Under construction. Last updated Sep 29, 2024.
The terms groom, groomer and so on can be used in different senses ranging from benign to malignant. Horse grooming and pet grooming are harmless, for example. A professional can be groomed for a certain position, meaning that they are trained for (a) specific function(s) so as to be just right for it. When applied to adult relations with children, however, something deeply unhealthy and harmful is being conveyed by the terms groomer and so on. Unfortunately, it is this later negative sense of the term that is relevant to the culture war. It is in that negative sense that we will henceforth use the terms groom, grooming, groomer and the like.
Note that by quoting from any given source(s), we are not necessarily implying that the source and/or content is accurate/true.
Though it is one of the most uncomfortable, nay, revolting and infuriating subjects to deal with in life, it is one that overlaps with socio-political partisanship to such an extent that it is an inextricable part of the culture war. It is, therefore, an unavoidable subject for the Culture War Encyclopedia. Therefore,
Let us girt ourselves up,
Let us grit our teeth and deal.
Gaze long into the abyss and it gazes back at you?
Be that as it may,
either way, we can’t dismay
for we must this dragon slay!
Let us drag the dragon
up from its pit, out from endless night
though it twists in fit and writhes to fight in the hard
Δ golden dawn Δ
If we are to confront this demon,
let us fear not to reach deep into darkness,
to grasp and pull out
from night that worm
to fight and squirm
in the harsh
Ω golden dawn Ω
Shining, shooting forth with blazing javelin rays,
cleansing the dust with new blood drenched days,
Δ∴ the new golden dawn ∴Δ
Wield forth now your emblazoned rage
pierce the darkness with your gaze
into the depths of hell and burn the very beast,
as with a stake that pins a vampire through its heart
affixing it to its grave,
sharp shoot with thine falcon sight,
the eye of the sun burning forth from thy brow to spotlight the sickness
and your blade of light, a laser, shall burn the cancer null and void!
Indeed, let us identify the threat & shine our spotlight upon it so.
We know that child abuse can be prevented. But before we can prevent it, we must understand what it is, how to recognize it, and how it occurs
The above is from Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans.1 Be sure to see the PREVENTION STRATEGIES section below.
A groomer is, of course, one who grooms, who engages in grooming. In the negative sense of the term, grooming is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as,
the criminal activity of becoming friends with a child in order to try to persuade the child to have a sexual relationship
and by RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) as,
manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.
In DragPedagogy: Grooming by Any Other Name, Eva Kurilova writes for RADAR (Dec 22, 2022),
Grooming involves tactics like victim selection, victim isolation, desensitization to sexual topics, the pushing of personal boundaries, and attempts to make the behavior seem normal.
Kurilova adds that these are to be found in the five aspects of Drag Queen Story Hour as laid out by one of its founders.
We will delve into that pit further ahead.
Safe Kids Thrive defines grooming as,
a method by which sexual offenders engage children and their caretakers so that the abuse can occur with minimal risk of detection.
According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), grooming can be defined as
manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.
At raisingchildren.net.au, the Australian Parenting Website, we read,
Grooming is when a person prepares a child and their parents, carers and environment for sexual abuse. Grooming involves building a trusting relationship with a child or family over many weeks, months and years. This allows the person who is grooming to spend more and more time with the child. It lays the groundwork for sexual abuse later on.
In Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans which is a
Report of The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
posted online by Safe Kids Thrive, we read,
Grooming is a method by which sexual offenders engage children and their caretakers so that the abuse can occur with minimal risk of detection. Although it is impossible to describe a “typical” child abuser, there are common patterns of grooming behavior that offenders use to prepare their victims, as well as the victims’ families and communities.
Say what one may about the irreverent tones to be found at the Urban Dictionary. It is nonetheless there that we find an undeniably substantive break down of grooming by evilelove who writes that it occurs when
a sexual or other kind of predator sets the stage for abusing another, such as a child or other person (as in the case of sex and theory human trafficking).
Evilelove writes furthermore,
Trust: May give toys and/or other gifts and favors to the intended victim to gain trust.
Alienation: Settings the stage for the intended victim to become alienated from their primary caregivers/circles or family and community.
Fear/dependency: Sets up a power dynamic in which the victim feels too afraid to report the abuse, perhaps by involving the victim in activities their friends and family might judge the victim negatively for, such as drug use (or even the abuse itself).By the time the girl understood how bad her situation had become the neighbor had been grooming her so carefuly and for so long that she felt she could not go home or to the police and so saw no way out of her situation. Thankfully a relative noticed her distress and had the sense to seek help from the county's intervention program.
Also at Urban Dictionary, we see the term groomer defined (by intheloop4theyouth) as,
someone who builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
person 1: fuck zoe laverne...she’s literally a groomer!
person 2: how what did she do?
person 1: she is 19 and used her tiktok “fame” to manipulate a 13 y/o fan.
-cuddled and KISSED him multiple times
- she “caught feelings” for him
- she gave him a vapes
-twerked on him
and SOOO much more
person 2: oh wow i didn’t know that....THEN YEAH FUCK ZOE LAVERNE!!
By the time symptoms of child abuse are noticed it is too late to prevent it. “Prevention strategies”, therefore, must be designed with an awareness of
precursor or “grooming” behaviors exhibited by those who would harm children and youth. Since these behaviors can take place for significant periods of time before the actual abuse takes place, they are a prime focus for intervention. These behaviors are defined and categorized. Research results on the long-term effects of child abuse and neglect are also summarized.
This is according to Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans.2 The reader may want to consult the entire document. Raising Children, the Australian Parenting Website writes under Grooming: recognizing the signs,
Key points
Grooming is when someone tries to build trusting relationships with children or families with the aim of child sexual abuse.
Grooming can happen face to face or online.
Adults who engage in grooming behaviour try to isolate children and might ask children to keep secrets.
If you’re concerned about grooming, trust your instincts and check in with your child.
They also write,
Signs that children and teenagers are being groomed
Many of the signs of grooming can look like normal adult‐child relationships, which is why grooming is difficult to spot. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to trust your instincts, watch for signs and keep an eye on your child’s behaviour.
The following signs might indicate that your child or the child you’re caring for is being groomed.
Your child:
talks a lot about a particular adult or older child, or wants to spend a lot of time with them or meet them alone
is in a relationship with a much older person
is skipping school or sporting activities
is spending less time with friends or changes friendship groups suddenly
spends more time alone in their room
has unexplained gifts like new toys, clothes, jewellery or electronics and doesn’t want to talk about where the gifts came from
doesn’t want to talk about what they’ve been doing or lies about it
stops telling you about their day or asking for your advice.
Signs someone is grooming parents
Grooming often involves gaining the trust of a child’s family or carers to get time alone with a child. It can look like a close relationship with the child’s family, so it can be difficult to spot. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to trust your instincts and watch for signs.
The following signs might indicate that someone is grooming you or your family with the aim of sexually abusing your child or the child you’re caring for.
The person:
oversteps your social boundaries – for example, they might show up to your child’s birthday party uninvited with a gift
offers to take your child to sports or other activities, or offers to babysit or take your child camping
offers to mentor your child, individually coach your child, and so on
buys gifts for your family
offers to do things for your family, like repairs or gardening
shows an interest in your child’s activities, wellbeing, school grades or other areas of your child’s life
compliments your family and parenting
tries to start a flirtatious or romantic relationship with you.
Who might be involved in grooming?
Anyone can engage in grooming behaviour.
They can be people of all genders. They can include older children, relatives, family friends, strangers, professionals, people from a family’s place of worship, sporting coaches, early childhood educators and school teachers.
In Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans by Youth-Serving Organizations in Massachusetts they offer warning signs that may be indicative of grooming;3
Although it is impossible to describe a “typical” child abuser, there are common patterns of grooming behavior that offenders use to prepare their victims, as well as the victims’ families and communities. Knowledge of these behaviors is an important aspect of prevention since they typically occur over time and precede the actual act of abuse.
There are four commonly recognized preconditions for child sexual abuse to take place.4 The offender must:
Have the desire to sexually abuse a child;
Overcome the internal inhibitions that would ordinarily keep one from acting on sexual desires toward children;
Have the opportunity to be alone with the child; and
Overcome the child’s resistance.
Grooming behaviors target bullets 3 and 4. The process can take from a few days to as much as a year (one recent study has placed the average at 1.5 years5), but offenders have been shown to be patient in their efforts to gain the trust of everyone involved and avoid being caught.
They also write,6
As with the physical and behavioral symptoms of child abuse and neglect described above, these grooming activities and their associated behaviors can also serve as warning signs which, if noticed, can be used to prevent the abuse from occurring, or to discover the abuse at the earliest possible time.
The behavioral signs of grooming include individuals who:
Always want to be alone with the child, especially in places that are not easily monitored;
Discourage other adults from being involved when they are with the child:
Prefer the company of the child to adults;
Create opportunities to be alone with the child outside their designated role (for example, as a teacher, coach, etc.);
“Accidentally” expose themselves to the child on several occasions;
Allow or encourage a child to do things that parents do not permit;
Believe that the “rules” do not apply to them;
Use excessive physical touching with the child—hugging, kissing, tickling, holding— even when the child does not ask for it;
Demonstrate a great deal of interest in the child’s sexual development;
Lack respect for the child’s privacy and personal boundaries;
Show an interest in the child that feels “too good to be true”;
Use sexual jokes or language or “accidentally” expose the child to pornography;
Make excessive comments about the child’s developing body;
Give the child gifts without permission of caretakers and demand secrecy around these gifts; and
Minimize concerns about how they are interacting with the child.
Knowledge about the scope of the problem, the definitions of the various types of child maltreatment, the symptoms that children and youth exhibit when they are abused, and the predictive behaviors of those who would harm them can all serve to help build prevention strategies that YSOs can use to protect the children and youth in their care. Make no mistake - perpetrators of child sexual abuse are active decision-makers, and they continuously evaluate the likelihood of successfully committing this crime while balancing the odds against the possibility of being caught. The prevention strategies contained in this report are designed to help YSOs of all sizes alter these calculations by sending a public message to would-be offenders that the likelihood of successfully abusing a child has decreased, while the risks of their behaviors being noticed and reported has increased.
Safe Kids Thrive provides tools and resources at no cost to Youth-Serving Organizations (YSOs) to keep children safe from sexual abuse. Our guidelines are based on best practices and recommendations from the Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse.
The above is from the Safe Kids Thrive dot org website. They also describe different categories of this act.
Physical grooming involves desensitization to touch. Starting with innocent pats on the back or arm, an acceptable form of touching a younger person, the offender progresses the touch to hugging, tickling, and wrestling. Over time, this conditions the child/youth to increase levels of physical contact. The potential victim feels that nothing is wrong because he or she basically interprets the touch like one given from a loving parent. If the offender senses that the child/youth is becoming uncomfortable, they will back off and try again later. The offender uses these skills to make the child/youth increasingly receptive to their touch – eventually progressing to sexual contact.
Psychological grooming is used with both the child and the family. Offenders spend time with their victims; they show children attention and use any possible method of communication that allows the child to feel they are on the offender’s level and that the offender understands them. Offenders try to become “friends” to their victims – friends with power and thus, control – and use their power and control over the victims as a way of eliciting cooperation. Special gifts, treats, breaking of rules, foods they might not be allowed to eat at home, trips, and attention allow for a deep connection to be forged between the molester and the child. If the child shows signs of pulling away, the offender shows signs of feeling rejected and unhappy, and the child feels guilt and confusion. Offenders sometimes even resort to physical threats to the family, pets, or friends if the child wants to discontinue this “special relationship.” At the same time, offenders groom the parents or other caretakers who may feel happy that another adult is showing their child attention, and allow increasing levels of independent access – both inside and outside of the home. The result of these tactics is for the offender to ultimately isolate and confuse the child into feeling responsible for, or complicit in the abuse (one of the primary reasons children do not report).
Community grooming is the way in which offenders create a controlled environment around themselves. Offenders are skilled in projecting an image to others (employers, parishes, community organizations, YSOs, etc.), that they are responsible and caring citizens. As a result, they are placed in positions of trust, are allowed unmonitored or unsupervised access to children and youth, and are thereby given greater access to their eventual victims. If a suspicion or allegation comes forward, it is easily explained away by adults in the organization who have been groomed by the offender to think that they would never harm a child. In this way, the community unwittingly enables the offender and confirms what the offender has told the child/youth as part of the grooming process – that if they tell, they will not be believed.
At the Raising Children website, we see,
How and where does grooming happen?
Grooming can happen face to face or online.
If grooming is happening face to face, the person might find ways to get to know a child and the child’s family. They might offer to take the child on outings.
If grooming is happening online, the person might pretend to be a child of the same age or a celebrity. The person might use text, instant messaging, online chat and so on to build a relationship with the child.
Children and teenagers won’t or can’t always tell you that they’re experiencing sexual abuse. You might need to watch for signs of sexual abuse in your child’s behaviour and emotions instead.
In TrevorSpace: A Pedophile's Paradise by Michael Costa, published by RADAR, November 23, 2022, which we read,
“Courage Is A Habit,” a parental rights group and friend of GAG, have pointed out that this new wave of child transsexualism can be attributed to a direct pipeline “from the classroom to the operating room.” They learn about various sexual identities as part of their school curriculum and even given surveys which directly ask them what their sexual identity is, pressuring them to pick an option. They are told that if they are confused or unsure about their identity, there are resources to help them, often listing The Trevor Project.
Costa makes reference to
the forum TrevorSpace, which they themselves describe as "an affirming, online community for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 13-24 years old." With over 400,000 members across the globe, they go on to say that "you can explore your identity, get advice, find support, and make friends in a moderated community intentionally designed for you."
Although sources say that TrevorSpace was investigated by law enforcement for facilitating inappropriate conversations among children and adults, the problem is still going on.
What we found will shock you.
TrevorSpace markets itself as a safe space for LGBTQ+ young people to talk about their experiences with identity and peer/familial rejection, which sounds like a great idea. But browsing the website for merely a few minutes makes it abundantly clear what it actually is: an online dating service for children and people aged 13-24. No website or chat room of this nature should cater to minors, especially one that encourages them to talk to adults. Adults in their 20s regularly talk to teenagers about sexuality and gender transition on Trevorspace. Profiles specify whether the user is over or under 18, but there is no procedure to verify whether the user is answering truthfully. Not only is the website specifically for children and adults, but someone of any age can say that they are a minor and have inappropriate conversations with kids.
Genspect, an organization which includes therapists, psychologists, researchers, and experts in this field, consistently point out that kids who are being transitioned often exhibit similar patterns of behavior and are victims of a social contagion. The website overwhelmingly consists of this exact demographic of kids. Although some of the theories about the teenage transgender epidemic have been heavily criticized, Trevorspace is basically the social contagion theory come to life. It is full of posts about how these girls are lonely, have little social support, low self-esteem, issues with body image, and have difficulty socializing with others. The two most alarming themes that we observed were that a lot of these kids are autistic and most of them express that they are same-sex attracted. It has been noted that a large percentage of children who are transitioning are autistic or same-sex attracted. They are being targeted. And the people doing the targeting are adults.
Again, Michael Costa warns of a direct classroom to the operating room pipeline and writes that The Trevor Project is often listed by schools among resources for students who want to learn more about these adult matters. Costa write furthermore about The Trevor Project that,
Planned Parenthood, the largest distributor of hormones to kids, also recommends this website to kids who are at an age where people first start figuring this stuff out for themselves. The reality is that some kids mature faster than others. Therefore, some of the kids using this service who have not yet reached that point. Children are being pressured at school to pick an identity. It was not surprising that a large portion of their posts are about asexuality and asking for guidance about how to find their place on the “asexual spectrum.” Since they are being forced to choose a sexual identity label at school everyday, as young as kindergarten, when they are too young to even conceptualize such a concept, then they are going to choose labels on the “asexual spectrum” because kids are not sexual beings. This is not a controversial opinion – it is the difference between right and wrong.
The predatory website features various “clubs” that kids can join, where they are able to discuss their sexual identities with hundreds of other kids and adults. One of these clubs is called “Furries”, designed for people who are attracted to anthropomorphic animals. The discussions in this group often revolve around fetishism and how the “Furry Fandom” is not inherently sexual, but lets them know that there are a lot of people who engage in this for paraphilic reasons. Most of the conversations in the “Furries Club” are kids asking other users to help them discover their “fursona.” A fursona is a personalized animal character created by someone in the furry fandom. Fursonas may be anthropomorphic personas, idealized versions of their owners, fleshed out roleplay characters, or simply digital mascots. These posts feature cartoon drawings of their “fursonas” and describe different attributes that their character has. It is very easy to see how kids can easily get caught up in something that requires them to watch cartoons and pretend to be the characters they see on their screen. It seems harmless. These kids are probably just playing pretend, which is a normal thing for kids to do. But the people who are encouraging this behavior on Trevorspace are adults. According to a recent study on autoanthropomorphozoophilia, a paraphilic phenomenon where an individual is aroused by the idea of being an anthropomorphic animal and dresses up in animal costumes to live this fantasy, is a fetish in 99% of cases. It is linked to both autism and autogynephilia (fetishistic cross-dressing which develops in adulthood). It is very unlikely that these adults are all just playing pretend and do not have any fetishistic incentive. They also have clubs centered around BDSM and kink. An adult guiding a child and teaching them how to participate in their fetish is grooming and should never be tolerated in any circumstance. It is insulting that a website like this is marketed as a resource for “LGBTQIA+ young adults.” This has nothing to do with being same-sex attracted and is not beneficial to our community whatsoever. Gays Against Groomers would like to publicly denounce The Trevor Project for being an enemy to the people it claims to advocate for. It is outright betrayal and everything that the gay community spent decades fighting against.
These adults encourage social transition to these kids, leaving comments about how to dress and how to “pass” as the opposite sex. Social transition is a direct gateway to persistence of their trans identity and subsequent medicalization. They are applauded for taking puberty blockers, which are linked to osteoporosis, brain swelling, and future sexual dysfunction. They are given advice on how to get sterilizing hormones behind their parents’ back. And they are being taught that disembodiment/dissociating from their bodies is a good thing that everyone should try out.
A hot topic recently has been pornographic material in school libraries, which are labeled as “LGBTQ+ literature designed to help kids understand diversity and feel more included at school.” We are not sure what pornographic books have to do with being gay, but we completely reject this practice and the fact that it is being done in our name. One of these books is titled “This Book Is Gay” by a transwoman named Juno Dawson, describes how to use dating and hookup apps to children, including meeting up with strangers for sexual encounters. Trevorspace explicitly states that doing this is very unsafe and their website advises against it. After stating this, the next line says, “If you must meet somebody, please use this external guide (it is aimed towards adults, but a lot of it is also good information for teens). Hopefully it’ll help you make a healthy, informed decision!” Trevorspace tells children that they should not do something and then basically says, “But if you want to do it anyway, we have a guide to show you how!” There is never a circumstance in which this behavior is “healthy” for a teenager to engage in. It is a recipe for kidnapping and exploitation and needs to be terminated immediately. If The Trevor Project claims to advise against children meeting up with strangers, then why do they allow kids to make posts about their location and seeking a boyfriend/girlfriend in their area? Why are they encouraging kids to participate in this behind their parents backs and allowing adults to give advice about sex? The Trevor Project is a grooming organization that sexualizes children and puts them in danger. Trans activists can claim that there is no social contagion all they want, but the gay people in our coalition prefer to recognize it for what is is: a transgender grooming epidemic.
The kids who use this predatory dating service have threads and forums about how the website has “too many groomers and pedophiles,” yet the adults that they trust in their lives are telling them that it is a good source for social support. It is an identity crisis in a nutshell. The service is full of frantic posts from teenage girls freaking out over the fact that they are unsure of their sexual identity and how this is something that they need to figure out immediately. Since when is that considered appropriate? The most disturbing part is that a lot of these girls express that they are same-sex attracted. Instead of being told that there is nothing wrong with being gay and that they will figure this out eventually, The Trevor Project tells them that they are actually boys trapped in female bodies and minors need to be chemically castrated as soon as possible or there is a 40% chance that they will kill themselves. This overused statistic is a lie and The Trevor Project is facilitating the spread of this lie.
There are posts where girls say that they realized they were attracted to women and transitioned into boys in order to become straight. This is a new form of conversion therapy. Studies show that nearly 80% of these children will reach adulthood and realize that they are just gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
Trevorspace is a grooming nightmare come to life. It is a direct contribution to an impending health crisis in the gay community – an epidemic of detransitioned people whose lives have been ruined by this new form of teenage conversion therapy, which they were groomed into partaking in. Over the next decade, there is going to be a huge wave of detransitioners who realize that they were victims of conversion therapy and grooming. The wave has already started and is going to forever be a stain on our community that we look back on in horror.
Michael Costa also writes,
Upon finding out that kids are using a website to connect with strangers and form polyamorous relationships with multiple anonymous individuals, people in our community are absolutely horrified. Most of us want nothing to do with these people and will not stop fighting it until it is shut down. The gay community is going to put an end to this and morally mandate it out of existence. And we expect everyone involved to be held accountable.
Gays Against Groomers believes that calling out The Trevor Project, schools, child transsexualism, and the budding detransition epidemic should come from within our community.
We all had the teenage experience of figuring ourselves out and becoming happy, confident, successful, and comfortable gay adults. Being given access to a website like Trevorspace would have made that process much more difficult, confusing, and dangerous. This is directly harming our community and is only going to get worse. We are going to talk about it until it is abolished.
stuff here
Also at the Raising Children website, we read,
What to do if you’re concerned that someone is grooming a child
Grooming isn’t always obvious. People engaging in grooming behaviour work hard to gain trust and respect from children and families. So it’s important to trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right. It’s a good idea to keep your child or the child you’re caring for away from the person you’re concerned about until you find out more.
It’s also important to:
Watch out for signs that you or your child is being groomed.
Stop the person from being alone with your child.
Avoid letting the person do favours for your family.
Ask other families who know the person what their relationship with the person is like.
Find out how your child feels about the person by asking questions like ‘Do you like the way cousin A acts around you?’ or ‘Mr G likes a lot of your Instagram posts. Does he follow you on any other social media?’
Encourage your child to talk by asking questions like ‘Is anything worrying you?’ or ‘Are you OK?’
Contact the National Domestic Family and Sexual Violence Counselling Service for advice by calling 1800RESPECT or 1800 737 732.
This can help you make the best possible decisions to keep your child safe.
child abuse
MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) (Masquerading Asshole Pedophiles) at the Culture War Encyclopedia (in progress)
NAMBLA (National Association of Man-Boy Lovers Association)
porn in schools at the Culture War Encyclopedia (coming)
sexual abuse
We have yet to create a section in the Culture War Encyclopedia on the commonality of certain books in school libraries available to children of an age so young that the argument can be made that making such books available to such children is setting up a situation ripe for grooming. That is, if certain books are made available to children by adults and children look and/read these books, then those adults have groomed those children.
Let us not forget all-ages sex shops, children exposed to adult performance at public parades and so on.
stuff here
stuff here
stuff here
stuff here
stuff here
BE sure to COMPARE the (5?) Warning signs or whatever they are called of child abuse/grooming with the drag pedagogy stuff
N0T3 LOOK AT STUFF BELOW AND WORK OUT WHERE (IF ANYWHERE) TO PLACE IT IN THE DRAG STORY HOUR SECTION OF THE CWE (tab open to the right of this one) I think the stuff immediately below with line through it is not about drag or grooming really maybe double check
Lefty Pedo Advocacy : A History (Part One) by Aydin Paladin (October 2, 2017)
Lefty Pedo Advocacy : A History (Part Two) by Aydin Paladin (October 5, 2017)
In John Money: The Godfather of Gender Identity and Pedophile Apologist, Michael Costa wrote for RADAR (January 10, 2023),
Modern discussions of gender often include statements like, “Sex and gender are different.” or “Gender is something you identify as.” But where did these ideas originate? While many attribute it to feminists, the first person to use “gender” in such a way was John Money in 1955. He is often referred to as “the father of gender identity,” since he is the one who invented the term. While John Money is mostly famous for his work on transgenderism andthe infamous David Reimer case, he actually has an extensive history of sexological research that is controversial, to say the least. Scarily enough, his ideas are currently being replicated in the current conversation about sex and gender.
John Money’s work on the sexual citizenship of children has earned him the title of “Pedophile Advocate” – rightfully so. His work on “chronophilia” described an erotic attraction to people of different age groups. These age groups included minors, not surprisingly. And he tried to normalize this for years, despite there not being scientific evidence that this exists whatsoever. In 1994, he opposed the classification of pedophilia as an abnormal fetish, even though that is what the overwhelming amount of research has proven (1994, p. 41). Clearly he had an ulterior motive and thought that it was appropriate to include his personal goals of “sexual liberation for children” in his work and label it as science. The same year, he said that he wanted to look at pedophilia “in the broader, cultural purview of sexuality’s timetables” and his reasoning was that pedophilia was historically legal and that society is stigmatizing “attraction to juveniles” in order to fulfill an anti-liberation agenda. His work includes advocating for a reconsideration of sex offender laws (1992) to further normalize child abuse in the law.
Just because something is considered legal in some places does not mean that it is good or should be accepted by society, but John Money begged to differ.
Not only did he seek the normalization of child abuse – he glorified it. In 1983, he claimed that these relationships should be considered a blend of “devotion, affection and limerence…a comradeship with a touch of hero-worship” and that society’s”rule of age-avoidancy” is negotiable (Money & Weinrich, 1983, pp. 42-43, 46, 53). He proposed the concept of “Lovemaps” and “sexuoerotic age” that include an age range of attraction which may differ from one’s actual age (Money & Clopper, 1974, p. 174). Once again, there was no solid scientific evidence that such a concept exists, but he decided to claim that it did, anyway. The fact that his ideas are reemerging in the current cultural climate and being labeled as “science” is worrisome, inaccurate, and should not be tolerated in any form. Frankly, we think they should be ashamed of themselves.
John Money’s work in the mid-1980s included a resurrection of “psychosexual age” (Money, 1986) a term from the 1950s that Money rebranded as “sexuoerotic age” (Hammer, 1954). That same year, he advocated for “erotic age roleplay,” suggesting that some people have an inner-child, making them attracted to minors and that this is something that should be accepted and encouraged…even though he did not have scientific proof to back him up. “Chronophilia” (Money, 1986), a palatable rebranding of his ideas about “age-discrepancy paraphilias” (Money, 1981) can be seen in modern-day concepts like “trans-age.” Queer Theory activists are claiming that people have an inner-child whose age does not match up with one’s “biological age.” It is a concept that they claim is similar to gender incongruence but is classified in terms of age – sometimes referred to as “age dysphoria.” Similar ideas can be seen in Money’s work. He claimed that “the paraphile’s age is discordant with his/her actual chronological age and is concordant with the age of their partner” (1986). He also applied these concepts to include “apotemnophilia” which is a term that describes people with an erotic fixation on amputees and castration fetishes in his work on skoptic syndrome. In 1985, Money claimed that “age matching” is normal and works the same way as a male being attracted to females. Money also advocated for “reciprocal sexuoerotic rehearsal play,” which is just a pseudo-intellectual way of saying “sexual activity for children” (Money, 1989). He was known for making up complicated jargon for pedophilic acts in order to purposely confuse his detractors into accepting his ideas as scientific advancement.
To quote an official “trans-age” Twitter page, “Transage is simply the identity we use to explain our experience because it is the most accurate way to describe persistently identifying as an age other than one's chrono age & typically feeling an intense desire to transition in full or part to living as one's identified age."
The vocabulary that these groomers use is strikingly similar to Money’s ideas about chronophilia and “Lovemap Age.” The similarities cannot be ignored. Groomer activists will claim that “This isn’t happening,” but we think they’re out of their minds.
John Money advocated for the sexual liberation of children, using pornography and kink.
He thought that “unrestricted enjoyment of erotica and sex in childhood” would encourage healthy sexual development in adulthood. In his book “Sexual Signatures: On Being a Man Or a Woman” (Money, 1976), he stated that pornographic images for children should be included in sex education. Specifically, he stated that "The best time to introduce such pictures is before a child's biological clock has signaled the start of puberty. Prepubertal children are intellectually capable of understanding sex, and their curiosity about life runs high." They will no doubt find these pictures erotically stimulating, but as the novelty wears off they will soon settle down and accept the information in the matter-of-fact way they accept information about other facets of adult life. If their first exposure to pictures of sexual relations between men and women comes after hormonal puberty has begun, the education will still be helpful but their erotic response will be harder for them to manage and they will need more exposure before the pictures cease to arouse it. In short, it takes older children longer to grow bored with such pictures." (Money & Tucker, 1976). He labeled his retractors as “victimologists” and said that people who oppose his ideas are just moralists who want to stifle the healthy development of children. He even criticized anti-pornograhy lesbian feminists, implying that they were just prudish and did not understand the importance of pornography and kink in psychosexual development. John Money thought that the desexualization of gender was in accord with the Zeitgeist of contemporary sexual politics together with victimology and an expanding criminalization of sex.
This is eerily similar to current-day trans activists who claim that pornographic content in schools is a good thing, and those who disagree are just overreacting and trying to harm the psychological development of “transgender children.”
Upon learning about the work of John Money, anyone with common sense can see that his ideas are being replicated in schools and child transgenderism. The resurgence of his ideas are concerning, to say the least. His made-up, anti-scientific concepts should be viewed with scorn and be abolished from our culture and public education system before it gets out of hand – it already has. The gay and lesbian members of our coalition believe that the work of John Money will forever be seen as a stain on the moral framework of society. We want his proposed sexual frameworkGONE. It’s disgusting. Get rid of it.
School Boy EXPOSES EXPLICIT Books In Schools, GROOMERS by Timcast IRL (March 5, 2023)
Ron DeSantis EXPOSES Book Ban Hoax, Books SO GRAPHIC Twitter CENSORS His Livestream by Tim Pool (March 8, 2023)
Why Are Schools Sexualizing our Kids? by Marci Strange for RADAR (March 23, 2023)
As a gay parent, I am concerned.
The latest example: “CA Healthy Kids Survey” asks students, “Are you straight, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or something else?” Another page asks if kids are different from the sex they were assigned at birth (transgender).
Why does any institution want to get into our kids’ “privates?” Who has access to this information, where will it be stored, for how long and why? Unless parents “opt-out,” it can confuse and make suggestions kids may never consider.
Teachers or staff promoting this lifestyle can lead to sexual exploitation, depression, drug addiction and attempted suicide. Puberty blocker referrals and removing reproductive organs as young as 12, without parental consent, must stop. Schools must not glorify LGBTQ+ lifestyles.
Attend school board meetings and vote out elected officials who promote any sexual preference.
In my experiences, trans kids can benefit from parental support, cognitive therapy and possibly mood stabilizers—not puberty blockers or irreversible surgeries because they may change their mind as adults or sooner.
“Gender affirmation” is an explosive, multi-billion dollar business cultivating life-long patients. Detransitioners are coming out by the thousands, deeply regretting transitioning at a young age, and are suffering a myriad of devastating side effects.
California, a sanctuary state performing gender affirming care without parent consent is wrong.
Lawsuits are piling up at taxpayers’ expense.
Parents, love your kids unconditionally and talk to them first. Boycott invasive surveys, transfer out of teacher-activist classrooms and pass on “Kid-Friendly Drag Shows.”
Academics, not politics in schools.
CREEPY Video Shows Woke Teacher INDOCTRINATING KIDS Into Thinking They Are NOT Boys Or Girls by Tim Pool (March 31, 2023)
Marjorie Taylor Greene SLAMS Democrat GROOMERS On 60 Minutes, Bill Maher SHOCKED At What Dems Do by Tim Pool (April 3, 2023)
Laser Pointers Up Their Butts "Drag Show" Is Coming To Your Library by Salty Cracker (April 3, 2023)
Children's Show SLAMMED For Showing Pride Parade Characters With Top Scars by Timcast IRL (April 13, 2023)
High School Students PROTEST DRAG SHOW, Say NO MORE To Far Let Indoctrination And FIGHT BACK by Tim Pool (April 13, 2023)
Florida Pride Parade CANCELED After DeSantis bans Children At Adult Performances, Democrats FURIOU.. by Tim Pool (April 27, 2023)
SHOCKING Poll Shows 40% of Democrats Want Children At Drag Shows by Timcast IRL (April 23, 2023)
ANDY NGO REPORTS: Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington by the Post Millennial (May 14, 2023)

Drag queens perform sexually charged Mother’s Day show in front of children in Washington by Andy Ngo (May 14, 2023)
On August 6, RADAR published Spilling the Tea on the T; The Pedophilic Roots of the Trans Movement by Judith Rose. Here’s some of that…
Disclaimer: The point of this article is not to disparage all trans people, and we acknowledge the trans adults genuinely suffering from dysphoria attempting to live a normal life. We value our trans allies who align with us. Unfortunately, the deeper we dig into the ideology of transgenderism, the more we uncover uncomfortable truths that should not be ignored, but should be objectively scrutinized, taking into account their influence on the current day neo ideology.
The modern-day LGBTQ+ movement concerns much of the community for many reasons. We wanted equality, but once gay marriage was legalized it's as though the movement was weaponized to find a new goal to profit from. The movement has become unrecognizably more invasive and demanding than we ever wanted, even going as far as refining what it means to be gay and therefore redefining our community. We have been forced to question how the T made its way into the LGB in the first place. After just a few simple searches, we have discovered several figures responsible for planting pedophilic seeds of the trans movement that have grown into the twisted narcissistic monster we find ourselves fighting today.
For example, Robert Hogge aka Monica Helms designed the first trans flag in 1999 using the same infant referencing color scheme seen in symbols found on pro-pedophile websites: pastel pink, white and baby blue stripes. At first glance, most articles seem to describe Hogge as a noble veteran and first trans delegate from Georgia at the DNC (Democratic National Convention) with misunderstood interests and an internal struggle. He painted himself as something “ethereal” and “between worlds,” eventually being inspired by a friend to transition. Robert’s transition to Monica effectively ended his marriage and disrupted his family life.
Further on in this article, they write,
Don’t get us started on John Money, a major figure behind the push to normalize pedophilia and one we have already exposed. Money coined the term “gender identity” and opposed the classification of pedophilia as an abnormal fetish, stating: “If I were to see... a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man... if the relationship is mutual, I would not call it pathological." Money used a wide range of psychologically deceptive language to justify an attraction to children as well as sexual activity both with and among children. He is best known for the Reimer Twin experiment, a tragic tale that ended in suicide.
For whatever reason, many trans activists of today cite John Money’s work to justify the movement.
Next there’s Volkmar Sigusch, a German sexologist who popularized the term “cissexual” as an antonym to “transsexual” which evolved into “cisgender.” The term is now being used so negatively by “cis hating” activists that Elon Musk has declared it a slur on Twitter, now known as X. Sigusch once said "There is nothing wrong with pedophilia in the sense of the word, that is, against liking, even loving, children. The sensuality that unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful." He speculated that the attraction to children is not harmful, and pedophiles deserve therapy to work through their feelings. This rhetoric is borrowed by groups like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and those who call themselves MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) today.
Sigusch is not the only German sexologist who had a soft spot for pedophilia. He is often credited as a “main thinker behind the sexual revolution of the 1960’s,” and other German sexologists during this time also saw sexual relations with children as progressive and harmless. In fact, Germany’s Green Party advocated for the abolition of Paragraph 176 of the German Criminal Act, which criminalized sex with adolescents under 14. In the 1970’s, a psychology professor named Helmut Kentler collaborated with Berlin authorities to conduct an “experiment” by intentionally placing foster children with pedophiles. It was during this time (1973) that Volkmar Sigusch began serving at the Institute for Sexual Science at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he remained until 2006. Known as the Kentler Project, this so-called experiment went on until 1988, when Kentler declared it a success.
According to Dr. Sonja Levsen and her study on pedophile apologists, Sigusch is credited as one of the main advisory scientists for Dr. Frits Bernard’s paper titled: “Pedophilia–a Disease?” in which he concluded that the sexual abuse of children “did not damage their development.” Yikes. One of Sigusch’s first projects at Goethe University was with Gunter Schmitt. Together, they mislead teenage youth of West Germany with a deceptive study titled: “Teenage Boys & Girls In West Germany.” Participants were told the study was a general questionnaire regarding their homelife and habits, but Sigusch and Schmitt dove into intimate details about the teen's sexual habits, including masturbation and their earliest sexual memories.
We cannot neglect to mention the infamous Alfred Kinsey, a sexologist who served at Indiana University and so-called “father of the sexual revolution.” His reports on human sexuality, known as the Kinsey Reports, almost immediately made the New York Times’ Bestsellers list, but many are unaware of his controversial methods and conclusions of research. These reports not only hypothesized that infants can experience orgasms but suggested that pedophilic and incenstual relationships were actually beneficial to children. His research was disproportionately based on surveys taken from sex offenders, prostitutes and prison inmates. In 2010, a victim under the pseudonym Esther White came forward to tell a disturbing tale of how Kinsey paid her father to rape her in the name of science for Kinsey’s study. [source] Today, a bronze statue of Kinsey sits on a bench at Indiana University, and many are none the wiser.
Gender supremacists and radical trans activists of today have built a religious doctrine based on the work of these twisted minds and pedophile apologists. Their use of language is designed to force a new truth on the public, one that twists fantasy into fiction and demands a lack of questions, a glaring indication of cult thinking. Using figures like Sigusch to justify the separation of the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender,’ these radicals are hard at work implanting the idea that gender transition cures all mental turmoil, while simultaneously claiming gender is a “social construct.” This doctrine has reached public schools, where impressionable innocents are easily led astray by advanced concepts designed to confuse and sexually activate them. But one cannot ask too many questions before incurring vehement reactions from radical trans activists. It is a deeply psychological and misleading movement that fails to address the many complications and concerns of advocating for child sex changes, and instead gaslights individuals who argue against it.
We cannot help but notice several of these activists have slipped up and admitted their attraction to children in some form or another. Indian trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon has attempted to convince the public that “little girls are also sexy.” While we can ignore Alok’s experimentation with self-expression, this quote is a big red flag that should not be taken lightly. TikTok personality Jeffrey Marsh has sparked controversy with problematic LGBTQ+ related content that encourages children to sever their relationship with their parents if they perceive any kind of discrimination at home, imagined or otherwise. Marsh refers to himself as a “they,” reinforces the idea of a gender binary while simultaneously denying it and encourages youth to subscribe to his Patreon for personal chats. His tactics are shared by child groomers like Jack Reynolds, a convicted pedophile who openly explained to the public that one of the first things a predator will do is establish or corrupt a child’s relationship with their family.
These radical activists who cite the work of pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers often advocate for “youth liberation,” or the idea that children can make their own decisions. This has never been an accepted idea in society for a laundry list of reasons, from a lack of experience to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. Using an ideology designed by perverts to push detailed sexual “education” designed to activate and radicalize, the neo trans movement is largely responsible for creating a hostile environment for all trans individuals, and not just those pushing the doctrine. Why? Because now children are the target. But if you know your history, this isn’t a surprise at all. It’s just something we must expose and fight against.
Sadly, it’s evident that government institutions are collaborating with this pedophilic agenda, much like Germany’s Green Party and Berlin’s authorities during the Kentler Project.
We want nothing to do with these perverts disguised as “LGBTQ heroes.” Many other so-called “trans rights activists” are carrying on the legacy of their pedophilic ancestors like John Money by insisting that children are sexual beings who should take puberty blockers to prevent their development, something that could stunt them into looking like children forever. Meanwhile, the United States is a hot spot for child trafficking, and according to a documentary titled: “Cut: Daughters of the West” by Canadian director Simon Esler, trans children have become a commodity among traffickers.
Coincidence? We don’t think so.
Meet the Navy veteran who created the trans Pride flag - Atlanta Magazine
Creator of Trans Flag: Admitted Cross-dressing Fetishist (substack.com)
Pedophilic past – DW – 08/17/2013
The dark legacy of sexual liberation in Germany – DW – 06/17/2020
Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles – DW – 06/15/2020
'Cis' Coined by “Pedosexual” Apologist
Alfred Kinsey: The Story Behind The Father Of The Sexual Revolution (allthatsinteresting.com)
Alfred Kinsey: 'Father of sexual revolution' who said rape benefits children (opindia.com)
Child Victim of Kinsey "Sex Research" Tells Story of Rape - Liberty Counsel (lc.org)
Author: Judith Rose
Radar Watchlist: Caitlin Spice by Judith Roae for RADAR (Aug 11, 2023)
The Queer Trans (QT) Project: Mailing Grooming Packages To Your Daughters by Michael Costa for RADAR (Aug 11, 2023)
Let us look at some of 11 Child Indoctrinating Books Parents Need to Know by Judith Rose for RADAR (Aug 14, 2023),
1. Gender Queer (Graphic Novel)
Marketed to 18+, Gender Queer, along with a handful of others on this list, has been exposed in several schools around the country due to its graphic illustrations of a teenage girl with penis envy who experiments with binders and strap ons. The story depicts the character experiencing severe gender dysphoria, fear of her own body, and incestual conversations about masturbating. We’re sad that ‘Gender Queer’ distorts what it means to be a female and doesn’t teach readers how to love themselves as they are. This book does NOT belong in school libraries, but unfortunately that’s where it’s being found.
2. The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish
Marketed to literal infants (1+), this strange children’s book can be found being read by Drag Queens all over YouTube, including the author. Traditionally referred to as female impersonators, Drag Queens were once exclusively adult entertainers who made sexual jokes during provocative performances. We can’t for the life of us figure out why they suddenly want to read to exclusively children. We don’t see them at nursing homes or adult rec centers trying to entertain those who need it most, instead we see too many adults justifying why a man dressed as an exaggerated woman is the pinnacle of uniqueness that all children should admire. We’ve seen enough episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race to know most Drag Queens aren’t exactly role models for anyone, much less children. Y’all are a mess. Why are you so desperate to appeal to minors?
3. This Book is Gay
Another title being found in school libraries, This Book is Gay is marketed to 14-17 year olds, and discusses gay sex in graphic details with illustrations included. Chapter 9 of the book is titled: “The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex.” But even more worrying than the pornographic explanations are the instructions on how to use sex apps. Despite the safety disclaimer which is obviously present to legally cover the authors butt, teenage readers are given explicit instructions on how to use apps to find strangers for sex. We shouldn’t have to explain why it’s dangerous for a 15-year-old to find this book and potentially end up in a vehicle with a full-grown adult who should know better.
4. In My Daddy’s Belly
Supposedly in its pre-order stage, this book claims to be “appropriate for kids of all ages” and supports the idea that men can give birth. We strongly disagree, and so has humanity for its entire existence up until very recent years. We submit that if an adult wishes to appear and exist as a man, then said adult would relinquish all female functions due to the intense dysphoria it would cause to use them. Confusing for both adults and kids alike, this book completely distorts what a female is and takes the magic out of the miracle of childbirth to claim that anyone can do it. Because women can’t have anything anymore. This is lesbian erasure. This is being straight with extra steps. Just...no.
5. The Every Body Book
Claiming to be aimed at children ages 8-12, ‘The Every Body Book’ capitalizes on the neo-ideology to warp young minds into believing that gender and sex are different, and you can be whatever you want to be despite your innate biology. Covering a wide range of topics, the book brags about using “gender-neutral language” and quotes specialists who think it’s a wonderful tool to teach kids about multiple personalities—oops, we mean identities, and incorporates racial diversities to ensure all kids know how to be nice to anyone who believes in the same pseudo-religious doctrine this book is pushing. Again, the concepts within this book are brand new to society, and there is absolutely no way the entire world will accept them because they contradict common sense and weaken already vulnerable people.
6. Flamer (Graphic Novel)
Aimed at 14-17 year olds, Flamer is another title being found in school libraries depicting gay sex and sexual abuse. In addition to explicit sexual situations depicting minors, Flamer also depicts self-harm, internalized homophobia, offensive religious commentary and has been added to many LGBT reading lists. We can appreciate the representation of the journey of being gay, but this book does not belong in schools for young children. After TPUSA reported finding this graphic novel in a Tempe, AZ Elementary School district, the book was removed from their database. [source] Why was it there in the first place?
7. Bye Bye Binary
Another children’s book supposedly for infants 1+, ‘Bye Bye Binary’ encourages parents to “break gender norms” by (gasp here) letting their child enjoy things. Newsflash: gay people have been breaking gender stereotypes for decades! Pink was once a color for boys in the Victorian era! Despite its intentions, this book solidifies dated gender norms from the 1950’s and reassures parents that it’s normal to ignore your child’s gender for years so they can choose it themselves by picking up a toy truck or a doll. The cover depicts a baby with an almost vengeful expression, as if it's aware of gender theory at the fresh age of 14 months. We doubt that.
8. Beyond Magenta
Aimed at 14-17 year olds, Beyond Magenta is a concerning book about “teenage transgenders,” telling tales of gender dysphoric minors who sometimes described themselves as “sexually mature children.” These minors often talk about hiding their behavior from parents, running away from home, and sexually experimenting as young as six years old. Some teens in the book describe themselves as “non-binary,” a new concept that enforces gender binary and stereotypes while enabling a sense of victimhood under a system that no longer exists. ‘Beyond Magenta’ was listed in 2015 as the fourth-most banned book in the United States due to its anti-family sentiments and described sex acts of minors. Some activists say the book normalizes pedophilia. We don’t think anyone under 18 should read this book, and we’ve seen it removed from several school libraries already.
Sadly there’s more. Read the rest here.
In The Wake of ‘Sound of Freedom’: The Parallels Between LGBTQ+ Activism and The Pedophile Doctrine by RADAR (Aug 16, 2023)
Let’s look at some of Radar Watchlist: Jeffrey Marsh by Judith Rose for RADAR (Aug 20, 2023)…
Jeffrey doesn’t have any kids, alludes to having a strained relationship with his own parents, and opens many videos with “I wanna talk to the kids,” or “Hi, kids!” He has also described himself as “Christlike,” despite practicing Buddhism. Grooming 101 involves establishing a relationship with the intended target and either separating the target from their families or establishing a relationship with their families as well. Marsh is big on what is referred to as “going no contact,” or cutting off family members if they “don’t understand you.” His use of language and speech pattern often resembles cult leaders who lure members in with wide eyes and a soft voice to demand control.
It’s important to know the signs of grooming with the intent of sexual abuse. Those who do may recognize several of the signs in Jeffrey’s content. But the average person who has never seen one of his videos, upon watching just a handful, would more than likely ask themselves “who is this creep and why does he want to talk to kids so much?”
But Jeffrey has deflected these accusations more than once, often turning on the commenter and accusing them of the same behavior, which is a classic narcissistic tactic of someone who does not want to acknowledge what they themselves are doing. Marsh’s fan base can be vicious, and a few of them even managed to track down one of his accusers, posting photos of her without her hijab and threatening her entire family. [source] Marsh seems to project a lot of his own issues for someone who claims to coach others through life, but since he’s not actually a licensed therapist, it seems he can get away with toeing a very careful line while encouraging young people to sign up for a more private line of communicating with him.
We cannot yet prove that Jeffrey Marsh is actively abusing minors, but we sure do recommend knowing who he is and making sure he isn’t influencing your children. Until then, we’re keeping a vigilant eye out for Mr. Marsh in the headlines.
And for good measure, here’s a creepy compilation of videos of himself deleted, but the internet never forgets.
Daily Citizen:
Yes, Trans Activists Admit They Are Grooming Your Kids - Daily Citizen (focusonthefamily.com)
The American Conservative
Jeffrey Marsh Groomer 101 TikTok Tutorial - The American Conservative
LGTBQ+ group criticizes CLT advisory appointment after member’s sex-offender past comes to light by Queen City News (Aug 21, 2023)
In the video one can see that they have a number of signs that demand that porn not be in school libraries and so on. Despite what @jeremotographs claims, this is not an anti-LGBT message.
Explicit books removed from K-12 school libraries but only after a public reading at school board by Washington Times (Aug 31, 2023)
BREAKING: Mayor of Burbank gets spanking from drag queen in front of children at campaign event by Libs of Tik Tok (Sep 10, 2023)
Confronted on Explicit Pornographic Books Offered to Kids, Colorado School District Blocks Libs of TikTok Domain by Gateway Pundit (Sep 21, 2023)
I have blacked out portions in the image below because they cartoon depictions of acts of pedophilia.
Kacsmaryk Cites ‘Gays Against Groomers’ In Decision Calling Drag Show Unfit For Children by Talking Points Memo (Sep 22, 2023)
Here’s the full text of the above post…
Colorado schools just can't help themselves. Grown adults desperately trying to keep talking to kids about their private sexual activities, what turns them on, begging them to identify as one or more genders, providing medical resources to get medications without parental knowledge, teacher's union instructing teachers to hide & destroy school records on the child, and more!
here is having an in-class lesson for MINORS to talk openly about what turns them on. At least you're consistent in constantly having adults engaging MINORS about sex while using the title of "teacher" as your protective shield. Never mind the growing numbers of kids failing in math, English, science, and real history throughout Colorado. You keep dedicating more & more time to focus on the sexual activities, behaviors, and thoughts of minors. HOME SCHOOL YOUR CHILDREN IN COLORADO UNTIL THESE PREDATORS & PERVERTS CAN BE DEALT WITH! #GaysAgainstGroomers
The following speech by Pat Condell is highly recommended . . .
Parental rights really anger me,’ non-binary children’s book author pushes back against parents by Ian Miles Cheong for Rebel News (Sep 25, 2023)
Non-binary children's book author angered by ‘parental rights' movement by FOX News (Sep 26, 2023)
'Parental rights really anger me': 'Non-binary' author indicates that efforts by parents to protect kids from his LGBT propaganda have prompted him to 'do it more' by Blaze Media (Sep 26, 2023)
California to fine schools that ban textbooks on race or LGBTQ+ topics by Axios (Sep 26, 2023)
California to fine schools that ban textbooks on race or LGBTQ+ topics by Axios (Sep 26, 2023)
Texas law banning some drag shows is unconstitutional, federal judge rules by CNN (Sep 27, 2023)
The Rise of All-Ages Sex Shops and How to Defeat Them by Radar (Sep 27, 2023)
The Rise of All-Ages Sex Shops and How to Defeat Them by RADAR (Sep 27, 2023)
In August of 2022 the Wink Wink Boutique, a self proclaimed Woman-Owned, Inclusive, Not Creepy, sex shop made national headlines. Why? Because this store goes out of its way to advertise to children. Yes, they proudly advertise as “age-inclusive." To add to the controversy, Jenn Mason, one of the owners is the School Board President for Bellingham School District. Not only that, but she and other sex “educators” teach sex ed classes IN their sex shop to children as young as nine years old.
In an interview with King 5 News, Jenn Mason was asked about the classes for nine-year-olds and had this to say: "Children have questions at that age. Some have even started going through puberty," said Mason. "I think we should be teaching sex education the way we teach anything else. We don't wait for kids to learn math the wrong way and then correct what they've learned wrong. We help them get it right from the start."
It is worth noting, as Jenn Mason would be aware, that the Bellingham School District, as well as nearly every other school district in the state of Washington, already provides sex education to nine-year-olds. So, why is she teaching at her sex store that she will not openly call to be taught in her schools? The answer to that question can be hinted at on the very first page of their website.
“WinkWink is sex-positive, body-positive, and gender-affirming. We welcome all people–including those of all genders, expressions, and sexual orientations–to our shop. We aim to help make sexual pleasure, wellness, and health available and accessible to everyone.
We believe that normalizing, accepting, and affirming all bodies, identities, and gender experiences is an inherently political act. Pleasure is our revolution.”
They make no attempt to hide their intentions. Their motivations are overtly political. The people who run this store believe that children should be taught about sex and pleasure the “right way," which is clearly based on their own values and beliefs around sex. So how does this affect children who might not be in the store with their parents' consent and approval?
To begin, it cannot be overstated that Jenn Mason sits in a position of profound power. She has the power to influence the school curriculum, guidelines, policies, and has direct access to teachers. It would be entirely possible, if not outright likely that Jenn Mason would instruct teachers and school administrators to direct students who wish to purchase sex toys, kink gear, books about sex and gender that they cannot get at school. Most egregiously, products like chest binders and various packers directly encourages “Trans-identifying” youth to pay the shop a visit. Of course, this would be done explicitly against parents' wishes, and would be hidden from parents without question. Without question, such behaviour would be an appalling abuse of power.
Now, in 2023 another WA sex shop has decided to advertise themselves as explicitly “All-Ages." Aphrodisia Boutique in Port Orchard is owned by a husband and wife, who identify as “queer, polyamorous, neurodivergent sex nerds." And that should tell you everything you need to know about their intentions.
Further on, they report,
They will be hearing from us very soon. We are holding a protest against this evil on September 30th.
There’s more to this article and it is recommended that the reader read it all here.
This is not exactly appropriate, is it?
See this post and photo from Libs of Tik Tok.
One response to the above was this;
The same account posted the following meme which seems a bit ignorant of most of history but holds true on the scale of the last couple of decades.
Here’s an other response to ;
It may not be the most funny of memes, but then again, grooming isn’t funny. Here’s an other;
Then there’s this popular post;
LEGO wishes Happy Pride to children with mini-figures decked out as drag queens, furries by Thomas Stevenson for the Post Millennial (June 25, 2024)
See this post with this video from @TimcastNews on X.
Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show
On September 19, 2024, Libs of TikTok posted this [archive]
Salty Cracker made this impossible-to-ignore observation [archive]…
On September 29, 2024, Libs of TikTok posted this [will not archive]
Also see:
Drag Queen Story Hour
Parke, Kristine - “Canada news story introducing 'nervous' young children to drag performers receives backlash” - FOX News (March 30, 2023)http://archive.today/2024.07.23-120143/https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/12/anti-lgbtq-troll-claiming-credit-term-groomer-friends-well-known-sex-cult-member/
This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia.
Justin Trouble
Laughter my Shield ∴ Knowledge my Steed
Wit I may Wield ∴ but Question my Rede
Liberty my Right ∴ Truth my Sword
Love my Life ∴ Honor my Reward
Bartley, Suzin, Executive Director The Children’s Trust, co-chair & Maria Mossaides, Director Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate, co-chair - Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans by Youth-Serving Organizations in Massachusetts Report of The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention - Prepared and Submitted Pursuant to MA Session Laws: Chapter 431, Acts of 2014 (June, 2017)
Britannica Dictionary - groom - (archived June 10, 2024)
Cambridge Dictionary - groomer - (archived June 10, 2024)
Cambridge Dictionary - grooming - (archived June 10, 2024)
Urban Dictionary - groomer - by intheloop4theyouth (November 2, 2020)
Urban Dictionary - grooming - by evilelove (March 31, 2017)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) - Grooming: Know the Warning Signs - (July 10, 2020)
Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited - Grooming: Recognizing the Signs - (© 2006-2024, last updated or reviewed Jan 13, 2023)
Safe Kids Thrive - Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans by Youth-Serving Organizations in Massachusetts - Safe Kids Thrive (© 2024)
Safe Kids Thrive - Steps Toward Child Abuse Prevention & Creating Safe School Environments (2024) - (4th edition) - Massachusetts Children’s Trust and the Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (© 2024 Safe Kids Thrive)
Page 10 of Bartley, Suzin, Executive Director The Children’s Trust, co-chair & Maria Mossaides, Director Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate, co-chair - Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans by Youth-Serving Organizations in Massachusetts Report of The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention - Prepared and Submitted Pursuant to MA Session Laws: Chapter 431, Acts of 2014 (June, 2017)
Page 10 of Bartley, Suzin, Executive Director The Children’s Trust, co-chair & Maria Mossaides, Director Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate, co-chair - Guidelines and Tools for the Development of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Plans by Youth-Serving Organizations in Massachusetts Report of The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention - Prepared and Submitted Pursuant to MA Session Laws: Chapter 431, Acts of 2014 (June, 2017)
Pages 19 and 20.
Here the authors place the following footnote: Finkelhor, David. (1984). Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research. New York: The Free Press, 1984.
Here the authors place the following footnote: Leclerc B. & Cale, J. (2015). Adult sex offenders in youth-oriented institutions: Evidence on sexual victimization experiences of offenders and their offending patterns. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice. 497.
Pages 21 and 22.