Aspec or a-spec or the a spectrum is
an umbrella term that encompasses both the asexual and aromantic spectrums and the many sexual and romantic orientations that are part of them. These orientations involve conditional attractions or experiencing no attraction. It can also be used as an identity term for people who do not differentiate their experiences of conditional or no attraction into separate labels.1
That is according to the a-spec page at LGBTQIA+ Wiki.2

According to Warwick Pride,3
Aspec – an umbrella term for anyone who identifies on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrum.
Zhey also write,
The Ace-Aro Spectrum
Much like the rest of the acronym, the A in LGBTQUIA+ represents many identities rich in diversity. The asexual and Aromantic spectrum, or Ace-Aro spectrum, can vary from feeling no sexual or romantic attraction, very little attraction, attraction under specific conditions or other forms of non-allo attraction. asexuality is a sexual orientation just like any others in the acronym, and should be respected the same as the rest- and such respect should be extended to adjacent aspec identities for the exact same reason.
Zhey also write,
So… Do aspec people masturbate?
Some do, some don’t. Ultimately, it’s all up to the person. Just because a person doesn’t experience sexual attraction, it doesn’t mean that they can’t experience sexual arousal. However, this is not a question you should ask an aspec person, as it is highly invasive and overall uncomfortable to ask anyone, asexual or not.
Some people may question the inclusion of aspec identifying people in the acronym- this questioning is invalid. aspec people face many of the same problems as those who identify with the rest of the acronym, such as lack of representation in education and media, lack of widespread understanding of their identities, presumed heterosexuality and more, and have the same aims of being respected, understood and represented. For this, their inclusion is vital within the overall LGBTQUIA+ community. Even if someone identifies as asexual heteroromantic, or heterosexual aromantic, this should not exclude them from queer safe spaces- for the same reason why non-heterosexual people in straight relationships or heterosexual trans people shouldn’t be.
Some places to find more information:
Warwick Pride Ace/Aro Community Officer (asexual@warwickpride.org)
The Pride library (located in the SUHQ Workzone, where we have a number of leaflets and resources).
Also see…
allosexual (coming soon)
androromantic (coming sometime)
aromantic (coming sometime)
biromantic (coming sometime)
demiromantic (coming sometime)
gyneromantic (coming sometime)
heteronormativity (coming soon)
heteroromantic (coming sometime)
homoromantic (coming sometime)
lithromatic (coming sometime)
panromantic (coming sometime)
(author unknown) - “A-spec” - LGBTQIA+ Wiki (no date)
(author unknown) - “Asexual and Aromantic” - Warwick Pride (no date)
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Here, the author’s footnote reads,
"All Aromantic Terms" by AUREA on AUREA - Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy. (Archived on 2022-01-29)
(author unknown) - “Asexual and Aromantic” - Warwick Pride (no date)