‘Allocishet’ pertains to that which is not ‘queer’, not ‘arosexual’ (= “never attracted to someone both sexually and romantically at the same time”1) and not ‘ace sexual’ (= “someone who doesn't care about sex and more about the relationship”2).
According to Cee R., a blogger with a few thousand followers,
Allocishet = Allosexual, Cisgendered, Heterosexual. Basically, non-LGBTQ+.
Wait, what the hell is ‘allosexual’?!? Zey continues,
Allosexual means feels sexual attraction (i.e. not Asexual or Asexual-spectrum,) Cisgendered means identifies as your birth gender, Heterosexual is only attracted to the opposite sex/gender.
So the term Allocishet refers to people who aren’t in any way covered by the umbrella of Queer or LGBTQ+.
Thus, ‘allocishet’ refers to normal people. Some might point out that ‘allocishet’ is intended to refer to people who are ‘allosexual’ and ‘cisgender’ (straight and not ‘transgender’) and not to people who are ‘allosexual’ and ‘transgender’ and thus the terms ‘allocishet’ and ‘allosexual’ each have their own distinct meaning.
Ah, but ‘transgender’ people are not exactly straight, are they? They are considered ‘queer’ by such folks. Thus by their own definition, whether they will accept it or not, ‘allocishet’ and ‘allosexual’ mean the same thing.
The disagreement seems to be over whether or not transgender people are gay. Some argue that a man who thinks he is a woman and who is attracted to men is heterosexual. That is incorrect. Such a man is gay. Either way, however, such a man is included under the umbrella of ‘queer’ and thus he is not ‘allocishet’ and thus not ‘allosexual’.
‘Allocishet’ people, like ‘allosexual’ people, are normal, straight people who like straight sex.
Also see…
allosexual (coming soon)
androromantic (coming sometime)
biromantic (coming sometime)
demiromantic (coming sometime)
gyneromantic (coming sometime)
heteronormativity (coming soon)
heteroromantic (coming sometime)
homoromantic (coming sometime)
lithoromatic (coming sometime)
panromantic (coming sometime)
R., Cee - “I Know You Mean Well…” - Medium (May 2, 2021)
wannabeurbangirl - “arosexual” - Urban Dictionary (July 24, 2016)
weirdgirl29 - “Ace Sexual” - Urban Dictionary (January 30, 2021)
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wannabeurbangirl arosexual - Urban Dictionary (July 24, 2016)
weirdgirl29 - Ace Sexual - Urban Dictionary (January 30, 2021)