Also on January 31, 2023 it was reported156 that in Kansas a bill was proposed that would
ban on drag shows for kids at schools or libraries.
On February 2, 2023, in Oklahoma, a bill was introduced to make drag performances in public or anywhere where it could be viewed by a child to be a felony resulting in imprisonment up to 2 years and/or fines up to $20,000.
Also on February 2, 2023, in Kansas, a bill was filed to make it a crime to expose children to drag performances because such performances are obscene. Exposing children to obscenity is already illegal but this bill would define drag performances as being obscene.
On February 6, 2023 in Oklahoma, a bill was introduced in the House that would make it illegal to expose children to adult entertainment including “drag performance”.
On February 7, 2023 in Kansas, a bill was introduced to prevent funds from going towards drag shows for children.
On February 9, 2023 in Montana, a bill was presented to ban drag shows in public schools and libraries. See this video starting at 08:20:56.
On February 10, 2023, in Kentucky, a bill was introduced in the Senate that intended to define all businesses that host drag queen events as being adult businesses. See March 10 below.
On February 24, 2023, in Montana, HB 359: Prohibit minors from attending drag shows passed in the House and went on to the Senate, passing there on April 18 and being signed by the Governor on May 22, 2023.
On March 1, 2023, a bill was introduced in Missouri, not the first of it’s kind in that state as we saw above, to take effect August 28, 2023, that specifically mentions “drag queens” and “drag queen story hour”. The text of the bill defines Drag Queen Story Hour as
an event hosted by a drag queen who reads children's books and engages in other learning activities with minor children present
The bill defines “child” as being 13 years old or younger. The bill, if passed into law, would make illegal the act of
organizing or authorizing the viewing of a drag queen story hour if such viewing is":
(1) On public property; or
(2) In a location where the drag queen story hour could be viewed by a person 5 who is a minor.
Also, schools could lose funding for exposing children to drag or other adult performances.
On March 2, 2023, Tennessee banned drag shows in public according to a report from Time.157 It was reported by Advocate158 that, voting along partisan lines,
the state Senate passed the bill restricting "adult cabaret performances" from children's view on public property, with violators facing up to felony charges. Last week, the Tennessee House passed the bill.
Gov. Bill Lee signed the bill within hours of the Senate passing the legislation, according to local media.
The law redefines "male and female impersonators" as adult cabaret performers and ban such performances as "harmful to minors," defined by Tennessee's obscenity law.
This would be struck down in June on free speech grounds as we’ll see below.
Also on March 2, 2023 in Idaho, a bill was introduced into the House prohibiting the exposure of children to sexual performances. The bill, if passed into law, would also prohibit the use of public facilities, assets or funds for any sexual exhibitions.
On March 7, 2023, the House bill introduced in Idaho on March 2 passed
On March 10, 2023, in Kentucky, the bill introduced on February 10 was passed in the Senate that would make it illegal to perform drag in public or otherwise where children would witness it.160
On March 14, 2023, in Florida, a bill was introduced named "Protection of Children". This would be signed into law on May 17, 2023 (see below).
On April 18, 2023, a bill was filed in the North Carolina House of Representatives prohibiting drag shows for children.161
On April 27, 2023, a bill was introduced in Alabama that prohibits
Any sexual or gender oriented material that exposes minors to persons who are dressed in sexually revealing, exaggerated, or provocative clothing or costumes, or are stripping, or engaged in lewd or lascivious dancing, presentations, or activities, including but not limited to topless, go-go, or exotic dancers, or male or female impersonators, commonly known as drag queens or drag kings. This sexual conduct is prohibited in K-12 public schools, public libraries, and in other public places where minors are present.
On May 17, 2023, in Florida, the "Protection of Children" bill was signed intolaw by the Governor DeSantis
prohibiting a person from knowingly admitting a child to an adult live performance
and granting the state government the authority to
to fine, suspend, or revoke the license of any public lodging establishment or public food service establishment if the establishment admits a child to an adult live performance
to specifically prohibit anyone wearing drag from reading to children in schools and libraries, seemingly targeting family-friendly Drag Story Hour events that have been subject to criticism from far-right groups.
A school or library that receives any form of funding from the state may not allow a sexually oriented performance or drag story hour . . . on its premises during regular operating hours or at any school-sanctioned extracurricular activity.
sexually oriented performance is prohibited on public property in any location where the performance is in the presence of an individual under the age of 18; and in a location owned by an entity that receives any form of funding from the state
While some argue that drag is inherently sexual, the Associated Press argued,163
Montana’s law is unique because — while it defines such an event as one hosted by a drag king or drag queen who reads children’s books to minor children — it does not require a sexual element to be banned.
On June 2, 2023, a ruling was handed down in federal court from U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker in which he wrote that the law passed in Tennessee on March 2, 2023
was both “unconstitutionally vague and substantially overbroad.” He also added that the statute encouraged “discriminatory enforcement.”
according to PBS News Hour164 who also reported that Judge Parker added
“The word ‘drag’ never appears in the text of the (law). But the Court cannot escape that ‘drag’ was the one common thread in all three specific examples of conduct that was considered ‘harmful to minors,’ in the legislative transcript,”
According to CBS News,165 a judge this ruling was temporarily the law for violating the First Amendment.
On June 6, 2023 it was reported166 that in Arizona
Republicans have advanced at least four measures aiming to limit LGBTQ+ expression, including at least two bills in the Senate that were originally aimed at regulating drag shows, but have since been rewritten to take aim at "sexually-explicit performances" or "adult cabaret performances." One of those bills would allow for a felony charge and possible sex offender status for parents who allow their children to watch adult-oriented performances or be in a building where an adult-oriented performance is taking place.
Again, what we saw above is not exhaustive but we will try to keep it updated.
Libby Emmons, mother, writer, senior contributor to The Federalist and senior editor for The Post Millennial,167 and visiting co-host on Timcast and Timcast IRL wrote168 these important words…
Kids experience sexuality, but it is not for adult interference. Parents need to teach their children about their bodies, help them understand their emotions, and make sure they know that adult involvement in their sexuality is completely wrong and unacceptable, without exception.
Sexuality can be play for consenting adults. But sex play for kids opens the door to predatory behavior by adults and much confusion for kids.
Indeed, as we saw in the section above on queer pedagogy, among others, there is a goal of encouraging children “to break the rules”,169 to engage in bodily play with “family”170 (a term they say is “queer code”171 for “queers on the street”172) and to enjoy the “pedagogy of desire”173 with these “queers on the street” in “embodied kinship” with them. Yes, indeed, we are dealing with twisted adults confusing children to make them even more vulnerable to predation then they already are.
Sexuality is not glitter and rainbows, it’s not about unicorns, puppets, and makeup tutorials. It is serious, and children are too young to understand how serious.
When sexuality becomes sold to children as dress up, it glosses over the seriousness of the topic, the social, emotional, psychological, and physical consequences, putting kids at risk.
Furthermore, as she wrote,
Children’s sexuality isn’t about makeup tutorials, and their bodies are not inclusive. Children need to know not about sexuality first, but about sex first, their rights, their privacy, and their responsibility to protect themselves from predators.
Emmons wrote that children
have no frame of reference outside the one provided by authority figures and people singing songs with puppets.
But that doesn’t make these ideas correct. That’s why the Multnomah County Library took down their photos.
This was in reference to the item we saw above in the section October, 2018 - Drag Queen Has Kids Straddle Him.
Children laying on the floor with adult men dressed up in sexually provocative and fetish clothing looks like what it is: grooming kids for participation in adult sexual life.
Drag Queen engaging in the "praxis" of "bodily play" and "alternative kinship" in a program of "queer pedagogy" or the "pedagogy of desire" as they term it (see above & below for citations).).
As Libby Emmons concluded,
men in dresses cavorting intimately with children is very obviously pedophilia in action, and it’s a horror that it’s being presented as education.
Indeed. As we saw, they call it queer pedagogy, a “pedagogy of desire”.175It is “praxis” or “queer praxis” as they call it,176 and that means action in support of their politics or action in support of their sexual politics or just their sexual perversions, and children are grist for the gears of this war machine used to assault the foundations of civil society.177They mean to pervert children’s natural sexual development for their own desires,178which, again, drives their entire project.179They meanto undermine social and sexual norms in “young children”,180 to ‘deconstruct’ their sexual boundaries,181to make them queer,182and to prey on them or their own sick pleasure in this “project driven by desire”.183Furthermore, they proclaim that this is just a starting point.184
However, as Emmons out it,
Moms know better, and they know how to use their words.
What can we say about this point of cultural divide? From our research-based perspective here at the Culture War Encyclopedia, it seems that
On deepest level, the animalistic level wherein we find tribalism rather than fairness, feelings rather than facts, selfishness rather altruism, our culture is divided on this issue simply because it is something over which we can divide ourselves.
On a slightly more elevated level, somewhere between pure animalistic pack mentality and the purely objective level, people seem to be divided on this issue because some simply do not want men dressed as women influencing children to be transgender or gay and others choose to oppose those people because they see nothing wrong with being transgender or gay.
On a more objective, research and fact based level, some of us are aware of what we can see above concerning the motivation behind Drag Queen Story Hour and of some of the inappropriate slips wherein the cat got partly out of the bag too soon to ignore. We saw cases wherein drag queens were sexually inappropriate with children and cases wherein verified child predators took part in Drag Queen Story Hour. The so-called ‘manifesto’ we saw above more-or-less makes it clear that they want to molest children and it seems that some of them went too far too fast and caught our attention. We care enough about children to want to protect them from these particular people who almost proudly proclaim they want to molest children. They will, though. They will eventually slide the Overton window until they can proudly proclaim they want to molest your children if the shift of the Overton window is not reversed.
Surely most of the people out there defending Drag Story Hour are unaware of it’s dark goal. Therefore, they must see those opposing Drag Story Hour as simply homophobic and whatnot. What other explanation could there be in their view if they are not aware of what we are aware of?
On the other hand there are some who want to molest children and it is a fact that those behind Drag Story Hour are among them. More specifically, they want to molest children and they want others to agree that it should be acceptable to do so. Their ‘manifesto’ makes this clear.
This is why it is so important to do what we do, to find the facts, to lay them out with all the proof for each and every detail and to make it easy for people to prove the truth behind these culturally divisive things to others. To ensure that we can continue . . .
RuPaul who facilitates kids dressing in drag and performing provocatively, and normalized drag for kids, won an Emmy tonight and used the opportunity to endorse drag queen story time. The audience erupted in applause. It’s not surprising. Hollywood is full of p*doph*les. They all support the sexualization and grooming of children.
I know that drag is cool among the wine-mom book clubs these days, but maybe you should draw the line at letting men in women's lingerie dance burlesque in front of your underage sons and daughters?
[Warning: Not appropriate for kids under any circumstances]
They then include an X post with this video from @elisa1121 which reads, in full,
Lovely. Instead of allowing students to enjoy prom,
Atrisco Heritage Academy had a drag queen stripper perform. AT PROM. WHY? Imagine if this was an adult female stripper performing for kids at prom. Contact: Principal Irene Cisneros below info or here: APS Board of Education here-…
Here is a screen shot (it would be great if Substack and X would allow us to embed X posts in Substack, but oh well)….
Here’s some footage and commentary from local news station KOB 4. In this, you can hear students claiming that the performer twerked on students, let students twerk on him and showed some of his crotch. the news report featured a number of students who were shocked and uncomfortable about the performance in that context.
"Could have kept it more on the side of like it being more PG with the fact that they kind of did twerk on a couple students it wasn't exactly the best, but it was something that did happen. And they did let students twerk on them," another student said.
Those students say the dance moves weren't the only questionable parts of the performance.
"They kind of busted down, and I'm pretty sure they showed their crotch a little bit. The clothing was a little skimpy, if that's the correct way to put it," said a student.
In a video, you can see the performer remove a breast pad and dab her face with it.
"I was just stunned, I wasn't expecting it," a student said.
All of us in our culture must know and acknowledge that Drag Story Hour is not simply benign LGBT-friendly and family-friendly. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that has slipped into the nursery to be pet by children.
‘Drag Queen Story Time’ is a misnomer for Drag Queen Story Hour / Drag Story Hour. See, for example, “5 things to know about Drag Queen Story Time” by Coner Barker & Daniel G. Seguin for Conversation (June 1, 2023) in which they write “Drag Queen Story Time” to refer to “Drag Queen Story Hour”. They write,
and the link goes to the Drag Story Hour (formerly Drag Queen Story Hour) website.
For an other example, see “Drag Queen Story Time with Bella Aldama! @North” by Berkeley Public Library (no date) wherein it is not clear if they are using the terms “Drag Queen story time” and “Drag Queen Story Hour” interchangeably or as 2 distinct things.
Also see the search results under “drag queen story time” on X. There are endless posts that mistakenly use the “Drag Queen Story Time” when they are referring to “Drag Queen Story Hour”.
The New York City Council and New York Public Library have provided taxpayer funding directly to the Drag Queen Story Hour nonprofit, sparking a trend of state-subsidized drag readings, dances, and performances across the country. Next, the New York City Public Schools, with more than $200,000 in funding from the municipal government, began hosting dozens of drag performances in elementary, middle, and high schools in all five boroughs. Other political figures seem to want to go even further. The attorney general of Michigan has called for a “drag queen for every school.” California state senator Scott Wiener has suggested in a tweet that he might propose legislation to offer “Drag Queen 101 as part of the K–12 curriculum” and mandate that students attend Drag Queen Story Time as a way to “satisfy the requirement.”
Let us note, in particular, that the term “dictatorship of the proletariat” is used by Marx in later and that Marx & Engels use the term “supremacy of the proletariat” in the former.
Note also that in The Communist Manifesto, they wrote that the revolution will begin the fading of differences and aggressions between people and that
the supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still faster.
They also wrote in The Communist Manifesto,
the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation
Returning to Critique of the Gotha Programme for more context for the term “dictatorship of the proletariat”, we note here that Marx wrote in that work,
Between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. There corresponds to this also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.
In this chapter of this book, under 8. Rolling Hips. it states,
Rolling of the hips is one of the subtle female courtship gestures that has been used for centuries in advertising to sell goods and services.
As well as,
Marilyn Monroe reportedly cut off a small piece of the heel of one shoe in a number of pairs so that the rolling of her hips became more exaggerated.
Also see;
Fisher, Helen E. - The Biology of Attraction- Psychology Today (April 1, 1993 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016)
In the section of this article headed, At the Bar, we read,
According to David Givens, an anthropologist, and Timothy Perper, a biologist, who spent several hundred hours in American cocktail lounges watching men and women flirt
in the “attention getting” phase of courtship, the first of the courtship stages, “swaying” is one of the motions women use to draw attention to themselves for the purposes of courtship. They also write that some women “sway their hips" as one way to court. They add
American Library Association - “Libraries Respond: Drag Queen Story Hour” - American Library Association Office for Diversity, Literacy & Outreach Services (no date)
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
I truly appreciate your work on explaining and exposing our current "Culture War".
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.