Truth Troll(ing)

A truth troll (noun) is one who engages in truth trolling (verb). To truth troll is to use truth in a humorous way to troll (trick) people into seeing the truth.
The hope behind the act of truth trolling is that the person who is being truth trolled will get it; that they will see the point, get the joke and hopefully see the truth in a way that gives them a jolt, that leaves an impression, a lasting impression, an impression that hopefully overpowers and is longer lasting than their initial conditioning, that which had been preventing them from seeing it.
The truth troll wants to get a dupe to realize that they had been duped so that they stop being duped. Sometimes the truth troll dupes the dupe into realizing that they had been a dupe until they were duped into realizing it.1 Sometimes the truth troll cons a con-artist into realizing truth. For example, I had been called by a con-artist who had been trying to get me to reveal information about my bank account. I pretended to be naïve so as to lure him in and to get his full attention. I then suddenly confronted him with some dirty truth about his religion.2

As one may imagine, the red pill may take some time to work. Repeated doses may be necessary. It may eat at the person, invade their thoughts and dreams and work like a thorn in their side or like a cricket on their shoulder that won’t stop chirping, hopefully.
See our video below for an example of truth trolling . . .
Truth trolling may also be the act of pranking a person into revealing truth they would not otherwise reveal. For example, in the video I Have the Mayor's Office LYING on Tape to Protect Antifa & BAMN one can hear me trick the senior advisor to the mayor of Berkeley, California into revealing some incriminating truth.
Also see my video Why Can't Talib Read? My Twitter War With Talib Kweli Over Martin Luther King's Stance on Riots about my interactions on Twitter with this rap star wherein he is easily duped into giving me the opportunity and amplified platform upon which to stand and conclusively prove that he had been exactly wrong about something very important to he and his audience.
I was slapped for that by the Twitter police. Within minutes, my official Twitter account was permabanned. It reminds me of the time when I was slapped, literally slapped, by my father for truth trolling him.
He had recently had a change of work schedule and he and I had been struggling to not be in each other’s way with regard to our bathroom use. He had been accusing me of occupying the bathroom for too much time. He dictated a time limit for me to occupy the bathroom in the morning before I had to go to school and he to work. The following day I beat that time but he claimed I exceeded it. He yelled at me. This repeated for a few days where he would yell at me each day for taking up the bathroom for what he claimed was too long. He said he was watching the kitchen clock and knew I was going over the time limit. I knew, by looking at the same clock, that I was beating the time limit.
One morning, when he was in his bedroom but my mother and sister were not, I asked them to look at the clock and to tell me what time it was. They did so, not knowing why I would ask when I could see the clock myself. I thanked them and quickly I used the bathroom for my morning routine and beat the time limit as usual. As usual, my father yelled at me, claiming that he knew by watching the clock that I had gone over the time limit. He told me what time it was when I entered the bathroom, pointed at the clock and claimed that I had exceeded the limit. My mother and sister were usually in other rooms when he would yell at me each morning. This day I called them into the kitchen and told them to tell my father what time it had been when I had asked them to look at the clock and to tell me the time. With their answer and a glance at the clock, I had proven, with witnesses, that he was wrong.
He slapped me. He was shocked and humiliated because he had been tricked into being proven wrong and he was furious. He slapped me again. I threw a mug at the wall, smashing it and, well, what ensued was not exactly friendly. My point is that I had tricked him into seeing the truth - that he was wrong and lying. That act of trickery was very funny to my siblings and I.
I still think it’s funny to truth troll. My kitten Tabby thinks it is great fun as well. See her series of videos called Womansplaining With Tabatha and the playlist of videos called Tabby Talks.
Here’s an example . . .
Here’s an other . . .
. . . an other . . .
. . . and an other . . .
As far as I know, I coined the term truth troll/truth trolling and proudly applied it to myself and all others who engage in the act. I certainly did not invent the art of what I call truth trolling. I merely may (or may not) have coined the term.
Justin Trouble the Truth Troll across multiple platforms here [archive].
(Justin Trouble the) Truth Troll on Meta (permabanned), also see this.
Also see the following playlists of videos by Justin Trouble the Truth Troll on Youtube;
The following are a few examples of truth-trolling style videos by Justin Trouble the Truth Troll;
11th Antifa Killed - Antifa Kills Antifa, Mocked Mercilessly
Biden is a Dictator by His own Standards
CNN Liar Jim Acosta Confronted About Not Covering Cuomo Killing Tens of Thousands
Dr. Fauci Deep Throat & Anal Swabbing
Everybody Draw Mohammad Day 2017 - Muhammad, ISIS or Antifa?
Exposing 'Journalists' - Alyssa Jeong Perry
How to Truth Troll 6 - Truth Trolling the SPLC
How to Truth Troll 7 - Truth Trolling Young Turks Fans
Laughing at Antifa Again - Antifa's Crazy Commie Covidiot Cat Lady Claudio's Catastrophic 'Comeback'
Maskers are an Anti-Science Cult
Maskers are an Anti-Science Cult (2 of 2)
N*GGER! Howard Stern Calls Whoopi N*gger
To All Who Willingly Took the Vaccine
Young Turks Saying N*gger Over and Over
Also see the following truth-trolling style written reports by Justin Trouble the Truth Troll;
ADL is Pro-Nazi (If it Suits the Democrat Agenda), Facebook Too - Shameless Hypocrisy (April 19, 2022)
The Final Most Essential Command of the "Progressives" - (April 4, 2022)
Desperate Antifa Turns to Sex Work & Get's Rejected Massively - Laughing at Antifa Again - Antifa's Crazy Commie Cat Lady Claudio's Catastrophic 'Comeback' (January 5, 2023)
Hate Hoax History I - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (July 27, 2022)
Hate Hoax History II - The Tawana Brawly & Al Sharpton Hate Crime Hoax (July 28, 2022)
Hate Hoax History III - "Skinheads" and Backward Swastikas (July 30, 2022)
Hate Hoax History IV - Americans Believe Outrageous Lies About Racism in America (2016-2020)
Hate Hoax History V - Sarah Silverman Loses Her Sense of Humor (February 2017)
History is Sometimes Wrong - Gore Vidal Did NOT Say W. F. Buckley Jr. is 'Crypto-Fascist' as NPR & Wikipedia Claim - Setting the Record Straight 1 (August 9, 2022)
Justin’s Law - Child Sex Change Operations Pave the Way for Child Rape (August 30, 2022)
Leftist AI (ChatGPT) Admits that Gender = Sex (February 23, 2023)
The 'Social Justice' Movement is a Modern Demonstration of How the Nazis Succeeded (August 30, 2022)
They Changed the Definition of 'Vaccine'!? - "They" = the CDC & the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2020)
TOLD YA SO! - School Lockdowns Harm More Than Help (August 6, 2022)
TOLD YA SO? - WHO Head Admits Covid Came From Wuhan Lab? (July 8, 2022)
Truth Trolling Antifa - Wherein the joke is on the wrong and the punchline is the truth (September-October, 2021)
Racist Leftists Think All Asians Look Alike - An Other Person is Confronted for Having Ancestors From the Same Continent as Andy Ngo - (April 12, 2022)
Range of Identitarians vs Individuals - My Political Map That Graphs Diversity (August 18, 2022)
Trump's Virus Panic Over! - Watch the 180 Degree Breakneck Whiplash Media Spin Around! (August 26, 2022)
What is a Riot Grrl? - From the Halls of Hypocrisy (August 27, 2022)
Also see Justin Trouble the Truth Troll’s Written Reports in general [archive].
The art is eternal, call it what you will. We had Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks, both good examples of shockingly truthful yet hilarious comedians. We still have Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle and other shockingly truthful yet hilarious comedians. Long ago there were shockingly truthful yet hilarious court jesters. When I was a kid, other kids repeated jokes they heard their parents repeat to their neighbors, jokes they heard professional comedians tell. One imagines that when the court jester tells particularly good jokes, the members of the court and the help who were present would repeat the jokes to everyone they could until the whole kingdom knew it well. Long before court jesters there were always the funny truth-tellers of the tribe.
In Bill Hicks: the scorching standup who thought comedy could change the world, published by the Guardian on February 26, 2024, Brian Logan asked,
Couldn’t we do with a bit more faith in the possibility of “telling the truth and exposing lies”, as Hicks described his mission?
Logan added,
Hicks’ comedy was underpinned by idealism, an urge to cast off the hypocrisy and corruption of modern life in pursuit of – well, universal love, another thing no one talks about these days with a straight face.
“To me,” Hicks once told an interviewer (in terms – once again – that no one would use nowadays), “the comic is a flame, like Shiva the Destroyer, toppling idols no matter what they are”. . . He wanted us to think for ourselves, after all.
The author also wrote that when he
spoke about Hicks’ legacy with comics who weren’t born when he plied his trade
he was surprised by the degree to which
the whole Bill Hicks way of being (as an outlaw comic, a teller of truth to power, a mansplainer) was now, for many, a thing hideous to behold
which would mean that Hicks is still truth trolling from the grave! Impressive. His grave yet mirthful laugh over that echoes through eternity.
The shockingly truthful yet hilarious Salty Cracker is an example of a truth trolling content creator.

The Babylon Bee is an other example.
Tiberius Maximus has his own unique genius way of truth-trolling. See below;
Also see:
Last updated 2024-03-04.
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Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield, Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield, but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right, Truth my Sword
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See, for example, I Have the Mayor's Office LYING on Tape to Protect Antifa & BAMN and/or ANTIFA Fool Tries to Debate Me
See our video Politically Incorrect Prank on a Phone Scammer.