Fascism is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as…
a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed

According to Arthur Goldwag,1
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) was appointed prime minister of Italy in 1922 and became its dictator in 1925. Writing in the Italian Encyclopedia in 1932, he defined Fascism as a militaristic, quintessentially imperialistic philosophy…In Mussolini’s words,
“The foundation of fascism is the conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim. Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the state.”
Goldwag writes furthermore that fascism entails surrendering to a supreme leader with an indominable will. He characterizes Hitler’s regime in Germany and Franco’s regime in Spain as fascist. The Encyclopedia Britannica states that Franco’s regime was militaristic and…
displayed many fascist characteristics.

The fasces, or bundle of sticks, was the symbol for ancient Rome. The idea is that each stick on its on can be snapped easily but as a bundle they are strong. An ax head is part of the symbol. Note that an other word for a fasces or a bundle of sticks is a faggot. It may be amusing to explore the connection between fascism anf faggotry.

Britannica agrees that Mussolini’s and Hitler’s regimes were fascist and they add the following to the list of fascist regimes…
The Fatherland Front (Vaterländische Front) in Austria…the National Union (União Nacional) in Portugal…the Party of Free Believers (Elefterofronoi) in Greece…the Ustaša (“Insurgence”) in Croatia…the National Union (Nasjonal Samling) in Norway, …and the military dictatorship of Admiral Tojo Hideki in Japan.
They also list many fascist parties that never gained state power and parties that thy say imitated fascism including the Revolutionary Union of dictator Luis Sánchez Cerro of Peru.
Fascism can be found in the merging of, for example, pharmaceutical companies and the government, the merge of social media monopolies and government and so on.
I hope to expand this section greatly. i would have to buy and read some books first, so please consider donating!
last update 2023-09-9
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Goldwag, Arthur, Isms and Ologies. Quercus, 2007, pages 16-17.
I voted for Ron DeSantis to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel . . .
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.
Was Kevin McCarthy trying to be speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.