This is part of the Culture War Encyclopedia. Last update: July 28, 2024.
The Ultra Pride Flag, created by @Vox_Oculi (AKA 𝓓𝖗. 𝓥𝖔𝐱 𝓞𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖎), is a satirical take on the Pride Flag. Behold this post from the creator.
Here’s the flag itself. You can enlarge this bigly.
Below is a gallery of enlarged sections.

Ponder also this post…
The full text of the post above is as follows,
Wokemoji #15 - Ultra Pride Flag
LGBTQQIAP2SAAJNBPFQ5GCOMGBBQAGNCD7SHRRDRRSGP++ community! At long last, the Ultra Pride Flag is finally immortalized in glorious emoji form! It is a profound visual symphony of inclusivity and diversity, a seizure inducing tapestry of kaleidoscopic clown shit that makes Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat look like a tawdry scrap of used toilet paper! Truly, it is the cacophonous crown jewel of 21st-century pride flag progression, a sizzling potluck of colors, symbols, and ideologies discordantly blending together in a dizzying orgy of multicultural heterogeneity.
Here, we see a bloated carnival of antithetical cultural icons ranging from obscure faiths, to bizarre affinities, to devious sexualities, to contrived identities, to insidious agendas, to ancient Sindarin script, to Hezbollah stylization, to ICP's humble Hatchet Man... all comprehensively emblazoned on one fantastically congested rectangle! Heck, it even gives a shout out to our favorite polyamorous omnisexual pangender anarcho-communist furry satanist stoners, because why the hell not? It's got the Disinformation Governance Board's approval and the official Nintendo Seal of Quality, so you know it's the real deal. It has even been objectively measured by top gender physicists to be at least 679% more inclusive than the leading brand of pride flag!
This monolithic clusterfuck is an absolute triumph of foresight. I preemptively upstaged every progressive pride flag contributor and every corporate graphic design team who scramble to incorporate more and more identities into their propaganda every year. My genius culture jamming design is so absurdly all-encompassing that I have effectively beat them all to the punch for decades to come! They should be bowing to me for all my hard work, their flags are outdated and therefore inherently discriminatory! The Ultra Pride Flag's explosive cocktail of cosmopolitanism makes any other flag look like a woefully trite, minimalist finger painting.
This cornucopia of confusion brings with it a fervent treasure hunt, except instead of a map, you're navigating a labyrinthine fever dream of social causes, sexual identities, cultural icons, questionable relationships, and corporate logos. It's like if a politically charged, mentally deranged Where's Waldo dropped several tabs of acid at a modern pride parade and then ran naked through Comic-Con! Such supreme euphoria has never before been achieved! If you squint hard enough at it and manage not to pass out from the neural overload, you might just find God... or get Rickrolled!
This veritable encyclopedia of social iconography borrows it's design philosophy from our friends at NASCAR; the subtlety of being swathed head to toe in a myriad of corporate logos filling up every inch of precious visual real estate for maximum advertising potential is a sight to behold. It's like if someone kicked open Pandora's Box and every symbol and logo came tumbling out, clamoring for their chance to benefit from the exposure. Nothing screams inclusivity quite like a flag so busy, it makes Times Square look like an Amish farm! It even has its own signature from yours truly, @Vox_Oculi, included in the design itself - because what ultra-inclusive pride flag would be complete without including its humble creator in the mix?
Every stripe, every icon, every color, just oozes the essence of performative progressivism, like a rainbow confetti cannon exploding in the face of anyone who dares to suggest that the flag's arrangement is perhaps... a tad overstuffed? NAY! Such rhetoric is heresy! The concept of "too much" is so passe, a relic from an unenlightened time. Clearly, any negative critique comes from massive bigots who cannot wrap their puny minds around the ten thousand shades of diversification splattered across this complex emblem. It's an extensive buffet of equity where every dish is another flavor of social justice. Some may call it a chaotic mishmash, but they lack the refined palate necessary to savor such a woke feast. Chaos is included too, after all!
The unanimously heralded flag stands as a bewildering testament to the endless pursuit of ultra-inclusivity, it's very fabric pulsating with an ever expanding universe of ironic diametric oppositions. It’s as if every pixel is shrieking to make its presence known, a fervent Battle Royale of clashing convictions. But let’s not forget, this multitude of contradictions is simply par for the course on this majestic journey towards the abolition of exclusion.
The Ultra Pride Flag does have one major design flaw that keeps me up in the wee hours of the night... it can never truly be completed. As the wheel of time spins, new identities, communities, and genders are constantly being invented in the crucible of our dying society each and every day. Alas, I am an exclusionary bigot myself in the end, unable to keep up with the relentless march of progress. The fact that the flag will never actually be finished is a cross that I must bear with a heavy heart, my personal Sisyphean task in the grand arena of modern identity politics, radical gender theory, and cultural zeitgeistism. I apologize profusely to the world for my unforgivable transgressions and vow to do better.
Yet, as we immerse ourselves in this Sistine Chapel of modern vexillology, one can't help but notice how the base rainbow - the beating heart of the original Gay Pride Flag - has been totally obscured, swallowed up by a whirlwind of chevrons, stripes, symbols, agendas, logos, and identities, all vying for a priceless spot on the sacred cloth like a metastatic cancer devouring everything in its path. It raises the question: has the original rainbow pride flag been completely appropriated by outside actors who have hijacked an entire social movement for their own nefarious means? NAH. Check your representational privilege! To exclude anyone is to literally enact genocide upon them! So, hail to thee, Ultra Pride Flag Wokemoji, the ultimate mic drop in the face of those who thought flag design was, you know, supposed to be simple.
You may have noticed that the Ultra Pride Flag is catalogued as Wokemoji #15 by its creator. Vox has graced us with this Wokemoji Master Thread…
I can not possibly recommend this thread enough. It contains, for example, Wokemoji #8 - Rainbow Niqab.
Just the description is a delight itself with such phrases as,
…rich tapestry of irony, a head-scratching conundrum of clashing ideologies, a riddle wrapped in a mystery…
There’s also the Wokemoji #16 - Genderfluid which comes with a rich hoard of gem-encrusted gold filigree spinning in infinite with such passages as,
appreciate the transformative dark arts of "gender" affirming hormone "therapy" that this emoji harkens to
an Orwellian dystopia; it's Newspeak in visual form and Doublethink with a psychedelic color scheme

Watch this culturally relevant video from Vox’s tweet below and pick up what Vox is broadcasting.
Below is an image of the Ultra Pride flag, one of the many Ultra Pride products at @Vox_Oculi‘s Merch Emporium from Poop, Mexico. @Vox_Oculi. The design can also be printed on ‘foot prisons’, ‘petrol containers’ and ‘virtue muzzles’.

𝓓𝖗. 𝓥𝖔𝐱 𝓞𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖎 is a content creator and identifies as, “’MD | Jewish & Japanese | ASD | Politically Homeless Satire Queen | Supreme Meme Warrior | Based Anti-Wοkе Artist | Pro-Reality LGB Ally | ☭⃠””.
Also see the following sections in Culture War Encyclopedia (some are still in progress at this time)
allosexual (coming soon)
androromantic (coming sometime)
biromantic (coming sometime)
demiromantic (coming sometime)
gyneromantic (coming sometime)
heteronormativity (coming soon)
heteroromantic (coming sometime)
homoromantic (coming sometime)
LGBT(etc.) (coming sometime)
lithoromatic (coming sometime)
panromantic (coming sometime)
postmodernism (coming sometime)
Pride Flag (coming sometime)
progressive (coming sometime)
woke (coming sometime)
Justin Trouble
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I just wanted to thank you for putting this encyclopedia together. You always put a lot of time into researching each new entry.
This one, however, was a departure from the usual, serious topics. It's awesome!