
‘Homonormativity’ recenters LGBT(etc.) people from identifying with the LGBT(etc.) ‘community’ to being just private domesticated consumers in a “depoliticized” part of the “constituency” according to Jasbir K. Puar, author of “Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times”.1
According to Wikipedia (which one must always fact-check), at the time that I write this (July 17, 2024),
Homonormativity is the adoption of heteronormative ideals and constructs onto LGBT culture and identity.[1][2][3] It is predicated on the assumption that the norms and values of heterosexuality should be replicated and performed among homosexual people.[1] Those who assert this theory claim homonormativity selectively privileges cisgender homosexuality (that is coupled and monogamous) as worthy of social acceptance.[4]
Unfortunately, the sources, according to the author(s) for this passage, are books (listed below), books that they claim, but do not prove, contain what they claim they contain. I have no way of confirming or disconfirming these claims as I can not find these books for free or afford to purchase them. As always, if you can and want to help us here at the Culture War Encyclopedia with information (if you own any of these sources they cite, for example), please contact us! If you can donate to us, please do so. Thank you.
Their sources for the claims in the passage above are…
Halperin, David M. (2012). How to be gay. Cambridge, Massachusetts. p. 441. ISBN 9780674067516. OCLC 807789456
"Homonormativity". web.uvic.ca. Positive Space Network. Archived from the original on 2 July 2015. Retrieved 15 May 2019.
David Orzechowitz (2010). "Gender, Sexuality, Culture and the Closet in Theme Park Parades". In Christine L. Williams; Kirsten Dellinger (eds.). Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace. Emerald Group. p. 241. ISBN 9781848553712. “The dominance of a homonormative culture in Parades subordinates male heterosexuality to male homosexuality.”
Rubin, Gayle (2011). Deviations : a Gayle Rubin reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. pp. 149–154. ISBN 9780822394068. OCLC 766004635.
James Lindsay - founder of New Discourses, whose books are quoted and cited liberally (*pun*) in key places in the the Culture War Encyclopedia posted the following2 on X,

If needed, I can translate. When James Lindsay writes,
You have heard about heteronormativity as a Queer bad, but it's also opposed (like its Reactionary Right) to "homonormativity," which is a fancy academic word for gay and lesbian acceptance, civil rights, and marriage equality. The Q is anti-LGB except as human shields
it is perhaps fair to rephrase that as,
You’ve heard that, according to the Q in LGBTQ (queers or the people who oppose sexual morals and sexual boundaries), to hold heterosexuality as being the norm (‘heteronormativity’) and all other sexual orientations as being deviations from that norm (and thus deviant) is wrong, but queers (people who oppose sexual morals and sexual boundaries) also oppose ‘homonormativity’ which means they oppose civil rights for LG and G people, acceptance of LG and B people in society and gay marriage. Queers (people who oppose sexual morals and sexual boundaries) only pretend to be pro-LGB to shield them (people who oppose sexual morals and sexual boundaries) from society, from people with morality, ethics, people who understand that when it comes to sex, boundaries must exist between adults and minors, between humans and animals and so on.
I have asked Lindsay if this would be a fair paraphrasing of his statement. He has not answered.
Much more on ‘homonormitivity’ is included in the Culture War Encyclopedia section on ‘homonationalism’ (upcoming tomorrow).
Also see the following section of the Culture War Encyclopedia…
Also see…
allosexual (coming soon)
androromantic (coming sometime)
biromantic (coming sometime)
demiromantic (coming sometime)
gyneromantic (coming sometime)
heteronormativity (coming soon)
heteroromantic (coming sometime)
homoromantic (coming sometime)
lithoromatic (coming sometime)
panromantic (coming sometime)
Also see these videos…
published 2024-07-28
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Dismantling Homonormativity - “What is Homonormativity?” - Dismantling Homonormativity (no date)
Felluga, Dino Franco - Critical Theory - The Key Concepts - (Routledge, 2015)
harter, Grace - “HOMONORMATIVITY: REDEFINING THE AMERICAN FAMILY” Department of Women’s, Gender and Sxuality Studies (October 31, 2013)
Pluckrose, Helen & James Lindsay - Cynical Theories - How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender and Identity - and Why This Harms Everybody - (copyright 2020, Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay) Pitchstone Publishing (1st edition, 2020)
Puar, Jasbir K. - “Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times” - JSTOR (Duke University Press, 2007)
See Ch 1 in Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir K. Puar (Duke University Press, 2007) which you can see by going to this Amazon page for the book and clicking on Read more and seeing chapter 1.