A person who is ‘ace sexual’ “or “ace” as it’s also called)”1 is “someone who doesn't care about sex and more about the relationship.”2 Wait . . . ummm . . .
Doesn’t that just mean that the person is asexual?
Yes. Now try saying ‘ace sexual’ aloud. If needed, say it fast a few times in a row.
According to LGBTQ Nation,3
The asexual community even has its own asexual Pride flag.
We point out here that asexual people exist but are not a community. They do not live together in physical proximity nor do they have a uniting ideology or culture. Xey continue,
The asexual flag was developed around 2009 and has four stripes. Sources say the black stripe in the asexual flag epresents asexuality, the grey represents the grey-area between sexuality & asexuality, the white represents sexuality or non-asexual allies, and the purple represents the community. You may have seen the asexual flag at Pride events. The asexual flag sometimes flies at LGBTQ community centers and queer bars too.
It’s estimated that 1% of the world population is asexual (or “ace” as it’s also called). That may sound like a small percentage, but that’s roughly 77,000,000 people — just over the entire population of Canada and Poland combined. So it’s entirely possible that you’ve met asexual people and just not realized it.
Despite their disinterest in sex, asexual people can feel romantically, intellectually or emotionally attracted to people of one or more genders. Some asexual people don’t feel romantic attractions at all; this type of person is called an aromantic asexual.
The article in entirety deals mainly with asexuality and you can read it here.

The term ‘ace sexual’ is a playful take on the term asexual.
Also see…
allosexual (coming soon)
androromantic (coming sometime)
biromantic (coming sometime)
demiromantic (coming sometime)
gyneromantic (coming sometime)
heteronormativity (coming soon)
heteroromantic (coming sometime)
homoromantic (coming sometime)
lithromatic (coming sometime)
panromantic (coming sometime)
Villarreal, Daniel - “What is asexual? Here’s the asexual spectrum, an asexual quiz & everything else you’re curious about” - LGBTQ Nation (December 29, 2019, updated on October 28, 2022)
weirdgirl29 - “Ace Sexual” - Urban Dictionary (January 30, 2021)
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Villarreal, Daniel - “What is asexual? Here’s the asexual spectrum, an asexual quiz & everything else you’re curious about” - LGBTQ Nation (December 29, 2019, updated on October 28, 2022)
weirdgirl29 - Ace Sexual - Urban Dictionary (January 30, 2021)
Villarreal, Daniel - “What is asexual? Here’s the asexual spectrum, an asexual quiz & everything else you’re curious about” - LGBTQ Nation (December 29, 2019, updated on October 28, 2022